while she's pregnant

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while she's pregnant

Post by KinkyTom »


My wife and i have recently started experimenting with chastity. I love being locked up and teased! We are currently trying for a baby, and if she get's pregnant, i was thinking of suggesting that when she gets to the point where she can no longer/doesn't want to have sex, she could keep me in chastity for the whole time until she is ready again.

I bet it would keep me attentive to her needs, and i just know i couldn't trust myself not to play with myself otherwise!

Anyone know how long that would be likely to last?

Is it a good idea?

Anyone got any experience of anything similar?

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Re: while she's pregnant

Post by Tom Allen »

(I moved this from The Journey as this is not a blog type post)

The pregnancy idea has come up before, from keeping one's partner locked up so as to increase the sperm count, to keeping them locked up during pregnancy so as to, well, whatever.

The caveat here is that if your partner is not feeling affectionate because of hormones, mood swings, and general tiredness, then it's going to lose the sparkle very quickly, and you will feel neglected. You can expect this general condition for quite some time *after* the child is born, too. :lol:
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Re: while she's pregnant

Post by KinkyTom »

Thanks for the reply. Good points, and defiantly things to consider.

I think I wouldn't mind too much being neglected (I think the fact I was being neglected would just turn me on more!). It is worth thinking a bit more about how she would feel - if she's not in the mood, would she actually want to be keyholding? I think it would be worth her while because it makes me so attentive (foot rubs, etc)
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Re: while she's pregnant

Post by Tom Allen »

KinkyTom wrote:I think I wouldn't mind too much being neglected (I think the fact I was being neglected would just turn me on more!).
While it's possible to sexualize the *idea* of anything, the sexuality in the actual practice often does not match up or is not as pleasurable. YMMV, of course.

It is worth thinking a bit more about how she would feel - if she's not in the mood, would she actually want to be keyholding? I think it would be worth her while because it makes me so attentive (foot rubs, etc)
While she might be willing to keyhold, just be aware that for her, it likely will *not* be a sexualized situation. Hopefully some of the women around here will jump in to give some perspective.
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Re: while she's pregnant

Post by rmcingle »

I completely agree with what Tom Allen said.

I assume that this is your first baby. You might be surprised with the changes in your wife. I had joked that it was the "Invasion of the body snatchers": This person sure looked like my wife but didn't act like her!

The point where she no longer wants sex varies from woman to woman. I know that there are some who continue having intercourse right up until delivery! But I can tell you from personal experience that it can also be a couple weeks after conception. Women don't feel too sexy when they are nauseous or really uncomfortable.

You can try it, but my recommendation is that you don't get your hopes up too high and be ready to abandon it completely if it isn't workng out. This is a time that shouldn't be about you, it should be about your wife. She will be having enough issues of her own and doesn't need extra burden or guilt.

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Re: while she's pregnant

Post by Belle »

As a keyholder with 2 toddlers, I will tell you that I would not have wanted to bother with keyholding during the tough times during my pregnancy. Every woman is different, but I had difficult pregnancies. I expected my husband to be attentive and helpful, not because his cock was locked in a cage, but because I was I growing his child inside of me and was sicker than a dog for months on end because of our decision to have children. If I could suffer the pain of losing my body to another thing eating me from the inside out, then he could handle being nice to me without any sexual motivation.

Can ya tell I have strong feelings about this? ;)
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Re: while she's pregnant

Post by TwistedMister »

Mrs. Twisted was horny as hell *all* the time when she was pregnant, chastity would *not* have been an option. Unknown as to how long this would have lasted, as she was never able to carry to term.
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Re: while she's pregnant

Post by Tom Allen »

Belle wrote:If I could suffer the pain of losing my body to another thing eating me from the inside out, then he could handle being nice to me without any sexual motivation.
And this goes back to something I wrote/blogged years and years ago: Do *not* approach your partner with the idea that chastity will make you a better person because you'll be more attentive, will do more chores, be more romantic, whatever, because in her mind she's going to think "You idiot, why aren't you more attentive NOW?"
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Re: while she's pregnant

Post by iceman47 »

My wife and I are well beyond our childbearing years but I would think that how well or poorly the whole thing went would have a lot to do with whether or not she was a key holder before you two got pregnant and you were being kept locked up.
As the key holder she would have the say so as to whether the chastity continued or not. My guess is that she would opt for a suspension of chastity until such time as she could have sex again which is usually 6 weeks or so after a natural delivery unless modern medicine has fixed that one.
The bottom line though is that regardless of what she decides, you need to be as attentive and focused as you ever were whether you are chaste or not. After all she is the mother of your child and hopefully the decision was made by both of you. She's doing all the work here so she needs your help and attention.
If chastity was not part of your lives prior to getting pregnant, it would be a good idea to let it go for another time. Besides, you may find that your wife will become the sexiest woman alive as that baby grows inside her.
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Re: while she's pregnant

Post by RegularJoe »

Tom Allen wrote:
Belle wrote:If I could suffer the pain of losing my body to another thing eating me from the inside out, then he could handle being nice to me without any sexual motivation.
And this goes back to something I wrote/blogged years and years ago: Do *not* approach your partner with the idea that chastity will make you a better person because you'll be more attentive, will do more chores, be more romantic, whatever, because in her mind she's going to think "You idiot, why aren't you more attentive NOW?"
A slight twist on this sentiment was expressed by Mrs. Joe when I mentioned MC in terms of 'increased attentiveness'...basically, her response was, "You're already quite attentive....all this would mean is that I get to enjoy less stiff dick...no dice." She knew it was my kink, not hers.

During my wife's pregnancies she was a sexual animal....but after the babies...too exhausted for quite awhile..with good reason. Everything takes a back seat to kids...and that's the way it should be....in fact, there ought to be few restrictions on the male self-pleasuring during the times she's simply not feeling like sex. That way male frustration and general crankiness won't create frictions. There's ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong (if you're carrying your load...or more...of household duties) with masturbation in such a context.
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I'm not a gynecologist, but I'll take a very close look.
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