Chastity via Hypnosis success

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Re: Chastity via Hypnosis success

Post by betheball »

Hmmm...should probably stay away from X-rated hypnosis shows. Can't yet rub one out on my nose, but given that normal channels are under chastity control, perhaps it's just a missed opportunity...?

Made it through the weekend undiscovered. KH believes that I am just a well-behaving "honor student"...with exceptional stamina.

On to week 2!
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Re: Chastity via Hypnosis success

Post by Tom Allen »

And here's an interesting article on hypnosis in general from the Skeptoid magazine.

Hypnotism: Hijacking Your Brain?
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Re: Chastity via Hypnosis success

Post by betheball »

Wow interesting read. My takeaway: not much risk, but it can work for you. Completely agree that it has to align as something you want to do. Lee is very clear that triggers and instruction can only work when you feel safe and likely as a subconscious reinforcement for something that the conscious mind already wants.

I see this by nature of the Hcb process as well. I would normally be skeptical but here's an outcome aligning with my interest and I'm only engaging my subconscious to assist, not counter, something wanted. Makes sense!

Tom- any luck in the replays or still napping?

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Re: Chastity via Hypnosis success

Post by Tom Allen »

betheball wrote:Tom- any luck in the replays or still napping?
I've been working pretty late all week, and worked both Sat and Sun. Haven't had a chance to try them again, and probably won't for the next week or so.
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Re: Chastity via Hypnosis success

Post by TwistedMister »

Completely agree that it has to align as something you want to do. Lee is very clear that triggers and instruction can only work when you feel safe and likely as a subconscious reinforcement for something that the conscious mind already wants.
I have seen the claim repeated that one cannot be 'made' to do anything he/she does not 'want' to do, but this claim is somewhat disingenuous. In my observations it has become clear that a subject can be made to perceive something in a particular manner, and that perception may alter his/her willingness to act in a particular manner. A skilled controller can/could manipulate a subject into taking actions that might be otherwise be inconsiderable were his/her perception of the situation clear.

For instance, most of us probably would not consider laying our dicks out on a countertop and pounding on them with a hammer. But, suppose one believed that some sort of insectoid creature had latched on to it and was biting it, and that the only way to dislodge it was to pound on it with a hammer?
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Re: Chastity via Hypnosis success

Post by male_pet »


Regarding your first point, I would agree that there seems to be some leeway for manipulation, but it is something that would require extensive time and quite a bit of skill. Derren Brown is a good example of how far you can push that sort of thing in his shows (check out Youtube, if you haven't seen them). From what I have heard, the effects in his show are "legit" but much of the off-stage preparation is edited out.

As for the dilemma you posed: why would bash your junk with a hammer, when the easy solution for the subconscious is to come out of trance?
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Re: Chastity via Hypnosis success

Post by TwistedMister »

As for the dilemma you posed: why would bash your junk with a hammer, when the easy solution for the subconscious is to come out of trance?
Not so simple, note the phrasing "...believed...that the only way to dislodge it was to pound it with a hammer...".

I observed a subject who was made to believe that every time he heard the Benny Hill theme song, his dick jumped off his body and ran away from him. During one of his circuits of the room, some wise guy made out as though he were stomping on it. The subject was shattered, nearly in tears trying to scrape up the [imaginary] remains of his dick.

The 'easy solution' as you say, would have been for him to 'wake up', but he did not. He 'believed' that what was happening was real, despite the fact that common sense would tell our conscious mind that the entire situation was impossible. The situation required the intervention of the hypnotist.

I don't know about you, but on several occasions I have had dreams that seemed absolutely real though the activities occurring were quite impossible. Upon waking, and remembering the dream, I knew that what I had thought was happening could not really have happened but despite this conscious knowledge, in the dream it felt real and I did not question the experience at the time. I suspect that it is the same part of the mind and works the same way and disbelief is suspended.

(One of these dreams was the only 'wet dream' I have ever had. I was working two full-time jobs at the time and fell asleep with my feet up on a desk at the night job. I dreamed that I was in bed with a chick from my other job, somehow, she was bent double and was licking the base of my cock while I was fucking her. It seemed completely real and I even reached which point I awoke to find I had ejaculated in my underwear. I was rather shocked but apparently I had made no noise and none of the other people in the office seemed to be aware that anything had occurred. Unfortunately, I had to work another 3 hours with a full load of wet semen soaking into my briefs...I think it was worth it, though. :mrgreen: )
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04/07/19 "And then I 'punished' you by making you lick my pussy after I let my other 'boy' fuck me." --Mrs. Twisted
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Re: Chastity via Hypnosis success

Post by betheball »


Very hawt story, of course. Thanks for that. In my case, a little frustration enhancement is never a bad thing!

But pulling the topic back to center. While dreams can seem real, I don't see how these scenarios are really likely in this hypnotic approach. Our favorite hypnotist, Lee, provides plenty of suggestion and triggers, but all of it done through leveraging the subconscious to do what is already want done, and avoiding anything not appearing safe or aligned with your intentions. As a result, it doesn't seem plausible (but what a fantasy story for the fiction thread!) if one were "tricked" into HMC. The subconscious reinforces the desire of the conscious/body. It doesn't create new realities or counter basic needs. What it does do is provide reinforcement in an even, measured way (like breathing, walking, or avoiding a hot stove, or any other reflexive functions it performs without much executive thought.) So, while there probably is a scenario where one might think they have hammered an invisible dick or something like that, there would seem a whole lot more risk to day-to-day device wear than there would be to this.

It's not for everyone, but if you like your chastity served effectively, with little mess, little chance of escape, and with a high sense of addiction to a submissive state with your hypnotist or KH, this might be something to explore.

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Re: Chastity via Hypnosis success

Post by TwistedMister »

It was not my intention to indicate that such scenarios could or would occur with chastity hypnosis, they were just examples of how the mind and perceptions can be altered and manipulated.
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04/07/19 "And then I 'punished' you by making you lick my pussy after I let my other 'boy' fuck me." --Mrs. Twisted
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Re: Chastity via Hypnosis success

Post by betheball »

So presented the Hcb to my kh over the weekend. She had already planned a romantic evening with a planned birthday release. (Hbd to me this week!). Anyway when I explained that I had "bought my own toy" and "was already wearing it" she was intrigued. I then explained the recent install of the audio files and how transfer worked from hypnotist. No real reaction up or down. She smirked a bit when I walked her through the belton/belt off triggers. Then figured out the best path was a test drive, where she had me get naked and test drive the "locked" cock. Very weird feeling as I was very hard and she mounted me on top and rode for all she was worth. By some accounts, after a month of not coming, I lasted longer than I ever expected. What happened next was very difficult to describe. It was almost as though I had a massive ruined o. At some point, I could no longer thrust. My subconscious "locked" my hips in place and she just continued to ride. Picking up pace and sensing she "had me" she pressed on. Eventually my cock released, not quite orgasming and not quite pre-cumming. She came. In fits and starts, gasping for breath and with a strange aura. Was it dominance? Proof? I wasn't quite sure. Afterwards she noted how conflicted I was. Had I cum? Was it good for me? I honestly shared that it was something both good and strange. I had clearly fired off something. But it hadn't felt like a normal orgasm

Crawling off me she asked a little more about what I could/could not do. Would she use the release trigger? Would she engage any of the other triggers? In a typical ruined response, I was still horny and almost immediately hard again. Could we talk about this? I desperately wanted her to trigger the belt off trigger so I could both test and confirm that her kh capabilities were working. "shhhhh...she said. Let's just leave this in place for another...month! And then we can talk about release."

At the moment, I was a bit over the top, craving her to engage and play the game the way I wanted it played. In reality, she was correctly pulling all the right levers, definitely putting me in the category of bcwywf!

While frustrating, this went well with both of us getting what we wanted. Now I hit the road for the next week - fully locked and unable to escape the hcb. And wondering how this will all play out next!
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