[KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KHEmmi »

KnownAsHerbert wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:48 am
Today we are having a lazy day after a busy week. That's what weekends are for. Somehow though, I still feel quite busy having cooked breakfast and cleared away, washed up and put everything away tidily. I've also cooked lunch today, plus the clearing up afterwards again. It seems that preparing meals is a job for me at weekends all of a sudden. Not that I mind. I enjoy food including cooking. Between those times I have made her hot drinks when she's wanted them, spent some time reading to her, and now she wants to repot some house plants and has asked for help with that too. All good together-time stuff of course.

She has said that she is having a lovely day and asked if I was too. Of course, I said that it was a great way to spend our spare time and agreed that it was a lovely day for me too.
It really has been a lazy, but lovely day. Thank you for cooking, caring for me, helping with the plants, reading to me, and of course, the cuddles and fun. How many times did you make me come today? Was it four, so far?

Looking forward to a nice bubble bath and back rub before bed. And maybe one more O if your tongue isn't too tired? What do you think? It will be lovely to snuggle down and keep warm together. ;)
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Sunday: We were sitting up in bed listening to the rain and eating breakfast (which I had prepared of course) and drinking strong coffee.

Em: Did you get up in the night?
Me: Yes, about 3 o'clock or just after I think.
Em: Everything ok?
Me: Yes, just an erection that got a bit heavy and wouldn't go away. Haven't had one quite like that since before the other night, you know, when we had sex.
Em: Hmmm. Did it hurt you?
Me: Just got a bit uncomfortable in the end, underneath you know. Wouldn't call it pain.
Em: Ok, I'll check it out in a bit though.

So she did check it out and said she couldn't see any problems but said “thank you for being honest about it”
I smiled at her sitting up in bed beside me, key still dangling between her bare breasts. I gave her a kiss. We continued with our breakfast.

Regular readers will know that on Tuesday I had just completed my first full week in the new Cobra Nub and had been let out for some PIV. Then after a soak in the bath and clean up, I was then locked straight back up again. For the past few nights after that, nocturnal events had been rather mild, waking me but not needing me to get up and walk about. I had thought that I'd got used to the Nub and that's how it would be now, even sleeping through for hours at a time without interruption, and when my sleep was interrupted, it would be less troublesome. But last night, the fifth night since I was last allowed to come, I'd had three wake-ups before the 3am one and each of them had been strong, stopping me getting back to sleep until they calmed down and subsided. The 3am one though, was more persistent.

Maybe I can expect the first few nights after an orgasm to be less disruptive but then, as the days pass it gets more intense again. Is that how it usually works? If so, I could be in for some difficult nights because I've got at least 14 nights in the current stretch, with only five now completed.

A worse night then, but not like the early days in the CB device. The Nub did pull against my balls a bit and that was the uncomfortable area but no damage other than disturbed sleep. I got a “Well done for not complaining about it” from Emmi, who's looking happy, radiant and sexy this morning in her favourite fleecy top and shorts. I'm not allowed clothes again with this “CFnm thing” that she likes so much being well established now. I'm hard in my Nub just looking at her.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Last night was a bit different with the return of the power erection and today also felt different. I knew in the night that the ring was being pulled away from my body more than usual, and this morning it just seemed looser somehow. I reported my observations to the relevant authorities of course, and she suggested that maybe I've just adapted to it. She also wondered if it was worth trying the smaller ring. I did attempt the smallest ring (No. 1, but I gather you can also get an even smaller one, No. 0) a week ago but there was no way I could use it. I could hardly get it on and as soon as I did I just said to Emm, “Oo, No, no, no. That's not going to work” (partly in panic if I'm totally honest). She responded immediately “Ok, ok, if it's not right take it off straight away.”. I took it off straight away!

Today Ring 2 was removed and I was surprised how easily I slipped out of it. Have I really shrunk that much in a week? Then Ring No. 1 was handed to me and I tried it. Unlike last week when it was a real struggle, I got everything through the ring pretty quickly today, gaave it all a tug to get it all right through, and said to Emmi that it felt alright. She gave me the cage and said “Put this on and we'll see how it goes.”

So without planning to, I've gone down a ring size and haven't had any unusual discomfort. Emmi's idea is to try the No. 1 during the day, and change to the usual No. 2 for overnight. Give it a few days trial like that perhaps when I haven't got to go into the office. She said we'd stick with the one I'm more used to for office days. Sounds sensible.

That was a rather unexpected development today.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Further to my earlier post, I have worn the Nub with the smallest ring that I have for most of the day now with no discomfort or problems. After that unexpected success it was tempting to leave it on for the night but perhaps that would be too much too soon. Also I have to go into the office tomorrow so I would have been changing up in the morning anyway.

So sensible Emm decided that we would swap back to ring No. 2 now, and maybe that's a prudent course of action.

I'm now safely and securely back in the Nub with the usual ring, comfortable but already hard and I haven't even laid down to sleep yet. I'm becoming convinced that the erections get stronger and more persistent as the length of time caged increases. This will be the 6th night since orgasm. And still all I know is that it will be "at least 14 nights" from then until the next. Oh dear.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

01:45 and awake for the third time already.

No pain, no discomfort, but just one raging erection attempt after another. So tight in there tonight. Why so strong all of a sudden?
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

As far as I can remember I had six wakeups last night and had to wait for an annoying erection to go down every time before I could go back to sleep.

I thought I was over that stage and it would be easier, as it had been on the previous 4 nights. I guess not, but there was no burning sensation, no major discomfort so that is an improvement. I'm glad to have reached this stage in less than a month. I had read that it could have taken longer.

I am wondering if it's time to drop down the ring size though, tighten everything up a bit. Maybe it will for the best. It won't be today though as I'm going to work. I'd rather experiment when I have more time at home.

Must remember to make sure my goodbye kiss to Emm isn't perfunctory this morning. Don't want any days added at this stage. Or any stage.

Off to make her some coffee.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KHEmmi »

Neither of us have ever done a blog before.
I am enjoying reading Herbi's though.
Looks like he's being honest and accurate with what's going on and how he feels about it. That's good.

Not sure whether I should have my own blog or just hijack his from time to time like this.

Not perfunctory today btw. No days added. Well done Herbs.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Home after a day at work rather than working at home and all comfortable. We spoke about our days as we ate the dinner that Emm had got ready and then sat for a while, continuing our talk. Bath before bed I thought and Emm said she'd go and run it for me. She called me when it was ready and I went upstairs. I got undressed to get into the bath but she stopped me and gave me the key, telling me to take the Nub off and she would clean it. She stayed with me (was tis supervised bathing?) talking about this and that and asking me about work and how the Nub had been. I told her it had been fine, no problems, nothing out of the ordinary.

Emm wanted to give me a check over, one of the inspections that she did very often to begin with but has become much less frequent now. So she did her inspection as soon as I'd got dried off and she was happy with the result.

Em: I saw you'd posted online, about wondering whether it was time to go down to the smaller ring. I think you might be right.

With that she handed me the smallest ring and the cage saying “Put it on. Let's see.”

So I put it on and it wasn't much more difficult than when I used the No. 2 ring. Engaging the pins on the cage requires a bit more care but no real trouble. I locked it and handed her the key.

To be honest, it doesn't feel much different. A little tighter under my balls and I guess that cage is held a little closer but it's hard to tell accurately. It's been pretty snug and close anyway. A new trial is underway then. Emm clearly intends it to be an overnight trial as well. Let's see how it goes tonight.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Ooo this already feels quite a bit tighter actually.

10pm. Rock solid erection attempt No. 1 of the night.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by Mr Pickle »

It does get easier. It just takes time. I'd say your body gets used to it being there, that it remembers and gives up. But I think you just adjust to the new hormone levels and go longer before getting too horny. Those bloody hormones drive you crazy early on in many ways.
Both doing great. Thanks for the updates.
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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