[KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

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Mr Pickle
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by Mr Pickle »

sudocrem works wonders for just about everything. It isnt only for nappy rash.
Heals and prevents infection and halves the healing time.
Sometimes ill apply it before putting the cage back on just to keep things nice and smooth.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

That's a good shout actually. I had wondered about that E45 cream too. I'm not sure if it's similar or pretty much the same?

Since I started I've used a bit of baby oil to keep the skin soft (where the ring goes).

I've also then used a small amount of nivea body lotion on the shaft and head before putting the cage on. It means that the cock just slides right in without getting stuck.

Hoping last night's ache and soreness was just a blip but it has made me realise how hard the ring of the CB6000 actually is.

Wondering if the new 3D cobra will be any easier. It looks a little more rounded at the edges. I am buying it because it's much shorter but smoothness could be another benefit. Time will tell.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Awake rather early but after a relatively successful night. Only four episodes of being woken up by an attempted erection compared to 8 or 10 times of previous nights. (One of those episodes last night included two attempts back to back so I only counted it as one.)

Whether it was the break giving me time to heal / recover, the slightly bigger ring being used, or just that I'm adapting, I don't know but I'm putting the night down as a success.

No pain or discomfort at all this morning which is obviously good news. Can't see any marks or significant redness either but I'll wait for Emmi's verdict on that when she does her inspection. If she agrees that all is well then there'll be no freedom for today at least. She's being sensibly cautious but at the same time is keen to increase my endurance and has restated her aim of making sure that I give this device, and chastity in general, a proper trial this time around. "No backing out now, buddy" were her words. Odd because she's never called me Buddy before.

Time to make some coffee or find something else to take my mind off old woody who's trying to make his presence felt again in a mildly frustrating way.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

We're both up and about and the first thing that Emmi wanted to do (after her coffee) was to see what condition I was in. She had a good look and summed up her verdict with "You're good".

It was good news of course but means I remain caged.

Emmi: I'll check it again later. If it still looks good we'll keep you locked up.

Me: Yep, ok.

I almost blurted out "Until when?" on the end but caught myself just in time.

Emmi, (seeing a full cage): Looks like you're enjoying it at the moment anyway. Now how about seeing if you can give me something to enjoy?

OMG, satisfying her while my cock is held down... Wow. I got so hard but fortunately, as during the night, no pain. Just a really tight feeling and pressure on the front of my cock as it tried to stand up.

She was satisfied though and now we are onto the day. I'm still getting repeated arousals, quite hard as I type this, and it's pleasurable but definitely up to the distracting level and bordering on frustrating.

Next checkup at lunchtime then.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Midday inspection complete and Emmi said “I've got no idea why you ended up so sore yesterday because it looks absolutely fine today. Slightly red under the ring but otherwise nothing.”

The only thing I can think of is that I'd been using the smaller ring so I guess there's only one way to find out for sure. Try it again sometime.

For now though, there was no need to remove it and it remains locked and causing mild annoyance.

And for the next few checks the same rule will apply. If it doesn't need to come off, it won't.

Next check at 6pm.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

In an attempt to reduce repetition and boredom I will condense the most recent three inspections into one sentence: No further problems so I am still locked in.

Can't really establish what the cause of the soreness and aches was but I do strongly suspect that it was the smaller ring because last night, still one ring size up, was by far the most comfortable since we began on this adventure. I remember only three instances of waking in the night, and all three were caused by an annoying erection and associated discomfort, but all three passed without any extreme pain or lasting effects and I got back to sleep. Such a big improvement over the past week. I definitely feel as if I am getting used to wearing it for sleeping and daytime use.

Emmie has said this morning that there's no reason to let me out but that she might do so this evening. I don't like to assume things but I am hoping that I am allowed to come before being locked up again for the night.

Once I am locked up again (if I am let out in the first place of course because she only said 'might') then Emmie's intention is to keep me locked until the new cage arrives, when we will start trials on that one. The tracking of that item shows an estimated delivery between Monday and Thursday of next week. I am sincerely hoping that it's closer to the Monday end of that range.

This morning my cock is going through cycles of being small enough to move around in the cage, to filling the cage entirely, and then subsiding back to its relaxed position again. A similar pattern to much of yesterday when some of the aroused times were rather persistent and distracting. I am anticipating something a little different with the new cage (a 3D Cobra) as it won't allow as much movement, if it allows any at all. Could be an interesting comparison.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

She had said that she might let me out later and she did in fact do so. The idea of a soak in the bathtub appealed and while I was in there, Emmie gave the CB6000S a thorough clean with warm soapy water in the wash basin.

Once I had dried off after my bath, she did her now routine inspection, rubbed baby oil into my skin and said, whilst doing this, that we would go back to the smaller ring again to see if worked any better this time. I said ok, thinking it was just a comment, but she said 'Go on then' pointing to the collection of bits that make up the CB. She meant straight away.

So I eased the smaller ring around everything and put all the rest of it together, body lotion to help the cock slide in, and locked it in place.

I had been released but hadn't been allowed to come. I'm now locked in until the 3D Cobra arrives, unless future inspections find issues that require release sooner than that. It feels comfortable enough at the moment. I will see how the night goes. Before we settle down for the night though, I've been asked by Emmie to give her a nice back rub. I don't think it would be wise to refuse
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Awake for the fifth prevented erection of the night so far. More than previous nights but that's probably because I've dropped back a ring size again. This one's powerful and persistent so I've had to get up. Apart from the inconvenience and discomfort during these episodes though, I have to say that the CB6000S is rather comfortable and I even keep forgetting it's there. And even during the erections, it's not painful and scary as it once was. Quite an improvement from a week or so ago. I must be getting used to it.

Tonight perhaps more than any of the others, I am finding all these 'events' more annoying and frustrating (than painful and scary I mean) and I'm wishing that I could get rid of an erection or two in a more satisfying way than just waiting for it to go. Even if Emmie wants to waste a perfectly useable erection, I would make use of it and masturbate right now if I were able to do so.

Still slightly miffed to have been allowed out but not allowed to come earlier.
What difference would it have made to her if I had?
And as for getting me to massage her back before she settled down, well, that was just wicked getting me all aroused in my cage for nothing.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

The night could have been better but it could have been worse. Such an improvement since a week ago with many of the erections being quite bearable and just a few more intense ones. Emmie of course, after her back rub that turned into a full body massage, slept like a log.

I find myself eagerly awaiting my new 3D Cobra, not so much for the cage itself although I am keen to compare and see what it's like, but I know I'm not going to be let out of the current cage until it arrives. I hope I get some free time between the old one coming off and beginning the trial of the new. Delivery still showing between Monday and Thursday so, emergencies excepted, I know I've got at least two more nights in the CB6000S. Good job I'm getting used to it.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

After the latest inspection, Emmie told me that there's hardly any redness any more, nothing sore looking and all is well as far as she can tell. She asked me how it felt and I told her that sometimes the hard plastic digs in a bit uncomfortably, or erections pull the cage away from the body, down over the scrotum a bit and at night, that causes a burning sensation, makes my balls ache a bit sometimes. Other times I hardly notice it's there. Satisfied with my answer she said “We'll leave it locked then.”

Over lunch she asked, casually, whether I'd manage until Thursday if my new device didn't arrive until then.

Me: I suppose I will have to.
Emm: Well done! That's exactly the right answer.

Then, without looking up at me:
Emm: You'll be so so ready to come by Thursday.
Me: I'm ready now!
Emm: I bet you are! So am I actually.

And she was! She told me that as soon as I'd finished washing up the lunch things I was to go upstairs and she'd be waiting for me. When I arrived she was on the bed, naked, and told me to take my clothes off and lie down with her. She said, “This is your chance to keep me happy. Don't waste it!”

No pressure then.
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Full time Nubbed by Emmi.
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