[Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Yesterday was seven days 24/7 as I slid into the wife’s bed. She rolled over to put her head on my shoulder or as she calls her spot and accidentally kneed me in the balls. To my surprise it felt like a half hour of my dick trying to get hard in the cage. When she finally woke up I gave CS a morning orgasm with my fingers.

Took her to lunch and the grocery store. Helped put away the Christmas decorations. Made her sliders and corn dogs with chips and queso to enjoy the football games. I took a quick shower with another “May I be unlocked to do a good cleaning?” She is really enjoying me asking. After the shower I put on the gold cage for the first time and as I said when it showed up, way too big. Soft I only fill half the cage. I much prefer a shorter snugger cage. CS gave my balls a good squeeze and I filled that cage up. She did this several times during the evening as she took great pleasure in watching me grow inside the cage.

CS then pulled out the cards saying I would be let out if I won. The card gods were certainly on my side as I won the first two games easily. Took the Viagra and we played the third winner take all which I also won. The cage came off and I was ready to go when she pulled out the Lucky Card deck and had me draw. It was not a Queen or king so I wasn’t allowed to cum. I would alternate between going down on her and PIV stopping and going back down on her when I felt close to coming. When she was sated, we went off to bed but with me still unlocked in case she wants to use me in the morning.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

It’s been a week since my last post with little happening. Every morning this past week with the exception of Friday I was allowed to give my wife an alarm clock, waking her by going down on her and then going back to my desk. I have been locked 24/7 all week and my last orgasm was December 31. Because we went out last Sunday to watch the Steelers game, we chose not to go to bingo. Not in the budget to go out quite so often. No bingo, no release. But then I was out last Saturday, just not allowed to come.

We had our progress conversation on chastity. Things are moving along well and we are both enjoying it. She is still being too nice and I agreed. Warning me I was close to getting days added on but not adding on days makes it a little hollow. OR threatening to roll the dice to see how many days are added on but never rolling them. You get the drift. So did she apparently.

Out came the cards and I could not catch a break losing all three rounds. She then had me take a Viagra for a winner take all round and I lost again. Drew my card from my lucky card deck but not a lucky card so no orgasm either. True to her word I was not unlocked. I went down on her and then gave her a second orgasm with her vibrators all while my pill was making my dick as hard as it could get in the cage.

This morning I woke early by another strong attempt at an erection. To distract myself, I have cleaned up our cards, the kitchen, made cinnamon rolls and did the laundry. Next weekend she is going to visit her mother so most likely I am looking at two weeks before I get the chance for a release.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Nothing much happened this week. The CS has a tooth bothering her and the dental appointment is next week. But safe to say she is not in the mood for any play or talking. And yet she had us go to bingo last night. If I had gotten two bingos nothing was gonna happen. I only won once so moot point but just not a good time. Tomorrow morning she leaves for Ohio to visit her mom and will come back Monday. I’m good with this as I will be entering my third week locked 24/7.

Not sure if it’s the continuous confinement but am feeling like she is back sliding into her old ways of just not caring about intimacy. Also that she is relying on bingo and cards as the only form of teasing. I am the one going into her room in the morning asking if she needs a wake up alarm. I would really like if she initiated something, anything. Ask me to rub her back or her feet.

Saw the blog in the general section from a member wanting his wife to take more control. Everyone who replied basically said the same thing to give her time to feel her way into control. I get that and I will. It just that once she took the keys she started out all gangbuster. No physical teasing but she was verbally teasing. Maybe she is just in a lull and I am feeling locked and forgotten until some game comes up. Anyway, I will let her find her way and do as she asks.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

I was a bit of a failure this past weekend. My wife, CS left Friday morning to visit her mom in Ohio and she took the dog. I had forgotten and gave the dog a treat that morning. The dog got sick in the car and I got a text that I received a day for giving the dog the treat. So the next time I win a release I have to wait 24 more hours before I get released. Saturday I got up, changed the linens, and cleaned the whole house. I also found the keys. CS forgot to take them with her. Smelling of bleach and cleaners I used the key to unlock, clean the cage. Gave myself a thorough cleaning and shave. I dried off and locked back up putting the keys on her makeup vanity. I really didn’t think I did anything wrong as it had been a week since my last thorough cleaning. But then it occurred to me our agreement is I must ask for permission first. Then I started feeling guilty. I posted a thread in general about this and members said I had done wrong.

CS came home yesterday to a clean home, filled pantry and fresh made cookies. She was stressed from her visit and hadn’t eaten during the seven hour drive. Took her out for dinner and a beer. We watched a little television and I fixed her some ice cream. Then I confessed I had used the key to unlock my cage. She said she was partially to blame leaving the keys but understood I would use them to get clean. However I should have asked and after this morning’s dentist appointment she will let me know what punishment I will receive. Though she already knows she will be drawing last weeks and this week’s lucky cards and tossing them. I won’t know if she draws a king or queen. I only have eight potential orgasms this year and I may possibly lose two of them.

I was then told she needed a massage as the bed at her mom’s is hard as a rock. Gave her a good half hour massage. She then flipped over, spread her legs and said I needed to give her a happy ending. Went down on her till she came and I was straining against the cage. Then I used her vibrator to give a second orgasm before being kissed and sent to bed.

I will update this when I know my punishment for using the key without permission.

No update. She did her dental appointment and came back and worked. I walked her dog. I made pork chops and mashed potatoes. I did the dishes afterwards, took down her bed and got her water. She comes up says good night and she is still thinking on an appropriate punishment and off to bed she goes.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Last night CS wanted to go play bingo at the restaurant. I am on day 19 of 24/7 locked minus two showers. I win the first round and get a free drink which I give to CS. We toast as it is 90 days ago she accepted the keys and she is still enjoying it. We discuss changes like she is not so quick to release me and when released, much quicker to lock me back up. Also she is increasing the time between unlockings. To continue encouraging her I told her that the two week orgasm was more intense than the weekly orgasm. The three week orgasm is more intense than the two week orgasm so when she is ready to go a month or two it will be very intense. She asked if I am sure as she doesn’t want to do anything to make me mad. Told her she has the control and over time she will get more comfortable with it.

I do not win again so no unlocking. She says we will need to play cards on Saturday so there is a chance of getting unlocked. Unfortunately due to a previous mention bad on my part. No chance of me having an orgasm and she is still deciding the punishment. She suggested as my punishment getting wings on Friday. Told her if she wants wings I will get her wings but that isn’t a punishment so she is rethinking. Waiting to find out is half the punishment I have been told.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Day 20 locked 24/7 and been horny all day. Hard to concentrate on work. Told the wife and she said I better win at cards tomorrow if I want out. Otherwise it’s another week.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Yesterday started great, waking up and giving the wife a thirty minute breast massage before my fingers went south for the first of two orgasms. Took her to lunch and getting out of the car she said she figured out the punishment for not asking to use the key to shower and I wasn’t gonna like it. Got home and she said I had to roll two six sided dice and that would be the number of days beginning Sunday I was not allowed to go down on her. Wouldn’t you know I would roll an eleven. This is tough cause I am locked 24/7 unless I win a release so going down on CS is my pleasure.

In the evening she brought out the cards but first for the key bad and giving the dog a treat bad the week before, CS drew two cards from my Lucky Deck. First card no reaction but she did react on the second card so more than likely she drew a King or Queen leaving me with seven potential orgasms for the year. Since I didn’t get to see the cards for all I know I could be down to six. Also because I didn’t draw so no lucky card, no orgasm for me if I won at cards. And yes I won two out of three, viagra pill coursing through me and we had PIV sex in the living room. She got her climax and then I was told she was done.

This morning I was told to lock back up because it will be a long time before I get out again and eleven days before I get any pleasure. Wife turned the lock and took the keys.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Wow, tomorrow is the end of January. So far this year, other than for showering, I have been unlocked twice to give the wife PIV sex but not allowed to have my own orgasms. In fact I have yet to have an orgasm in 2023. With her ominous “you’re gonna be locked for a while” this last time she locked my cage, it may be some time before I do.

I am already finding out this punishment of not being able to go down on her is a lot harder than I realized. Not only am I not getting pleasure from my own penis but I’m not getting any pleasure pleasing her. I guess this is why I can hear the mocking tone each time she says “this is what you wanted”.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

So I have not orgasmed in 2023, have eight more days before I am allowed to go down on wife, CS, and not allowed to orgasm this week till Saturday and then that depends on if I draw a king or queen. I am 99% positive she drew one of my lucky cards so down to seven orgasms for the year. Why the reiteration? Cause I won twice in bingo tonight which means I should be unlocked tonight. But then CS reminded me I still have a day penalty. I said okay I get unlocked tomorrow. She said, “ no, as today is over; tomorrow is your penalty day and you can unlock on Friday. We will have sex but you will not be allowed to finish.” She is my key holder so what she says goes.

I also won the mystery gift at bingo which turned out to be a remote controlled truck. As soon as I get back to the table CS says the boys (her grandsons) will love it. Sheesh
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

So after I served my penalty day, CS kept her word teasing me twice during the day by jiggling the keys and reminding me I would get released. When I got back from the gym and getting pizza, she unlocked me and I went and got a shower. We watched movies with dinner and then took a viagra. She laid in bed as I had to get myself hard and lubricate my penis. Still have five days before I am allowed to go down on her or diddle her with my fingers. I slide in and get my rhythm going when she orgasms and tells me we are done and I can go to bed. I still have my viagra induced stiffy so can’t put the cage back on and not allowed to cum myself . Frustrating isn’t it.

I ask if we can have sex again in the morning and she says yes but I still can’t cum. I slide into her bed at 6:00am and hold her while she sleeps till 8:30. She gets up and says she needs to get working. I ask about the sex she said we would have and she says she has changed her mind and I need to lock up.
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