[Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


It got quite late and I wondered if my golden ticket might be put off, breathing exercises help, and mentally preparing for more frustration.
When C we got into bed she looked at me and said "I was going to tell you it's too late now and you'd have to wait, as a joke, but you look like you'd burst into tears so I cant do it"

So Mr P, before you're unlocked, lie back and relax.
C then lent over me and started to kiss me passionately, I went wild with lust, my hands were everywhere on C's body. This is what I really needed, C, lots and lots of C.

C then pulled back and slowly dragged her breasts up and down my body, sometimes just the nipples tickling. At certain points stopping to suck a nipple, lick perenium or suck a ball into her mouth, but always her breasts were in contact with me.
lightning bolts were shooting through me at every touch, I was whimpering, my brain was already in the throws of an orgasm, I was having random spasms and losing control of my own body.
The cage came off and C took me into her mouth, which took me to the edge almost immediately, then C stopped and started the body rubbing again and then again, always at the edge. My body felt like it was no longer mine, I couldn't control the bolts of pure ecstasyor the way my body reacted to them. Bliss and then more, and then more.

Eventually C took me over the edge and I had a continuous full body orgasm, it lasted for a good few minutes. C snowballed me which she still finds very amusing, and then sat watching me twitch and fit uncontrollabley.

As the spasm started to receded C would start them off again with a single well placed touch.

C"Was it worth all the waiting and frustration? "

I couldn't answer.
Such pleasure at the end of a torturously long physical day

I literally passed out and didn't wake until late in the morning.

C made breakfast, nice. Sat on the bed and said," OK, your holiday is over, lock back up now please. "

I looked at C

"Now, please! Just until weekend, I need you in a good mood and working hard. Then you can have Saturday and Sunday cage free" .

So I Locked up. Deal.

C "Oh! come to think of it, I actually need you to go shopping with us at weekend. I've told the kids they can have their rooms any way they want and furnish them however they want.
I'm sure they will be so very happy when you tell them you don't mind how much it costs."

And C continued.

"So, if you want these back (keys on show) , I expect everyone to be happy this weekend.
Are you happy we're going shopping? "

"Um.. I've been duped.. I mean, I can't wait" .

"Good, then you'll be well on track for earning another orgasm next week" .

This is new? I don't think C has ever commented on allowing orgasms before? Just releases.
C doesn't manage my orgasms, I've been doing that myself?

Dont panic people, C was given a budget for rooms and is well able to keep to it, the line she gave was purely for my benefit.. I hope.
1 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


Today we got the keys, feld two trees, moved boxes and furniture all day, dined on steak and wine and rested all evening.
Throughout the day C kept teasing me of the treat I had to come, I'd been teased the day before but been told I had to wait, until this evening.
I was to have Cream buns.
Or as C kept whispering to me "you will massage my breasts, then I will oily wank you until you come all over them. And I will make you clean them"

C is getting very good at miming theses actions.

This evening, C said "I like keeping you locked up, would you stay locked until morning if it made me really happy"

"Erm.. But"

I did deserve the ball slap I just got. In truth C looked tired out.

Me "If that would please you, it would please me"

C "good, make me coffee in the morning and then"
C made a stroking over her breasts hand action and my coming, followed by slurping noises, it's quite entertaining to watch.

C "night night"

The following morning I made coffee, we discussed the plan for the day and then C got up locked the door and said "OK Mr. P, time to sort you out"
1 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

It's been a very tiring few days and still so much to do.
C sorted me out on Saturday, it feels like that was so long ago.
I didn't lock up afterwards, figured with so much to do i didn't need the distraction, plus I knew I was going to have to put my foot down here and there or say how it had to be done.
C said nothing about my being uncaged, and I'd assumed because it isn't in reality what C wants, more what I want, so C would be unlikely to demand it etc. Unless it was already in play.


C picked me up on it today.

"Now then Mr P, I've noticed you haven't been wearing a certain item for the last few days and I've been meaning to bring it up"

"ah. I figured with everything going on you didn't mind"

"Well, I do mind, you've been very good and working very hard but on a few occasions now I have thought 'this isn't right, he's supposed to agree with me and be nice and say yes dear?', so tonight you can have a little treat as long as you agree to lock it up afterwards"

"but lately you've been saying No so much, even to tiny little releases"

"Um yes, because I like it, and it's what you want. Don't try to pretend otherwise."

Then C reached for my bits and said "see! No more dead slug. So it's up to you. Tonight , another night or never. But the cage goes back on"

I said nothing, Didn't really think I needed to. Obviously, it's going back on tonight.
0 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

C wasn't messing about, and genuinely wanted me locked again and as it got later C got more insistent,.
So, Tuesday evening I was treated to an edge and told it would be the last one if I didn't lock up Now! C told me I could come, but I was too tired, physically worn out. I needed to sleep.

I did lock up and C immediately said "About time! I know you're very tired, but your starting to take things back that I've only just got used to having, things I don't want to part with."

"Im just trying to keep on top of things C, building are complicated, it's got to be done right"

"Yes, and I'm sure it will be, but some things don't have to be complicated. I'm in charge now and I've suddenly become very horny, so later I'll be shaved, smooth and very wet, and your going to make me come very hard"

"And then we fuck? It's been a while?"

C laughed, "No silly, I just said I was in charge didn't I? No, you stay locked, frustrated and horny for me. Maybe I'll keep you locked until you beg to come again?"

"I'm not sure about that"

"No choice. You do as your told or nothing, nada, zilch. See, uncomplicated"

And then C got up and said "sort the kids out, I'll see you later" and left to meet a friend"

I have mixed feelings about this, I have a lot to do and even more to manage.
2 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
avid fan
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by avid fan »

Wow... I've been off the forum for a few weeks so expected to see a post or two, and come back to 5 pages!!!

Reading through, it seems your wife is now in cruise control after finding her feet...must be an exciting place to be!!!

You mentioned "There is an incomprehensible thrill from being looked in the eye and being told you're going to eat your own cum. Don't ask me why, I have no idea?"

... that must be so intense....what happens??.. does she always catch it all in her mouth and pass to you in a kiss, or use her hand???

Similarly with the cream pies...does she always lie on her back, or has she squatted over you and let gravity do the work??? (I think the latter also is great for to the visual of that dominance... like she could equally be squatting to take a piss :twisted: :twisted: )

A key point you also made was when she (happily??) admitted she liked to see you in pain/frustrated and the power she held over you...that must have been a Eureka moment in your journey!!

What I would give to be in that place... weird thing to explain but I would love my wife to be more selfish and put her pleasure above other things while happily teasing you.... finding that sweet spot of pleasure and pain!!
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avid fan
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by avid fan »

One other thought...do your/her fantasies ever extend to another man fucking her??... someone younger, better endowed and with better stamina than you??
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


C has been flirting all day, and obviously feels much more relaxed about doing so when I'm caged and can do nothing about it.
I feel C prefers me locked when she is horny herself. Not too bothered when on her cycle, and yesterday C came off her cycle.

It seems odd that when C is physically "up for it" she wants my sexual organ safely locked away.
Frustration has replaced cock when it comes to getting C turned on.

Where being caged used to get me sexualy excited, it seems to be C who gets Sexuality excited now.

C was setting off to the other house I shout going to the other house do you want to come?

Oh yes, I love it when I come. And when you come.

Erm.. Ok. But just so you know. last night I was too tired. I didn't come.

"Yes I know. Do I look bothered? No. "

weekend came before I did.
On Saturday morning C let me out after promising a little piv, her period came back so C wasn't interested again.
C said I could wank myself while sat next to her, and in her words "If you want to come this week, this is your only chance" .
So I took it. Not what I wanted, a bit of a let down really, but When I was close, C allowed me to come on her breasts.

It's a shame C is having such long periods, over two weeks a time, so C is understandably down and tired. We're also flat out with the move and refit so both unnaturally knacked.

Here's to sunny days ahead.
0 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Hi Avid fan.

This dream came true because it was allowed to happen. My wife isn't at all selfish, but I Iet her know (when given the choice) I would rather go down on her that copulate. I also informed her (honestly) that she had more intense orgasms when it was only about her and a better night's sleep.
It didn't take long for it to sink in, because it was true.
My patience allowed this to happen.
C figured out that my own frustration drives me, makes me more exciting and excited and most of all playable. She knows I like it, so she does it.its taken time, but C is becoming more comfortable with it all.

C doesn't ever think about others or sex with anyone but me, I've dangled the idea a few times, even with fav celebs, it's of no interest to her.
If I suggested a bigger dick C would run a mile lol, it's taken 20 years to get mine in nearly balls deep, I'm plenty big enough, not a brag, C is petite and I'm near 8".

If I'm totally honest. I don't think going down that road would improve us in any way and there are lots more fantasies to play with. Mine that is, C doesn't fantasise about anything sexual.
0 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

I'm snowballed. I don't lick it up.

I'm usually sent down, C feels more comfortable this way and I can control my orgasm better so I'm still in the zone.
I much prefer a Ride and face sit when It's right eg C tells me she going to sit on my face and I'm going to make her come. That's my goal, I want to make C come. No amount of goo would stop me.

If I asked C to sit on my face she would, but it's not good, because it isn't what she wanted.

C will get this eventually, like everything else, I've stopped asking now, I let C decide what she wants unless im asked. Giving C this space made all the difference. C started to enjoy it.
1 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


On Wednesday I had my first caged blow job and ball suck followed by lots of ball play and a lot of apologies.
I was promised a golden ticket for working so hard on Tuesday, but C was too tired and said if I worked hard and got the house ready to move in by the end of Wednesday I could have it then.
I did work extra hard wednesday .

I have worked like a dog all week, from early to very late, and I've been too exhausted at the end of the day to even get aroused, but nature eventually says "fuck this, you gotta get some no matter how knackered you are", which in turn made me work even harder just as a destraction.

C has constantly teased me on my way, flashing me, fondling me and saying how turned on I'm making her, but also assures me that my cock will stay locked until the task is complete "your sucky sucky will be waiting for you, sucky Wednesday today, if your not too tired that is".

Well, I wasn't too tired, I was a heap of worn out flesh, but my needs were totally in tact.

So, Wednesday night, the big night, oh my god I couldn't wait.

I got into bed, and C said..

"whilst packing up all the stuff.. I've lost the key, I'm so sorry"

"ha ha, nice one"

"No, seriously, I remember thinking that I must keep it safe, but it's all been so busy, I think it's at the other house"

"Oh bollocks, well there isn't much I can do about it then is there? We'll have to look tomorrow"

"Dont you have a spare? "

"Spare is still at the caravan, been there since before the pandemic started. Can't cross the border".

"Ah.. Um OK, do you have wire cutters? "

"your serious, you don't know where it is?"

"I'm so sorry, I will look for it, but you'll just have to wait again"

"OK baby, don't fret I'm sure it will turn up, I don't suppose you would just stroke the cage then?"

"Ill do better"

And C gave me a ball suck, also sucked my cage while her tongue did little darting movements through the bars. It was very different, very frustrating, very enjoyable

"Thanks baby, that'll tide me over for a bit"

"It'll have to, it might be the only thing you can have for quite a while"

So I crossed my fingers that I wouldn't be using my steel cutter.
2 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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