Does your doctor know?

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Does your doctor know?

Post by Chastelifexxx »

I have a doctors appt tomorrow for my annual physical. The thought crossed my mind to wear my chastity to my appointment and let my doctor know that I wear it more or less full time. After all, he is my doctor and I am sure he has seen one on some patient before. For this visit I decided not to divulge to him that I wear a chastity device. But I am not sure why I made that decision. If I wear my chastity basically 24/7, and it has become part of me, then why can't I be truthful with my doctor and let him know?

I am wondering if any of you other guys have thought about this.

Would love to hear your thoughts.
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Re: Does your doctor know?

Post by slave d »

my doctor hasn’t found out i wear a chastity device ... yet BUT MsM does not allow its removal for doctors appointments so it certainly could happen. i’ve thought about how i would deal with that though and i guess it would have to be “us old farts have to spice up our sexual lives somehow .... this is how my Wife decided to do that”. Fortunately being in my late 60s i can play that card !!

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Re: Does your doctor know?

Post by TwistedMister »

Chastelifexxx wrote: Mon Mar 23, 2020 10:55 pm ...I am sure he has seen one on some patient before...
Why would you think that?

And what makes you think that it is appropriate to involve him in your kink?
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Re: Does your doctor know?

Post by Chastelifexxx »

@TwistedMister - I personally am of the opinion that your doctor needs to know all about you in order to treat you effectively. Maybe he needs to know that I don’t cum often, before he gives me prostate medication for a PSA test that comes back too high. Maybe he needs to know for other reasons because my layman’s knowledge of male anatomy and all isn’t up to the level as his knowledge.

If chastity for me and my husband was just something we do every once in a while and we only use it as a sex toy occasionally, then no, I would not even consider telling him. It would be my opinion that he doesn’t need to know. But since we use it as part of our daily life, then it is of my opinion that he probably should know.

However that decision has already been made, that I won’t divulge my chastity to him. I personally am not ready to let more people know. But there could be a time when yes, I will be ready and will feel comfortable in telling him.

And that was the point of the question. Has anyone shared this fact with their doctor and how did it go.

And if any of my tests such as my PSA comes back out of wack then I won’t hesitate to let him know I am in chastity. He can't treat effectively when he doesn't know the whole story.
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Re: Does your doctor know?

Post by Skip »

I think @TwistedMister's concern is about your initial post that basically said "I thought about wearing it to the doctor's".

That implies it is not necessary (you are able to remove it for the visit). I don't think anyone of us would consider telling the doctor about it forcing your kink upon them, but "surprising" them with it or asking them to check it out without previous discussion without it on would. I don't blame you, I often have similar "fantasies", but there's a difference between telling them about it, bringing it up in a "safe" environment and just sprining your caged penis up on them like they have to expect it. They don't and they shouldn't need to.
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Re: Does your doctor know?

Post by Steve2059 »

If you think your doctor ought to know then broach the subject in a diplomatic manner, perhaps beginning, "could I share something with you in my personal life that could have a bearing on my health".

The GP will certainly say yes, but now s/he's braced for whatever might follow (and it could be s/he's thinking of a lot worse possibilities than keeping your cock in a cage).

Better and more professional than a Hey Presto moment.
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Re: Does your doctor know?

Post by KittensBoyToy »

I see a GP here in town, a primary care doctor at the VA, my psychiatrist at the VA and we are in couples counseling. I have had the same GP for over 20 years and Kitten discussed it with him a while back so he knows but has never had a reason to see it. I discussed it with my VA doctor during my last appointment. I have my semiannual physical next month so it is likely he will see it during the exam unless Kitten decides to unlock me. I have a mental health appointment the same day and Kitten is planning to go with me to both of appointments. I/we have discussed it with both my psychiatrist and our counselor.

The reaction has been varied. My GP is in his late 60's and his attitude was if it works for you, great. My psychiatrist reaction was about the same and we discussed it some in the context of its impact on our marriage. My VA doctor is fairly young and seemed a bit taken back by the concept. Our counselor wanted to know more about it because it had a huge effect on our relationship. Kitten showed her a picture of the Jail Bird, not with it on me, and explained it to her.
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Re: Does your doctor know?

Post by locked4her55 »

I've had 10 annual physicals since our introduction to chastity and numerous visits in between and the cage has come off for each one. It's nothing we wish to share with my doctors or nurses. There was one time that I was sent to have an X-ray taken mid torso. That would not have happened if my stainless steel cage was locked in place.

This isn't some TSA person that you spring your kink on just before boarding a plane. This is a medical professional you have a relationship with that deserves to be informed via a mature conversation before dropping your drawers. You know your doctor and how he/she might react but I wouldn't be doing it to mine. Just my opinion.
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Re: Does your doctor know?

Post by Schnoff »

My urologist knew I was refraining from orgasm, because I saw him for some pain when we started (no device) and he commented he usually only saw this in Catholic priests and Turkish boys - no masturbation. He was puzzled as to how this could be fun, and suggested I orgasm with some frequency.

I didn’t take his advice and got used to the feeling of “blue balls”, now that I knew it was that and nothing more sinister.

My current urologist knows I am pierced, because he helped with some excess scar tissue around the piercing. He doesn’t know about orgasm denial, because it’s not been relevant to anything we are discussing, so far.

The surgeon who did my hip surgery knew that the hip issues meant I could not angle my leg during sex, and that this was cramping my style somewhat. He needed something to give to the insurance company to justify the surgery, since I could still walk perfectly fine.

That’s really what it comes down to: I am open about my sex life with my doctors, where it is relevant to the condition we are treating. Beyond that, I respect their and my privacy.
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Re: Does your doctor know?

Post by Chastelifexxx »

This is what I was hoping for - some really good conversation about the question if you shared your chastity with your doctor. One under lying theme I get is there is a preponderance of - don't flaunt your chastity in front of others, because they didn't ask for it. I think someone even used the word kink. Don't flaunt your kink in front of others. This is what I don't understand. Maybe all of you can shed some light on this for me.

If chastity is so much a part of your life, as it is in mine, that you go months or longer with out or not being allowed to climax, because it improves your relationship and your sex life with your partner/spouse, then chastity is part of your every day life. It is who you are. It actually shapes you into a different person from who you are without it. Why is it perceived to be flaunting, or throwing it in front of someone else if it is you? Yes you can take a cage off. You have that option. But if I truly wear chastity all the time, in all facets of my life, then why should I be the one to have to change my lifestyle, and take it off, in order to "protect" someone from what is perceived to be unusual or odd or a kink? It is not a fantasy of mine to shock people by having them to see my chastity. It is more of me wanting to be me, and not want to have to change who I am just because it might be a shock for someone else to see.

I do truly wear my chastity 24/7. It never comes off unless it is for cleaning - cleaning me or sterilizing the cage, and then it goes right back on. It is on me all the time. This is not just a whim or a sex toy that comes out to be used for my kinky bedroom play session. Full time chastity for me has made our relationship stronger.

Some people don't like to see PDAs (public display of affection). Some people might not like to see couples kissing or holding hands in public. Some people might not like to see a same sex couple kiss in public. Some people might not like to see someone walking down the sidewalk with tattoos all over their body. Is the guy with three or four or more genital piercings, going to take all those piercings off when he goes to the doctor, leaving all the open holes exposed, just so the doctor can be spared from seeing them? Or is the guy just not suppose to go to the doctor? When does it become not OK to be who you are in order to "protect" someone else's perceived prejudices against things?

I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
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