[KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by KittensBoyToy »

It has been a great weekend. The 5th Friday in any month is Fetish Friday. The club opened earlier than normal and the night started with a demonstration/talk on impact play given by one of the regulars who is a local Dom. We spent the night is a social mode talking with other members and guests. Kitten and I both talked quite a bit with Lola about Kitten's reluctance to discipline me, especially with corporal punishment. Kitten said she plans to spend some individual time with Lola learning more. I don't know what all that will entail, where or when it will happen, or if I will be involved. I don't know where it will lead but I think it is great that she is willing to explore the idea, learn more and try to overcome her fears and reluctance. In keeping with "Fetish Friday" I did spend aa good part of the night in nothing but leather shorts, collar and leash. Once again we got into a conversation about chastity, this time with 2 women out on the patio. When they asked to see my cage Kitten removed the snap off front panel and had me stand between them. She and I answered their questions while they both lifted and turned the cage for a better look.

Saturday was a quiet day of relaxation. We went to a wine bar about 4:30 and met up with several others that are involved in male chastity. There were 6 women in attendance making friends, enjoying wine and conversation until almost 8:00. The 4 men stood off to the side talking among ourselves, sipping water and making sure the ladies were well taken care of. There were some high stools nearby where we could sit but we only went into the area where the ladies were sitting when summoned or when serving. This was the first time at such a meeting for us. There was talk among the men and, I think the women also, about future gatherings at someone's house where the dress could be more 'relaxed'. What that could lead to is anybody's guess.

After the social broke up Kitten and I went to dinner at the Catfish Parlor. Great down home Texas cookin'. The closest thing to 'exotic' on the menu was some blackened Cajun style fish. (Leftovers tonight!)

The evening ended at the Friends Club and we sat at out normal upstairs table. As is normal when we are out and about I had worn my adult underwear. Shortly after arriving I shed those and change into the lace underwear Kitten picked for me. We spent some time socializing with friends and new people including one of the girls from the wine social. I have been wearing a steel cage for a few days and Kitten had me strip down so she could replace it with her HTv3. Except for a short time when she had me put my trousers on for a trip to the Queening Chair, going downstairs for the weekly birthday dance and a trip outside to the smoking patio I spent the rest of the evening in just my cage.

There was one other significant event from the evening. After Kitten changed my cage she took me over to the massage table and had me bend over it. She said that I needed to answer for my behavior the past week or so and that she wasn't happy seeing me check out another woman's ass earlier. To no avail I tried to defend myself against the last part and profess my innocence but she wasn't having it. In the end (pun intended) it didn't matter. My rear end got a short but effective session with the business end of her spatula. There were only a few really hard hits but they were accompanied by rapid fire light to medium slaps that left my ass red and burning. Needless to say, with me kept naked and Kitten carrying her spatula dangling from her wrist, I was intent on being obedient the rest of the night.
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by KittensBoyToy »

Wednesday we had an unusual day. I had a VA appointment in Temple for a follow up for my recent minor surgery. Kitten usually goes to my appointments with me for a couple of reasons. First is just to get out of the house together. I try to schedule my appointments late morning or early afternoon and we go to lunch and do a bit of shopping afterwards. The second, and main, reason is so she can unlock and relock me if necessary. (When I had the surgery I went in with the base ring on but the nurse wanted it removed as a precaution since I was going under general anesthesia. Kitten removed it and then locked me back up in the recovery room after I woke up.)

This trip was different. I had been texting with a guy that had very recently got into chastity and was having problems with his wife accepting the idea. Kitten had texted her and they arranged to meet and spend the afternoon talking. They live in Temple but he works in Georgetown, just north of Austin. We arranged to meet in Georgetown and I dropped Kitten off before heading on to my appointment. When I called after I was done I was instructed to pick him up from work and meet the gals at a park where they had spent most of the afternoon. All he and I got when we asked our wives how it was going was that they were talking.

After we met up in the park we found his wife much more receptive and even a bit enthused about his chastity. The problem was not the idea but how he approached her. Someone gave him a cage and he self locked and said something to the effect of 'look at this, here's the keys'. She and Kitten spent over 3 1/2 hours together talking about chastity and how it has affected us. She talked about the letter I wrote to her when I gave her the book, showed her our contract and answered all her questions. I got the definite impression that she was ready to accept a more controlling position by the time we left. He had said that the cage he had was too big for him and hurt. He had told me his size and since we are about the same I gave him my HT Small knock off. Thursday he sent me a text that it both fits much better and his wife liked the looks of it over the one he first tried. Hopefully we helped them get off to a better start. They both have information on the forum so maybe we will see them joining soon.

On the way home we stopped by the Friends Club. Last Saturday was a toy drive for one of the women's shelters and we had forgot about it. We picked up some toys to drop off and stayed a little while, calling it an early night about 10:30. It had been a long day and Kitten was ready to go home and get to sleep.
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

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Saturday, the 8th, was when Kitten decided to have her birthday celebration at The Friends Club. For the dance there were 2 men and one other woman on the floor celebrating birthdays and all got a lot of lap dances from those in attendance. It was also the birthday celebration for Adrian, the female half of the club ownership team, and because of that it was busier than usual. The beds upstairs all got used, changed and used again. Since they had run out of clean sheets we were told to use one of the silhouette suites.

We had been in there played around softly for a few minutes when Kitten unlocked me and told me she wanted to feel me inside her. It took all the willpower I could muster to keep from loosing it too fast. I had to slow down and even stop several times. Once I pulled out and went back to stimulating her orally while I tried to calm down. I wanted to make sure she had all the enjoyment she wanted and deserved whether I was allowed to climax or not. When I entered her again it only took a few minutes to put me at the edge again. This time she told me to go for it! After 108 days with only one ruined orgasm it was pure heaven on earth!

I remained unlocked for the week and, although she didn't mention locking me back up, I presented myself with 2 cages for her to choose from before getting dressed to go to the club on Friday. She took both of them without a word, handed the steel cage back to me and locked HER cock into Her HTv3. I kissed and thanked her before getting dressed. For the first time in a week I felt right.

Friday was slow at the club and we called it an early night. Saturday was busier and again there was an extra birthday dance. The first one was for anyone with a 'holiday' birthday between Thanksgiving and New Years. The second dance was for Mark, the other half of the club owners. Even though he protested that he didn't like the dances he seemed to have a GREAT time! Most of the women in the club were lined up for their turn and most of the time there were 2 or 3 around or on him. Big roar of laughter and applause when one of the regular men jumped in to give him a lap dance! It was also the only time I have seen Mark with his tie off when the club was open. That, as well as his shirt being open, was courtesy of Kitten early in the dance.

Both of us have been feeling bad the last couple of days so we are going to stay down a lot around the house this week. The club Christmas/pajama party is this Saturday and we want to be up and ready to go for that. I have an early present for Kitten that wouldn't be appropriate around the grandkids that I am going to give to her at the club party.
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by KittensBoyToy »

I took Kitten to the doctor this afternoon. Knowing that he might hospitalize her she packed a small case to take with us. We were right and now I am left with the spare key to my cage on my dresser. It needs to come off for a good cleaning and that is the only time the key will be used.

We were supposed to go to a Christmas party Saturday night but that isn't likely to happen. Bummer! It is also a pajama party and we bought new outfits to wear. (Pajamas for me and a new kimono style robe for her)

Oh well, such is life!
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Kitten's Boy Toy
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by slave d »

Hope it’s nothing serious at this time of year. All the best to you both from the Summer side of the World.

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After a year post covid of “freedom” I am trialing a good old HT V3 nub modified by me to have a glans ring so no pullout. Working well so far.
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by cshorts »

Hoping the best for Kitten. You seem pretty calm, but bummer of a time for medical problems.
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by Yumbojones »

Hope everything is gonna be OK for you guys 👍
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by jfenoffti »

Get Well soon and Merry Christmas!
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by KittensBoyToy »

I spent the night last night in the hospital with Kitten so she wouldn’t be alone on Christmas Eve or this morning. The kids and grandkids will all come up later and we will open presents in her room. Youngest son is bringing our presents to them so she can watch the grandkids open them.

There have been some tension between us. Kitten keeps trying to do things for me and gets upset when I tell her to worry about her and not me. I’ve been promised/threatened that I would pay when she feels better!

Along the same line of thought, I gave her one of her presents early since it might not be appropriate to open in front of the grandkids. I was going to give it to her at the Christmas party at the club Saturday night but we didn’t get to go. It is a paddle with ‘kitten’ mirror cut into it. (Pic later when I am on my computer and can adjust the size)
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Kitten's Boy Toy
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by KittensBoyToy »

Just an update. Kitten is still in the hospital but she is slowly improving. She was moved to a rehab facility last week for more intense therapy that a regular hospital can provide.

The worst for me is not being able to hold her at night. After a several year stretch for various reasons of being is separate beds/rooms we had finally got back to sleeping together. Just holding her at night as we fall asleep is intimate and I want her back in my arms. Between trying to spend several hours a day at the hospital with her and the lack of motivation created be her not being here the house, and especially our bed room, is a wreck. A lot of the stuff out of place in the bedroom is hers and I don't know what to do with it but that doesn't excuse the rest of the mess.\

Hopefully this will be over soon and I will have my wonderful wife back home.
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Kitten's Boy Toy
I'm Kitten's property and She keeps Her property secure in a Jail Bird!
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