Does anyone here ever worry about what would happen if you had an unexpected medical emergency?

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Does anyone here ever worry about what would happen if you had an unexpected medical emergency?

Post by Gargoyle »

Just curious. Maybe because I’m a higher anxiety individual but I think about if I got in an accident or something and ended up in ER. I know they’ve seen it all but still. I guess if I was there for an emergency I wouldn’t care.
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Re: Does anyone here ever worry about what would happen if you had an unexpected medical emergency?

Post by slave d »

Couldn’t care less, much rather a chastity device than something lodged where the sun don’t shine !! As you say they’ve seen everything and generally speaking they’re not likely to be messing in the junk area until you’re in really deep trouble !!
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Re: Does anyone here ever worry about what would happen if you had an unexpected medical emergency?

Post by GoodOlBoy »

Yeah it's a legit concern. I've seen this brought up before and I believe it was the response from Tom Allen that I remember seeing and remembering that made a lot of sense (I can't remember what I did last week, but for some reason some things will stick with me....has always been that way).

Anyway, the response was something along the lines of "been married 20 (or some decent number of years) and we're just adding a little spice".

I thought that sentiment was a great response and worried less about it after that.
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Re: Does anyone here ever worry about what would happen if you had an unexpected medical emergency?

Post by cuyahoga »

Thumper had a blog post one time about risk vs. reward. It wasn’t from the perspective of this situation, but I think the concept relates.

There are so many things that we do everyday that do in reality have the potential for disaster. Best example, driving a car. You can never know when around the next bend could be the sideswipe or t-bone that causes you serious harm. But you still drive, because you trade the risk of an accident for the reward of the convenience of not walking 6 miles to Tar-Mart.

The small possibility that you would have to suffer some embarrassment if an EMT or ER nurse found your chastity device is outweighed by the enjoyment of wearing it. The risk, while real, is outweighed by the reward. If you work in an environment where injuries are even higher risk, or you live in a very small town where an ER nurse might know everyone you know, maybe the risk begins to outweigh the reward.

Personally, I wouldn’t even be embarrassed, except maybe FOR the person that’s judging my healthy sexual interest. So there isn’t even that risk involved for me personally, so I might not be relating to how much the risk is for you. But those are the weights on the scale, and you have to decide which is heavier for you.
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Re: Does anyone here ever worry about what would happen if you had an unexpected medical emergency?

Post by KittensBoyToy »

Only that a $200+ device would get destroyed by some overzealous ER tech! :(
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Re: Does anyone here ever worry about what would happen if you had an unexpected medical emergency?

Post by Gargoyle »

I guess since I live in the Bay Area and they have BD SM and leather parades I should be fine. 😂
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Re: Does anyone here ever worry about what would happen if you had an unexpected medical emergency?

Post by Onlyhers4ever »

I have to agree with the risk vs reward concept. I would gladly trade the added intimacy my wife and I are enjoying with a little risk of some total stranger discovering our secret. Now I have thought about what would happen were I were to be outed on live tv. Here in the US there is currently a very popular tv show called Live PD where cameras follow around police officers on live television. I’ve seen many an instance where sex toys are found while searching people’s vehicles for drugs. I’m just waiting for someone to be patted down while wearing a cage. Think I remember reading a story about that happening a year or so ago but it was not seen live by millions of people.
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Re: Does anyone here ever worry about what would happen if you had an unexpected medical emergency?

Post by thewave22 »

Just don't go into the MRI with that stainless still cage
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Re: Does anyone here ever worry about what would happen if you had an unexpected medical emergency?

Post by slave d »

I thought it (MRI) was only an issue with ferrous metals and medical grade stainless is non-ferrous ? Not that i would be doing it “consciously” !!

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Re: Does anyone here ever worry about what would happen if you had an unexpected medical emergency?

Post by filltee »

I did once. I was on my bike then in hospital I'll spare the details. I woke up properly next day realised my Fort was not there and found it later in my locker with the padlock open but intact. They must have picked it. Nothing was ever mentioned. So how it was taken off and who by I'll never know. Lock still works ok today. Its a masterlock so not rubbish.
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