Extended Orgasm Denial

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Extended Orgasm Denial

Post by katieandchaste »

This is a question for my fellow wives who are keyholders. Do you find that as you grow comfortable with this lifestyle your "need" for him to orgasm is growing less? What I mean is, when Ken first introduced the idea of all this to me it did not go well. I got upset, took it personal, and called him a perv. On our second attempt I decided I wanted to at least give it a try and see if I could manage it in such a way as to benefit me and not just be a game or something else on my to-do list. As we tried, adjusted, adapted, talked, I found that I rather liked the idea of sex being on my terms as well as the other benefits of his attentioin and help with housework. Fast forward several years and I now find no real need for him to have an orgasm since we no longer want any more kids. When he has an orgasm he gets all kind of weird for a few days and it can take 10 days or more until his passion for and pursuit of me is back to pre-orgasm levels. Why should I have to give all that up just so he can get a few moments of pleasure to squirt?
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Re: Extended Orgasm Denial

Post by locked4her55 »

Have you been talking to my wife? :lol:

Seriously, welcome to the Forums. Enjoy. I know my wife does.
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Re: Extended Orgasm Denial

Post by luckylocked »

That is exactly our story. Almost everytime I have come out of chastity in the past 2 years has been due to a holiday or some event that has got in the way. Everytime I go back in, at about three weeks, Mrs K starts to seriously question why I should have an orgasm again. The longest she had denied me was 4 months but it is hard at that point to keep it going.
Her argument is that if she is dominant by nature as she discovers as we go deeper down the rabbit hole and I am clearly happy being a submissive then shouldn't that be the natural state.
We find that as long as the teasing is maintained and as long as we have a day a month at home together with no kids where we go shopping and then spend a meaningful 4 hours of me worshipping her body and performing a range of tasks including some humiliation then I stay in a pretty good headspace and can keep going.
Her target is loose at the moment but last night it was suggested that 100 orgasms for her before I come out sounds about right which would likely take us through to the new year. We are only at 16 now!
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Re: Extended Orgasm Denial

Post by Tame Lion »

It's impossible for me to know if the OP is a man or woman. I'm suspicious but not at all certain. I don't have long periods of readjustment after an orgasm. Of course, I don't have to wait a long time. You state he no longer needs orgasms since you are done having kids. The same is true of you. You didn't need an orgasm when you were having children.

This story matches a classic enforced chastity fantasy. Maybe it really happens to some.I am dead set against withholding orgasms for long periods of time. It isn't a matter of dominance or submission. I think it is a gift a couple can give each other. I know there are people who post here love the idea of never coming again. OK, that's fine too.

I guess that this story is just too typical of fantasies. Also, why would you wait years and then decide to ask your question? Sorry, doesn't wash with me.
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Re: Extended Orgasm Denial

Post by TwistedMister »

I think someone here is grumpy. Katie, I see no reason to doubt your
question is legitimate. I have found that after some time of orgasms
being limited to once every month or two, there is little or no
post-orgasm drop. YMMV, everyone is different. Give it some time.
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Re: Extended Orgasm Denial


I'm wondering if your my wife in disguise , it's the week to 10 days that's her comment every time I orgasm .
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Re: Extended Orgasm Denial

Post by wishful4 »

katieandchaste wrote:This is a question for my fellow wives who are keyholders. Do you find that as you grow comfortable with this lifestyle your "need" for him to orgasm is growing less? What I mean is, when Ken first introduced the idea of all this to me it did not go well. I got upset, took it personal, and called him a perv. On our second attempt I decided I wanted to at least give it a try and see if I could manage it in such a way as to benefit me and not just be a game or something else on my to-do list. As we tried, adjusted, adapted, talked, I found that I rather liked the idea of sex being on my terms as well as the other benefits of his attentioin and help with housework. Fast forward several years and I now find no real need for him to have an orgasm since we no longer want any more kids. When he has an orgasm he gets all kind of weird for a few days and it can take 10 days or more until his passion for and pursuit of me is back to pre-orgasm levels. Why should I have to give all that up just so he can get a few moments of pleasure to squirt?
Hi MsKatie and welcome to CF. My spouse has found that what she enjoys most about male chastity is to tease and deny me. She favors long periods of orgasm denial, however, she often lets me out of my device for a couple of hours if we decide to go somewhere to shop or eat out during the day. Other than that, I am locked all the time at home including overnight. Having my orgasms restricted to approximately one every two or three months, I find that, if she scales back on the teasing and general intimacy, I miss that much worse than an orgasm. I miss the closeness together. Yes, I stay quite on edge sexually, and I think about her all the time, but I very much enjoy that too. So, I agree, in principal, to what you are saying. On another subject, you may wish to PM Tom Allen requesting admission to our hidden KeyHolder part of the forum. Look forward to hearing more from you.
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Re: Extended Orgasm Denial

Post by katieandchaste »

I apologize that my original question has been met with resistance by some. I was not suggesting that my hubby never have another orgasm. The question was really not about him. Let me state it another way. Is it normal that I have less desire for him to have another orgasm now that we are practicing male chastity? Is something wrong with me that I honestly could take em or leave em? There was a time I felt like such a failure if he failed to have an orgasm when we were intimate. Now I am disappointed when he does. Am I sick?

Tame Lion, I can easily answer your question as to my gender. I could show you mine if you show me yours!
Nah, cancel that. You would likely enjoy it more than I would. :lol:
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Re: Extended Orgasm Denial

Post by Tom Allen »

Katie, we get too many people who drop in with fake or exaggerated stories (we have a few going on right now). Some of us are a bit guarded because we try very hard to be the "adult" chastity discussion group.

As to your question, Mrs Edge stopped feeling guilty once she understood how much fun we *both* were having. As long as everyone is enjoying themselves, and as long as you check in with each other once in a while to make sure that things are okay, then there's no reason to feel badly about it.
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Re: Extended Orgasm Denial

Post by Michele »


I felt very guilty at first too because it was a confirmation of sorts for me that he liked what I was doing when he would orgasm.

Now, as you say, I could take the actual orgasm or leave it... I have found a new joy in the constant crazy hair trigger horny that chastity creates! :)

No reason to feel weird or bad about that, it is what we both enjoy about it!
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