New unit from bad ass works

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New unit from bad ass works

Post by mikel2411 »

Been reading about shorter is better threads, I have always liked a small amount of room to grow, so I got one of Bass works semi custom units.
The one I got is a BS-13D, total cage length is 45 mm including 8mm gap and ring. For me its a very short cage really keeps me mashed in especially using the 4.5 inch urethra tube under it.
I have short "off the shelf" units and nubs but tend to squeeze out the sides of those but this one holds me much better.
Feels great, the urethra tube has a domed top on it that fits inside the head of the cage perfectly keeps everything lined up and after I opened the hole in the tube up to five mm's it flows great. New unit is surprisingly comfortable causing no issues with cage or tube really glad I ordered it, not sure I can give up my 34-R especially using the urethra tube in it but this one is much shorter and the diameter of the cage is smaller so it holds me very snugly in every way giving me new types of sensations.
Maybe shorter is better? it just has to be the right shorter one.
Currently locked in custom BA 34R, also use Ba-20 with triple base ring occasionally switched for BA 25 with double base ring.