Because I used to have the most vanilla wife on this site and now she’s become spumoni. Spumoni ice cream is my favorite but difficult to find here in the Midwest USA. It’s a flavor without description, which is what she is becoming.
We started this journey on Jan 11, 20224 with a two week trial. Then we were on and off with chastity for the next two months. Somewhere in there we merged into a 24/7 lifestyle. Even though she takes her kh role seriously she has refused to do any research on her own. She has always said I need to talk to her and teach her how to be a kh. I think it’s more that she’s worried about stumbling onto some porn site, which is something she despises. I’ve tried to get her to visit this forum, but she says this is my personal space and she doesn’t want to violate it. She is a very “traditional” wife who is continually concerned with my welfare.
Thing is she’s a natural born kh and has come along for the ride whole heartedly. She has really become quite the creative thinker as a kh. I have journaled our journey with pen and paper and when I review it I am shocked at some of her behavioral changes. I have kept my journal on paper because it’s our venture and I’m really not a blogger of any sorts. In fact this is the first forum of any nature that I have ever visited much less become a member of. I’m not even on Facebook and everyone knows it. The world would stop spinning if anyone knew I was on an online forum.
The most I have shared about our journey is in the thread “Hot things your kh has said”. However today Mrs. Groove gave me some instructions that really messed with both of my heads. Then she said I needed to share my thoughts with my online friends. Sorry for the background ramble but it appears that I am here with the touch of the submit button.
So yesterdays discourse went a little something like this:
Her: I need you to be naked all day.
Me: Ok, no problem I like being naked. (We live quite rural so not a problem. In fact I spend a lot of time naked. )
Her: I mean completely naked as in no cage either. I want a show, I want to see it flopping around.
What a total head game for me and Mr. wanky. She wants a show!? I’m 21 days into a 28 day lockup and she wants to see me flop around.

Me: But I planned to work in my wood shop today.
Her: Then you better be careful about the tools you choose to use. Now get naked and don’t make me resort to the naughty points idea.
Me: yes ma’am.
Her while unlocking me: keep it firm and not too soft. Kinda pointing down and out, but no erections.
Me: I can’t control that.
Her:Don’t worry I’ll help you, and you need to tell your online friends about it too.
Me: Tell my online friends about it?
She wants to respect my privacy but at the same time she wants me to share my personal feelings about chastity. Not sure what she is up to, but that is why I am here.
So the only tools I used were a paintbrush and a garden hose, nice and safe.
Her: yes tell your online friends about today.
Me: ok but only because you said too.
Her giggling: oh look at how much he’s leaking. Why is he leaking so much.
Me: because he hasn’t felt anything in the nub for weeks, the feel of the molecules in the air is enough to excite him.
This drooling went on for about 2 hours, her snickering about it didn’t help either.
Later in the afternoon:
Her: You have been so good today about not playing with your self you might get a treat later. Now, he looks sad, make him hard for me.
Me: I can’t just make it hard.
Her talking to mr. Wanky: oh I bet you can get hard for me. Come on big guy and show me what you got. She kept talking to it like this and gently caressing and kissing it
And at the point of a nearly full erection. She stops and says: that’s a little too hard for my show, make it go down for me.
Me: yes ma’am I’ll do my best.
This sort of thing went on for the rest of the evening. At bed time she gives me my treat of pleasuring her.
At one point she says: I want to feel you inside, but no coming. That’s a week away.
I know how cruel she can be with piv edging and at the moment of entrance it happened, I went soft. Omg, what’s happening to my mind.
Her giggling: it’s ok I’m sure you’re just confused about will and will not happen.
I roll off of her frustrated and sit up on the side of the bed.
Her: come lie down with me. I know you can get it hard just stroke it for me. I like watching and you can add to my show today.
I’m holding her in on arm and rubbing mr. Wanky back to life when she pulls my arm from around her and in a demanding voice says.
“Use two hands!! Make it big, hard, red and shiny for me!!
Me: no I’ll cum
Her: No you won’t, just see how close you can get
Me: but
Her: no buts! Now do it, use both hands and get it close for me!
Needless to say my mind couldn’t comprehend what was happening. I was stroking away mentally avoiding cuming. Then she did the unexpected.
Her in her demanding voice: Cum! Cum for me NOW!! Do it don’t wait any longer, NOW!!
There was no time to think or question her. She had taken over my mind and my hands. I hadn’t exploded like that in 30 years. I was in a state of euphoric bliss. Then the second unexpected event. While I was milking out the last bit and my eyes were rolled into the back of my head, in one swift motion she scooped up my mess and forced it into my mouth.
From vanilla to spumoni because I asked her one day to be my key holder…
Oh where will this go?