So, how many devices *do* you have, anyway?

Living the real life under lock and key

How many devices have you owned?

Just One. I mean, how many would you need, right?
A couple of them. For now, anyway.
Yeah, put me down for Three.
Four, I think, counting the one on the way.
Five. It's become a hobby, okay?
*cough* Six, 'cos I can't get the fit right.
Seven. This is my last one, really.
Six. Umm, plus the full belt. Oh, and the one I made from duct tape, so yeah, Eight..
*mutters* I stopped counting at Nine.
What?! None, of course! Chastity devices? You guys are crazy!
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Re: So, how many devices *do* you have, anyway?

Post by willshelockmywilly »

So far we have 2 cheap ones to test the waters. One would fit well but it is made poorly and the gap between the cage and ring is much tighter on the left side than the right.

We just ordered a Kink3D with two rings. Nailed the ring size but got the cage a size too big, it is wearable until we can save up to by the next size down. I miss the metal el cheapo though, going to try to modify it to make fitment better and have for a back up.
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Re: So, how many devices *do* you have, anyway?

Post by Locked_In_LV »

We started with the CB6k, and within a few months had a MM JailBird on order. That was 10+ years ago now. I do want to find a new device though with an integrated PA fixing of some sort. Feel free to PM me with recommendations! So far the BA Workroom line seems to be a frontrunner from my research.
Currently Locked 24/7 in my MM JailBird since: 3rd of January, 2022
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Re: So, how many devices *do* you have, anyway?

Post by Aredlight »

Had purchased a few cheap ones over the years while "dabbling" with chastity...mostly for fun, and usually very short durations. Once my keyholder decided we should try longer lock ups, I found out very quickly the pros and cons for each device, and what works for me. Reading and joining forums would have saved time money (and discomfort). Now I'm locked 24/7 (with the exception of cleaning) currently at close to 6 months!
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Re: So, how many devices *do* you have, anyway?

Post by DrPinotNoir »

Yeah I have only one now. Ive thrown away about 25-30 of them (mass manufactured cages). I really lost count. I have 3 left. I cant get at them though she has them locked up too.

My keyholder says she probably is buying another for my birthday in July.
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Re: So, how many devices *do* you have, anyway?

Post by CagedKC »

I just have one. Once Mistress at Mature Metal got my Jailbird perfect, all others were sold or given away. To my wife it is about keeping her property secure, not about cage variety.
Locked 24/7 since July 2018
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Re: So, how many devices *do* you have, anyway?

Post by misterhorse2020 »

I had 6, but reduced it to 3. I found that I get anxious and not enjoy the kink when the lock is internal. The 3 I have now is all external locks.
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Re: So, how many devices *do* you have, anyway?

Post by justtesting »

Started off with a DOMINIX Deluxe, was actually fairly comfortable.

Pivoted to a Nub, cool concept but was too short for me.

Most recently gone to this ... ssic-steel classic steel cage, better size and a higher quality than the original cage, think I'll likely stick with this for a while :)
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Re: So, how many devices *do* you have, anyway?

Post by KealicekRoger »

I have only plastic cb 6000 (witch chinesee metal ring)
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Re: So, how many devices *do* you have, anyway?

Post by Fastredcar »

Another one just arrived yesterday. I must be up to around 20 by now though I tossed out a bunch of the earlier ones that clearly wouldn't work out. Only a couple were wearable for more than a day. I have high hopes for the newest one, but then I thought that for the last several as well. Fun hobby. I can't wait to find the perfect cage for longterm wear so I can finally broach the idea with my wife.
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Re: So, how many devices *do* you have, anyway?

Post by waki86 »

We my girlfriend and I have just started. And we bought a birdcage together . Which is very comfortable from the start . Even sleeping is good.
Lock permanently in inverted cage with ballspliter under the kilt :mrgreen: