So, how many devices *do* you have, anyway?

Living the real life under lock and key

How many devices have you owned?

Just One. I mean, how many would you need, right?
A couple of them. For now, anyway.
Yeah, put me down for Three.
Four, I think, counting the one on the way.
Five. It's become a hobby, okay?
*cough* Six, 'cos I can't get the fit right.
Seven. This is my last one, really.
Six. Umm, plus the full belt. Oh, and the one I made from duct tape, so yeah, Eight..
*mutters* I stopped counting at Nine.
What?! None, of course! Chastity devices? You guys are crazy!
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So, how many devices *do* you have, anyway?

Post by Tom Allen »

It's funny; only a few years ago, chastity devices were expensive and custom made, and unless you had the money for travel and fittings, then you had to make do with a few trips to the local plumbing supply store. AL Enterprises changed that, with the first mass produced devices, and despite their flaws, pretty much put male chastity on the kink map.

And now that several other companies have entered the market, it seems that many chastity enthusiasts have multiple devices, always seeking the Holy Grail of having comfort, convenience, and security in one package.

- I started with a "Stallion Guard" from the Stockroom.
- I've had 2 of my own design, both stainless steel cage style devices. One still remains, albeit in pieces.
- I have a CB3000, which is still my fave.
- Oh, I have a 2nd CB3000, which is the model on which I experiment.
- I have a CB6000, which we're not crazy about, so it's the next one on the EoV Laboratories modification bench.
- I have a Birdlock. :-( That was a waste, but I've been trying to modify it with a solid ring to make it more bike friendly.
- And I also have a Fort, which is essentially a clone of the CB3000 in stainless steel. I haven't written much about it because it needs more work before I can wear it comfortably.

Holy sh*t, that makes seven different freaking devices over the years! This is the first time I actually thought about it seriously.

Now I need to figure out how much money I've spent on this hobby, plus on the ancillary products, like extra rings, pins, and locks. Oh, and the other sex toys to augment the chastity play. Hmm. Lubes, harnesses, dildoes... Do we have any accountants around here?

So, spill it - how many do *you* have?
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Re: So, how many devices *do* you have, anyway?

Post by thumper »

Four (and still just the one penis):

• CB-6000
• CB-6000 in chrome *dislike*
• Steelworxx Steelheart
• PA-5000

And I have my eye on one more...
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Re: So, how many devices *do* you have, anyway?

Post by Dev »

Soon to be three (so I voted for three)

* Birdcage from Extreme Restraints which was way too big, heavy, and clearly designed for short-term recreational use on the weekend, not long-term wear.

* CB-6000s which fits well but I am not crazy about the plastic and white pins

* Jailbird (from Mature Metal) - on order and due to arrive sometime this week

I hope that's it but knowing me, I'll talk him into a PA and then I'll be buying something else. LOL.

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Re: So, how many devices *do* you have, anyway?

Post by Emery »


CB-2000 (cracked, should throw out)
CB-6000 (too complicated; i agree with dev)
Jailbird (just right)
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Re: So, how many devices *do* you have, anyway?

Post by mikecb »

Lori tube (never fit)
Modified cb-3000 - shortened the tube
Home built full belts - never really built a finished product.
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Re: So, how many devices *do* you have, anyway?

Post by mykey »


Ive made two, though i only have one of those, the full belt model. Then a cb2000 (easy to clean, damned uncomfortable), a neosteel (very sexy), a cb6000 (comfy but not quite enough) and now a pa5000. I guess this makes me look a bit obsessed?

oh well if the belt fits, wear it

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Re: So, how many devices *do* you have, anyway?

Post by Atone »

I put down three at first but then I remembered that I had one a long, long time ago that never really got used other than short term evening play. It was certainly not something that could be worn for any length of time.

1 - Some unknown leather and steel ring contraption with a locking strap
2 - CB-3000
3 - Mature Metal Jailbird sized like a CB-6000S
4 - Mature Metal Jailbird in a nice much snugger size

I am positive there will be another some day though. Not sure what it will be though. Maybe a Lori's.

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Re: So, how many devices *do* you have, anyway?

Post by LockedLaura »

Heh, is there something about old chastity devices that makes you overlook them?
I originally said two but this evening when I was moved from one to the next I find that it is actually 3.

1 - A Lori tube for a frenum piercing which never healed correctly and so was never worn for play.
2 - A CB2000 which disintegrated during use.
3 - A CB6000 which is where I started this round of exploration.
4 - The cb310 in my avatar which I am wearing now for 30 minutes and which I may be a long time escaping (my KH was not happy with the $$ spent and promises I will get my money's worth).

See even now I miscounted.

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Re: So, how many devices *do* you have, anyway?

Post by likes2blocked »

Hmmm - thanks for reminding me about the old leather devices. I wasn't counting those. They were only good for very short term play anyway. Can't believe how long I've been into this.

If we only count the more recent ones that have been worn for more than a day, there's:

- the Curve - way too big, impossible to hide under clothes, and a disaster when it comes to those nocturnal erections. It is big enough for things to really get going, which is really a bad thing.

Shortly after that, switched to the cb-3000, got the solid rings from the 2000, since those silly-assed hinges chafe like hell. And they break. Much easier to conceal, quite a bit more comfortable.

In the last couple of months, switched to the cb-6000, which I like more. The ring being narrower makes it easier to walk in, is more comfortable. She likes being able to see what she's got locked up, kind of adds to the torment seeing the thing all full, still can't touch it.

No idea what she'd think of the metal ones - might be a good thing, but we've spent a lot of $$$ lately, so... Methinks that if she were given the option of new spike heeled boots vs. a metal toy, the boots would win, no contest.
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Re: So, how many devices *do* you have, anyway?

Post by Billus »

Started with a CB-6000, which I found too long.

Then a CB-2000, which was better, but not as comfortable over long periods of time.

Snapped up a CB-6000s, which has been the favourite.

Got a Jailbird a few weeks ago, but had sizing issues. I will most likely sell this one.

Jailbird II arrived yesterday. Will probably be the default, once I get broken in to it.

So five, shortly to be four (I hope).