[Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

C is confident that I can come once a week or less now without issue. And she can keep me well behaved to boot.
I can't disagree, I am managing a week easily. The three day mark after orgasm is just a starting point now, when things start to get better.

Today is quite a landmark in an ongoing list of life changes brought about by the new way in which C and I Interact.
C is under less stress, I help out more, I'm there when needed, and I'm able more reliable. This became normal which allowed C to make a career change. It has paid off, C is in a much better place now.
But today. C will be having the contraceptive coil removed. She has never liked it, it's been more a necessity. But, with my hardly ever coming inside her these days and C being in control of this. She has decided "its coming out. So your coming less."
C isn't coming off all protection. She still has a mini pill and I might be using a double condom in the near future.
C has again confirmed that she would be quite happy being tongue and toy fucked or fingered and vibed to orgasm. The need for my actual cock isn't really high priority any more...

C "Oh I'm pretty sure I'll survive without it."
2 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


Since my orgasm on Monday, I have had no prospects of another.
I'm not troubled by this because C has edged me pretty much every day and milked some out Saturday morning.

I have a tendency to be more aggressive with inanimiate objects after 4 or 5 days due to mild frustration and C thinks milking helps this.

It helps that C gets a kick out of making me suck her breasts after each blob is edged out of me, and she has got incredibly good at this.
My orgasm is replaced with 30 minutes of delirious drooling and brain melting as C teases me verbally and keeps me within a breath of my orgasm until a bit eases out, stops, looks me in the eye "clean it up", and then repeats the whole thing. Pretty powerful stuff.

Well on Sunday I'm calmer so I can't argue with the logic. And I'm hungry for C constantly so I'm putty in her hands.

C is adjusting to not having a coil now and has told me.
"you don't get an orgasm until I have had one".
Which is a bit worrying due to to the hormone after effects currently going on.
Things will settle down eventually and C will be back on form. I'm looking forward to it.

I'm in total adore C mode. C likes this.
Last edited by Mr Pickle on Wed Oct 20, 2021 9:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
2 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Monday. C decided its time for me to come again. Maybe I get a bit full on or go into overdrive?
For whatever reason C told me "I'm going to suck it all out and I'm going to feed it to you again"

For some reason, when the cage came off I was slow to react? I thought 'Wow. I'm not going to get hard.. Wtf? "

C dealt with that very swiftly and started to suck, then stopped and wanked me while telling me" I'm going to make you swallow it, make you eat your own cum"

I did at one point hint at the possibility "Cant you swallow a bit maybe?"

"No. I'm in charge now. So its your job, I've told you this" .

C sucked more and then said
It makes it worth doing this. Otherwise I wouldn't do it, I want a lot this time to make up for what you didn't clean off my breasts "

" I cleaned most of it, it was difficult"

C brought me to the edge a few times, looked me in the eye whilst still stroking slowly and said "Come Now"

It was like she flicked a switch, I went into an uncontrollable spasm while C collected the lot.

I braced myself for the inevitable, which is over with quickly and C fed me the lot.

C sat looking at me with a very smug look and then did an air punch "Yes! I love doing that to you. Now clean it and lock it"

I did exactly that. C is in charge.
2 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

A slow week. I haven't been let out at all since Monday morning, and there has been no flirting etc.
A few things going on with the kids are taking up C's attention.
C has mentioned keeping me locked and making use of me soon and that's enough to let me know I'm still thought of, which is good enough for me. And, a new one. C sent a text which showed a pointing finger followed by an OK sign and a pussy cat.
This is the first time C has texted anything along the lines of sex talk (the kids borrow her phone so she won't take chances). So it's a big step (even in code) which means C is thinking about it. Always a good sign, so I'm quite optimistic.

Friday evening.
If there is one thing better than great sex. It's being told in advance that you'll be required to provide it.
C "I'm going to keep you locked again tonight. But in the morning I'm going to suck you, make you rock hard and then your going to go down and make me come hard. I might even let you come"

I could hardly contain myself.

Needless to say. Bulging cage all night.
3 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Saturday morning. C unlocked me and then licked and sucked until I was rock hard, and then "fuck,! I'm horny now, I'll have to sit on it,. No cuming"
This is a rule now. I don't in there. Ever!
Surprisingly this makes things so much more exciting for me. I get so close, it might just happen.

And so C rode me for a while until I was struggling not to blow "C, Slow down, I'm gonna.."
C stopped and rose off me, lay down. "my turn now, make me cum".

I was so hard and so near it was twitching, when I went down to sort C out I had to avoid it touching the bed in case it just blew. This position was hard on my neck.

C came on her toy while I stoked her legs and squeezed her breasts.
C "clit!"
I moved to C's clit and lapped away, re introduced the toy when C started humping my face. C had a huge orgasm. Fantastic!

I was still rock hard, C told me to "empty them onto her breasts" . No argument from me thanks.

On Sunday, told me "I'm going to send you down again later, I'm still horny. No point letting you out though, I'm not horny for that"

But it wasn't to be. Kids couldn't sleep so wanted to discuss the world.

C was tired Monday morning so I figured I'd let her rest and get on with things
"I'll get up and make a start"

"Your not going anywhere yet. I'm sending you down there first" .

C came hard, and quickly, another powerful orgasm. After C had recovered "right, now you can get up." and she turned over to rest.

I'm horny still, Leaking plenty even though I came on Saturday.

C has grabbed my cage a few times today and mentioned that "I'm owned". And "I'll be expecting you down there a lot this week, I've no plans on letting you out" .
4 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

C is very disappointed and frustrated today.

She had intended to have a 'C fest'. A term C came up with that means C will want to come a lot, I won't be coming at all, and I'm unlikely to be unlocked unless C specifically wants slamming with real meat.

But it didn't happen. C came on again after only 3 days clear.

C "It's just not fair, I was going to keep sending you down there and keep you locked up. It's ages since I got you to cave in or do any real begging. Whenever I want a C fest, something always goes wrong"

I was quite unnerved finding this out, I'd rather be mentally prepared for it. So I was quietly relieved.

I tried reassuring C there will be plenty more opportunities and then said. "why not have me spoil you in other ways. I'll take you to lunch just for starters"

C thought this was such a good idea she offered to edge me.

"Yes please"

"You're still not cuming until weekend though"

"OK, more than fair, thank you"

C is now the perfect edger. Doesn't need to concentrate and keeps me in a delirious erotic state for as long as she decides.

I am now, super horny. Buzzing with energy.

So. C has plans that involve pushing me to the limit. This is actually quite worrying for me, I feel nervous just thinking about it.
C doesn't often get to a point where the thought of getting me to break, turns her on enough to want a truckload of orgasms.

I know she can do this, so Yes. I am actually very apprehensive at the moment.

At bedtime, I was dozing a bit and C gave me a ball flick. I thought I was about to get some ball play so wasn't expecting it. It was a very sharp pain. Worse that a kick in the balls.

"Ow ow ow.. Why? What did you do that for"

"I'm still angry. I wanted orgasms but you got an edge. It made me feel better.. Well it has now"

"I hope it got it out of your system, its very painful. I'll stroke your butt while you nod off"

C turned and lay down.

I didn't want to risk closing my own eyes again.
3 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

True to her word. C has not let me out again this week so it's yet another week where I only come once, and that is if C actually wants me to.
I'd assumed C would be more flexible about it when she fist said she was confident I would manage weekly, but it seems not.
Actual piv sex, the type we always did, seems so very rare now. Off hand I can't remember when we last did.?
Sure C sits on it occasionally because she wants to, but rarely for long.

It still surprises me that C can and is quite happy to go without real cock, real intercourse. I'm not small, so assumed she would never give that up? I was wrong. C comes harder these days than ever and much more often when she is able to.
I am incredibly horny today. My orgasm last Saturday did little to ease it and the week has been hard with only one brief release and edge. But there has been enough teasing from C to make it enjoyable.
I didn't sleep very well, blood pressure up, rushing sounds in my ears, cold sweats.
I try to breath and relax to get through it. I know it is always worth it. C knows what she is doing.
I did ask C by text if I might borrow the key for 10 mins as I could not get my fantasies of her out of my head and I was struggling to contain myself.
C replied
"No definitely not! You must wait till I decide to allow you out. Patience!"
C is very right. It did pass.

In a brief conversation I did ask C if she really meant to restrict my orgasm to once a week?
C frowned while thinking and then her answer was "firstly, I didn't actually say every week. I said you could easily last a week.
I though it would be fun to have the same amount of orgasms in a week as you do in a month."

"that sounds scary, but I could potentially give you loads of orgasms in a week, you had ten in a week once, so I could have ten?"

"Exactly! I'm glad you realise why it wouldn't work. And because I've missed out I think it would make more sense if you have as many in a month as I have in one day"

C smiled in a way that lit the room, her eyes just make me melt when she looks at me like that.

" erm..Can we discuss this a little more?"

"We just did. I love the idea, So that's the plan"

I belive C's period is coming to an end again, fingers crossed. Although I'm a bit weary of what C may have in store for me, she deserves and has earned what ever she wants.
2 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

On Saturday C milked me, I didn't get to orgasm as such, but it was so close I did get some hormonal relief as well as empty balls.

C has mentioned a few times that my being good means I'm more likley to be cuming at weekends. So she is obviously keeping this week thing up. I do get other treats in the meantime, so I've no problem, and it's good to see C actively enforcing something.

Today. Wednesday. C is still waiting for 'her' time, but is fed up and decided she was having an orgasm anyway.

"I was going to edge you again, but I'm sure you'll be glad to know I've upgraded your treat"

"Oooh. So I get to cum properly instead?"

"No silly, just a bit onto my boobs. But I've decided I'm going to sit on you while I make myself cum with the vibrator"

Inside I was cheering like England had just scored in the world Cup.

"Oh yes! '

"I thought you'd be pleased, I know it's something you fantasise about"

"Yes, yes it is"

And C did exactly that, slid my whole length in, and then put the vibe on her clit. I could feel it traveling through her body, every inch of me could feel it.
I'm unable to thrust, I just lie there, erection encased in pussy feeling the vibes and massaging C breasts, while watching C as the waves of bliss wash over her.

Pure heaven.

During this C said" This is it until Saturday, then I'm sending you down there to use your tongue and toys. I'll be keeping you locked up seem as your having this now"

"oh? .. Oh."
This got me to the edge and I struggled to relax.

C "don't you dare come. Pull out if you get too close"

I calmed down, stopped all movement and tried to breath through it. All the while C was building up and getting tighter and tighter.

C reminded again "you're not allowed to come, I'm going to come. Same on Saturday. I'm keeping it locked up and I'm going to come really hard, and again on Sunday and Monday and again on. "

At that point, C had a really powerful clit orgasm which went on for an age.
C Then climbed off 'I'm still so sensitive"
C lay back and sent me to make breakfast while she recovered.

C then edged me over her boob allowing a drop out.

This is a big thing. C effectively masturbated in front of me and has orgasms thinking about using me to have orgasms.

I think C says these things in the heat of the moment because they bring her to orgasm, and in that moment she fully intends to do them, but like us men, post orgasm, the urges fade away.

But I don't know for sure, which is why, I am, very horny and very excited.
Last edited by Mr Pickle on Wed Oct 20, 2021 9:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
4 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

By Friday I would normally be bouncing off the walls, but this Friday I felt down, out of steam.
C ask "Your normally all giddy and all over me by Friday, Do you think you might be ill?

"No, I'm just not feeling myself today, I'm tired and a bit down. By this time of the week my balls are so full and I'm so horny for you I can't contain myself, I'm upset that I don't feel that way this afternoon'.

"Well I did edge some out on Wednesday. Maybe I let too much out? Only tiny amounts from now on, if any at all"

For some reason, I perked up at that, just knowing C had joined some dots and was taking measures, although not necessarily the right dots?

Saturday morning C said I could have a stroke. "Not letting any out this time, not after the way it effected you last time"

Ah! that means I just lost my weekly orgasm? I didn't exactly get my last one. I said nothing. Although I do wonder if the exhaustion is due to not cuming enough, I don't want to interfere.

C stroked and edged me a few times.

"I think ill be clear today, so I'm finally hoping to send you down there. I'll have to get as much as I can in. Enjoy this. You'll be staying locked unless I want that as well."

That was enough to take me too close to the edge for comfort.

"So your looking forward to eating my pussy and toy fucking me? "

"oh god yes, I've missed that so much"

"And you always make me come harder when your horny and desperate. So, that's enough. Clean it and lock it when it shrinks"

C looked at me when I eventually wrestled the cage back on.

It's like your super power Cape.. But its a cage. It transforms you into... Super Pickkle the uncumable. The caged crusader"

"very imaginative"

C was chuckling to herself when I left the room to make breakfast.

The real surprise was when I returned. C said "I'm going to shower but before I do I'm letting it out again, I want to sit on it"

C Rode me, I was very sensitive "No coming, your not allowed"

I started breathing to control it.
haven't come properly for two weeks now so I could blow real quick.
C wasn't taking any chances and got off. I obviously couldn't last long enough for C to get her fill let alone come.

We had a chat afterwards that has resulted in my ordering some delay condoms (Do they sell total block condoms?).
The condoms will give C more control over this and allow her to get what she wants when she wants it. She is still resisting using the strapon. This was the best we could think of.

After taking her shower, C walked up to me and said "checkout my smooth, soft, freshly shaved pussy, give it a stroke. "

I did, I was shaking.
"It's beautiful"

"Good. You'll be seeing this again later"

That look in here eyes. Priceless.
Last edited by Mr Pickle on Wed Oct 20, 2021 9:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
1 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

To add to C's frustration Saturday evening didn't happen, kids were restless and it got to late.
But C sent me down there first thing in the morning, locked of course.
C "I've waited two weeks for this"

So Sunday morning C came hard and quickly and then said "Ahhhhh.. Same again tomorrow, then Tuesday and Wednesday, off you go then, breakfast. Chop chop".

I'm at busting point already, but the weekly thing C has had me on for the last 6 weeks seems to be making me more able to go without? Either that or I did orgasm on Wednesday and didn't feel it? That would be very odd?
It helps that C still holds and masages my balls every evening. Occasionally mentioning how full, big or small they are.

So, C might come everyday for four days, I'd love it if she did. Three would be A new milestone.
But we'll see. No mention of my coming out. C did ask if I'd ordered the condoms, she has plans for Wednesday being the big finale. I said "Yes, but they may take a while to come".

"Not a problem. I've had what I want and I'm having it again tomorrow so there's no rush, and well. Considering why we're getting them. They will come before you do."
1 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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