[Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Took CS to a street dance last night. The street was blocked off with a stage at each end of the street and six bands plus food and alcohol. CS got tipsy and as I was driving, didn’t drink. Got home and she wanted to fix me a drink to catch up. She is heavy handed when playing bartender and she had me take a viagra. We played some cards and discussed Locktober . The topic of a strap on came up and she agreed to let me wear one to have sex with her during Locktober. Whether it continues beyond that is her call. The evening ended with using the vibrators on her for a couple of orgasms before falling asleep holding her. Me? Straining against the cage thanks to the viagra.

Update: CS daughter had us all go to the public pool as last day it was opened for the season. CS spent the day playing with her grand kids. When we got home , I was unlocked to thoroughly clean the cage of pool chlorine. We got in the shower and she said she knows I’m hoping for another tease hand job. But she is too tired. I am locked back up immediately after the shower.
32 days locked 24/7
Last edited by Sam3655 on Mon Sep 04, 2023 1:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Wow. At Walmart with CS getting Asparagus and Gorilla Glue. Apparently a Walmart associate has to okay that I am old enough to use glue. Associate comes over asking what we got and I joke the wife thinks it’s the asparagus but I’m betting it’s the glue. Right in front of the associate CS says “that just got you two days”.

As we are leaving the store she tells me I better watch it or I will be locked all month. And since I was locked all August and with Loctober, No-vember and Denial December coming, I could be looking at a five month stretch. And then she smiles all the way to the car.

33 days locked 24/7
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

What a be careful what you wish for night. Played cards with CS and luck was on my side winning two rounds. After 38 straight days, she unlocks me. Things progress fast and soon I am going down on her which leads to some PIV sex. She cums . I tell her I am close to cumming and she pushes me off her saying I am not allowed to cum.. I am given a few minutes and then told to lock back up. I put on the ring and then she hands me the new extra small cage.

“I thought we were waiting for our anniversary to use the smaller cage” I ask. Her response is with Locktober coming I should get used to it now. She is the keyholder so I do as I am told and put it on. She locks me in and says that is the last time I will be inside her. I’m like “What”?

She proceeds to tell me she has also decided we should not get the strap-on she agreed to try. CS has an issue with her bladder loose in its cradle and PIV sex aggravates it that she has trouble peeing the next couple days. As a result, she has decided to give up PIV sex and focus on receiving oral only. And since she only wants to receive oral now, the chastity cage will stay on except for hygiene as she no longer has need of her cock. And she has noticed that while I am always nice and helpful, I am not as helpful after she lets me cum which is why she hasn’t let me in a while.

“So what about me? Was my last orgasm beginning of August my last orgasm?”

My last real orgasm Yes. She will only give ruined orgasms to milk me as needed.

“ I never asked for permanent chastity,”

Her reply,”Does it matter? I hold the keys. I own your dick and your orgasms so learn to like it.

WTF just happened?
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Think I dodge a bullet. The next morning after being told no more PIV sex ever again that the wife CS meant with a strap-on. We will still have sex but because of the issue with her bladder I can expect longer lock ups in between as that is working for her. She used a saying I say that I like jalapeño peppers but they don’t like me so I rarely have them. She likes sex but because of the two days of discomfort she endures, she will be indulging infrequently

As for the number of orgasms I can expect, she is still set on none if possible. She doesn’t like the dip in eager to help and slight snarkiness after a good orgasm.

Today she is off to her mothers for the rest of the week. I remain locked in the extra small Cobra cage which is frustrating. Gave CS two oral orgasms in the morning and I could not even get an erection going with this cage like I did in the last cage. This seems to makes CS very happy. If she can shrink my penis even temporary, the sex will have less effect on hitting her bladder. Not sure it works like that but if she believes it, I will run with it.

Update: got a text from CS that she made it to her mothers. She took the dog but he threw up twice in the car. She could tell I gave him a. Piece of my bagel so I got two days for each vomit to begin when she comes home. At this rate I am not getting out before Locktober.

2 days locked 24/7. Last orgasm 41 days ago.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

CS still at her mothers but she is playing a new game. I am getting random texts that I need to send her a pic showing I am locked up tight. I also get a time limit to take and send pic. For each minute I am late sending the pic I get a day added. While I am locked 24/7 and only unlocked when she wants to use her toy, the days I get are days with no hope of getting unlocked. I have yet to miss a deadline and still only have the four days from the dog throwing up in her car. They begin when she gets home.

On a side note, had a sex dream with the wife and damn if I wasn’t caged in it too. Told CS of dream and her reply “Yep, it’s your reality and dream state now”. Felt a stirring in my groin but the cage prevented any growth.

4 days locked 24/7
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

CS came back from her mother’s yesterday. Took her out for a nice dinner and then to bed to watch television and cuddle. I walked the dog for her first so there would be no whining. Did get to go down on her before being told to go to my room as she was exhausted.

Crawled into her bed this morning about 5:00am to cuddle till about 9:00. At that point my fingers walked South and CS spread her legs so I could diddle her to a nice orgasm. Under the covers I went to lick her to a second orgasm. Finally pulled out the vibrator and between that and my tongue gave a third really powerful climax. To see if it helped with her bladder issue, I shortened the amount of the vibrator that went inside her. Or as I like to say, I choked up on the bat. As she recovered from the third orgasmed she fingered my balls for a few minutes and then reminded me my four days punishment began this morning. Still think my getting added days because her dog vomited seems wrong but she makes the rules.

As I was getting dressed she happily reminded me 13 days till the start of Locktober and she is really looking forward to it.

Locked a week 24/7.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

It’s been a week since my last post and a week of nothing. Each day CS complains about all the work but she is the one accepting the work. Too busy to have me go down on her, too busy to walk her dog. Too tired at the end of the day to even give my balls a good squeeze. Yet her daughter calls and wants CS to drive over to get her grandson off the school bus and off she goes. Daughter wants her to go apple picking and off she goes. So while she is off picking apples I clean the whole house and go catch a movie only to get bitched at for seeing a movie without her.

Last night she wanted me to take her to dinner. As I am driving I am then told someplace she can watch the Ohio State/Notre Dame football game. I change location and we go to a restaurant with outside seating and televisions. She keeps getting up to go see the game. Ohio State scores winning touchdown with one second left and when I cheer, she bitches me out because she wanted Notre Dame to win.

Today she wants me to take her to the movies. I have no desire to sit with her during a movie. Interesting problem. She never has time for me lately and when she wants me to take her to a movie , I really don’t want to. Movies are not quality time. Just two people sitting in the dark watching a film.

Update: i relented and took CS to lunch and a movie with popcorn and icee. She holds out the popcorn to me and says “I’m being nice and offering to share”. I make the comment that the other day I didn’t have to share. Just got two days and was told at this rate I might not be unlocked till 2025.

Update #2 At grocery store and CS throws a tub of Cool Whip at me to catch but it comes up way short and I said “Weak”. Got two more days. Gonna just be quiet the rest of the day.

At least I still have two potential days of getting unlocked before Locktober starts in six days. Locked two weeks 24/7. Last orgasm 08/02
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Another week of next to nothing. I did go down twice this week on CS but I was told to hurry both times as she has taken on way too much work. Even the dog is wondering why she isn’t walking him. I think the work is why she has been short with me and giving days more rapidly. During a television show I was gonna make a comment and she stopped me saying if I said anything I wouldn’t get out till the end of the year. The next day I mentioned she has already said I would be locked Locktober through Deny December so I will already be locked through the end of the year. She said she meant the end of 2024.

It’s not like I am sitting around enjoying the good life. Work ten hours plus a day, go workout five/six days at gym, keeping the house clean and meals cooked plus taking care of her animals. I do think she should be at least jiggling my balls and maybe bite a nipple here and there. But her choice so I say nothing.

Finding out she was serious when she said longer lock ups. Been locked three weeks now and was hoping for an unlocking tomorrow before Loctober begins. Suggested a day at the zoo but she will go to her grandsons game and then will work. But if she gets what she wants done, I can take her to go shoot pool.

Locked three weeks, last orgasm 08/02
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Last night took CS to dinner and then to shoot some pool. It had been a really long week for her so drinks and pool was just what she needed. And of course there were conditions. I had to win three games in a row to get the cage off. I did that. Then I had to win three more games in a row to cum during the PIV sex. I did that. By this time she had her third shot of Jameson and on beer number four. Last game, if she won I had to lick her clean after coming. As hard as tried to throw this game. I ended up winning. Damn.

At home, went down on her as she stroked my cock. After three weeks locked, it felt amazing. She guided me in and then started pitching my nipples as I thrusted into her. I had to stop once and go down on her again to keep from coming. Licked her to another orgasm then entered her again. She wouldn’t stop pinching my nipples till we both came hard.

Though promised a round two in the morning, CS said she was too hung over and sore from the previous night. We showered and then was told to put on my cage as it is October 1. She had me try on an even smaller cage but I’m not ready for it yet. Only three weeks since the last smaller cage.

I put on my extra small Cobra cage with CS between my legs. That made getting the cage on difficult as I was wanting to get hard with her there. CS inserted the lock, turned the key and told her penis she will see him in three months.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Week one of Locktober is in the books and onto week two. CS had a bad cold all week. She refused to take a COVID test and too tired to do any play, cook a meal or even walk her dog. She did however go to her daughters to get her grandson off the bus and to his t-ball game. So I would say a typical week.

Yesterday was my birthday and she was gone the first half, worked the afternoon and finally we went to dinner to celebrate. Came home, she wanted to get her night clothes on and get some rest. I started nuzzling her neck and moving my hands on her legs. She laid back, opened her legs and said”what the hell? It’s your birthday “ licked her to one orgasm and she closed her legs and got under the covers.

I will say I had a couple of days being rather horny. listening to her cough over and over, I just kept it to myself.

Here’s hoping to a second better week of Loctober.
8 days locked 24/7
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