Traveling Light

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Traveling Light

Post by Dev »

In honor of Columbus Day, I wrote a little story. No sex in this one! I know we have a few forum members who will be traveling this month...enjoy!


Traveling Light

Palm Springs!

Elaine Vandergriff suppressed a shiver of excitement. She’d been counting down the days until their vacation and now it was finally here. Winter in Chicago had been wretched this year—endless amounts of snow and every day, the wind off Lake Michigan seemed colder and fiercer than the day before. The thought of baking in the hot desert sun for a week sounded like heaven.

“I’ll take that,” said her husband Randy, reaching for her carry-on, as they approached the security screening area. “All you need to worry about is your purse.”

“Thanks, honey.” Elaine smiled at her husband. He was always so helpful.

She put her clogs in the gray bin, along with her winter parka. When I get to the hotel, that thing is going in the closet and I won’t think about it for a week. Bliss! She pushed her purse onto the conveyor belt and watched it disappear into the x-ray machine.

Randy was ahead of her. He went through the screening device and began to gather up their laptop, keys, iPhones and other paraphernalia from the bin. Elaine walked through the screener, arms at her side, and then reached for her purse on the belt.

“Excuse me, ma’am, there’s something in your purse that needs to be inspected.”

Elaine stopped short. “I’m sorry?”

The TSA agent nodded to the x-ray screen. “There appears to be some sort of metal device in your purse that needs to be inspected.” She picked up the bag. “May I look inside?”

“Oh yes, of course,” said Elaine, slipping on her clogs as she watched.

The agent pulled out a small, black bag, cinched at the top with a string. “What’s this?” she asked.

“Oh…that’s my husband’s chastity device,” Elaine answered, her cheeks flushing slightly.

“His what?” The agent’s eyes widened.

Elaine’s voice dropped a notch. “His chastity device,” she repeated, leaning in towards the agent. “He wears it on his penis.”

The agent snapped on a pair of latex gloves and held the bag out towards Elaine. “Can you open this please?”

Elaine nodded and uncinched the string. “Do you want me to hand it to you?”

The agent nodded, holding out her hand. Elaine dropped the small metal device in her palm. The TSA agent glared at it as if it were contaminated.

Reading her thoughts, Elaine said, “Don’t worry, it’s clean. We washed it this morning.”

The agent turned the device over and looked at it closely. “I’m afraid I am going to have to confiscate this, ma’am.”

“Oh no!” cried Elaine, her hand going to her mouth. “Please don’t! It was quite expensive—it cost almost $300!”

“Well, ma’am, you should have thought of that before you put it in your bag. Maybe you should have packed it in your checked luggage.”

“That’s precisely why I didn’t put it my luggage…I didn’t want anything to happen to it or for it to get lost. Besides, I told you, my husband wears this all the time. He’s going to put it back on as soon as we get out of security.”

“Ma’am, this appears to be a hazard and needs to be confiscated. May I have the bag?”

Damn! thought Elaine. Think of something, quick! She saw her husband waiting for her at the doorway of the screening area. “Um, what exactly is hazardous about it?” she said, tripping over her words. “I mean, it’s not a knife or a blade, or an aerosol, or a lighter or something with a flame…” She pointed to the sign on the wall. “What category is it in of prohibited devices?”

At that moment, a tall black man, his uniform crisply pressed and badge gleaming, walked over. “Is something amiss, Agent Delacruz?” he asked, his voice a baritone rumble.

“I was asking this passenger about…this…this…” Agent Delacruz held up her hand. Elaine noticed that she couldn’t choke out the words, ‘chastity device.’ “I said it appeared to be a hazard and needed to be confiscated.”

The black man peered at the device. Elaine noticed that his badge said Sgt. Haines. “Sir?” Elaine asked. “I was asking Agent Delacruz what type of a hazard she believed it was.”

“Is that a Jailbird from Mature Metal?” asked the sergeant.

“As a matter of fact, it is,” answered Elaine. “Are you familiar with it?”

“I have, uh, looked at the website.” He turned to the TSA agent. “Agent Delacruz, you may return this item to the passenger. It doesn’t pose a security hazard. It’s considered jewelry, on a par with intimate piercings.” Elaine held out the small bag and Delacruz dropped the device in. Elaine breathed a sigh of relief and quickly replaced it in her purse.

Sgt. Haines turned to Elaine. “Might I suggest, for future travels, you consider a plastic device, rather than metal, with a plastic lock.”

“I thought of that,” said Elaine, “but since he’s not wearing it, I thought it wouldn’t be an issue.”

“Well…” said Sgt. Haines.

“And you know, once you’ve made the transition from plastic to metal, it’s hard to go back.”

“I wouldn’t know,” said Haines, with a small smile. “I haven’t been so fortunate.”

Elaine gave him a little wink. “Maybe you have a birthday or something coming up,” she said. “Put it on your wishlist. And,” she paused, “thank you again for understanding.”

“My pleasure. Have a safe trip.”

Elaine hurried out of the screening area, meeting Randy at the door. “Everything all right?” he asked. “I wanted to go back in to help you, but they wouldn’t let me.”

“They tried to confiscate your Jailbird, but fortunately that big black guy,” she nodded over towards the screening area where she noticed Sgt. Haines conversing with another passenger, “realized it wasn’t a security risk. I think he may be wearing a CB.”

“Seriously?!" Randy exclaimed, his voice loud. “Which one?”

“Shhh,” said Elaine. “I didn’t ask. He just hinted that he might have one on. Speaking of,” she handed the black bag to her husband. “Time for you to go put yours back on.” She gave him a nudge towards the restroom. “I’ll wait for you here.”

“Do I have to?”

“Yes, darling, you have to. Go on. You know you’ll feel better on the plane.”

“Do I need the key?”

“No, the lock is in the bag and open. Just click it shut. I have the key safely tucked away.” She gave her husband a smile.

He disappeared into the bathroom and came out three minutes later. “All set?” Elaine asked.

“Yes, all set,” Randy answered. “Are you going to make me wear this all week? It’s supposed to be a vacation you know.”

“It is a vacation and that’s precisely why you’ll be wearing it. Lots of orgasms for me sounds like a perfect way to spend our time.”

“And no breaks for me? Not even a night or two? You know how much I like hotel sex.”

“Well, maybe, but whining like that is not the way to get yourself into my good graces.” She gave her husband a devilish smile.

Randy sighed. “Well, okay.” He adjusted his crotch. “And I do feel better with it on.”

“I know you do.”

“Okay, so changing the subject, will you tell me now where we are staying?”

Elaine smiled. The whole trip was a surprise for her husband and she had doled out only the barest of details over the past few weeks, first letting him know they were going to California, then more specifically Palm Springs…but up until now, she’d kept the name of the resort a secret.

“You promised that you’d tell me when we got to the airport.”

“That I did,” said Elaine. “And I never break a promise.” She reached into her purse and pulled out a glossy brochure. “It looks like a really nice place,” she said. “All inclusive, three meals a day, four swimming pools, a fitness club, health spa, massages…we might never leave the premises and just spend our entire week right there. What would you think of that?”

“I think that would be great.” Randy looked at the brochure in his hand. “But these people…by the pool…”

“Yes?” asked Elaine, all wide-eyed innocence.

“They’re naked.”

“Oh, yes they are. “

“But,” said Randy, confusion written all over his face. “Naked?”

“Sweetheart, don’t you see…it’s a clothing optional resort.”

“Clothing optional?”

“Yes. And before you ask…no, I didn’t pack your bathing suit.”

“You didn’t?”

“Nope. I believe in traveling light. Now, shall we head to the gate? It should be getting close to boarding time.”

And with that, she headed down the long concourse corridor, her husband following behind.
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Re: Traveling Light

Post by Tom Allen »

So, are the MM folks giving you a commish, or what?
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Re: Traveling Light

Post by Dev »

Tom Allen wrote:So, are the MM folks giving you a commish, or what?
Hahahah, unfortunately, no. We've just been blabbing about them so much (see the devices forum, several posts there) it sort of fired up my imagination and I wondered what a trip would be like...

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Re: Traveling Light

Post by Atone »

Dev wrote: it sort of fired up my imagination and I wondered what a trip would be like...

If I was travelling alone I wonder if I would have the nerve to go through security wearing one? I have thought about it but don't know if I would have the nerve or not. I never travel alone so it doesn't really matter anyway.

Oh, and nice story, thank you

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Re: Traveling Light

Post by Dev »

Atone wrote: Oh, and nice story, thank you

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.

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Re: Traveling Light

Post by lockedboictoyMssA »

very nicely done ... love your writing style and have sent the link to your blog to quite a few guys and a few women as well ..ones that have no idea about this chastity "thing" and best wishes to AB and you on the weekend :mrgreen:

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Re: Traveling Light

Post by Dev »

Thanks, lockedboi...for enjoying the story and sharing links to the blog. I appreciate it!

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Re: Traveling Light

Post by Chastemale »

Wow! That would be quite a trip!
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Re: Traveling Light

Post by corsac »

Great story, thank you! Tom, that is funny because I tell people about mature metal so much I feel like I work for them! haha! I know this is a late reply, but I just found this forum :)
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Re: Traveling Light

Post by JetMirage »

LOVED the story.
However, I hate the fact that the TSA suck so much.
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