Newbie - Edema problem?

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Newbie - Edema problem?

Post by CZSteve »

New guy here hoping to work out an edema problem from our initial foray.
We just started chastity play a few weeks ago, initially purchased a couple cheap Chinese cages to get our feet wet - settled on a Jail House that 'seemed' to fit well.
Overall length including ring (measured centerline along curve): 85mm / 3-1/2" w/ a 35mm i.d. ... =UTF8&th=1

First week wore it for a few days, second week was for 6 days, this past Tuesday I had been in for a solid week when decided to take it off as it seemed I was getting 'puffy' on the underside of my head - had what I assume was a pretty bad case if edema on the underside of my head, behind and off to the right of my frenulum, and a quarter sized area on my shaft a little further down. Took the cage off in the morning, by afternoon things looked better but still noticeable - 24hrs later it's cleared up quite well, I can see some 'slight' noticeable areas but only because I'm looking closely.

My Dims (flaccid - BTW, I'm cut):
Length (measure top of shaft): 4" / 101.6mm
Glans Dia & left over foreskin: 1.5" / 38.1mm
Shaft diameter: 1.25" / 31.75mm

I started out with the 45mm ring but found it would slip down during the day while moving around.
Moved to the 40mm ring - balls first and have to really squish my head and shaft hard to get thru; initially felt quite tight but got used to it very quickly - no color problems or apparent blood flow concerns. Typical night time burning from erections but that lessened quite a bit after a few days.
While wearing the cage I noticed I seemed to be ever so slightly kept a bit aroused and pushing up against the bars along my entire shaft (go figure...), on Monday before taking off I was having trouble with my skin pushing thru the bars ALL the time in the area where I had excess skin behind the frenulum - also during this period some evenings my wife would enjoy teasing me to watch me strain against the cage - I LOVED this also :D

We're both VERY adventurous behind closed doors and even though just beginning we both seemed to really enjoy this new dynamic so far - sincerely hope we can figure this out.
Even went so far as to ordering a Red Chili Tarantula over the weekend only to cancel on Tuesday morning upon discovering the edema and apparent cage size problem - I had used this cheap cage to match dims for the Tarantula - Aken was quick to refund; hopefully I can figure this out and re-order.

Is it probably a case of too small a diameter?
The 40mm ring is tight but does seem too tight as blood flow seems fine and I can just get a finger underneath - I do compress the skin with the finger test if that's relevant.
Too much too soon regarding amount of time in the cage?

My thought now is to try a middle of the road cage to help nail down the size needed and leaning towards the S/S Spiral from UberKinky - small size which is 100mm overall w/ a cage dia of 39mm. ... 92662.html

Both my Wife/KH and I really want to figure this out - sorry for the long post.

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Re: Newbie - Edema problem?

Post by CZSteve »

Follow-up to post and apologies to Aken for probably ordering in haste both my Wife and I really like the Red Chili Tarantula - we're hoping we can to follow thru w/ our order sooner than later.
Still thinking the above mentioned Stainless Spiral from UberKinnky is a good next step for decent real stainless cage and thinking/hoping the 39mm internal diameter will make the difference and solve the edema problem.

At one point I was considering ordering the Tarantula with the 40mm internal diameter for the cage as I have to really force/squish the head & skin area into the current cheap cage w/ the 36mm i.d. - but thought the concept of having a cage id and the A-ring id identical at 40mm...

Would it be odd to have both the cage and cock-ring with same internal diameter?
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Re: Newbie - Edema problem?

Post by The Grinder »

I found a major source of edema trouble for me was rooted in choosing devices with openings (i.e. a cage) rather than a solid tube. We switched from cages to tubes and never had any edema problem again.

The switch from cage to tube was not without consequences. With no gaps, there can be hygiene problems if you are trying for longer term use. I tested a six week non-stop period and found the build up of dead skin cells turns into an abrasive paste - let's just say both of us were very sorry. These days I get out a few hours for cleaning one a week.

You can also get relief by changing cage sizing. There is a school of thought that smaller cages work better. I can not testify to that myself, but perhaps someone else will. I do think that bigger isn't better, but again I defer judgement to those who tested the options.

In the end, many of us tried out a lot of contraptions before we found the design and sizing that worked best for our individual needs. I found good value in buying cheaper poorly made items off of Amazon before starting on custom made units. Yes, I ended up with a bag filled with mistakes - but the learning curve was short and the cost modest (relative to buying custom items anyway).

There isn't a single best solution that will solve all your concerns. Just look at the mass of opinions about which device(s) work best on the site. Penises are like snowflakes, no two are alike. We each need an individualized solution that suits our needs and anatomy. There are times when we have to choose between exotic/erotic and practical/effective - between wildly oppressive mind fucks useable for a few hours and more pedestrian things that can be worn for extended play.
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Re: Newbie - Edema problem?

Post by Tom Allen »

The Grinder wrote: In the end, many of us tried out a lot of contraptions before we found the design and sizing that worked best for our individual needs. I found good value in buying cheaper poorly made items off of Amazon before starting on custom made units. Yes, I ended up with a bag filled with mistakes - but the learning curve was short and the cost modest (relative to buying custom items anyway).

There isn't a single best solution that will solve all your concerns. Just look at the mass of opinions about which device(s) work best on the site. Penises are like snowflakes, no two are alike. We each need an individualized solution that suits our needs and anatomy. There are times when we have to choose between exotic/erotic and practical/effective - between wildly oppressive mind fucks useable for a few hours and more pedestrian things that can be worn for extended play.
This is one of those replies that should go into a Read This thread. I'm pretty handy with tools, and even I had a difficult time modifying various devices to make them perfect. Or at least, workable.

Open cage designs will tend to cause some edema because any place where you skin can bulge out is a potential edema waiting to happen. But even the closed tubes can be an issue - many of us put silicone or epoxy on some of the holes of our CB3000/6000s because the holes allow some skin to swell up and out.
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Re: Newbie - Edema problem?

Post by sirmebane »

Tom Allen wrote: Open cage designs will tend to cause some edema because any place where you skin can bulge out is a potential edema waiting to happen.
I haven't encountered this problem but I kept getting smaller and smaller cages (open & metal) until I found something that was just barely larger than I was flaccid.

Does a smaller cage help prevent this issue or does it make things works since bulging is nearly a given?
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Re: Newbie - Edema problem?

Post by CZSteve »

Thanks for all the feedback, still a bit perplexed on what to try next.
Previous research had led me to believe a small cage best but still not completely sold and wonder if the previously referenced Spiral w/ a 39mm is on target given the width of my head and the folds of skin right behind is 39mm.

The solid tube suggestion makes sense but probable a last resort - my Wife does not like the look and I don't like the inability to clean as well as an open cage.

I'm probably about 98% back to normal; pretty sure I should have taken the cage off much sooner - new to this and wasn't fully aware of what was occurring; I don't have any benchmark reference but have a feeling I had a pretty bad case.
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Re: Newbie - Edema problem?

Post by _lj_ »

Regarding sizing, I would say that the cage needs to be gently snug when flaccid - that way the shaft doesn't really get started into an erection, so there is very little pressure to develop an edema (you also don't suffer any discomfort with night-time erections because they are stopped in their tracks.

Having said that, my JailBird is sized accurately but very occasionally I have had a small edema develop, in no particular place. When I am locked 24/7 I am allowed out for a few minutes every day for a shower or wash, so I will never be unaware of any problem for more than 24 hours. We have a simple rule, if there is a physical problem, I remain unlocked until it clears up - My Lady doesn't want me damaged!
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Re: Newbie - Edema problem?

Post by CZSteve »

OK - Reconsidering a solid tube device after some discussion and reflection; bit of a complete bondage element that may be intriguing... :twisted:

Thinking something like the Steelworxx Steelheart with the Bipartite ring option in order to be very easy to take on and off on regular daily basis for cleaning and inspection. ... b-47p.html

1. Is Edema pretty much always related to being able to expand thru openings?
2. Will a solid cage squash any and all edema concerns?
3. Anyone have any experience w/ the Bipartite ring? Generally consensus seems to be to that hinged rings cause chafing/irritation problems but the Bipartite 'seems' to be a novel idea and does not 'appear' as though it would be anyway near as problematic; a 40mm solid ring is best to avoid slipping down but is quite difficult to take on/off on a regular basis. Also seems the Bipartite will allow my Wife/KH to remove and install when 'playing' - Thoughts?

Thanks again and please bear with me as I enjoy researching and have a tendency to over analyze everything...

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Re: Newbie - Edema problem?

Post by RBC »

2. Will a solid cage squash any and all edema concerns?
I'm not sure about that. I own a HolyTrainer 2 and I am experiencing edemas around my frenulum when wearing it for 24h+ (it varies). This might ba caused by the urethal opening, though I don't believe that is the case. However, in contrast to you I am uncut, when I pull my foreskin back, this happenis way less (but my dick is able to pull sometimes during the night).
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Re: Newbie - Edema problem?

Post by TwistedMister »

Edema tends to occur any time tissue is infiltrated with liquid which cannot be easily expelled. During erectile events, the spongy tissue of the penis fills with blood (liquid). Under normal conditions, when the erection ends due to ejaculation or loss of arousal for other reasons, everything automatically returns to 'normal' and the fluid recedes from the tissue.

However, artificial means that cause arousal to last longer than normal, or prevent the usual dispersion of blood from the tissue can result in edema. This can be a side effect of viagra (and similar drugs) where the erection persists for longer than normal periods (priapism) or mechanical issues such as a chastity device which, when aroused, may restrict normal blood flow from the penis for a longer than usual period of time. It can also occur, not due to physical restriction, but simply because of a tendency to remain at a higher than normal level of arousal due to the eroticism associated with the device and the control it represents.
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