Too much time on my hands

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Too much time on my hands

Post by noid51 »

Forgive me if somebody has already thought of this. Out today looking at all the soon to be spring chores I need to do. I got an idea. The new chastity wife and I would make a list of chores and projects needed in and out of the house. Each item would have a point value according to how hard the job might be. For example mowing the yard might be worth five points and painting a room might be worth 100 points.points would be awarded and tallied up and as soon as you reach a certain total you could redeem your points for certain rewards. An orgasm might cost so many points. Being allowed to masturbate might cost so many points and on and on. I love to give my wife cunnilingus so maybe that would cost me points even though she would be the one to enjoy it. On second thought,maybe I would enjoy it more than her! The ideas could be endless. I could have a beautiful well-maintained home, and my wife would never have to nag at me,although she never does. I'm going to work out the details and maybe contact Milton Bradley! Anyone else play any kind of game like this? I think it has possibilities
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Re: Too much time on my hands

Post by Len51 »

Games do not give your wife control of you sex life, the games so. Most of us try games at the beginning but after awhile they get too complicated and you find yourself playing the game rather than practicing chastity. Believe me, you will stop wanting to do all those jobs once the I total excitement goes away. Come back in two months to tell me I am wrong. :).

I came up with all sorts of games when we started chastity because my wife was not willing to take control. Soon she found that she was obligated by the game to do things that she had no control over. Then we did what some end up doing; making the tasks selected by the game optional. Once you do that there is no purpose to playing the game. You do not want your chastity to become a chore filled with scoring and record keeping. Most of us have been where you are, but no more. Good luck and don't take control away from your wife or make her a scorekeeper. Just my two cents.
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Re: Too much time on my hands

Post by Michele »

I was just going to say something similar to Len51

Games are so great for people who enjoy them and work really well for kh's that aren't really into taking control. They especially work if the kh knows a guy is competitive and is making it all up on their own.

We do not play games because I prefer to be in actual control. It is true that games, dice, spinners etc all are in control and take that away from the kh. They certainly can be fun and exciting and some guys might need to fill their competitive nature and that could help!

At any rate, have fun and you'll have to come back and tell us what happens and how it works for you if you do try it out! :)
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Re: Too much time on my hands

Post by kunst »

noid51 wrote:...Anyone else play any kind of game like this?
Yes, we do play a similar game. We changed rules many time looking for the simple game. At the end, we stabilized with very simple rules: I can cum only on Sat and Sun, and only if I deserve it; for no reason I can cum during the week. My wife keeps a very simple score count: +1 if I do something good, -2 if I do something wrong. Then, according the the score, she gives me a full, ruined or no orgasm. Very simple.
She does not like to be dominant, but she likes to punish when I do something wrong, so this works veeery well (for us of course).
Good luck
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Re: Too much time on my hands

Post by TwistedMister »

Games are so great for people who enjoy them and work really well for kh's that aren't really into taking control. They especially work if the kh knows a guy is competitive and is making it all up on their own.
Absolutely. Games can work very well for some people, and for some people some of the time. As you note, they are good for KHs who aren't naturally 'controlling', and also for those who might feel 'guilty' about restricting pleasure/orgasms or administering penalties/punishment- the KH can say "Hey, it's not *my* fault you are getting (or not getting) [whatever]."

Another good thing about 'games' (within the 'Game'), is that they do not have to be played *all* the time. They are just another tool (or toy) in the box, they can be used as desired and then put away for another time. They can also be modified if the partners find that some part isn't working as well as they expected, or when the things they want out of it change.
It is true that games, dice, spinners etc all are in control and take that away from the kh. They certainly can be fun and exciting and some guys might need to fill their competitive nature and that could help!
Some people like that. I know I certainly do. A well designed game can help the partners expand their experiences and add an element of risk and excitement. A game can add interesting new experiences which the partners might feel too inhibited to attempt otherwise, and again, help relieve the partners of negative feelings associated with wanting to give or receive the experience.

A game does not have to take all control from the KH, and certainly not permanently. A game can allow the KH to temporarily relinquish control, and allow the element of chance and risk to determine an outcome, which (in my opinion) can/could be amusing for them. The KH does not have to use the game *all* the time, but can do so as it pleases/amuses her. The game can be modified to suit her/their needs and desires.

I happen to be a big fan of using games of chance to determine pleasure/punishment/penalties/alternative activities. Used appropriately, games can help the partners learn new things about themselves, and (more importantly?) allow the KH to gain insights into his mind, that she can use to her advantage [later] (particularly in the case where he must make a choice between two alternatives), especially if/when the KH is [relatively] inexperienced. (Imagine a penalty scenario- the KH determines that some penalty must be implemented, and it amuses her to allow him to have a hand in selecting the penalty, as well as an element of chance. There is a selection of six coffee cans, each can contains a number of cards on which there are printed penalties, two different penalties on each card. He spins or rolls dice to select the number of the can, then draws a card from it. One side of the card says "Nipple clamps- 25min", the other side says "Give a blow-job to a [realistic] dildo- 10 min." Does he choose the penalty that will be painful? Or does he choose to avoid the pain by selecting the alternative that may be...embarrassing...especially if he is (or becomes) aroused while doing it, which she can use to increase his embarrassment. This information can be valuable to her, and she can use it later. As well, she can modify the penalties in the future to provide her with more information and/or amusement.)


Jeez Len, you are such a 'downer' so much of the time. Lighten up. Just because it didn't work for you doesn't mean it won't work for them. And, even if it *doesn't* work for them, they will learn from it; and can either modify it or abandon it. If it works for them, great, if it doesn't, that's good too- they can do something different and find what *does* work for them...and have fun doing it.
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Re: Too much time on my hands

Post by noid51 »

I doubt if my game idea would ever become reality since it would require a lot of score keeping,which I don't think my wife/KH would be into (at least in the stage of chastity we are in now) and I'm afraid I might cheat if I kept score!! But, that being said, back home from running errands today,pulled into the driveway and she mentioned how we needed to do some work on our travel trailer. I thought about it for a minute and decided to go for it. I said " well, I know one way we might get some things done. You could tie me being unlocked with working on the trailer". With no hesitation she said " Ok honey, fix the floor in the trailer". I was kind surprised this had just taken place so quickly and easily. I had started on the floor a few weeks ago but then just kind of stopped. Guess I know what I'll be doing on my days off. Plus I don't know exactly how long it's going to take!
I love the coffee can game idea. Lots of things I would like to do and try but never have the courage to bring up. Could be a great way to introduce them to my wife. I just have to take things slow as I've already learned and not try to go to far to fast.
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