Where You've Felt Kinkiest Wearing It

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Re: Where You've Felt Kinkiest Wearing It

Post by danj »

I would say when wearing it when my wife's friends are around. One time she had a friend over and I was serving both of them drinks, etc. I was sort of waiting on both of them, so being in a bit of submissive role that evening and being locked pushed a few buttons for me. While this particular friend isn't gorgeous, I am somewhat attracted to her.
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and yes, that IS my beautiful hotwife wearing the key to my cb-6000s!

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Re: Where You've Felt Kinkiest Wearing It

Post by whistler »

I'd have to say church too.
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Re: Where You've Felt Kinkiest Wearing It

Post by EPV »

Mostly for me would be at church and small group Bible studies. But, standing up in front of the class room, teaching college students, especially healthcare related classes, is right up there as well for me.
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Re: Where You've Felt Kinkiest Wearing It

Post by tjscooby »

First, this really isn't kinky for me, more of a "this is a lifestyle" example at this point, other than a doctors visit that will/could involve a junk exam, I've worn a cage pretty much everywhere (forget tempting TSA though). Even done some music/concert (like U2) venues, and routinely at Thanksgiving and Xmas.

I've seen the earlier post about a couples vegas massage. We've had one at a midwest resort, but not wearing my cage. However, for several years I've gotten deep tissue - trigger point massages for pain relief = lumbar with some sciatic issues and cervical as well - the latter was what brought me to look at massage therapy as "another weapon in my arsenal" for my pain relief management as described by my physiatrist who recommended it when I started. So if you're looking for a "happy ending" massage experience, move on.

I've always preferred and have sought independent therapists - going to clinics/salons is like going to a doctor. We've moved a few times, so I have had to start the search process over each time (equal not fun). So I find a good therapist a few years back and then not long after get a JB (started with a bulkier plastic one as most of us have). It's well fit, comfortable to the point of totally forgetting its on and pretty discreet, under clothing at least. What the hell? So I wear it to the massages (every 10 days to two weeks). First I learn that laying on your stomach is the bigger problem as when they work on your lower back, a cage at your lower abdomen can be pretty uncomfortable. So I tuck it down between the middle of the top of my legs. Voila!, seems to be good. Now there might have been one or two hand bumps while doing my hamstrings or glutes, but therapists are really really adept at draping, and from what I've googled, have seen, felt, smelt mostly everything - including male erections. So I've always been conscious of hygiene before I go, and so should anyone who does. And I've never gotten an erection :(

Then, she (yes, women are way more typical and actually better in this profession, I mean from a good pain relief standpoint), asks about showing me some stretching exercises for my legs ... "as long as I'm not too modest". By this time I'm not thinking about my cage, but when she starts to lift my leg, and then the sheet along with it ... well it's likely she saw my caged junk. She didn't flinch, pause, ... nothing, just kept flexing and stretching. And on we go.

I have since progressed to an even snugger PT. My MT retired recently (at least from deep tissue work), and referred me to another therapist (next door). I'm sure the first MT told the second about my "circumstances". But I am really there for a good pain management/ deep tissue massage and I think they know that. Plus, well, there'll be no issues with an erection ;)
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Re: Where You've Felt Kinkiest Wearing It

Post by Elizabeth »

Hope I can chime in as a keyholder. I love going out in public with my boyfriend when he's locked in chastity. It's like a little secret we both know but no one else does. My favorite time was last week when we went grocery shopping in a crowded supermarket - not only was he locked up, but he also had an anal plug in that was locked as well.
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Re: Where You've Felt Kinkiest Wearing It

Post by CuriousGeorge51 »

I have not had the pleasure of wearing my while one of my GF's Boy Toys takes her. I am looking forward to that. One night we did have 3 guys (myself included) playing with her at the same time. I can imagine being locked in my cage and only able to watch and suck cocks and pussy without having an orgasm. Now that would be hot! The next lifestyle party we are going to she might have me wearing it when we proceed upstairs to the party floor after the dance. Upstairs anything goes and it would be a turn on to watch the other guys and women seeing me caged up as I walk up and down the hallway. Would definitely be the talk of the night I do believe. At the last party a woman asked my GF what the key around her neck was for. She replied it was the lock to her jewels.. chuckle The woman asked if it went to a chastity device and she said yes and that it was for her #1 boy toy.
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Re: Where You've Felt Kinkiest Wearing It

Post by Cagedrosie »

Elizabeth wrote:Hope I can chime in as a keyholder. I love going out in public with my boyfriend when he's locked in chastity. It's like a little secret we both know but no one else does. My favorite time was last week when we went grocery shopping in a crowded supermarket - not only was he locked up, but he also had an anal plug in that was locked as well.
This is why I'm so lucky I am apart of her life and blessed she understands my chastity kink. But will say to others that it takes time. Even for us, remember that we have our whole lives to play in this game. Communication is key.

On the topic. My kinkiest times are like my KH states. In public but also the local sex shop. Not your run of the mill one ither as they understand all forms of bdsm and make you feel comfortable. One day they may know about our lil secret but that's for the KH to say. Lol
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Re: Where You've Felt Kinkiest Wearing It

Post by rickiee_2002 »

Let's see ... it was pretty kinky at the dentist office, laying reclined in the chair as the dental hygienist cleaned my teeth. I was overly aware of it and afraid that the outline might be detectable. I figured who would think I had a chastity cage, and probably think I was just well endowed (i wish). She gets so close, and I could feel the warmth of her body ... I fought so hard not to get an erection that I did and it hurt and I couldn't do anything about it. Afterwards, it was exciting thinking about it.
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Re: Where You've Felt Kinkiest Wearing It

Post by CuriousGeorge51 »

Planning to go to a nudist beach this summer about an hour away from us. If I am wearing my Jailbird there it ought to get quite a lot of interesting looks. Also I always have it on when going to the gym so anyone walking by might notice while I am changing that I am wearing it. When we go to the swinger parties my GF wears her key around her neck and will tell the women that it is the key to my happiness and has them feel it through my clothing. I have definitely had a number of women now cop a feel to see what it is like or even ask me to lower may pants so they can actually see it.
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Re: Where You've Felt Kinkiest Wearing It

Post by TwistedMister »

rickiee_2002 wrote:Let's see ... it was pretty kinky at the dentist office, laying reclined in the chair as the dental hygienist cleaned my teeth. I was overly aware of it and afraid that the outline might be detectable. I figured who would think I had a chastity cage, and probably think I was just well endowed (i wish). She gets so close, and I could feel the warmth of her body ... I fought so hard not to get an erection that I did and it hurt and I couldn't do anything about it. Afterwards, it was exciting thinking about it.
Ah, yes, been there and done that. For some reason, [in my experience] most of the hygienists seem to be female, and are often rather attractive...and I have noticed that the positions and actions are conducive to to their breasts rubbing/pressing against one, and the more well-endowed they are, the more likely and more often this tends to occur. Awareness is heightened, both of her attributes and the 'touching', and the knowledge that you couldn't do anything even if you wanted to and she were receptive...not to mention the fact that she most likely would be shocked to discover the condition (and her opinion of it might be somewhat humiliating).
When we go to the swinger parties my GF wears her key around her neck and will tell the women that it is the key to my happiness and has them feel it through my clothing. I have definitely had a number of women now cop a feel to see what it is like or even ask me to lower may pants so they can actually see it.
I have occasionally thought about what it might be like if Mrs. Twisted were to 'expose' me in such a manner. I expect that I would experience a certain amount of embarrassment/humiliation...but the thought of it actually happening causes me to swell...
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04/07/19 "And then I 'punished' you by making you lick my pussy after I let my other 'boy' fuck me." --Mrs. Twisted
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