Help hiding device...

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Help hiding device...

Post by Blaeu »

It actually took me a few minutes to think of a title that wouldn't be taken the wrong way... heh.

I have two young kids that love to run around, play, and sit on my lap. I have often decided to not wear my CB on days that I am spending the entire day with them as I want to be able to play with them fully, get hugs and whatnot, and not have them bump up against it and ask, "Daddy... what's that?"

It is also uncomfortable to have a six-year-old squirming around on your lap while reading a book while wearing it. So, as I've said, I've just decided to not wear it. My wife doesn't care and I am okay with that.

However, I'd still like to get feedback from anyone else in a similar position and how they reacted to it. I like to think I make wise decisions, but in this case I cannot google "hiding a chastity device from kids" and get anything relevant to my situation. :D

Anyway, thanks.
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Re: Help hiding device...

Post by Atone »

I tried googling "hiding a chastity device from kids" and didn't find anything helpful but there were some real gems in the results like this one ... tian-home/

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Re: Help hiding device...

Post by chastityguy-PL »

OMFG I just opened the link on "christwire" and I'm laughing my ass off right now :D Nice one :-]
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Re: Help hiding device...

Post by thumper »

I've got two kids at home, one 12 and one 8. The 12 year old is pretty much past the point where incidental contact is likely, thought he 8 year old is still all huggy and clingy. I've dealt with the issue by being aware of when she's likely to hop on me or grab me for a hug so that I have time to turn myself in a way to avoid any contact. There have been times when it's gotten between us, but she has so far seemed totally oblivious to it. My attitude is that I'll do what I can to avoid the contact, but when it happens, I won't freak out and call attention to anything. Just act naturally and redirect attention elsewhere. I think this is the kind of thing we probably blow out of proportion in our heads because it's one of the rare instances when our family life and our sex life can (literally) bump into each other.

Another option might be for you to consider a silicone device. I doubt anyone could detect it on you, even with direct contact.
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Re: Help hiding device...

Post by Mayhew »

i have a quite large-ish wooden object as a keyring and I try to keep it in the front pocket when kids or other familial hugs are likely. What's that? It's my keyring,

I am finding this much less of an issue with the CB6000s than i did with the chrome thing I was using, though.
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