Risks/Benefits of a Smaller Cage ?

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Risks/Benefits of a Smaller Cage ?

Post by JimR »

Several sources of sizing guidance I have seen, suggest the cage length be 1/4-1/2 inch shorter than totally flaccid. I have used this criteria with success. I see on the web, however, a multitude of nano/micro, etc. cages, which would be ~1/2 my totally flaccid length. Questions are: (1) what is the benefit of compressing the member significantly shorter than that needed for proper alignment with end opening, and (2) are there any long term adverse effects (atrophy/circulation) resulting from this significant compression of the flaccid member ? Thanks.
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Re: Risks/Benefits of a Smaller Cage ?

Post by KittensBoyToy »

I changed to a cage in the last month that is 1/8" smaller in diameter and shorter by almost 1/2". I am slightly compressed in the new cage and in contact with the inside of the cage all the time. This is much more comfortable than having the small amount of room in the old cage. Alignment with the end for urination is almost constant and erections are now totally stifled. Any attempted erection is automatically pushed to the penile root, nothing is allowed in the shaft.
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Re: Risks/Benefits of a Smaller Cage ?

Post by williebdenied »

I have done this as well out of curiosity.

For the benefits, I only see that it fits better underclothing, and that it holds my penis more stationary, but better alignment doesn't seem to happen.

The downsides I see are that the compression is much more, so the circulation is not as good, my foreskin puffs out of the cage openings, causing lots of pinching if clothed, I really feel gripped by it, which might be a benefit, I don't know. When I do remove the cage my dick looks like a waffle. I am fearful of wearing it full time if the blood flow is restricted that much. When wearing the slightly larger cage I almost don't feel it all.
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Re: Risks/Benefits of a Smaller Cage ?

Post by sls01234 »

I have tried smaller to. Found it painful for long term wear a night of fun with the wife it's OK
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Re: Risks/Benefits of a Smaller Cage ?

Post by JimR »

Just to clarify.. My cage length of choice at this point is ~ 1/2 inch less than totally flaccid, to insure continuous proper end alignment with cage opening. Diameter just slightly less than flaccid, so there is a slight bulge through cage openings, which seems to make pullout a little harder.
Has anyone suffered skin damage from continuous pressure against cage bars ?
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Re: Risks/Benefits of a Smaller Cage ?

Post by sirmebane »

I think you'll find accounts of edema and 'hot spots' from cages that aren't sized correctly. Too small is a thing but most of us start way too large and have to own the humility that our flaccid penis just isn't that large at rest.

My own experience is that once I got the ring, gap space and cage length correct there is simply no issue. I had a larger cage that seemed to fit but created some unwelcome friction after a time that actually broke the skin.

My cage length is 1/4 inch shorter than my flaccid length, the ring is near a quarter inch more narrow than my first attempt (takes effort to get it on) and I had to narrow the gap between cage and ring ever so slightly.

Most of the custom cage makers will tell you that you should measure several times across multiple days to find your average and that your flaccid cock should stay in contact with the cage on all sides to be a proper fit.
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Re: Risks/Benefits of a Smaller Cage ?

Post by Lockedchef »

I find a smaller cage more comfortable to sleep in is better. Nighttime erections aren't as much of an issue and I sleep better as well. I recently bought a kink3d cage that is much shorter then my MM jailbird. I'm enjoying the compressed feeling of this device. It really is the most comfortable device I've worn. Hygiene because an issue with a tighter tube device very quickly for me though. I work a sweaty job and they just get too funky even after two days. So the longest I've worn out without completely removal is two days.

On the other hand my mature metal jailbird is my regular flaccid minus a quarter inch in length. It's better for long-term wear for clothing purposes.
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Re: Risks/Benefits of a Smaller Cage ?

Post by Mr Pickle »

The biggest benefit for me was less weight. It meant the cage didn't slide down my balls. Also it stopes the dreaded trying to rip balls off at night.
Snugger is better
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Re: Risks/Benefits of a Smaller Cage ?

Post by wishful4 »

I think the 1/2 inch reduction is perfect because the cage sits about 1/4 inch away from your body. The base ring doesn't hold it any closer. The othe 1/4 inch insures a snug fit and your penis will adjust.
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Re: Risks/Benefits of a Smaller Cage ?

Post by cuyahoga »

I ordered a second MMJB after two? years with my first one. I ordered it because I started to believe the smaller is better argument, and I thought there was room to step down. I took a quarter inch off the base ring, a quarter inch off the internal diameter of the cage, and a half inch off the length.

The primary problem I was trying to solve was a late afternoon “hang.” It seems that around 3PM everyday, my penis gets long and thin. It’s so weird what chastity teaches you about your penis. The cage would end up hanging on my testicles with half of my penis in it, tip still touching the end, and the base ring probably two inches away from my body, and the cage was almost fully held on and up by my testicles at their longest stretch of the day. It wasn’t really uncomfortable, but it was unappealing, and I was hoping that smaller would grip better, and stay in place.

It worked. The smaller cage does not hang away from my body because the base ring does grip better and stays in place. I thought I’d made a great improvement.

But after about three days 24/7, I realized it was not an improvement. The new cage was small enough that my penis does not move inside of it at all. Therefore, the metal bars are almost always touching the exact same spots all day long everyday, and I quickly develop sores and abrasions. With my original cage, my penis has room to move around slightly throughout the day, and literal weeks of 24/7 have no negative impact on my penis.

I will have to live with the unappealing mid afternoon “hang.”

Edit: I’m leaving “three days 24/7”. I laughed when I re-read it. Perhaps you will, too.
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