How do you Not come?

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Mr Pickle
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How do you Not come?

Post by Mr Pickle »

OK. So my wife has discovered she actually does have some control over me when I'm locked, more so when teased and denied.
She likes this new control and has been experimenting.

After one of these experiments I was so desperate and primed that When my wife wanted me to please her via piv, I shot my load in seconds. It wasn't fair, two weeks waiting for a full O and I get 10 seconds of piv and 20 of pulsing cringing orgasm that I don't want yet.

My wife found it amusing and hardly worth the effort.

So. How do you hold it back? It seems impossible, but I see many coments about this being done.
Any tips please, in case it happens again.
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Re: How do you Not come?

Post by slave d »

Sorry but in my case i don’t get the choice any more, simply put i’m not allowed “in there” at all because of the fact i only last seconds (amongst other things). So i only get to “cum” (dribble into MsM’s cage as i’m never unlocked for this) when i simply get so aroused i can’t stop it. Personally that’s the way i wanted it to be and now i have what i wished for ..... as they say “be careful what you wish for”. As far as MsM is concerned Her Vixskin “bucks” are far superior to anything i’ve provided !!

MsM’s ld
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Re: How do you Not come?

Post by TwistedMister »

It might be time for her to start experimenting with the 'ruined' orgasm, if she found your quick-shot amusing then she might be amused by that as well.

What she does, is teases you until you are just at the 'edge' of orgasm...then tips you over with one touch and removes stimulation- done just right, your spunk oozes out and you don't even get any contractions...and you stay hard and 'wanting', perhaps even feeling a bit deprived.

It might take only one of these, or it might take several, after which you can keep going longer. I know that I can be 'ruined' this way about 4 times in a row and stay hard. If she *really* does it right, she may be able to empty you out completely, you will stay hard and she can ride you as long as she wants because you won't be able to 'get off'.

Another way she can 'ruin' it, that she might find amusing, is to keep going until the contractions star and *then* remove stimulation, leaving you humping air and feeling 'robbed'. You may or may not be able to get it up again, or you might stay hard.

My wife discovered that, after a long period of lock-up and denial, she likes to restrain me on the bed and have me pleasure her orally until *she* is 'on the edge'. Then, knowing that it isn't going to take much for me to start squirting, she slides me up inside her...with the threat of "If you cum in my pussy I will make you lick it all back out again." She knows that she is going to make me cum almost instantly, whether I want to or not and I won't be able to control it. Sometimes she likes to 'ruin' it by sitting down on it and stopping all motion, or just sit down on it and tip me over the edge just by using her internal muscles...after which she sits on my face again and makes me eat her until she 'gets off'- she loves the feeling and usually has a massive screaming orgasm from it.

When I was a much younger fella, I always used to 'rub out' a quick one before going to see my girl because I knew I'd be able to get it up again in short order and it would last longer. Then, I'd always be sure to give her at least one orgasm orally before even thinking about getting it inside her and she'd be able to 'get off' at least one more time before I did...or, often, at the same time I did.

Just a few ideas for you...or *her* to have some fun with...
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04/07/19 "And then I 'punished' you by making you lick my pussy after I let my other 'boy' fuck me." --Mrs. Twisted
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Mr Pickle
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Re: How do you Not come?

Post by Mr Pickle »

Oh yes Twisted, they are so under-rated. C loves this type of near miss non orgasm. She will tease the he'll out of me at the same time as not allowing me to come. Fucks my head big time. I struggle to keep it in but eventually a bit leaks out. Cum but no orgasm, and I'm harder afterwards. I'm told to clean this up more often than not, and have no problem complying.

At this point C will say "right, that's it, you've come now so lock it back up"

I tried to argue that I didn't actually cum come, but C said "As far as I'm concerned, if cum comes out. You came. End of. "

They are extremely frustrating in the very best way.. On my. What I wouldn't do To or for C after these.
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Re: How do you Not come?

Post by snug_tube »

Since my wife can’t engage in penetrative sex due to health issues, I stay locked in the tube 24/7/365. I’m allowed a periodic squirt using her Magic Wand, but the PA tube stays on and I’m timed. If I don’t squirt in time then she says I must not have needed it bad enough.
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Re: How do you Not come?

Post by SteveOD »

When we started 11 years ago there were several accidents to the point where my wife kept me caged during sex. I would cum very fast. Now I do not get hard or cum at all. I seldom even get horny anymore. Sex is truly for my wife's pleasure only. She needs to her me moaning the trigger her orgasms so she puts nipple clips on my and a big spike clamp on my balls. She has a whip and paddle made for ball torture and just got this ball on a stick thing, The stick is flexible metal and when she flicks it the rubber ball on the end feels like it did when I played baseball and got hit in the nuts with no cup.

I do not know why but over time my desire for an orgasm faded and so did my libido. Sex is only when my wife wants to cum on her vibrator and it is over pretty quickly. She will have two intense orgasms and then leave the bed for me to cleanup. I often do not think about my chastity cage or sex. She is not interested at all in other guys but used to have a full time girlfriend and would like to find another. I had my fun living in a poly triad having sex with all of her girlfriends in threesomes and one on one for a few decades. Now sex is just for her. As she says, I owe her for allowing me to have sex with her girlfriends and other girls I would meet. So I do not mind.
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Re: How do you Not come?

Post by Chastityat60 »

Not sure if I am qualified to even try to answer that..bc,
After showering Monday, after being good for 2 weeks, (2 whole weeks ! you all must laugh out loud at this)....I pulled back out to apply some skin cream , quick application then slip back in..been doing this since June 30-trying to set a daily normal routine..well, within a few seconds, I was already knowing I went too far. I had barely gotten it coated with cream..Stopped immediately.. ,tried to slip back in..too late..., Dribbled out my first ruined O.
Had to laugh at myself, then ,off to work.
Crazy, silly, human body...
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