Orgasms and Insomnia

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Orgasms and Insomnia

Post by fuzzydunlop »

I have a sleep disorder and various things trigger it. It's been a lot better over the last year, which has coincided with no wanking at all. Over the last few months, it's been either PIV sex, or a ruined hand job, and nothing else. This has equaled about 2-4 orgasms a month, half ruined. And various kinds of sex that don't involve me climaxing.

Last night, it had been a while, and my wife caved and gave me a ruined hand job. I knew that was the best I was going to do, because I haven't gotten a full hand job in months, like since last summer. We've played with denial on and off for our whole relationship, but have been a lot more methodical over the last year. So, when I talked her into playing with me, I knew I wasn't getting sex, I wasn't even getting a full hand job, but I just had to have something. A ruined hand job, with a lot of "hang time".

Then, after the ruined hand job, I woke up at 3:30 am and could not get back to sleep. I never went back to sleep. I was miserable in the morning. The connection was not at all lost on my wife. Orgasms interfere with my sleep, like booze and some other things.

She told me "well, we have done a very good job at taking things away over the last year....we are going to have to be a lot more careful about scheduling when they get added back..." As in, no orgasms on week nights.

I hate it that sex and my nervous system are so intertwined.
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Re: Orgasms and Insomnia

Post by Mattinur »

Fuzzy, i have the same matter: when I estimulate a lot my cock _teasing it bay long bating and estimming- and after that go to sleep, in chastity or not, the overstimulated thing claims by night to release at thta time it becames hard by nocturnal tumescence. And is difficult to turn to sleep again. If it interferes with your normal and real life I would suggest to ejaculate more or estimulate it less. One thing is a kink and another one life quality, don't think so?
EWell, i am not an experted or pro chastity-user, by some reasons I explained about an illness I suffer, and maybe other ones will encourage you to stay in that state till things go better...
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Re: Orgasms and Insomnia

Post by sherulestherooster »

I've had insomnia for about 6 years. Prior to denial play, I was the stereotypical male that would pass out after orgasm. That reversed with the introduction of kinky play and whether I actually orgasm or not, it's as if a good session where I'm stimulated (and she orgasms) is like a few shots of espresso. I take sleep meds and I usually need a little more than normal when I get a good erection.
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Re: Orgasms and Insomnia

Post by Tom Allen »

Funny. After a really good session, I find that I'm now so satisfied that I easily fall asleep. You'd think I'd be wried - and in fact, a while back I did get too would up to sleep -but in the last couple of years that changed for me.
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Re: Orgasms and Insomnia

Post by sls01234 »

I am with Tom after a good session with or without a release I crash and sleep hard.
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Re: Orgasms and Insomnia

Post by fuzzydunlop »

Sometimes I sleep really well too. In fact, I usually fall asleep. But a certain percentage of the time, I end up having "middle of the night insomnia"---I wake up and have problems settling down a few hours later. This can also happen after big social situations, drinking, big meals, and exercise. I have no way of knowing which times will end up with me very relaxed and sleeping through the night, and which will end up with me tossing and turning a few hours later. I almost never crash hard anymore. I have had life long problems with insomnia.

The highest chance of me sleeping well---screwing around with my wife, but not coming. Maybe I need to feel relaxed in the first place to slow down and enjoy that, and maybe it relaxes me.

It has now been 366 days since I last masturbated.
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