Hypno chastity recommendation?

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Hypno chastity recommendation?

Post by thewave22 »

Im new to hypno in general and want to try chastity hypno until it works.

Im looking for recommendation based on experience, not only for the hypnotist but for the specific tracks/files i should get from that hypnotist.

What im trying to acheive is hypno chastity, not to be able to touch for pleasure purpuses.

What im worried about is:
Findoms, some of them try to get you hooked on getting more content or consuming more product or whatever, or even 'you can only think about me in regards of X', im looking for something more 'pure'.
Sissification (i encountered a file that has sissy suggestions even though it wasn't related).
No Bisexual/gay suggestions/'you are now my cum dump' kinda stuff

Its probably gonna cost so it would be for the best if i get advice from some1 who actually used the files and can approve.

Hope some1 here knows :ugeek: :D
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Tom Allen
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Re: Hypno chastity recommendation?

Post by Tom Allen »

Hunt around for Lee Allure. She has a good rep, at least what I've read, and she has a few free hyono files.

I've actually been tempted to try it, myself.

There is also a thread in this forum on hypno that may be useful:

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Re: Hypno chastity recommendation?

Post by male_pet »

Lee Allure's Dark Side Chastity is what what you seem to be looking for.
https://leeallure.com/index.php?id_prod ... er=product

You are going to need to have a keyholder lined up though. It is possible to listen to the file with the intention of having an app like Chastikey be your "Keyholder" - but that would be hard for a newbie to achieve.

It's not a question of whether it can work, it is more of a question of how long it takes you to get into a good hypnotic trance. Some people are naturals, some people need to learn how to settle their mind down and relax. Lee has some free hypno files on her site, and I would recommend listening to those to get used to trancing before you purchase the file.

If you are solo and want want to explore hypnotic chastity without an IRL keyholder (or a paid arrangement with some sort of online Domme) try The Teasing Game by Dark Freya. You can pick a term of lockup from 1 to 30 days, and then listen to the file. I was able to touch all I liked, but never got very close to the edge until my time expired. The are some additional suggestions that help boost your level of arousal when locked. The file description may overstate the effects a bit, but there was definitely an enhanced effect.

Dark Freya has a 14 day chastity challenge file as well, but you can't vary the timing of that one. Tom linked to my old thread on the topic. When that thread was written, I was never able to get a "touching allowed" hypnotic chastity file to work. Dark Freya had the extra ooomph for me to finally achieve that type of chastity.
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