Question about chastity

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Question about chastity

Post by curious_college »

I know that chastity devices can’t really protect you from touching yourself, but can they prevent erections? I have a friend (well, more like a mutual friend) whose into this stuff and he said:
it’s not going to stop you from jerking off... if you want to (and trust me you will want to for a while after you start, the thought of having their dick in as cage would make most guys horny) you’ll find a way. what it does do though is prevent you from getting an erection. obviously you won’t be able to have sex because you can’t get hard and your dick can’t get into where it needs to go if it’s enclosed in the cage. :D also the cage is smaller than your dick is when its hard so when you get turned on you won’t able to enjoy yourself and it’ll be ruined... this destroys your incentive to get horny.
I’m just wondering about how accurate this is.
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Re: Question about chastity

Post by The Grinder »

The answers are going to depend on your body, the device(s) you choose, your expectations and how you look at the terms erection, orgasm etc.

The device you are using is going to make a world of difference. The range of severity (and security) is huge. You'll often be trading comfort and hygiene for a more exacting device. The most severe units are not likely viable for long term use.

There absolutely are devices that would prevent you from touching yourself. You likely will find good value in looking for something that just prevents you from touching yourself in the right places. Your body's sensitivity will dictate how well this works. Keep in mind that you likely can't wash it if you can't touch it.

Just having a steel/plastic tube between your fingers and penis might not be enough protection. E-stim and vibration can work even in a restricted unit. Prostate stimulation presents another method for relief as does anal penetration. I don't have a clue how those methods work on you.

Some devices make erections impossible while others try to but fail and some don't try to stop erections, just orgasms (or perhaps just prevent PIV sex.)

Security matters too. If you can pull out or in some other way "trick" your way out, then the rest of the device doesn't make anything more than a symbolic statement. So what does "really protect you" mean? Time, tools and motivation would get you out of almost anything if you didn't mind destroying your cage and perhaps taking some risks to your body.

Let me offer my example. I use a Tube Jacket from Steelworxx. I wear it 95%+ of the time, with about four hours a week for cleaning and drying. It has been months since it was off for an extended time and over a month since my last orgasm. The tube is secured with a 6GA Prince Albert held in place with a integrated lock w/key. It is custom fit to the nearest millimeter. Yes, I could cut it off with power tools, but I'd need to be careful and patient.

I can easily get semi erect but can't stay that way long. I can touch myself, but not where I need stimulation to orgasm. I'd say getting half way is common but that is just frustrating. You will have to decide for yourself if half an erection that you can't keep is severe enough for your needs. The device is very comfortable relative to most of the cages on the market. I rate it as quite effective, I can't have PIV sex period. I can't mastrabate effectively. I can't easily get out with the piercing as the anchor.

There is no substitute for testing devices on yourself. Most of us here have a graveyard of test units, many of them cheaper generic devices. That is wise since custom units are very particular to your personal measurements, somewhat more expensive than generic and the lead times can make you cry sometimes.

Bottom line is this - - - you can find something that "works for you" what ever that means but you will trade off comfort for severity. Go window shopping if you haven't already - there are amazing things being made. Custom made is almost essential. Test first, to see what works and what doesn't. Close to full time chastity isn't easy. It might sound like a good idea but more than a few folks decide shorter term play is the best way for them.
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Re: Question about chastity

Post by Bird in a Cage »

Grinder gave a thorough response. I would add one comment...

In my (limited) experience, no chastity device will not stop an industrious male from achieving ejaculation. The difference is in the difficulty in achieving ejaculation and in the quality of the pleasure obtained. Note that I use the word "ejaculation" instead of "orgasm" becuase in my mind, orgasms are mind-blowingly phenomenal, and ejaculations are physiological events (e.g., not nearly as pleasurable as a true orgasm).

Even in chastity, if you want to get off bad enough, and have the time and tools available, you will get off—but in my experience, a soft-tissue ejaculation is a far different experience than a full-on orgasm.

Chasity stops the "inadvertent" playing in the shower that could result in a masterbatory orgasm, but it won't stop a dedicated ejaculation addict.

However, it does effectively prevent penetration—which is an effective power transfer mechanism between partners.

IMHO (In My Humble Opinion).
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Re: Question about chastity

Post by Michele »

I just want to say, have you read our blog? Lol
Hubby and I have sex while he is caged, it is possible to orgasm (although not really pleasurably) in a cage and he certainly does attempt a really hard erection - though it is mostly squeezed and stifled by the cage. There are plenty of pics and stuff on our blog and we write about this stuff lots.

However none I'd that "destroys your incentive to get horny" I fact I keep him so incredibly teased and horny, I'm not sure how he does it, honestly lol :)
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Re: Question about chastity

Post by Shepherdsflock »

Lady M wrote: However none I'd that "destroys your incentive to get horny" I fact I keep him so incredibly teased and horny, I'm not sure how he does it, honestly lol :)
Yeah, my guess is the original poster either doesn't have a regular partner for this or is being released way too frequently.

I haven't been released for an orgasm since March and our sex life is better than ever.

To the original poster, you have to give chastity time in order to get the full benefit. I don't think it even starts getting fun until about the two week mark. You can't just lock up for a few hours or a day or two and expect a lot.
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