[KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

I didn't write much yesterday because I was working from home and had rather a lot to get done. A bit of a shame because it would have been nice to join Emmi who was lying out in the garden getting some sun. It was (probably) the warmest day of the year so far with blue sky and hardly any breeze. I enjoyed being called out to apply sun-cream to Emmi's back. She was wearing just a thong, lying face down, so I made the most of rubbing the cream over her full length from shoulders to her feet. Lovely to the touch. Beautiful sight.

Later, when work was done, she cooked us a lovely meal of Rainbow Trout, boiled potatoes, fresh peas. A glass of white wine made it a perfect summer's meal. She'd showered after her sunbathing and chose to wear just a pair of close-fitting shorts afterwards for the rest of the evening. More perfection. I had showered too and been told that afterwards, I wouldn't need clothes.

No mention of being unlocked of course and she left it until the evening before confirming that today was indeed the day, as I'd suspected and hoped all along. Meal completed and things washed and tidied away, a few moments sitting looking out into the garden, still a lovely warm, calm evening out there. Then she said, “Kneel”. I was on my knees in an instant of course. No fouling up at this late stage. Lowered her shorts and got to work. She was satisfied but took my hand and said “Come upstairs”. In the bedroom, she laid down on the bed and said “Do it again here. It'll be even nicer lying comfortably on the bed.” And it was.

After her two orgasms, she took the key from around her neck and unlocked the Nub, put it to one side and took my cock and balls into her hands. I thought she was just going to tease for a moment, but she was just waiting until I was fully hard (and that wasn't a long wait) before lying back and saying just “Inside.”

That was how PIV came about after 16 nights locked in the Nub. My worries about her not coming before I did weren't realised and she enjoyed the moment as much as I did. Lying there cuddled up and kissing afterwards. It would have been lovely to stay like that for hours, with more sex of course, but after a while Emmi said that perhaps we should both have another shower now. So we did, together, washing each other. She had a distinct tan-line from her afternoon in the garden. A line across the top of her buttocks with a neat little triangle of pale skin in the middle. I love that.

She wrapped herself in her towel and washed the Nub while I dried myself off. Then back to the bedroom. A minute to make sure that I was fully dry and then the cleaned and dried Nub was handed to me. “Time to get Nubbed.” she said, and watched as I went through the procedure that I had had to discover for myself. Ring on, cage engaged, she handed me the lock. Lock slid into place, key turned.

Once back in the Nub, locked and secure:
Em: That was a beautiful, wonderful, moment Herbi. I hope you enjoyed it.
Me: Of course. It was amazing. Wonderful moment like you say. Thank you, Emmi.
Em: [with a smile] It's not going to happen again for a while, you know that don't you?
Me: Yes. I understand that.
Em: Maybe if you're good, one more before the end of the month?
Me: That would be lovely.
Em: One more for me today would be lovely too. At bedtime, before we settle down to sleep.
Me: Yes, of course.

We both went downstairs to finish off jobs, lock up, get things ready for the morning, all the usual things that need to be done at the end of the day. Bedtime drink made etc. She wore nothing for that part of the evening. I was transfixed by her new tan-line, and getting hard in my Nub already.

Up to bed. One final duty to perform and then settling down but not cuddled up together. The room was a bit too warm after the summery day that we'd had so we just got ourselves into a comfortable position on our own sides of the bed to go off to sleep but not until we'd had one final passionate kiss. Unfortunately for me, I was aroused and straining at the Nub. When I did get off to sleep, I woke several times throughout the night, each time hard. Nothing unpleasant (pain or even discomfort) this time, just persistent arousal that I had to endure. I had half expected that my cock, satisfied with what it had done this evening, might have taken a night off and got some rest itself. Not so. I wanted nothing more than to wake Emmi up and screw her again but knew I couldn't of course.

More work at home today. But not as much as yesterday so I am hoping to finish early. It's looking like another warm day. Emmi will probably be out in the garden if it's anything like yesterday. I might even get a chance to join her today. For now, though, about to start work so a few hours in front of the computer for me.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

I'd given thought to what wearing a device might be like.
Also that Emmi would be my kh. And a good one to the best of her ability. That's her nature.
She is not, though, naturally dominant or demanding.
I'd thought and expected her to make decision about when to unlock, and when to re-lock.
I knew it wouldn't be easy.
I anticipated discomfort and frustration.
I thought I'd thought of it all.

Reality is that there is no discomfort at all but the frustration is immense.
The timescales seem longer than they are.
The change of lifestyle is profound.
And Emmi isn't just a kh. She's taken charge of steering the whole experiment. In doing so, she's shown a dominant side that I never knew existed.

I thought I'd have to wait for her to unlock the cage.
I didn't expect to be limited to one orgasm and an hour of freedom.
Locked back up the same evening so not even a 'night off'

I had a vague notion that she would let me out whenever she wanted sex.
I hadn't expected to have to provide it so readily and frequently in other ways so that she never needed my cock.
Where did the 'Kneel' command come from?

Apart from the sex, I had assumed that the rest of our lifestyle would remain the same as ever, unaffected.
But she keeps me naked, for her own amusement.
She invents rules that I either follow or get consequences for.

I am allowed to state what I am feeling, physically or emotionally, but I'm not allowed to complain or moan about it.

I have to accept that I won't always know when I will get released and I'm not allowed to ask...

There is so much more to this than I had imagined. Last night was the release after what I regard as my first proper trial. 16 nights. A mere nothing. And after coming, once, get cleaned up and locked up. A huge discovery is that once is not enough. I was ready for more but was locked away in the Nub. The first night after a long awaited orgasm and I was already hard and frustrated.

I know I've lost far more control than just access to my cock.
Emmi, quickly, suddenly, unexpectedly and completely, has seized everything. Where's the old Emmi gone?

Facing the second night of an string of nights, the length of which hasn't been mentioned. Am I getting used to this yet?
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

This evening I was told that I had developed a bad habit that I must break. I wasn't even aware of it.

Occasionally, sitting or lying can get uncomfortable. I have to adjust my position to avoid squashing my balls. Sometimes, especially when being kept naked, I've used my hand to reposition them out of the way as best I can. (The Nub generally holds them pretty close and still but slight adjustments are possible) That's not the bad habit though and repositioning for comfort, is allowed.

But it seems that being unable to touch my cock has led me to feel my balls, which are obviously exposed and available, instead. I think it might be since moving down to the smaller ring when I was amazed to feel how high it sat behind the sack and kept feeling it. I wasn't aware of feeling myself routinely though.

So as from this evening, apart from practical comfort and hygiene reasons, I am not allowed to touch my own balls. Since I have, apparently, already formed the habit, this might be a tricky one...
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

I just read what I posted last night and seen what a random jumble of thoughts came out of my head. Not the most structured piece of writing I've ever created but maybe the main point comes across clearly anyway. The main point being that I thought I knew what to expect but reality is a whole lot different.

Last night I was very tired, so perhaps that explains the quality of my writing even if it doesn't excuse it.
As well as tired, I was very horny and frustrated, and that might be an explanation as to why I took to writing in the first place.

Today looks like another very warm day and there's no plans for us to do anything in particular so it will be a case off seeing how things go. Already showered and making us both breakfast. I like this new aspect of our lives. Breakfast in bed at weekends and I quite enjoy preparing it too.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

After last night's frenzy of random thoughts I still find bits and pieces of memories and experiences tumbling through my brain this morning. Perhaps it's because of Thursday's orgasm releasing some pent up energy but not being sufficient to calm everything down afterwards.

This morning's epiphany has been the realisation that I had actually read about a lot of what Emmi has introduced into our lives. Things that others have wanted, tried, experienced, enjoyed (or not), and kept as part of their lifestyle (or rejected as not for them). All sorts of things and I had actually read about them.

What I did with those ideas though was to dismiss them as "not what we would do" because we would just use the cage to prevent erections, masturbation, sex except when Emmi wanted it, etc. If it didn't fit into my narrow band of hopes/fantasies/expectations as I read about it, I simply ignored it.

I can now see that Emmi has read similar things and rather than say "No, that's not what we're looking for in a chastity-based relationship" she's instead gone "Ooo, that's interesting/weird/exciting. I think we'll try that".

Her open-mindedness and my closed-mindedness were at odds (and it didn't even occur to me to discuss things that I had already rejected) but once the cage was locked on, she saw the open road ahead of her and put her foot to the floor on the gas.

At least, that's what I think might have happened over the past few months of reading and research, ordering, trialling, and finally settling into a new style of relationship with a very different balance of power.

Crazy life, but I can see that Emmi is loving it, and she's worth every minute of it.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

What's going on?
PIV on Thursday and last night it was like back to the CB6000S days having to get up in the night. Four times (that I can remember) straining hard against the Nub to the point of desperation, and I found myself leaking onto the bed.

Yesterday, mid-afternoon, Emmi saw me bulging through the cage and told me there was “no point getting hard yet” because I had a long wait ahead of me. Please no more nights like last night. Please let it get easier.

I am now up, Emmi has had her first of the day and I've showered. I won't ask about clothes because the answer will be no, I'm sure. Now making us both breakfast and then to get on with our day. When I arrive back in the bedroom with our breakfast, Emmi will (I fully expect) be sitting up in bed waiting, and she will notice that I am already straining against the Nub. It will probably amuse her.

I have no plans for the day, and as far as I know we have no plans, but Emmi may have her own ideas.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by Mr Pickle »

Hang in there Herb. You get used to one thing, then you have to get used to the other. Your brain and cock aren't quite in sync. Brain thinks sex is back on the menu. Cock hasn't sent a reply yet. Cock brains aren't as smart as your head brain (although I have met people where the opposite is true).
First week after the first orgasm is hard. Then it's a few days, then one, then you automatically don't expect anything in return and may not get hard even when servicing Em because cock realises "no point". You get the horny without the hard,.and the hard when required.
Nocturnals arnt as often. Then you'll start to enjoy them.
Hardest bit is the adjustment period.
Best bit is on its way.
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Mr Pickle wrote: Sun May 12, 2024 5:49 am Your brain and cock aren't quite in sync. Brain thinks sex is back on the menu. Cock hasn't sent a reply yet.
First week after the first orgasm is hard.
Something is not in sync, I do realise that!

Despite a fair amount of reading up, on loads of different aspects of chastity, I was totally unprepared to discover that the week after sex is harder than the one leading up to it.

Despite it not being so warm today, Emmi has chosen some delicious little shorts to wear. Short shorts too. Lovely to watch and so good to touch...
Before long it will be time to kneel before them and ease them down to give her what she wants.
Oh what a day.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Oh my days...

Em: Herb, come upstairs quick. I need your help!

I hurtle upstairs to deal with whatever emergency had arisen, to find Emmi, standing in the bedroom, naked, and holding two thong bikini bottoms.

Em: It's turned rather sunny and it says it's 22 degrees so I thought I'd get out for a little bit of sun. I can't decide which of these to wear though?

She had a little pink thong that tied at the side, and a equally small item in black that didn't. Was there a right and a wrong answer? I looked at one and then the other.

Me: They're both lovely, but I think the black one for today.
Em: Sure?
Me: Yes, go for black. Pink for another day when it's even warmer outside.
Em: Ok, black it is then but first, kneel.

So I knelt and kissed her pussy and got more energetic with my tongue until she came. I went to stand, but she put a hand on my shoulder and said, “No. You wait until you're told to get up, remember?”

Me: Yes, of course.

I waited as she put on the black thong and was asked for my opinion of it.

Me: Perfect. It looks lovely and really suits you. Really sleek and fits perfectly.
Em: Just like your Nub then. Thanks for helping! Now I do need a bit more help when I get outside.

She handed me the bottle of sun cream.

Em: A nice layer of this all over so that I don't burn. It'll feel nice as you rub it in as well.

Did she mean for her, or for me?
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

After sitting outside, getting hard watching Emmi lying there topless in the sun, and me adding sun cream as and when required, she decided that it was time to come inside for a while.

Em: Help me wash all this sun cream off please.
Me: Of course. Bath or shower?
Em: Shower. You can come in with me and wash my back. And my front actually.
Me: Shower it is then.

So I lathered her up and washed her all over, rinsed her off and wrapped and cuddled her up in a big towel. I dried myself off and then finished drying her. I took a moment to admire her tan-line as she found herself some new shorts to put. "These will do for this evening” she said and we headed downstairs. She didn't bother selecting a top to wear.

In our living room, patio doors open to where she had been sunbathing and letting some air in.

Em: You're hard again, aren't you?
Me: Yes, I seem to be. Again.
Em: Get down on all fours a minute.

I did. Of course. And she sat down on the floor with me.

Em: Keep still.

I kept still.

Em: I can't get to your cock in that tiny tiny Nub of a cage. But I can reach these.

She'd got one hand reaching underneath between my legs and held on to my balls.

Em: You're not allowed to touch these but I am. Do you like it when I do this?
Me: Yes, a lot. Thank you. It feels lovely.
Em: If I see you touching them yourself, I won't do this any more. Do you understand?
Me: Yes, I understand that.
Em: Good. You touched them earlier though. Do you want me to stop now?
Me: No, please don't stop yet. I don't want you to stop.

She kept on for a little while longer and then quite abruptly, stopped and said, “Ok, now kneel. My turn for attention.”

Oh Jeez, how many times today? And where did that latest item on the menu come from? Another daytime power erection for me and multiple orgasms for her. Now thinking about our evening meal and the rest of the evening.
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Full time Nubbed by Emmi.
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