[focused] down the road we go...

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[focused] down the road we go...

Post by focUSed »

Great news, we did it! I can officially say, 'wife/keyholder' now! The ceremony was simple and straightforward, signed the paperwork, enjoyed a nice lunch at a local pub then went to our accommodations for the weekend. Hot tub was nice the several times we used it...locked and unlocked. Enjoyed exchanging cards and signing our contract. Have already had our one week 'anniversary' and conversation. Not too formal as it was over the phone, but hopefully that will change in the future.

It doesn't really feel that much different because not much in our situation has changed; sure, the vows and rings were significant, and at some level it definitely IS different, but otherwise things continue normally. We're both looking forward to when we're co-located as we anticipate there will be a change in the wear schedule but for now, it's only a discussion topic of what it may become.

Looking forward to ending the year on a high note (working the weekend and may even fit in a last ride of 2022 and first ride of 2023) and starting my first full year as a married, and locked, man!
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Devices tried: BirdLocked (V1), CB-6000s, two DHGate devices (273 and currently wearing circular barstock ring version of the same thing)
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Re: [focused] down the road we go...

Post by Sam3655 »

Congratulations. All the best for you and your wife.
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[focused] down the road we go...

Post by focUSed »

2023 is off to a great start! Our visit the first weekend of the year began with her walking in the door WEARING her key on a necklace!! I need to cut the other one off to make it a little smaller and see if she still finds it suitable. Her concern is that the remaining size will be too small to be usable but I think it will work just fine. We shall see! It was quite the rush to see her wearing it so openly, even if it was while driving here alone (who knows where she stopped along the way; usually it's at least one time.)

She did also wear it when we went out for lunch which got my attention quite quickly because we also stopped to see her son (her jacket remained on, but still!) At a minimum, it opens the potential that she's open to more extended wear, especially if I can make it look less like a key to the casual observer but still have it remain apparent to those in the know. Or maybe even small enough to be a pair of earrings...hmmm! Hang on, it's going to be a great year!
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Devices tried: BirdLocked (V1), CB-6000s, two DHGate devices (273 and currently wearing circular barstock ring version of the same thing)
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[focused] down the road we go...

Post by focUSed »

Getting ready to travel again this week, so thought I'd update the past few weeks. Going backward, no visit this past weekend as she had a few errands to run and I had come down with something (not COVID, that test was negative) Wed night at work so was out of commission for a few days anyway. The weekend prior we spent together, and had quite a good time conducting a review of our contract. She'd made it clear the week prior that it would be on the agenda, so I was anticipating what comments and questions might arise.

As it turns out, it was less of an issue than I anticipated. Her main concern was whether or not, due to our long distant relationship, I felt she was being attentive enough. Without the daily reminder that I have, she admitted that sometimes she doesn't think of my 'predicament' for more than a day at a time and it bothered her not doing so. I related that because I have the daily reminder, and have to deal with cleanliness, etc, it is much more 'present' for me than I would ever expect it to be for her and that I don't expect her to have to remember or constantly stay engaged. We both bring things up enough in conversation that I know she hasn't forgotten about me being contained even if it isn't on a daily or even every other day basis.

My explanation continued in that the contract puts responsibility on compliance on my shoulders almost as much as hers; enforcement is her responsibility, adhering to the wear remains mostly mine, and I suppose as well as hers but it is much more present to me, and because I have access to a key should I need it, letting her know when I have to remove it (for a massage, as an example) is my responsibility. Yes, it's nice when she remembers to remind me to take it off, but that's not necessarily required for me to do so.

We both agreed that we're satisfied with the contract as it currently stands, and we have adhered to the stipulation of weekly review for the most part, for the first three months (thru March), so all is well thus far. I very much like having something in writing to hang my hat on, and for us to review to keep the situation 'fresh' when we're both so involved with work and life outside of being together. I fully anticipate that will change once we're able to spend more time together, but for now that's our 'normal,' which is just fine for us.

Further back, toward the end of January, we did attend an RV show looking for something suitable for my truck to tow in the hopes of doing some traveling when we both retire. We had planned to attend both days but only spent Saturday walking the grounds. After breakfast Sunday we went back to Richmond and I came home. We had a very enjoyable conversation later that week wherein I was able to listen to her enjoy a destination (unfortunately not caused by me!) and I was instructed to have one myself while caged, something which hasn't happened in awhile because she enjoys me being out when we're together.

Not that anyone except me really is keeping track, but since the ceremony, I have been 'contained' for periods of weeks instead of days (2/1/2/2/1 and counting), and have only had it off for 4 of the 44 overnights in 2023 so far. I'm not sure it has anything to do with the fact that we're now a couple; more than likely it's because of our limited time together, so I'll keep an eye on that and try not to be too excited about a higher percentage of wear into the first quarter of the year.

Today, as I started to feel better from being under the weather since last week, I sent some screenshots of the websites linked in the general section that displayed pleasuring, which prompted a conversation about what ratio might be suitable for hers to mine. While I didn't want to put a number on it, I think she's coming around to the idea that more for her is not necessarily a bad thing. She's just having trouble wrapping her mind around me not getting any/as many because, like me, she enjoys being the cause of pleasure. Pretty sure that will change once we're together more often than only the two to three times a month we are right now; I look forward to seeing how that develops and changes with our growing relationship within this lifestyle.

My next update should include any positive or negative experience with TSA out of and into IAD.

Play safe!
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Devices tried: BirdLocked (V1), CB-6000s, two DHGate devices (273 and currently wearing circular barstock ring version of the same thing)
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[focused] down the road we go...

Post by focUSed »

As mentioned at the end of my previous post, the trip to Dallas was (almost!) uneventful. We had the conversation about what we'd both do should there be a trip to second phase inspection and I carried a key in my wallet because she has said in the past that if I get stopped, she's not waiting. I went first, pockets emptied, no full body scanner in the line we were in (they had a dog searching every two or so people and had a different search protocol of no shoes removal, etc) and I walked right through without any advance warning about wearing body jewelry. I walked to where the trays were exiting the X-ray line and looked back...to see...her getting stopped (trying to suppress a laugh) and having her hands swiped for residue. She gives me this incredulous, 'ME!? Not you?!' look as I just smiled at her and went about my business of not waiting. Too funny. She made it through fine and we laughed about it the rest of the trip. On the way home, I was patted down along the upper chest area where my sweatshirt zipper fell but otherwise neither of us had any issue with the full body scan in that line. I continue to not be concerned about TSA either detecting my device, or having any issue with it if it is ever detected. YMMV!

Back to the grind...vacations are too short these days. I (we) really need to get serious about retirement...
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Devices tried: BirdLocked (V1), CB-6000s, two DHGate devices (273 and currently wearing circular barstock ring version of the same thing)
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[focused] down the road we go...

Post by focUSed »

Well, the grind turned out to be just that...back to work for a week then hit with COVID so we haven't had any shared time since the weekend of the 3rd. This is really the first time I've been hit with the full brunt of the illness but it wasn't too bad, given what others have been through. A few chills, bit of a fever for a night and next day. Then the following night the fever broke and I spent the next week or so waiting for the sinuses to clear up and to test negative. Fortunately I didn't pass it to anyone (that I'm aware of!) and self-quarantined the entire time I was positive so it was a relatively minor inconvenience.

She went home on Sunday after another short weekend, and a little bit of play time for us both. Fast forward to the end of the week after I'd had a bit of time to recover and I received a text: "Do you want to hear me cum?" Talk about getting my attention!

Certainly, we'd been having a 'normal' (for us) exchange about things we like to talk about potentially some day doing, to include the upcoming visit next week, and it had led to reactions for both of us. My reply was, "Of course! Are you going to?" To which she responded, "Yes, and so are you." followed by, "Unless you don't want to." Talk about being put between a rock and a hard place! We've had this conversation, and I know her desire is to be 'nice' to me and let me have destinations as often as possible because we don't see each other that much and she hates to miss an opportunity that may extend my drought longer than every couple weeks. On the other hand, I would, at some point when she's comfortable doing so, like to explore going a bit longer between destinations, even if I am allowed out and given stimulation via hand or insertion before suiting back up again. I think we'll get there, but per Russell Crowe's words, 'Not yet.'

It took a bit to be able to fully extract due to the state of arousal after the suggestive text exchange, but eventually things were free once again and our conversation continued until we were both satisfied. My instructions were to provide evidence of reinstatement before going to sleep, which I dutifully did. That was nine nights ago now and the next window of opportunity is Tuesday, so we'll again hit double digits of wear time into the seventh instance this year that it will have been off. (assuming, of course, that it will at some point come off...which could be a dangerous assumption! - self admission in case she reads this at some point)

That's the plan...I'll be back to provide an update on how the week goes. Play safe!
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Devices tried: BirdLocked (V1), CB-6000s, two DHGate devices (273 and currently wearing circular barstock ring version of the same thing)
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[focused] down the road we go...

Post by focUSed »

The week was rather interesting.

We started out with a destination for her, followed by some PIV for me, with a statement that, 'you're not allowed to cum,' which I tried to comply with by getting close and stopping. Strangely enough, after about 30" of not moving, it happened anyway. I guess I was too close and things felt too good for my brain to overrule my body.

Fortunately she wasn't too upset, just said that she'll have to be a bit more assertive in the future to get what she wants. I asked her if she wanted it back on overnight (per our contract) and she said no.

The next morning she was digging in the bathroom drawer and ran across an old toy that was used to first introduce her to the idea of me wearing something. It's a donut ball stretcher (10oz) secured by a Allen head screw. The center diameter is much smaller than the cage's base ring because only the boys go through, not everything. I used to wear it pretty regularly before we got the cage but haven't really worn it since. She stated that it would be going on instead of the cage. She used to like to feel it swinging against her and apparently wanted to feel that again. I had to relearn how to put it on (pinching is a real thing!) but it came back fairly quickly and the screw was tightened.

It was on for about two days total; yesterday, after a quick wash up, it was swapped out for the cage again before she headed home. We're back into our 'normal' (for us) schedule for the next week.

Play safe!
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Devices tried: BirdLocked (V1), CB-6000s, two DHGate devices (273 and currently wearing circular barstock ring version of the same thing)
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[focused] down the road we go...

Post by focUSed »

Had dinner last weekend with a friend from work, I was instructed to ensure I was properly dressed after we had some shared time that afternoon. Family gatherings, celebrations, and such are 'required' wear periods; that 'rule' was laid down quite some time ago, even before we had the contract. No complaints from me; sometimes it even helps the 'off and on again' part that I've been trying to encourage after we do whatever it is we do.

No issues all week at work; took advantage of several chances to ride the motorcycle while the weather was cooler in the afternoon. Wild temperature swings so each day was a crap shoot as to whether or not it would be cool enough to not arrive sweaty. Still need to do some work that needed done over the winter, but fully intend to ride as much as possible in between.

Several things came up that resulted in no visit this weekend; going into another long stretch, so will be in double digits by the time we see each other again. Seems to be the trend for the year thus far, which is encouraging!

We had a nice text conversation earlier this morning that resulted in things getting quite snug, and slippery, before starting the day of yard work. There was talk about an 'assignment' this weekend, so there's always tomorrow although I'm not sure what that will look like. We shall see!

Probably time for another check in next week, or whenever it is we see each other again. Things are going very well from my perspective, but as we all know, that isn't necessarily true for everyone involved. Play safe, and keep talking to each other!
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Devices tried: BirdLocked (V1), CB-6000s, two DHGate devices (273 and currently wearing circular barstock ring version of the same thing)
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[focused] down the road we go...

Post by focUSed »

Well, that didn't work out as planned...I just spent about an hour and a half writing an update, thinking the system was auto-saving for me when I saw the page 'flash/refresh' only to find out when I hit submit that I had been logged out despite actively typing. Is there something the admins can do about that vs requiring periodic saves when stream of consciousness shouldn't be interrupted? I'll try to go back again and recreate, or maybe better yet, use another program to write the draft and copy it here vs typing it here. Hopefully I'll be able to capture the same intent. Sigh...
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Devices tried: BirdLocked (V1), CB-6000s, two DHGate devices (273 and currently wearing circular barstock ring version of the same thing)
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [focused] down the road we go...

Post by Mr Pickle »

I use an app called "fast notepad".
It autosaves when it's shut down or app swapped etc. so you never accidentally lose anything".
Then paste it in.
1 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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