[KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by KittensBoyToy »

We got the bed cleared off for her last night but didn't get enough off the floor for me. Hopefully tonight! By the time we finished we were both too tired for any extracurricular activities. :cry: The restraint points (light chains) Kitten wanted are on the foot of the bed and I will get the ones on the top corners today so they will be there when she wants to use them. We have 2 sets of 4 keyed alike padlocks, different brands and easy to tell apart. The buckles on the cuffs and collar can be secured with padlocks if she wants them so I can't remove them without her keys. I also bought her 4 small carabiners that she can use for quickly restraining me when she wants.

Except for waking up to attempted erections 3 times I slept fairly well in the 45mm ring on my HT clone. The first one was strong enough that I had to get some water and move around until I could piss to get it to deflate. That one had the ring pulled down HARD against my balls causing some mild pain but nothing too bad. The only real problem was the ring trying to rotate to one side. I am hoping that will be solved when I can wear the 40mm ring.
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by KittensBoyToy »

TwistedMister wrote: Sun Jul 08, 2018 5:50 am 48mm to 40mm is a big reduction, bigger than I would be comfortable with.
I went back and read my post. The ring I am wearing is a 45mm, not a 48mm as I wrote. The difference down to the 40mm ring is less than 2/10" so I should be able to handle it.
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by KittensBoyToy »

Kitten started to switch my ring to the 40 mm and saw where there was some chaffing under my balls from the large ring moving around. Consequently, I spent the better part of the day unlocked. We were working on cleaning and organizing in the bedroom so I was under constant 'supervision' (even though that wasn't necessary) and it was CFNM most of the time.

We still have a lot of work to do but we made a lot of progress, enough to clear a good portion of the floor. From an earlier posting:

Some things are in the works that will clear up at least part of the space problem in the bedroom and I will be able to sleep near her, even if it means a pallet on the floor by her bed for a while.

Pallet.jpg (159.61 KiB) Viewed 29443 times
As you can see in the picture I was true to my word! It was nice just being able to hold Kittens' hand before we went to sleep. Again we were too tired for anything more than a good night kiss but I went to sleep happy to be near my wonderful wife and KH. I slept good in the 40mm ring except for one wake up erection around 4:00. No problem with the ring rotating so the smaller ring may have solved that.

We are going to work in the bedroom again today but I want us to make it an easier day than the last 2 were. Maybe I will find out tonight what she has been planning for me. :)
Last edited by KittensBoyToy on Wed Aug 01, 2018 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by Kitten »

Maybe I will find out tonight what she has been planning for me. :)
Maybe yes and maybe no, it will all depend on you & my mood at the time. Only time will tell. 😚😚😚
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

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After being locked for my first 9 days Kitten decided she wanted sex. She told me to give her 10 minutes before joining her in the bedroom. She had the bed turned down and was waiting in a nightgown when I came in.

Earlier in the day I had ask her to take some pictures to use as my avatar. She handed me the pair of leather shorts she bought for me (her). She took several pictures with the snap off front panel in different stages of open before she was satisfied and turned off the overhead, leaving the only light coming from a small red bulb in her bedside lamp.

It then turned to some soft sweet kissing and some light teasing of my nipples as we sat facing each other on the bed. She broke the contact, laid back and told me it was 'her turn'. My attention immediately turned to her inner thighs, kissing them alternately as I worked my way up between her legs. I happily ate and fingered her to a massive orgasm, judging from the way she clamped my head between her thighs. I was ready and more than willing to take her over the top again but she stopped me and pulled me up on her. I spent some time kissing and nibbling her nipples before sitting up and giving her a leg massage. We talked for about a half an hour while I continued the massage.

I was surprised to find that I felt arousal rather than the frustration that I expected. I was both happy and satisfied knowing I had taken care of her needs the way she wanted with no regard for my own. She told me today that she had planned to have me retrained and unlocked but didn't say what her plans were after that. Somewhere during the 'photo shoot' she "became wonderfully aroused and my focus switched from pleasing you to you pleasing me". (The quote is from her response to an entry in the diary she has me keep.)

I do believe I am in for one HELLOFA ride! :o :D
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

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Shortly after we first talked about chastity I had a dream that I went to see my shrink at the VA. When I told her things were getting much better between my wife and I she wanted to know what had changed. When I told her she asked if I wearing a device and I told her I was. She asked me to come around the desk and show it to her I refused, saying that wouldn't be appropriate. She told me to call my wife and put the phone on speaker. After introducing herself she told Kitten what was going on and my wife instructed me to follow the doctor's orders!

I had an appointment with her this morning and Kitten asked if I needed to be unlocked. I told her it wouldn't be necessary for this appointment.

Dr. B did ask me about the changes that had affected our relationship. When I asked if she was sure, and she said yes, I briefly told her how I approached the subject of chastity with my wife and her initial negative reactions turning to acceptance and even mild enthusiasm. I didn't go into a lot of details beyond that other than most wives on this forum are somewhat reluctant participants, where Kitten has from the first day insisted on me being hands off, with her installing and removing the device herself. I also said I found myself doing little things for my wife, like making her coffee, that I hadn't done in the past simply because I wanted to and it made her happy .

Dr. B said that while this was an unusual approach to marital closeness that she had not heard before it sounded like it was working for us and my gently bringing up the idea was a good thing.

The rest of the dream remains just that, a dream. (BTW, Dr. B is young and cute!)
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

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I took Kitten out to eat last night but had other plans while we were out. I had seen some reasonably priced, decent chains at Wally World and intended to buy her one before coming home.

On the way to the restaurant I stopped at Mattress Firm so we could look at queen mattresses. We both want to get away from the twin adjustable beds pushed together and go back to a queen bed so we can hold each other without having to worry about the mattresses sliding apart. We got offered a decent deal on a mattress we both liked and an adjustable base. The adjustable beds are needed because we both have back problems and can't sleep flat. I opted to have the delivery delayed until Monday to give us time to finish the bedroom and rearrange the furniture before it arrives. Also, I would rather sell the twin beds to someone who needs them than have the company haul them to the dump.

After dinner we made the stop at Wal Mart, picked up some lubricant and a couple of other things Kitten needed. Unfortunately, there was no one working the jewelry counter that late so all we could do was look at the chains. I was wanting to buy a gold chain because it is more noticeable when worn (I want people to see the keys around her neck) but she is leaning toward silver to match the color of the keys. Kitten decided to go through the chains in her jewelry armoire before buying a new one. As usual the final decision will be hers.

We didn't get home until around midnight so I expected to get my nightly health inspection and go to bed. Kitten wanted the tube needed cleaned from using lotion for insertion before using the new lubricant. I wound up laying down with my legs on either side of her when she locked me back up. She told me to keep my hands behind my head and treated me to about 20 minutes of those fantastic nails from my nipples to my feet. At one point she bent down and I could feel her warm breath on my cock, frustrating me to no end knowing what she was doing and that I wouldn't be able to feel her lips on me even if she took me in her mouth. She always worries that an attempted hard-on pushing back into my body hurts me. I keep telling her it doesn't and the only pain is when an attempted erection pulls the ring into my balls or when she accidently stabs or pinches me with her nails. The first is unavoidable and the second is a small price to pay for the immense thrills her nails give me!

We finally got to sleep around 2:00 and, for the first time in the 10 nights since she locked me up, I slept through the night without being awakened by a nocturnal erection.
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

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Last night as uneventful and I didn't expect to write anything today. Sitting on my pallet last night I saw one of the ankle cuffs on the floor attached to the chain. Curiosity got me and I checked the top corner and the wrist cuff was attached and tucked under the mattress. I asked Kitten how long they had been there and she said since the night she decided at the last minute it was going to be about her. That was 3 nights ago. That caused an instant reaction between my legs.

We went in the bedroom this afternoon and she wanted to see how I was doing before she took a nap. That led to about 20 minutes of me standing next to the bed being treated to those fantastic fingernails from my nipples to my inner thighs. (Have I mentioned how much I LOVE her nails?) At one point she looked over on the bedside table and saw a small spring clamp. :twisted: When she attached it to my left nipple I had my eyes closed and thought she was just pinching me hard. Then she found a second clamp for the other nipple. The spring was a lot stronger on this one....OUCH!!!!! She took them off and continued the teasing until I calmed down...as much as I could with those nails raking over me! (Did I say how much I LOVE her fingernails?)

I'm still waiting to find out what she is going to do the first time she puts the cuffs on me and has me completely helpless...…. :o
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by KittensBoyToy »

We got the clone of the HT Small a couple of days ago. Yesterday afternoon Kitten decided to switch me to it from the Standard tube. The slot for the lock on the tube isn't right and no matter what she tried the lock would not go all the way in. Nothing that can't be fixed by a few minutes with my micro files. The keys on the locks for the 2 devices are interchangeable so I have access to a key until I get it fixed. No way I would betray kitten's trust by using it.

Before locking me back up in the HT Standard I was told to lay down and was cuffed and chained to the bed spread eagle, as much as you can be on a twin bed. Kitten treated me to almost an hour of teasing with her hands, mouth and those wonderful nails (My God, I love her nails!), intent on denying me relief and warning me to let her know when I got close. I think out of over caution I stopped her too soon many times but it was still fantastic! I have a problem with my right shoulder and upper arm and had a little pain from the position it was in. That was soon forgotten as it was replaced with pleasure as she repeatedly took me to the edge of satisfaction and back down again. The only way it could have been more intense would have been for her to take away my ability to see what was happening.

Until the arm is healed we will have to find another way to control my hands when Kitten decides to have me restrained. Attaching them to the thigh cuffs could work or maybe locking them to a short chain behind my back. I hope she finds a way that works and decides to treat me to more tease and denial.

I do wish she had allowed me to go down on her and take her to an orgasm. After several years of ignoring her needs while selfishly satisfying my own I have a lot to make up for.

I am now in day 14 of continuous lock up. There was a short period of self imposed chastity before we got her first cage but I don't know for sure when I had my last orgasm. It was at least 2 weeks before being caged. More important, though, is that I am happy with Kitten being in control and me not knowing when I will be allowed another one.

I love that wonderful woman!
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by KittensBoyToy »

Not a lot going on today other than trying to clean and clear the bedroom for the new queen bed. It is supposed to be delivered between 2:00 and 4:00 tomorrow! :D I sold the hospital bed Kitten was sleeping in last week and both of the Twin XL adjustable beds Friday. One is gone and he is going to pick the other one up tonight. We will either sleep in our recliners or on a pallet in the bedroom floor tonight. The latter, I hope.

I did get the HT Small 'clone' rings modified this morning so the slots for the lock would line up. I also had problems with the front slot of the standard version. I was not able to line up with the slot most of the time and urine would get into the tube. I extended the slot down 1/8". Between that and staying against the end should solve the problem. If not I will extend the slot another 1/16" and maybe widen it an RCH. The modifications I find work best will be transferred to the HTv3 when we get it.

Kitten put it on me a 4-1/2 hours ago and, so far, it is the most comfortable cage I have worn. We will see how I do tonight when that pesky nocturnal erection comes calling. :oops:

I did spend a bit of time designing a custom logo for Kitten's purple HTv3. I had asked Tom to check out the Avatar Kitten wanted me to use. He asked me to change it to something less risque (my words , not his) so I changed it to the design that will 'brand' me on her HT. She wanted me to reverse the picture so I would read it every time I saw it in a mirror. I convinced her to leave it the way it was so, in the unlikely event I should have to show it to someone, they would know that both my heart and cock belonged to her! :o
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Kitten's Boy Toy
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