[KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by TwistedMister »

...things have been rocky at home and it is my fault. I have been back sliding into an alpha mode and that puts Kitten in as bad mood which makes me lethargic about getting things done. I have to find a way to get out of it and back into a more submissive role...
Perhaps you should examine, and list on paper, the actions/behaviors that are creating this negative atmosphere, that you would like to change. Then, sit down with K and come up with some corrective actions/penalties which she can impose, that will instill in you a genuine desire to avoid and change these actions/behaviors. The 'penalties' should be of such a nature that you will genuinely wish to avoid them, but you and K agree in advance that she shall have and will use the power to impose them.

Conversely, you and she should come up with a list of behaviors that are desirable, and structure a system of 'rewards' that will reinforce these desirable behaviors.

This is basic Pavlovian psychology using both the carrot and the stick method of behavioral modification. Don't try to change *everything* all at once, start 'small' and come up with a system that is progressive, where subsequent changes build on previous successes.

I don't want to clog up your 'Journey' thread, both you and K are welcome to contact me via PM if you would like more detailed information.
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by KittensBoyToy »

@TwistedMister It is just a matter of me getting my head straight and doing what I know is expected of me.

On the positive side, we had a ball at the Toga party Saturday night. Kitten got us dressed in fantastic togas. On the drive up she decided to take her key from her necklace pin it to the front of her toga which made it more visible. It led to a conversations with new couples that asked her about it. The women were both very interested and curious about my chastity and its affect on our marriage. Neither was brave enough to want to see my cage even though Kitten made the offer to at least one of them that I heard.

Because of the difficulty of getting out of and back into the togas Kitten made it plain early on that the night would be social with no play time. That did change somewhat...there was some 'play' from her point of view, not so much from mine. :)

A couple of posts back I mentioned putting together some chains to be used on a St Andrews Cross. While ordering some trailer parts for our camper from Amazon I added in a purple riding bat for her. It arrived Saturday afternoon and I presented it to her. Given M'Lady's reluctance to use corporal punishment I really expected it would end up collecting dust as a wall decoration along with the cane I made for her. WRONG! :o She always takes a couple of 'instruments' with us to the club and when I asked which ones to pack she laid the bat on the bed and told me that was all she wanted. She also had me get it out of our bag and kept it with her on the way up.

When I took the booze out to the van at she had me leave the chains and our wrist/ankle cuffs on the table. After returning I hooked the chains to the Cross, she put the cuffs on me and locked me to it. The woman we were sitting with helped her to raise and secure my togas above my waist and lower my underwear as far as my spread legs would allow. Kitten then proceeded to break in her new toy until my ass and part of my inner thighs were reddened to her satisfaction. Then I got another surprise. :o We had run out of cigarettes and she asked me where the extra pack was. After I told her, she smiled and said they would be back in a little while. I was left on the cross for what felt like 20 minutes or so with my ass still exposed until she announced her return with a couple of fresh swats of the bat. There was a spot of light on the wall in front of me so I could see the shadows every time someone walked past me. The second couple we talked to had passed me a several times and they said they were curious about why I was left there alone but didn't want to ask me. After Kitten returned and released me we talked to them for quite a while about our relationship. Kitten was talking to them when I finished putting the chains and cuffs away so they may have asked her about it. Since I joined the conversation in progress I don't know how much, if anything, was said about my punishment. After I was involved the conversation centered around my chastity and our relationship.

They bought an annual membership to the club before they left so I'm sure we will be seeing them again.

BTW, the only implement I haven't felt now is the cane and I'm not sure I want that to change! :cry: :oops:
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by Kitten »

BTW, the only implement I haven't felt now is the cane and I'm not sure I want that to change!
Guess you'll just have to wait and wonder my love!
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by cshorts »

I wondered if @KittensBoyToy forgot momentarily that you read the forum, @Kitten, lol! Looking forward to hearing about it when his period of not knowing is over ;)
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by KittensBoyToy »

Just a quick note since we have to get ready for a party tonight. Anytime there is a 5th Friday in a month it is Fetish Friday at the club we go to. It is usually packed and last night was no exception. I lot of new people that led to a lot of socializing. Kitten carried her riding bat and one paddle with her most of the night. That and the fact that she was leading me around by a collar and leash got a lot of attention and questions. She was sexy in a black negligee while I was only in a leather cage with my Jail Bird inside that.

We did get to spend some time in/under the Queening Chair where I was allowed the pleasure of giving her several orgasms. I was straining against the bars of my cage most of the night but especially while pleasuring my wonderful wife and Dom. As I stood beside the chair and she clamed down I was treated to her torturing my nipples and playing with a vibrator on her cock. When she pressed it against my perineum I nearly lost it but she always backed off before I was allowed to get too far.

After we packed up and were heading downstairs to say our good nights she said my performance while under the chair had earned me a reprieve from the paddle. I asked her what made her think I wanted a reprieve...

The Queening room also has a couple of other features. One is a glory hole into the hallway that I have only seen used a couple of times. The other is a wide door frame with eye hooks all around it and a mirrored wall in front of it. I had remarked that, unlike the St Andrews Cross, the hooks were far enough apart that I wouldn't be able to reach them and release myself. It would leave me truly and completely at her mercy!
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by KittensBoyToy »

For the past few months we, or more specifically I, have been having problems with my submission. I had written an entry in my journal a couple of weeks ago that she had not read and on Tuesday added another that was 2 1/2 pages long. Yesterday I wrote a short note ate the bottom of that one offering myself to her for discipline. I asked her to give me a few minutes alone and then join me in the bedroom. She told me to text her when I was ready for her.

I stripped down and buckled wrist and ankle cuffs on then placed my pillow so it would slightly elevate my ass. On her side of the bed I had laid out all of her implements except one paddle that hangs on another wall and I missed. Texting her to give me another 2 minutes I hooked a short chain to one wrist, put on a blindfold and laid face down in the middle of the bed. After propping my journal against me I hooked the other wrist to the cuff.

M'Lady came in after what seemed an eternity to me but was only probably 4 or 5 minutes. I immediately apologized for missing the one paddle and I heard her take it down to add to the others before giving me a single stroke with what I was sure was the cane. She asked if she was supposed to read the journal first and when I said yes she sat beside me. While reading she gently stroked my back and talked softly to me. After she finished she agreed that some discipline was warranted and told me she was going to take me on the full tour rather than picking one or two implements. By the time she finished my ass was glowing red and very warm. I got a taste of how the cane feels even though she told me she was holding back with it. I haven't asked yet but I think the last two strokes were with her spatula and landed to the sides of my cheeks. There is a slight bruise on the right side this morning that looks to have a heart in the middle of it. When I asked her, Kitten said the last stroke was with the cane. The two before that were the spatula. I am going to ask her to send me the picture she took of the results and I will add it if she does.
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Kitten is still a little apprehensive about corporal punishment. As we talked afterward I thanked her for loving me enough to do what was needed. I assured her that even though CP is painful I trust that she would never intentionally cause me any real harm.

I love this woman more than life itself!
Last edited by KittensBoyToy on Wed Sep 04, 2019 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by KittensBoyToy »

I guess I am a slow learner. This morning about 5 AM Kitten woke me up to say the sheets needed to be changed. She had come to bed with some small ice cream cups and had fallen asleep eating the chocolate one. It melted before spilling on her, the sheet, and a little on the comforter. Instead of doing what I should have done and obediently changed the sheets I yelled at her. I could blame this on being awakened from a deep sleep but that would just be an excuse for my behavior. To make things worse, after I put the soiled linens in the laundry room and got the clean sheets out of the closet she was out on the porch. I stupidly went out and chastised her for not staying inside to help fix her mess, making her cry in the process. While making the bed was when we discovered the chocolate on the comforter. She said she was going to go clean it off so it wouldn't stain and I argued with her about that. I just didn't know when to quit.

After yesterday's session she told me that I was to confess any future transgressions to her and, at the same time, present the implement of my choice. This morning I wrote this in my journal along with an apology for my actions, adding that the apology was not enough. I wrote that I couldn't decide between the two implements that I felt would be the most harsh and leave the most lasting impression, suggesting a minimum of 5 strokes with the one she selected for each infraction. With that I went to my knees in front of her and presented my journal to read along with the jumping bat and cane. I asked if she wanted a cigarette while she read and if I could also have one. She said yes to hers ands no to mine. I could wait until things were finished. After she finished reading I was told that when she came back to bed she had tried to stroke my arm and I had pulled away from her. I didn't even realize I had done that. Her decision was for 14 strokes to be delivered using both the bat and the cane. She was a bit more forceful with the cane this time but still held back some. I think it scares her more than it does me. Not the same with the jumping bat. I got not only the leather slapper but several time the end of the shaft left it's mark. I don't think I want a repeat session anytime soon!
Punishment 9-4-19.jpg
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by KittensBoyToy »

Last night was a bit of a disappointment that turned into a wonderful evening. We were planning to go out to the club and I was really looking forward to getting out of the house, away from the turmoil and being among like minded friends. Kitten decided she didn't feel up to going out and, like I said, I was disappointed but her word is law. After supper we settled in to watch some TV in bed.

Around midnight I was ready to fall asleep and M'Lady decided otherwise. She started teasing my nipples, cage and balls with those fantastic nails. It only took a few minutes to have me straining against the bars, whimpering and writhing on the bed. I was informed that 'kitty' wanted some attention and I was NOT going to sleep yet. She got up to go to the bathroom and came back sans nightgown. While she was gone I lost the underwear I was wearing. The teasing continued for a few more minutes before I rolled he on to her back and took control. M'Lady allowed me the privilege of taking her to several orgasms with my tongue and fingers all while continuing the torture of my nipples and her cock that was straining to break free. At one point I was working against her pussy with my cage. We had not done this since I was in HER HT. Her only comment when I ask if she liked it was that it was 'different'. Her body was telling a much different story. When I asked if I could get the strap on she said yes but to wrap it in a hot washcloth first. (She had read about warming it up here, I think from Tom.) I was able to take her over the top again and the feeling of my cage slapping against the balls of the dildo had me hard and leaking again!

I love it when M'Lady allows me to please her body! By the time we finally fell asleep she was happy and I was frustrated. All was right with my world!

Today we have two events. First is a social with a group called "Adored and Devoted". We meet at a local lounge and the ladies sit and socialize while the men cater to them. We are not allowed to drink anything alcoholic and can only sit if we are invited by one of the ladies. After that we are going to a Femdom party that includes a slave auction. I will be on the block and have been told that all negotiations with my buyer will be handled by M'Lady. I will not have any say in them. WE have been to Femdom parties before but the auction theme will be a new experience. To say her rules have me a little nervous is a major understatement.
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by KittensBoyToy »

Saturday was full of mixed results and emotions. The first event we went to was an "Adored and Devoted Happy Hour". These events are always fun. We had a mix of about 2 ladies for every server. Enough that the men had plenty to do but still had time to talk among ourselves. These happy hours are always fun. We are obviously excluded from the women's conversations but, from a point of observation, they enjoy themselves. the chat among the men runs from our experiences in the lifestyle to 'typical male subjects like sports, cars, motorcycles, guns, etc. The only problem involved was with that it overlapped the beginning of the second event. Both event started at the same time so, with drive time we missed the most of the first 3 hours of the Femdom party. There were some discussions and classes during that time that I would have liked to attend.

The Femdom party itself was a roller coaster of emotions for me. By the 'luck of the draw' I was one of the last slaves to go up or sale. The auctioneer was working the sign up list top/bottom/top/bottom and I was near the middle. I don't know if it was that most of the buyers had spent their 'money' (Each was given a bag of coins before the auction started), bought the slaves they were interested in, were put off by the idea of negotiating for my use/services through Kitten or what else but I stood there for several minutes without receiving a bid. That was both disheartening and humiliating. The auctioneer was imploring someone to bid and twice said that ALL slaves are sold. The second time I nearly told her that was no longer true and withdrew from the auction. I found out later that it upset Kitten and she nearly did the same thing, thinking of pulling me from the block and leaving the party altogether. I am glad in the end that neither of us acted on our impulses. I wound up in service for the evening to a Domme that did not even plan on participating. Someone tossed her the unspent coins they had left. It turns out one of the 2 slaves Kitten bought was hers. There were only some minimal restrictions offered by Kitten and they decided to share the 3 of us. My only interaction with Kitten was to accompany her to the smoking area since neither of the other 2 smoked.

The ladies agreed that we should all 3 be naked and ordered so. I already was, one was in just underwear and the other was fully clothed. 'Princess' ordered me to get our cuffs and chains from our bag. After putting the wrist cuffs on me she had me put the ankle cuffs on. She said it wa not her place to bend down before a slave for any reason. I was then chained to the empty side of a double St Andrews Cross. She used Kitten's jumping bat, paddle and cane on me but never hard enough to push me anywhere close to my limit. She left me to take the toys back to Kitten and returned with a cup full of ice. After that 'Princess' alternating hand spanking me and running ice over every part of my body she could reach from my wrists to my thighs until the ice was all melted. The spanking came close to finding my threshold and by the time I was released both my ass and her palms were red, my ass being bright red! After cleaning up the water and wiping down the cross my hands were locked behind my back. I was asked if I had a stronger collar and, when I said it was in our bag, I was ordered to retrieve it and Kitten's leash with my hands behind me. I was then collared, leashed and had my ankles tethered to go for a walk and be paraded around. while 'Princess' went to the restroom I was tethered on my knees to the foot of a bed. I was told I would be required to fix a plate of snacks for her, again with my hands behind me, but she changed her mind. I was looking forward to the challenge and maybe being punished if I failed. After she ate with me on my knees in front of her I was led to the picnic tables outside where Kitten was talking to her slaves. We sat and talked about our lives both in and out of the kink community before I was release from her service. Honestly, that was one of the most pleasant parts of the night.

Despite the rocky beginning of the party during the auction I ended up having a wonderful night. On the way home we talked about it and debated if we would ever attend an auction event again. Kitten, I found out the next day, even considered quitting the femdom group altogether.

On a positive note I started a thread in the groups fetlife page that has people talking about how to improve future auction parties. There have been some good suggestions and I look forward to the next time!
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Re: [KittensBoyToy] Hopeful!

Post by KittensBoyToy »

A lot has been happening the last week so this is going to be a long entry. Last week the local schools had grandparents week. Monday morning we were at the elementary school to have breakfast with both grand sons and Wednesday at the preschool with the grand daughter. Tuesday we went to a lunch munch and from there to a private whip lesson that Ginger got at a SAADE auction. After that it was kill some time at a mall until time for her appointment to get permanent eye liner done. Thursday I had acupuncture and Friday we went to the club. That was mostly a social outing but did include a discipline session with me on the cross and we got home at 5 AM.

Sunday we celebrated 46 years of wedded bliss. This wonderful woman has given me 42 of the happiest years of my life! :o (One year was a real bitch and I was drunk for the other three! :lol:) All kidding aside, like every married couple we have had our ups and downs. Somehow we managed to fight our way through all the troubles and are more in love today than we have ever been.

Instead of making plans for Sunday we went to a CFnm party Saturday night and the anniversary was celebrated there among friends. Since 1974 I have had one rose delivered for each year we have been married. This year a bouquet of 46 red roses was waiting for her when we got to the party. The night was just like any normal anniversary party (except for all the naked men running around catering to the ladies. Oh, and with a healthy dose of BDSM/Femdom was thrown in. One couple was talking about his need of some disciplinary action but she didn't have any 'toys' with her. Kitten volunteered the loan of hers and the lady said she was also recovering from surgery and couldn't swing a paddle yet. Once again M'Lady stepped in and helped although she was told she went much easier on him than his wife would have. A little later I got some attention from a lady that didn't look like she had the power to kill a fly...WRONG! The bruises are almost gone!

On the way home Kitten asked if I had my Viagra with me and had me take 2. (Normal dose) After we got home and unloaded the car Kitten decided to unlock me. HINT - After 50 days caged your wife should NOT try to take off a cage with a solid ring an hour and a half after taking Viagra. Things WILL refuse to cooperate! :oops: She finally succeeded and we settled in to bed about 3 AM then....(Did I mention Kitten had only had about 2 hours sleep since Friday morning?)...she fell asleep! Now here I am, wife is sleeping peacefully, lying beside her uncaged and on Viagra. I did what any one else would do. I kept my hands where they belonged and finally went to sleep. Even without the cage on I was woke up several times by a raging hard on! I am always hopeful anytime I am unlocked for other than medical reasons but nothing happened on Sunday. Monday I was really bummed when the Jail Bird showed up in her hand. I thought she wanted to play before locking me up and asked her. She thought maybe I didn't want to. After some talking it was decided that the lock up could be put off for a few hours.

Took some little blue pills. Kitten was on the porch on her tablet and I was working in the house. Two and a half hours later we find out that both are waiting for the other one to say something. My next response is "I'll wait for you in the bedroom". (Note to the young guys, Viagra doesn't do anything without some sexual stimulation.) When Kitten came in she found me on the bed blindfolded, hard, and with the cuffs and a few toys by my feet. The only I stimulation needed was what was swirling around my brain housing group.

Kitten left the blindfold on, buckled the cuffs on my ankles and wrists and chained me spread wide. The next thing I felt was the crop on the inside of my left thigh. When asked why I answered it was for talking back earlier in the day. Another slap to the right thigh and again asked why. I didn't know and said so. Another hit in almost the same spot and she said the second one was for the same reason as the second one...."Because I can!" Next she said she was going to get something cold to drink. Before leaving she turned on the vibrating cock ring and put it just behind the head. I was told to enjoy and that I did not have permission to climax. The next 20 minutes or so were pure heavenly torture. My nipples were twisted and bit, those amazing fingernails roamed over my body and the cock ring gave way to lotion and a hand job that took me to the edge and back down. Nipple clamps were attached with the vibrator on the chain so she could pull it tight and send the vibrations down the chain to my nipples. The chain was pulled down and the vibrator again put around the head of Her cock. When it came off she put it back on telling me I had better not drop it again. Doing this kept me in a crunch position and, with my arms spread. I had to maintain the position just using my abs which admittedly aren't that good anymore. That took my concentrated effort and made fighting the need to cum all that much harder. Somehow I managed both until she removed the vibrator. Next she straddled me for a cowgirl ride and the struggle to not cum was on again. That was the first time I had been allowed inside her in almost 2 months and I went over the edge several times. Her next move was a rare treat of her sitting on my face to allow me to please her with my tongue for a few minutes before releasing the chains on my wrists and ankles. More oral to climax for her before I was allowed penetration again, with a warning not to cum without permission. I slowed down several time to stay in control and give her more orgasms including one that was massive. when I finally asked permission to climax she said NO and pushed me out. No amount of begging and pleading would change her mind to allow any release for me or to even enter her again.

Damn, she's getting more Domme all the time and enjoying it! :twisted: A few hours later I showered and shaved before presenting myself to her to be locked up. After I was caged she told me that when she unlocked me for our anniversary she had no intention of letting me have a climax.

God, I love this woman! :P
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Kitten's Boy Toy
I'm Kitten's property and She keeps Her property secure in a Jail Bird!
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