[Nat] Starting at the beginning...

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Re: [Nat] Starting at the beginning...

Post by Her-sub-in-training »

Sounds like she really invested a good deal of thought and planning into executing an exciting experience for you. I think she's earned her reward !
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Re: [Nat] Starting at the beginning...

Post by Nat »

I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful and thoughtful wife and kH.
I must remember to not get my expectation too high. I had been hoping that I would get a tease or two from my KH yesterday but I guess normal life keeps on going whether we like it or not. She hasn't had an orgasm for about a week due to her monthlies. At this time of the month she never feels at her best and kudos to her for giving me such an amazing tease the other night which I am still thinking about a couple of days later.

I have stopped leading or 'topping from the bottom' as some would say and it feels great.

I hope tonight I can make up for lost time and show her how much I appreciate her. I never expect anything in return and tonight is no exception. Life is just about perfect right now and I just want it to go on forever. I'm a very luck boy! If I hadn't discovered chastity I dread to think where I would be right now. We are definatly beyond the point of no return and that feels great. I feel so much more secure and confidant in the future.
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Re: [Nat] Starting at the beginning...

Post by Nat »

There is something so gratifying and special about giving multiple orgasm's to your KH while being locked up and getting nothing yourself. I think its that total experience of just wantonly giving as much pleasure as your KH can take. Its simple but beautiful. Just as a little side... I love it when she pulls my head in, in the throws of wanton abandon! It makes me work harder and of course lets me know I'm doing something right...?

This morning was lovely. I woke to find my beautiful wife laying next to me, as she normally is but having the thoughts of the previous night still pretty fresh on my mind, it didn't take long for me to be straining in my cage to get out. I started to caress and stroke her as she came awake as I know she loves this. I love the shape of her hip and back as she lays away from me. It always reminds me of an E type jaguar from the side. Its that sensual shape that hits the primaeval buttons. After several minutes of caressing she was fully awake and responding to my touches. By then I was extremely uncomfortable in my cage and aching to be free. I had to adjust myself a few times to try and get comfortable. Its self torture I know but I couldn't stop.
I think I might have let out a few moans, as she asked me with a giggle if I was alright knowing ful well what she was doing to me? I think she took pity on me when she saw the state I was in so unlocked me. I really struggled to get the base ring off but what a relief! Blimey. It was time to give a repeat of the previous night but without the cage. Why is it so hot when she arches her back in pleasure? Such a turn on. By the time she had had enough I was dribbling pretty badly despite it only being three days since my last O. I would have been quite happy to stop right there, as I do get so much pleasure from her orgasms but she then started to play with me. She has done this a few times and then stopped just as my hopes are beginning to rise! I genuinely wanted to cum again. She is so deft at bringing me up to the edge and then giving me a good look before pulling me back. I just have to think about her and some of the things she has done to me over the last couple of weeks and I'm right there staring down the barrel of a gun, so to speak. When she laughs at my frustration that makes it so much more erotic for me. When I'm shaking on the bed trying to get a bit more stimulation by waggling my hips, she tells me off. I love that. I think she has done such a wonderful job of reading how close I am to orgasm, and then tormenting the hell out of me! Long may it continue. I'm still living in my own fantasy.
Last edited by Nat on Tue Dec 02, 2014 10:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Nat] Starting at the beginning...

Post by Nat »

I woke yesterday at 5am with the most painful ball burn I have experienced. I guess I shouldn't have ignored the previous couple of nights pain but it was bearable and I didn't want to be a wuss! My KH let me out and the relief was immediate... at about 7am I was so horny, the feeling of a full erection without any confinement was filling my head. Fair play to my KH as all my attempts of advancements were met with a blank refusal to go any further than a cuddle. With the danger of annoying her I gave up and tried to think of other things! This was very difficult for some reason...?
A whole day of freedom was nice, although she did remind me on several occasions that I shouldn't expect any 'special' attention just because I was out. Last night we were both beat after a long day traveling so neither of us wanted to play, although she continues to wear her most sexy lingerie every night. I'm not sure if this is through habit now or deliberate thought? Either way I'm not complaining!
The other morning I received an email from Aubade, the french lingerie maker and I clicked through the link as they had a sale on. I was trawling through the delights when my KH came in the room. I clicked off the page as I have an agreement not to look at pages delibratly designed to arouse and wasn't sure if this counted. She asked me what I was looking at and I told her- expecting to be in for a punishment but she just said, 'did you buy anything?'
'shame you should have'.
Me- Damn it I missed a chance.

So this morning I awoke to total freedom once more. Mmm. I definitely sleep so much better without a cage on it feels like a real luxury now. After sorting out some minor family crisis, they were all out the house and I returned to bed with our coffee. We chatted for a while before my KH turned to me and said 'Its been a long time since you were "in" me.' I replied that yes it did seam a long time. She said "I miss that, so you'd better get down to it, but you better not cum'. Now that is a lot of pressure for me as I do have difficulty lasting long enough to make her climax by penetration alone, especially since being locked up as it just feels so dam good.
To cut a long story short and because I'm short of time... I found that because my bladder was full I had difficulty in cuming and managed to bring my KH to a wonderful O. She was very happy and I was properly 'used'. I will have to remember this trick for the future, as my KH has said to me on a number of occasions how she misses PIV and I do feel guilty that she isn't getting what she wants, although she did say that the O's I give her orally are wonderful, which made me feel rather good about myself.
Now I'm locked back up again and things are back to 'normal'. If the ball burn continues The jailbird cant come soon enough. I would hate to have to go back into the Holytrainer V2. Keeping it clean sucks and the security is a joke. What can you do?
Last edited by Nat on Tue Dec 02, 2014 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Nat] Starting at the beginning...

Post by Nat »

Its been a couple of days since my last post so have a few things to catch up on. My KH hadn't read the last 7 or 8 posts so I was a bit nervous when she said she was going to read them but afterwards she said it was good. I very neutral response but there were a lot of people around when she told me that so maybe she didn't want to get drawn into a conversation right then?
I have had to have another day out of my cage as I was starting to get very saw again. Its a bit of a set back and I was surprised how I felt, as I felt a little bit lost without it on, as if something was missing...which it was I guess. I'm now in the Holytrainer which is more comfortable but its a chore to keep clean and I have to sit down when ever I go to the toilet. I tried standing once and it ended badly! Also if you don't get your 'eye' lined up just right you can end up flooding the thing- not good.
This morning I woke up in the usual fully erect 'morning glory' mode but was very aroused with it, maybe because I was free. I had gone to bed a bit earlier than my KH as I had too much to drink! I blame Jack Daniels Honey for that. It just goes down too easily. Anyway when I found out she was wearing my favorite panties I had great difficulty keeping my hands off her. She knows full well how they make me feel. After 20 minutes of my best caressing moves she turned to me and said 'now you have got me going'.
Yes I thought I'm 'IN'. It didn't take long for me to wish I had kept my hands to myself though as she started to go to town on me, stroking and caressing my cock with just very light touches. I was already dribbling before she started as I had been turned on for at least an hour before she started on me. We have an unwritten agreement that if she is teasing me I cant touch her without asking but I think she knew how much I was turned on because she didn't say anything when I started to caress her again. Where I wanted to this time! Well this was just too much for me and I got edged several times to excrusiating sweat torture, before the final time when a couple of drops oozed out of me after about 20 seconds after she stopped teasing me. I was crawling up the walls by then. The frustration was sooo intense I thought I would burst. I was rolling around on the bed trying to get some more stimulation, much to my KH amusement. She said 'Oh this is so much fun!'.
'Yes for you', I said.
Then she said 'Are you putting your metal cage on or your Holytrainer?' No question as to weather I was OK to go back in. I got the impression that she really wanted me back in my cage as soon as possible. That made me feel that she was really in control and wanted that. She even waited around in the bedroom for me to calm down enough to go into the Holytrainer. Normally she trusts me to go back in by leaving the padlock open for me to click closed. Later she normally asks if I'm in, which is nice but for her to take the time to make sure I was locked and then handing over the key to her, put a whole new dimension on her level of control which was brilliant.

I had news this morning on my return to work date. I'm off on Sunday. It really sucks as I wont be home until January. This is the second consecutive Christmas and New Year I will have missed. :( It could very well be the last one apart so its a sacrifice we have both come to terms with. My wife has been brilliant about my working away and I couldn't have asked for more. Last time I was away she did some brilliant distance teasing. :P
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Re: [Nat] Starting at the beginning...

Post by Nat »

What a mixed day its been. This morning my KH asked me out right for an orgasm, that was the first time she had been so obvious and vocal about it. It shows how far she has come and how much more confident she is in her role as my KH. I was a bit confused when she unlocked me as I thought it was all going to be about her, which would have been fine by me. I got carried away giving oral service and climbed on top and entered her, when I couldn't take it any longer. I didn't ask her permission at that point, which was my first mistake. Then I lasted as long as I could before pulling out- ruining my own orgasm. She was very much in her own headspace at this point as I had given her about half a dozen orgasms by then. Then I entered her for the second time and really went for it. I knew she was really cuming very strongly and that made me give in to my own selfish pleasure as I knew I could get away with my own orgasm and that she wouldn't stop me in the frame of mind she was in.
Afterwards I felt a bit guilty I had taken advantage of her good nature. I was disappointed in myself for my lack of self control. I know she had a good time and everything but I felt a bit hollow afterwards. This is not what chastity should be about. She asked me if I should be punished for having an orgasm and I selfishly said 'no'. What I now realize is that I should be punished very severely for taking advantage of her. It has left me feeling flat all day and disappointed in myself.

I had better 'fess up' later...
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Re: [Nat] Starting at the beginning...

Post by sishypus »

Wow. You really got into a mood today, didn't you? I hope you don't waste much time correcting your biggest mistake and apologizing for giving that answer. It could really undermine the progress she's making in taking control and being the KH you wanted.
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Re: [Nat] Starting at the beginning...

Post by Nat »

Its been a couple of days since my last post to this forum, thats because such a lot has gone on, I just havn't had the time but also because I needed to get my head together about what has gone on. I did confess my bad behavoir to my KH and told her that she should have punished me for what I did and that the punishment should fit the crime and what ever she decided that should be, I would agree on. We had a bit of a heart to heart about where we are with this and I think we both agreed that we are in such a beter place because of what chastity has given us and we should recognise that and take more time to appreciate what we have rather than focus on the 'next thing'... Mainly my problem... Well all my problem if I'm honest. I guess I have always wanted to experience all life has to offer.
Cut to the morning after this talk and my wife is very ill with food poisoning. She is completly taken over by it for 48hours and all I can do is sulk like a little kid becuase I feel like I'm losing the last few days we have together before I go back to work. Why cant I see that at the time? Its taken me two days to realise that and I have put her through the added misery of being a selfish idiot. I feel like I have taken a step back because I have knocked some confidance out of her and its my fault. I think my enthusiasm and expectation has got the better of me.
We had a talk about all this, this morning and the air has been cleared. We do communicate really well but I think we have to talk sooner after something has gone wrong rather than let it stew. I still feel we have a way to go before were back on track. The honeymoon period feels like its over and I regret being part of the problem. From my point of view I feel like she should be harder on me and I would like her to take more control but it has to be at her pace and its up to me to remember that and do my best to help that process.

She did a cheeky tease on me this morning as we were sitting in bed drinking our coffee. We had just finished talking about the above and she started playing with me as I was 'all limp'. She played with me until I was hard then quite casually went back to our conversation. Everytime I went limp, she played until I was hard again. It was funny the way she did it, as if it was her toy to amuse her...
She did let me give her a few oral O's before she teased me mecilessly. It culminated in me spooning her which I love as it gives me such a 'close' feeling. I think we fit each other really well in that position. I was moaning in frustration which she always likes when she let me slip inside her. It felt incredible but when I started to move my hips she slapped me on the bum and said 'No, dont you dare move'. It was incredible. She then proceeded to grind her bum into me. It was too nice and it didn't take long for me to have to warn her I was about to cum., which I did this time! She said 'good boy!'. This happened a few times before she ruined my orgasm then told me to get back into my cage. I have been very happy all day. Who knew that sexual frustration, tease and denial could lead to happiness?
Just a few days now before we are apart for 6 weeks. It feels like a black cloud is following me around and there is a heavy weight in my heart. I mustn't let this spoil our time together.
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Re: [Nat] Starting at the beginning...

Post by Nat »

Yesterday afternoon my KH told me that today I would get my punishment for being a moody git and for cuming without her permission. Oh and I put her seat warmer on full for a laugh when she said she was too hot in the car. It took a while for her to notice. Childish I know but it made me laugh...
Then last night she said we should go to bed early to watch a saucy video together. She said 'Don't get any ideas though, as nothing but frustration will happen for you'. I was nicely surprised. Bed time came and we got into bed and the video we watched was about male office worker caught peeving at two female co workers. He got caught and then was given the ultimatum of losing his job or taking a spanking, which turned out to be quite severe... Coincidence? I don't think so...
Sure enough, once the video ended, it was a quick fondle from her to make sure I was properly aroused then a ' good night', with a slight giggle.
We woke just about the same time. After a few minutes she turned to me and said 'Once the house is empty I want you to put on 'your' knickers and go down stairs to make the coffee. I couldn't believe it. It was so out of the blue as I was expecting my punishment. I did as I was told and put my knickers on. They are black lace backed with a pink satin front... very demeaning. My KH was laughing and giggling at my obviouse unease.
I returned with our coffee and we chatted as usual but she was in fits of laughter seeing me in an obvious state of arousal and discomfort. She kept touching me through the fabric to make sure I stayed hard. I was very uncomfortable and squirmy. After we finished our coffee she said 'right we better get dressed as we have work to do in the garden. Keep your knickers on'.
Now she knows how wearing her underwear makes me feel as I have documented this in a previous post. By lunch time we had finished our work in the garden and sat down for a drink. After this she said 'right we better get you up stairs for your punishment'. Very matter of fact. My heart was starting to beat a little harder in my chest because after watching the previous nights video I kind of had an idea what I was in for. I knew that she was going to punish me in such a way that I wouldn't want to be punished again.
Once we were in the bed room she told me to strip naked but leave my knickers on. She then told me to hold on to the end of the bed bent over. I felt very vulnerable right then as I saw what implements she had got ready. There was a paddle and a cane. She then proceeded to fondle me through the fabric of my knickers. I didn't get hard as I was a little scared but I was turned on by the position I was in and the expectation. She then proceeded to pull my knickers up the crack of my bum to expose me better.
She then asked, 'do you know why you are being punished?'
'Yes, because I was so moody when you were ill as I didn't get my own way and I came without permission'.
'Also you put my seat warmer on when you knew I was already too warm', she said with a hint of laughter.
She then began to stroke my bum with the paddle very gently. Then out of no where the first strike hit me on the right buttock. God it smarted really hard. Before I had a chance to catch my breath the second landed on my other cheek. Wow it REALLY hurt. The blows came one after another I lost count as there was no rhythm to it. Some times they were just soft touches which made me jump, much to my KH amusement. I started to break into a sweat. The whole time my KH kept asking if I was OK so I felt safe.
She changed to the cane after about 5 mins of the paddle. My bum was really glowing by then so I din't notice at first but the pain changed to more of a sting. My KH commented on the stripes the cane was making. At one point my legs very nearly gave way under me.
When she decided to spank me with her hand, and my legs did give way that time. The pain was so intense by now I genuinely wanted it to stop. Sweat was dripping off me. I kept apologising for what I had done to try and make her stop, which she did, mercifully. I just couldn't move for a few minutes, my seances were all over the place but my KH brought me round when she said, 'if you stay there any longer I will start again'. That woke me up I can tell you.
I didn't feel anything but love right then for my KH, she had taught me a lesson I needed to learn. I was glad it was over but I felt closer to her. It enabled me to put my mistakes behind me as I had been feeling bad for days. She said that she was glad she had done it to.
She then told me to take off my knickers and lay on the bed. She then got undressed to her underwear, climbed on top of me and un locked my cage. She then teased the hell out of me, as she does so well until I couldn't take it any longer. I felt so in love with her right then for doing all that for me. I told her so and asked if I could give her an orgasm. She said I could- which made me very happy.
I got her comfortable on the bed and did my very best. She did say that it wouldn't take long for her to orgasm and sure enough it didn't. She stopped me after a while as she knows I would go on all day if I was allowed to. I felt so happy giving her back some of the love she had shown me.
We showered and changed together. It was a wonderful experience I will never forget.
We talked a bit afterwards about when punishments would be used in the future and that idle threats wouldn't be used. If she says I will get punished if I don't do something (or do something) then she will follow it through. I totally believe her and am glad that I feel she has the upper hand.

I am so very lucky...
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Re: [Nat] Starting at the beginning...

Post by Nat »

The last couple of days I have been taking some time to think about what I want to get out of this chastity lifestyle we have entered into. The teasing and denial has been fantastic and my wife and KH is entering into this with enthusiasm. She now starts conversations about 'us', something she hasn't done much in the past. She has gotten very good at edging me and I think she will start to prolong the times between orgasms as she now understands that as the days go on I get more and more attentive and less moody.
There is always a dilemma with me as I want to feel dominated and controlled but to get what I want I have to ask my wife and keyholder by telling her what to do. At the moment I feel like if I dont prompt her I wont get teased as often as I would wish. Maybe thats my problem to deal with?...I will have to ask her. Have to go so will add more later.
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