[KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

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slave d
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by slave d »

I’m glad you just made the last post because I’d already written a post telling you that you needed to “piss or get off the pot” but it now seems your just starting to get a grip on this !!

MsM’s ld
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New Zealand
Still having difficulty getting back into 24/7/365 chastity since covid. Very tender old man skin under the scrotum damages easily. Trying an HT Mk5 nub now. Love the fact you can’t pull out of it, hope my skin toughens up.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

slave d wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 3:04 am I’m glad you just made the last post because I’d already written a post telling you that you needed to “piss or get off the pot” but it now seems your just starting to get a grip on this !!

MsM’s ld
That actually made me chuckle.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KHEmmi »

KnownAsHerbert wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 5:42 am
slave d wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 3:04 am I’m glad you just made the last post because I’d already written a post telling you that you needed to “piss or get off the pot” but it now seems your just starting to get a grip on this !!

MsM’s ld
That actually made me chuckle.
Me too :lol:
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Another early wake up that I will blame on the lighter mornings and birds chirping.
The real reason was the usual one of course but as I wrote yesterday, I've come to accept that it's what I have to deal with now.
It means that I get up and make us both coffee a lot earlier than I used to. Gets the day of to an earlier start, which isn't a bad thing.

This morning, we drank our coffee and then snuggled back down in the warm for a little while. It had been a cool night as far as I could tell and the warm bed was very inviting. Emmi, feeling the same, settled down and cuddled up to me. All rather lovely, comfortable and calming. A little later I found her cupping my balls in her hand and lightly stroking my cock between the bars of the steel, first on one of the side gaps, then the other, occasionally a light touch on the end through the slot. One of the biggest plus points of the steel for Emmi is being able to do this. It's a plus point for me too as it feels wonderful but is also extreme in the frustration that it causes, especially when she stops and wants attention herself, which is of course what happened next.

A lovely start to the day but a shame that it had to end with us getting up to get on with the rest of our day. For me, I have some work to do but nothing too strenuous. Reviewing a couple of papers and replying to a few emails. An early finish would be nice.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

I was surprised to be surprised this morning. This life is so unpredictable.

A week ago I was unlocked for sex, had a nice clean up in the bath and was back in the cage for another month. Since then, nights have been relatively straightforward and I've begun to feel rather settled with my new steel cage. Then, out of the blue, last night happened.

After a fairly early night (we were both tired) we went off to sleep but I woke sometime between midnight and 1am (I just remember seeing '00' as the first two digits on the clock) with a powerful and persistent one going on in the cage. It wasn't unpleasant or uncomfortable, but I wasn't getting back to sleep any time soon. Eventually I did get back to sleep but not for long. Every hour it seemed there was another escape attempt going on, right up until it got light and the birds started chirping again. Not a great night. Any why, after several 'easy' nights?
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by ARK »

As per the famous philosophers Gomer Pyle,”Surprise Surprise, Surprise”
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by WifeIsVanilla »

I believe the precise quote is, "Soo-prize, soo-prize; soo-prize." :D

Nonetheless, your observation is spot on.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Ten straight nights in the steel so far and still 3 weeks to go this time. Not that I'm counting. I've just settled into the routine of knowing that the cage is there and will remain there doing its job until Miss Emmie says that time's up. The steel cage is heavy and moves as I walk. Constant reminder. At least I am getting more sleep now, although waking somewhere between 4 and 5am is common, always hard in the cage at that time in the morning. It's not painful, not uncomfortable any more either, just persistent, distracting, and frustrating. It has meant that my day just starts earlier as I get up to make coffee earlier. As a result, we tend to go up to bed earlier too. Maybe that isn't so bad either.

The steel cage has meant more daytime erections than the Cobra Nub. The old Cobra was so light and tight that I literally forgot about it. There was almost no movement possible so not much sensation either (a different kind of frustration in a way) and erections rarely even get started. Steel is different and the swinging weight means sensations, and sensations lead to arousal. Miss Emmie loves the steel cage too but has also said that we will “chop and change” when she feels like it so the Nub will be making an appearance again before long. One thing that she likes about the steel is the bigger gaps between the bars. When we settle down at night, she likes to stroke my cock through the bars as she cuddles up to me before falling to sleep, leaving me hard and awake. She knows she has complete “freedom to tease” without any pressure to finish anything that she starts. She likes that a lot.

Fair to say that I am settled and comfortable with either cage now, used to both the weighty steel and the sensation-free Nub. Both very different so perhaps Miss Emmie is right to want to “chop and change” for the sake of variety and keeping it interesting.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

I have a technical document to review this morning. There's 68 pages of it and I could do with some focus. So what does Miss Emmie do? She chooses to wear her favourite shorts. They're made of super soft material, they're close-fitting and are super short. Some would say ridiculously short but I prefer the term "cheeky". I think they're supposed to be yoga shorts or something but she doesn't do Yoga and never has. She wears them because they are comfortable around the house. She also wears them because she knows that I like to see her wearing them and I can't deny it. Today, however, they are all she is wearing. You could say that it is rather distracting, and you would be right. To make matters worse, she has introduced a “no touching” rule because as she rightly says, I have “work to do”. This is going to be a long morning.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Yesterday evening was going very nicely as Miss Emmie and I munched our way through the fish & chips that we popped out to buy. No cooking for us.

Later though, it was as if someone had flicked a switch and Miss Emmie was in strict mode all of a sudden. “Strip” she said, so I did. “Wait” she said, so I knelt on the floor and waited for further instructions as she left the room and went upstairs. Now what was going on? When she returned, she said that she'd run me a bath and that I was to go and get in it, have a good soak and clean up and she'd be there in a short while. I did exactly as I was told. When she arrived she asked if I'd had a good wash and enjoyed my soak. I had, I told her. Then she handed me the key and told me to take the cage off, hand it to her, and give my cock a good clean while she washed the cage. Again, I did exactly as I was told. After the bath and once dried off, she did an inspection (rather rare these days) and declared that all was well. Then she said “Put this on” and handed me the Cobra Nub, adding “It'll make a nice change”.

So I spent the night “nubbed” as she had got used to calling it, and what a weird feeling it was after the steel cage. As if it wasn't there at all. I'd actually found it quite tricky to get the ring on even though everything was relaxed and loose after the hot bath. I realised that the hinged ring of the steel had been much easier. Woke early, as is usual these days, hard and straining but feeling very different from other recent mornings. Finally went to the bathroom realising that I needed to pee and returned to find Miss Emmie stirring from her sleep. Without a word, she pushed my head down to pleasure her for the first time today. I resurfaced to find her satisfied but still with the strict mode switch to the “on” position. “Go and have your shower and then come back with breakfast.” she said. “No clothes today”.

A day of doing as I'm told then I think. Showered, dried, and cooking breakfast for my love. Returning to the bedroom with our first meal of the day, I found her sitting up in bed waiting, breasts nicely displayed to greet me, and a big smile on her face. Whether the smile was for me, or at my caged cock, or because she was pleased to see breakfast arriving I didn't know. We sat and ate, and drank strong coffee, and talked about the weekend ahead. No real plans. “We'll just see how it goes” said Miss Emmie.

With breakfast finished I was sent downstairs to wash up and put the things away while she had her shower. She came downstairs just as I was putting the last few things away and I turned to see her, giver her a kiss and say “good morning” all over again. She was dressed to please. Leggings and a little top. Both white. Both tight. I was already hard in my Nub. She obviously intends to do her best to keep it that way. She knows that the leggings appeal to me just as much as yesterday's shorts, are just as inviting to touch, but I am not allowed to touch.

And so on to our day.
4 x
Full time in steel or Cobra Nub as directed by Miss Emmi.
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