[Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Juor wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 8:55 am What are you going to do if C gets interested in the idea and suggests cuckolding?
you read my stuff too? wow. even i don't find my story interesting so thank you.

Sorry to disappoint. C has no idea what a lucky cucky is, and would likely be horrified at the thought.

Remember. As far as C is concerned. We are not kinky.

I figured if they had the t shirt they didn't mind people asking. It wasn't to see if I might like it.
I thought it was an interesting encounter.

I'm not sure I agree that we live out our fantasies? Aren't fantasies the things we're not doing but want to do?
OK, maybe once it was a fantasy of mine. But not any more. no point. C says "No"

anyway. Why try to guild the lily?
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Juor »

Mr Pickle wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 1:30 pm
Juor wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 8:55 am What are you going to do if C gets interested in the idea and suggests cuckolding?
you read my stuff too? wow. even i don't find my story interesting so thank you.

Sorry to disappoint. C has no idea what a lucky cucky is, and would likely be horrified at the thought.

Remember. As far as C is concerned. We are not kinky.

I figured if they had the t shirt they didn't mind people asking. It wasn't to see if I might like it.
I thought it was an interesting encounter.

I'm not sure I agree that we live out our fantasies? Aren't fantasies the things we're not doing but want to do?
OK, maybe once it was a fantasy of mine. But not any more. no point. C says "No"

anyway. Why try to guild the lily?
I wasn't suggesting you try to go the cuckolding route lol, just curious if either of you were curious about it, and I feel you are living your fantasy, also if you don't find your own story interesting why do you keep updating it? I personally been invested in seeing how things evolved.
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

not something I or C would consider. No interest in that side of it, but I can see why others would. people are unique.

I like writing it? Like a diary i suppose.
its a friendly place to be (the forum) and I want to be a part of it?
Maybe others will benefit in some way?
for reference purposes.
lots of reasons.
I find what I do interesting, what others do. Not so much what ive done if that makes sense.
Last edited by Mr Pickle on Mon May 13, 2024 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Juor »

Mr Pickle wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 2:47 pm not something I or C would consider. No interest in that side of it, but I can see why other would. people are unique.

I like writing it? Like a diary i suppose.
its a friendly place to be (the forum) and I want to be a part of it?
Maybe others will benefit in some way?
for reference purposes.
lots of reasons.
I find what I do interesting, what others do. Not so much what ive done if that makes sense... bro
I'm just saying I enjoy your entries, not trying to sound offensive lol
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

ty. no offense taken
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Tom Allen »

Juor wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 10:25 am, been reading his post for years and finally made an account because wanted to ask, also was struggling to make an account because site was confusing me.
It's your first post, and you went there. I'm just keeping an eye because we're having a lot of weird activity on the back end.

When you get a chance, please drop by the main forum to introduce yourself.
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


A ball slap for being helpful as a reward. And a ball slap for forgetting to close the driveway gate. Both were very different types of slap. One gave relief from the constant ache caused by full balls, and the other hurt like fuck!
I do have to pay a Keyholder service fee for each.
The second left me with a dull ache for quite a while, and in all honesty I enjoyed it because of where it came from. An adorable source.
C normally holds my balls when we sit in bed in the evenings. I'm never late to bed, always eager to join her because it makes me feel safe, cared for, and Owned.

I was made use of again so C could get a nice relaxing night before work.
My night wasn't quite as hard. Just a few pleasant reminders that I'm horny and locked.

C sent me a massage this morning "Wet for you 💋💋".

No doubt means I will be made use of again. I like feeling useful.

These little things, remarks and messages are so good.
It dawned on me recently that it isn't necessarily 'just' the message, but where it comes from that makes the big difference. Those that effect me come from a powerful place, and those with power have influence.

C has power. A side effect of this thing we do which has evolved, and that power/influence overflows into other areas.
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Wednesday. I can't remember what day it is?
C made short use of me last night. Too many interruptions so she called it a night. Work early this morning and little chance later means C will have to wait. Not good. I'd better beware.

I had a couple of long hard sessions during the night, the last was 5am.
I tend to deliberately imagine C sucking me or riding me and then eating her pussy. It doesn't help obviously, but it gets the worst out of the way first.
It's only 11 days since I came so these edges without release have quite an effect.

I'm quite amused at how similar my experience with hard nights seems to be in time with someone elses by chance, and can sympathise quite well. I'm used to it so it's mainly pleasant, but I do remember the early days.

I'm not sure if this is a two week edge followed by two weeks locked. I'll find out on Sunday no doubt.
If I get a vote. I'll take a couple of weeks locked without the edges thank you.
I'm not coming either way, locked would be easier.
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


C made full use of me this morning after announcing "I can't belive I haven't come since Tuesday? You're not doing your job properly. Has your tongue stopped working"?

"Ah fing ik haf broped off"..."only joking Look. My tongue is perfectly fine".

"Well stop wagging it about and using it to talk when it should be down here".

"Of course. It is only Thursday you know".

So I started to the sound of "What's a girl got to do to come these days. How am I Suposed to function if I'm not being serviced properly. I might have to get part time help in if you can't... And so on".

Right then. I'll show you what coming means.
The thought of sticking my finger up her butt faded as the consequences presented themselves in the front of my mind one by one. Dire, terrible painful consequences.
Ill just make C come hard as usual. That's a better plan.

C's complaints were quickly replaced by gasps, ums, ah's and "oh fuck".
C came hard. As usual.

Made breakfast while she surfed her post orgasm thing.

C decided she will edge me again later so sent me off to work.

Work was mainly good today. A bit of rain around two, so time to check mail etc. Finish off and head home to the C and kids.
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Late start today after a restless night.

C was very flirty and happy when I got home yesterday.
After dinner she told me to join her upstairs for another play and a mind fuck.

C: "Hmmm another edge today to drive you insane. Then one more on Sunday before I lock you up.

C rode me reverse cowboy. Fucking my cock and my brain at the same time.
I mean looking at that amazing tight butt and watching my just released erection disappearing inside her. And I Can't Come! "Stop" !
C stopped. My penis head was so sensitive I could feel the pulse in her vagina. "Fuck C, get off".
C lifted off, spun around and put her face right next to my twitching manhood "Don't you dare cum. Good boys don't come. That's why they stay good boys".

That just made it worse. It kept on twitching desperately.
"Aaargh". Breathe, breathe.

I'm sure I wasn't even in there half a minute? but even though half a minute had passed since C got off, I could have come with one word from from her.

"Don't do it. Or I'll be very mean to you".

I don't want a ruined orgasm anyway. And the thought of No touching, teases or ball play. That's a depressing enough thought to calm me down a bit.

C just watched it like an amused cat, fascinated. then she said "Lock it up slave boy. Only I get to come".

I locked up after getting it to go down.

Then something went terribly wrong? Still no idea how?
Ill recall as best I can.

C asked "So. How would you like your final 'Not come' on Sunday?

"What! I have to choose? You know I don't like having to do that. I can't".

"Then spin a wheel, roll a dice or phone a friend".

"Can't you just tell me? None of those wears a key. It's the only symbol of authority I take notice of. You do wear a key so you can decide. That's kind of the point"?

I didn't dare mention what the fees are for.

"Well ask someone with a key to tell you then. I'm sure someone would help or even get a kick from making you sweat, or squirm, or punishing you or making you serve me better or...".

"Ha ha " Stop! ". That's so funny, it wouldn't work. Imagine it" .

"Don't laugh at me. It would probably make my life easier.
I don't want to have to make All the choices everytime, but I don't want you making them either because yours are always wrong".


"Yes. You always make the wrong choice and feel bad about it, and I struggle doing the tougher ones so. "

"Calm down crazy scary lady. I'd have to follow two people's orders. That wouldn't make sense. It's a Studid idea".

"I have lots of bosses at work. Big boss, second in command and floor managers all in charge. It works in work. Did you just call me stupid"?

"Erm.. Yes. No. I mean". Whoops!

"You would have to complete this one goal yes. And I've still got the only keys that unlocks you if you didn't.
Stupid eh? ".

"OK. Funny, but I'd rather just try to make better choices".

"Oh and you will. Because now you have a choice coming up, and... (I'm not posting the rest of this sentence).

Ah shit! She's folded her arms.
I can't even look her in the eye now. How does she do that?

Quick. Change topic. Look at the windows instead of my feet

Lovely day for a walk or shopping tomorrow don't you think?

"Yes. You're not getting away with it, It will be" .

I'm not sure if C instantly forgot or got excited by whatever was in her head? because she took hold of my head, said "But first" and pushed me down. "Another".

This I can do. I hope she forgets.

I can't come for two weeks anyway. My brain has melted and then I'm locked without coming for another week at least, maybe two. I can't go much longer than that. No.
One week would be enough I think.

But how long without coming makes up for calling your keyholder stupid.? Even though that wasn't technically what I said or implied?

Ah bollocks! I'll make it up.

As we settled down for the evening C said "I'll know if you make it up".

1 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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