[KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

2 out of 14.
I must stop thinking like this. I don't even know that it is 14.

A good night's sleep though, waking too early with the usual feeling. Hard and frustrated but no pain forcing me to get up and go for a nocturnal walk. Wouldn't go away though so it did keep me awake. Wouldn't usually deal with it manually because I prefer early morning sex with Emmi but neither of those was going to happen this morning. So I just laid there 'enjoying' the feeling of filling the cage without being able to do anything about it. You guys obviously know what I mean.

Anyway, another day in the office and almost time for me to leave.
A goodbye hug and kiss then I'll be on my way.
Adapting to the new normal.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

I couldn't post much yesterday because of various time-out and gateway errors so I hope whatever caused those problems has been fixed.

Today I am working from home again, which is good news. Yesterday at work I had to sit through a two hour session that was hardly relevant to anything that I'm involved with, listening to a presentation and then its authors explaining things and taking questions. Personally, I had no questions. My mind was largely elsewhere I have to admit.

An easy night and I am left wondering... Did I not have any nocturnal erections or did I somehow just sleep through them? I woke up at 5am with one but that was the first that I can actually remember. Perhaps I am just too tired to remember.

Yesterday I was accused of making the goodbye hug and kiss as I set off for work "perfunctory". I knew the word but, just to be sure, I looked up an exact definition before deciding how serious a charge I was facing. Perfunctory means "carried out without real interest, feeling, or effort" so it is serious (but I also plead not guilty).

On to this morning and I've got up (to pee) and make coffee for us both. There's time before I have to start work for a nice breakfast with Emmi but before that, I'm taking her coffee and will give her some affectionate attention, making sure that it's definitely not perfunctory.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KHEmmi »

Definitely not perfunctory so no need to add any days. This time.

Time for me to get some more reading done.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Working from home and nice to finish relatively early so the weekend has begun already for us. We're having our food delivered tonight so no cooking. Chinese unless Emmi has changed her mind and wants Indian. I'm happy either way.

I told her that I was finished for the day and she said, "Yay, that's good. There's time for a cuddle before dinner then. I could do with some fun."

With dinner not usually happening until around 7pm, we'll have plenty of time to cuddle. I am guessing the cuddle with lead to an orgasm. For her. Not for me. I'm not expecting any unplanned unlocking...
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by Want2B_Locked »

You lucky guy.

If only my own LadyS would embrace chastity like your wonderful @KHEmmi

Have a teased and denied weekend
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KHEmmi »

No worries there Want2B_Locked, he will be. a day of CFnm ahead i think. I like that a lot.

I found that he wrote "feel ready for 24/7 wear now" in one thread somewhere on here but he hadn't told me! Well he's got it now.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Emmi asked me last night how things were going.

Me: How do you mean? What things?
Em: We're coming up to a month of this trial. I wondered how you think it's going.
Me: Oh I see. Well, it seems to be going pretty well I think. Since the Cobra it's all been fine.
Em: That's what I was thinking too.

She told me that she was going to “stick with it” and make sure that I “stuck with it” too. There'll be “no backing out now” and she said (not for the first time) that the trial will be months, not weeks, and “probably a year is reasonable”.

Of course, she's not told me how long this, or any other lock up period will be. All she has said is that she's going to build up the time between releases. With no physical problems, irritation, bruising, etc. I don't really have a valid argument against that plan.

Our conversation covered all these points and more. She was curious to know about how the Cobra felt. I told her, honestly, that there really were times when I couldn't even tell it was there and that I could completely forget about it. I told her, equally honestly, that there were times when I most definitely knew it was there, that nights had been frustrating, but not painful or even uncomfortable. The early days, especially in the old CB device were uncomfortable, painful, and looking back on it rather scary.

Em: Don't worry, we won't be going back to the CB. The Cobra's here to stay though. I'm glad it's comfortable for you and it looks good too. Very sleek!

Nearly a month on, as she said, and I am now sleeping much better and my nocturnal walks are no longer necessary. Last night I had two wake-ups that I can recall. Both times I had a very firm erection attempt going on in there (4th night since last release and orgasm) and both times it took a while to fade so that I could get back to sleep. I do feel that I am getting used to it, which is something of a relief because at the start, I was worried that it would be very uncomfortable and painful for a very long time, and that possibly I would not adapt to it at all. Fortunately I have. Now that I am up and getting on with my day, there've been a couple of erection events already. The Cobra keeps them well contained of course. Is it strange that I actually like the feel of the ring snuggly under my balls and the cage hugging my cock now? It really is quite a pleasant feeling most of the time.

Maybe now Emmi has her own login on here she will write about her experiences as well. Maybe she already has in the keyholder's area and won't be telling me what she wrote. My own view is that she is enjoying the trial and likes the way things are. Looking back on it, she took no persuading to give it a go, even after the disappointing previous attempt, so she must be quite interested and positive.

I am up and about and making breakfast for us both. One of Emmi's favourite parts of the new lifestyle at the weekends is to keep me naked so that she can watch me in the Cobra, or the Nub as she calls it (Correctly because it's the Nub version of the Cobra). So it is today, then. I've performed a certain duty to Emmi's satisfaction, had a shower, and been told that I “don't need clothes today” and now will deliver breakfast in bed to me darling keyholder.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by WifeIsVanilla »

You are a lucky guy, and no, I don't think it's unusual. I love the feeling of the constant contact of the cage and the base ring with my genitalia.
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Past Devices: Curve & CB 6000s. Both broke, were repaired; then broke beyond repair.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Emmi suddenly created a lot of rules when we started this chastity experiment. I think "suddenly" is not quite accurate because I really suspect that she had been thinking about them for a long time. There are rules about not complaining about the device and its effects unless there is a genuine problem. Asking for release or about when that will be is also not allowed. Not satisfying her whenever she wants it is another rule-break, and there are others. All come with similar consequences. Days added to the time spent waiting for release. Two rules are so general though, that they are really keeping me on my toes. One of those is the “behave myself” and the other is to “not upset or annoy her”. Obviously, both of those could cover absolutely anything!

Today we are having a lazy day after a busy week. That's what weekends are for. Somehow though, I still feel quite busy having cooked breakfast and cleared away, washed up and put everything away tidily. I've also cooked lunch today, plus the clearing up afterwards again. It seems that preparing meals is a job for me at weekends all of a sudden. Not that I mind. I enjoy food including cooking. Between those times I have made her hot drinks when she's wanted them, spent some time reading to her, and now she wants to repot some house plants and has asked for help with that too. All good together-time stuff of course.

She has said that she is having a lovely day and asked if I was too. Of course, I said that it was a great way to spend our spare time and agreed that it was a lovely day for me too.


Em: I love these CFnm days. We should make them a regular feature whenever we have the time.
Me: I know you like them, and that's fine with me.
Em: Orgasm before or after we repot these plants, do you think?
Me: Perhaps both?
Em: Yes, both! Kneel down then.

So I knelt, on the rug in front of her as she lifted her dress for me to go to work, with her holding my head against her.

Em: I love seeing you getting all excited like that. Let's do the plants and then you can do that again for me.
Me: Of course.
Em: I love that Nub, you know? Look at you squeezing through the gaps! Is it a nice feeling?
Me: I know you do and, yes, it's... nice. Frustrating but nice. Thank you for letting me make you come.
Em: Letting you? I don't think you had a choice. Remember the rule about keeping me happy?
Me: I won't forget.
Em: Good. Well done.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Me: Oooh. you've been writing!
Em: Yes, I did that while you were making our lunch.
Me: It's good that is. Well done. Especially the Cobra one.
Em: You like it? I just thought I'd get my thoughts written down to look back on.
Me: It's great. Look at all those positives about the cobra!

I read them out to her: small, neat, rigid, tight, restrictive, secure, effective, and fun.

Then said, “You've used tiny, smooth and sleek further up as well. You really do like it, don't you?”

Em: I do. That's why I keep you without clothes so I can watch you wearing it all the time.
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Full time in steel or Cobra Nub as directed by Miss Emmi.
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