[Eddie] A Touch Here and a Touch There

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Re: [Eddie] A Touch Here and a Touch There

Post by LuckyEddie »

Well, been locked for a full week now (I know, does not seem like much to some of you), and its not really a record for me, it just “is”.

I was re-reading my posts here and noted that I tend to go back and forth a bit with what she wants and what she does. 2 posts ago I said that “She is now demanding that I remain caged”, and while that is truthful it didn’t go as far as it could have. She has asked that I cage, but there is no follow-up, no verification, just a small guilt trip (honestly, small) if she notes that I am not wearing it. That’s all. When I had the time a couple of weeks ago I explained that verification and her insisting on keeping the keys (there are 2 of them for this lock) was a part of the game. I put them both on the bathroom counter a week ago, and they have not moved unless I move them. I asked her to keep one in the bottom of her purse and the other in a kind of remote controlled vault (I ordered it last week, coming from China, another 2 weeks away). Nah, still on the counter.

If you read through everything here you will note that there are several mental issues in the background of this blog. One is that because of her past there is just no real desire for sex, or anything like it. 35+ years in a marriage with this disability, I could never have imagined I would last that long in such a situation.

Last week we were offered 2 paths by our therapist. Path one is a deep mental reconditioning to try and get her “back into her body”, meaning that she would not be divorcing her brain from the sensations her body is providing to her during intimate encounters. The second option was to teach her how to navigate the mechanics of sex without being revolted by it. No enjoyment for her, just a lack of disgust. Both have advantages and disadvantages, naturally.

She and I discussed both of these options the other day, and I asked her which one she would like to try. I didn’t push for either, just worked to clear up and questions either of us had. She has opted for the first option. It’s the one I was hoping she would choose, but also the one that I disliked the most. Hypnotism, EMDR, intense one on one therapy, ect. The caveat, no sex for a year. And we were just getting pretty good at it too. A soul crusher, another year straight without being physically intimate with my wife. Don’t get me wrong, given our history this wont be the first time, we have had several times where we went more than a year without sex, but this time I would not even be allowed to ask. I could have cried, both for joy that she really wants to get her past out of the way of her enjoying sex, and of sadness for another year long stint with enforced abstinence. I need a better hobby, the 12 I have now just wont cover it. And on we go…

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Re: [Eddie] A Touch Here and a Touch There

Post by LuckyEddie »

So, strange as this may sound, there has been some improvement.

We had a pretty good session with the therapist, she kind of outlined the path forward (she is consulting with her mentor on specifics, her mentor is some kind of a BDSM specialist). It “should not” be a full year, its not going to be completely without sex (and believe me, any year that has more than 2 events of sex is a GOOD year), and the games can continue (chastity). Better than anticipated or hoped for, far better.

She and I had another frank talk about the cage, and I pretty much laid out some wishes that I have concerning the game. We talked about using alcohol or cannabis with the therapist to overcome her mental walls concerning sex, and she said as long as it was not being used as a crutch that it might work out. More on that later. On the way home we talked quite a bit about what I envisioned the game to be, and what she envisioned. I pointed out that she has seen some very real positives in the last few days from my being caged (she got some action on a few of her “Honey-Do’s”). I keep telling her this is far more about her pleasure than mine, but I’m pretty sure that she is still unbelieving. Anyway, she gets good stuff, and as I keep telling her I get to play the game I enjoy. Win-Win. Yeah, ok, right.

Event Turn: Sunday, I gets up, I needs a shower says I, and she tells me to make sure I am caged when I comes back out. She wants BOTH keys, says I am not playing to her satisfaction in that I use the other key whenever I want, and she wants me locked period. She even gave me a pair of her panties to wear. Odd that we both wear the same size, but then again neither of us are really small in most dimensions. She hands me the panties and says these will look “cute” on me. I just about lost it, right there, standing in front of her in a pair of my own, soaking them down. When I finished I handed her the other key, she physically checks to ensure that I followed instructions, and I finish getting dressed for the day. Since then she has refused to hand me a key, even for cleaning, says its my problem that I need to “figure it out”. OMG! SHE IS PLAYING!! I just about wet down another nice set of panties. She noticed and calmly says that I am not allowed to orgasm under any circumstance (2.5 weeks already caged and orgasm free), not even by accident. It was an “or else” kind of statement, no specifics on what “or else” might be. Another cage bending moment, and she is noticing that I truly enjoy those moments.

She really “is” playing. This afternoon as I was hooking up one of the dogs for a trip outside she reaches between my legs and does a hands on verification check. Shocked I was, very. This might not be so bad. We shall see….

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Re: [Eddie] A Touch Here and a Touch There

Post by LuckyEddie »

So its been a while, sorry folks.

Once again, as is usual according to my personal history, life has thrown another major curve ball at me, which of course hit me squarely in the head. Another of my children has been killed in a vehicle incident. Please note that I didn’t say “accident”, this likely was no accident. My youngest daughter was killed mid-February on a dark road, way way early in the morning, by a hit and run driver. I spoke with the state patrol and they had not found a suspect. She being involved in the seedier part of life (drugs, prostitution, theft, etc) leads me to believe that this may have been an intentional “accident” rather than a real one. That’s 2 children killed in auto accidents in the last 14 months. And of course the rest of life remains, mother-in-laws who fall and break things, kids with emotional issues, grand kids (a good thing BTW), all of it. That never really goes away does it. No peace for Eddie. We are dealing with the most recent death as best we can.

One bright light is that my wife continues to “want” to have a sex life. Cant bring herself to do it yet, but we are open and honest with the therapist and things are improving. No drunken Valentines Day events this year, but still we are together and working the issues. Haven’t been locked in a while, not consistently at least, just the odd 2-3 days now and again so that my “junk” remembers where it is supposed to be. Work, sleep, eat, grieve, rinse and repeat. Just a short update to let folks know we are still out here. One of these days I am going to get her to read this blog, but not today. 😊
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Re: [Eddie] A Touch Here and a Touch There

Post by LuckyEddie »

So its been even longer since my last update, sorry folks. Life has been getting in the way, in more ways than one.

The wife went through hypno-therapy to address quite a few things in her past, and is still doing it every other week or so. It’s a good thing, she now realizes that some of what she feels is a bit irrational, and is now getting the tools to deal with that. Our sex life has been on hold since the Valentines day incident in 2022, and I have had my cage off for several months. I say “incident”, but as I have told her many times, it was the single greatest night of love making we have ever had. I think she is beginning to believe it.

Put it back on Saturday, and have been in it since. I didn’t realize that after an extended absence that you have to go through all the “getting use to it” thing again, so I am on day 5 of doing just that. On a positive note, she has again agreed to keep the keys, and we are discussing adding teasing to the mix. Both verbal and physical. Looking forward to that, really really looking forward to it. We have concluded that we will have “naked sexy time” 3 times a year from here on out, with the possibility of additional impromptu sessions at her pleasure. I’m good with that, its more than I have gotten over the last 30+ years. Any improvement is welcome.

I have talked to her about joining the forum and getting into the keyholders area, she really has trouble grasping some of the concepts involved in Male Chastity, and the benefits for both her and I. Just about have her convinced, a bit more work here and she may just join. That IMO would be ultra cool.

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Re: [Eddie] A Touch Here and a Touch There

Post by LuckyEddie »

My wife passed away on 8/30, so I will be closing out this blog.

My thanks to the admins, its a great place for those seeking actual information about this ... hobby/lifestyle/others.

Last edited by LuckyEddie on Mon Oct 09, 2023 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Eddie] A Touch Here and a Touch There

Post by Mr Pickle »

I'm sorry to hear of your loss Eddie, words truly fail me. It has been an honour reading your open and honest comments whilst following your journey.
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Re: [Eddie] A Touch Here and a Touch There

Post by ponylady »

My heartfelt condolences; let me 2nd mr. Pickles wishes.
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Re: [Eddie] A Touch Here and a Touch There

Post by TwistedMister »

Wow, that seems so...sudden. My condolences, you have had a rough time of it over the last year or so.
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04/07/19 "And then I 'punished' you by making you lick my pussy after I let my other 'boy' fuck me." --Mrs. Twisted
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