[DLittle5FL] Hope To Start For Real This Time

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[DLittle5FL] Hope To Start For Real This Time

Post by DLittle5FL »

I hope I can get this chastity arrangement rekindled and would like input. Maybe my ideas might prove useful to others too:

Married 17 years, been together almost 25. I'm 56; she's 60. I'm somewhat deviant; she's more straight-laced.

For the last 5 years or so, I've convinced her that it's in our best interest if I go down on her and then get myself off later (often I get too tired and give up and that often makes her feel inadequate ... maybe I'm too used to masturbating 5 times a week), when she's asleep or not around. I am uncomfortable with doing the deed in front of her because I like visual aids and, although she's okay with me watching porn, I don't think it'd go well. Besides, I'm a pretty private person anyway. I like light humiliation (sph) and she has consistently obliged this for me to the point that it is now a regular thing to comment on my size any number of times throughout the day, not just when I'm servicing her. She also agreed to allow me to record several of our sessions and I've edited the recordings down to a bunch of audio clips that I play while masturbating.

I discovered that one of the main things that affected the frequency of me giving her "head" was that she was often self conscious about her cleanliness and her having to shower first put a damper on things. So I convinced her that I prefer her to be unclean because pheromones may be more powerful (IDK if this is true or not) and that it adds to my humiliation experience. Now, although frequency has only increased slightly, it's become a regular thing that she is intentionally not cleaned and she willingly announces that "I left it dirty for you because you don't deserve clean pussy."

Outside of the bedroom, I am the alpha in the relationship. So this makes 24/7 roleplay tricky. I don't want to give up that role and she doesn't want me to either. But she's been great at "flipping the switch" when it comes to sex and sexuality. I'm so thankful to her for that. But the chastity idea was a tough sell. Luckily for me, I had a bargaining chip: she likes to go to the casinos (I don't).

Why do I think I'll enjoy full-time chastity? Well, I really like giving up control (won't make this post any longer by studying why) in the bedroom but not anywhere else. We tried it off an on for a short period and then we both got the Rona in February and it halted. I want to rekindle this thing and have presented the following arrangement for starters:

I will be locked up 24/7 with a backup key in a sealed envelope in my wallet. I'm going to engrave "key in wallet" on my device in case of an emergency where I'm unable to communicate. I will propose to my wife that she wear the other key on a necklace, but I don't know if this'll fly. But I will also propose that I not be able to touch the main key. The only times I will be allowed out is for medical appointments, family gatherings, and under her constant supervision (like for hygiene purposes) and one more exception shown below. I will ask that she gives me no pity and takes devilish delight in my discomfort (I think I've found the right device for me BTW; I've had it on for a few days in a row). Because I still want to whack off, here is the exception:

On the day of my lockup, I will mark the date of my scheduled release on a grease board in the kitchen which will be three days away. On that day, she can release me or "spin the wheel" (app) for, say, a 60/40 chance for me to be released. If she spins the wheel, some of the options include cash prizes, or "casinobucks." If the wheel says "OUT," I get out of the device for 24 hours to give me time to "take care of business" in private (she really doesn't want to be involved in that part anyway). If the wheel says "IN," I stay in for another day. Additionally, she gets casinobucks each time she demands that I go down on her, do a chore while naked, leaves me dirty undies ... you get the point. And in addition to that, there are 2 more wheels she can spin: she can spin the BAD wheel up to twice a day to add days to my sentence when I haven't treated her as well as she'd like (and maybe some more casinobucks) and she can spin the GOOD wheel to reduce my sentence with far fewer chances to get additional casinobucks. Finally, (well not finally because I'm a precisionist and have control issues) she gets a set amount of casino bucks each week that this "game" goes on and I'll take her to the casino whenever she wants (2 hour drive so not bad for a day trip).

I know I'm taking advantage of her penchant for slot machines, but she's generally okay with it and sees it as kind of a win-win situation. I also know that I make too many rules because she says she can't keep up with them all. But I'm trying to get what I want without her taking advantage of some loophole and destroying our checking account in one week. I am happy to share more details if there's an interest. But I'm mainly sharing to see if anyone else who still wants to masturbate has a similar arrangement and/or has additional suggestions.

This is only my second post to this forum, but I hope to get plenty of responses. Wish me luck!
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Re: [DLittle5FL] Hope To Start For Real This Time

Post by Mermaiden »

Good luck with asking her. My wife are in our 60’s and I’m hoping chastity with her in control will work for us both. Im uneasy about the cage part and will be interested in hearing how it works for you two.
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Re: [DLittle5FL] Hope To Start For Real This Time

Post by DLittle5FL »

Well, she agreed to all of my terms. I am now locked up. I had a bit of trouble when I went pee earlier today. As I was shaking, the whole thing fell off. As I am not allowed to touch the key, she had to unlock it for me to put it back on. Didn't see that happening. Gonna look for a better device and probably a 40mm ring. It's strange since I thought 45mm was too tight and bought a 50mm which definitely falls off of me. We'll see how this goes....
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Re: [DLittle5FL] Hope To Start For Real This Time

Post by WifeIsVanilla »

I would be careful about reducing the ring size. Too tight will cut off circulation which is dangerous.

It's probably the gap between the base ring and the cage that is the problem. If it's too large, a testicle, or both, can slip through and the device will fall off. If it is too small, excruciating ball burn will occur. You need to find the Goldilocks gap measurement for you.
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Past Devices: Curve & CB 6000s. Both broke, were repaired; then broke beyond repair.
Current Devices: MM Jail Bird, Cobra, MM Watchful Mistress, Holy Trainer v3, a new Curve & the dreaded Spiked Chamber.
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Re: [DLittle5FL] Hope To Start For Real This Time

Post by DLittle5FL »

Thanks for the advice. Gonna try to get the 40mm to try it anyway. But we'll agree that its for trial period only. I had a rough time getting into the 45mm ring so the 40 will definitely be a challenge. But I got over the discomfort of the 45 pretty quick; perhaps the 40 will fit. The challenge is that I have varicocele on the left side which makes my scrotum thicker so you are probably right about the 40mm ring. I think as my scrotum starts to relax, my device lowers and I think that's the problem. I wonder if there's a lockable small ball stretcher that could be added to my apparatus to keep the device from riding down my scrotum.
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