Saving My Marriage

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Saving My Marriage

Post by wishful4 »

(This story was made up from snippets of a story post on the blog FLR Coach plus my additions, Enjoy!)

I was at my wits end and had to do something. My husband and I were rapidly becoming roommates instead of a loving couple. He no longer pursued and lusted after me like he did when we first married. I actually had to initiate sex most of the time and was at a loss to figure out the reason his sex drive had gone into low gear. I was a very sexual girl and needed plenty of attention. Then I came home early and caught him furiously masturbating to some pornographic websites on his computer when he was supposed to be working. We had a huge fight and I stormed out of the house. The next week I spent many hours thinking and soul-searching about what to do about this. Then, as if it were divine providence, I was looking at websites about marriage relationships and stumbled right onto Female Led Relationships and, via some of the FLM blogs, male chastity. I had never even heard of this and was completely intrigued. After days and hours of research, I felt this was the right thing for my husband and our relationship.

At the weekend, I told my husband I wanted to have a conversation about our marriage. My deliberate vagueness as to the subject had him scared to death. He later told me he thought I was going to leave him. After Dinner, we sat at the table together and I told him I wanted a change in our relationship. Basically, I laid it all out for him. I wanted us to try a female-led-marriage. I felt that he wasn’t doing his fair share around the house and I wanted that to change. I also wanted a change in the bedroom. I wanted be in charge there, as well, and I wanted him to be more attentive to my needs. Then, I dropped the bombshell. “I want your excessive masturbation to stop and I am going to take control of it. I am getting you a male chastity device to wear and I will hold the key.” I paused for a few seconds. He looked at me, then looked down at the floor. “I’m so sorry I’ve neglected your needs, I know my masturbating has gotten out of control,” he said. After a short silence, I continued, “So, you know what this device is and you’ll consent to wear one for me?” He looked up at me, nodded, and said “yes, I’ll do anything as long as you don’t leave.”

So, we both made a verbal commitment to this FLR and set out on this journey together. We shopped together for a chastity device we thought would be both comfortable and secure. I told him that my goal was for him to wear the device 24/7 unless I wanted it removed. He struggled with it in the beginning and I was very lenient in unlocking him as he tried to get used this new device locked around his genitals. His erection attempts, especially nighttime ones, were especially uncomfortable at first. We dealt with the soreness and abrasions as they came. The weeks went by, his body adjusted, and he grew accustomed to wearing his device overnight and during the day while I was away at work. As the weekend approached, I told him I thought he had progressed to the point that he was ready to try an extended lockup. It would start the next day on Friday evening and would be for one full week.

This was his first solid week locked in chastity and, just as I’d read, the results were amazing. I’ve locked him up for short periods of time before, but this was our first trial period for an extended lock up with no release. It started on a Friday evening. The lock snapped shut at 8pm and the only key went around my neck, to be worn continuously for one entire week. By Sunday night the effects began showing. As expected, there was some whining, general complaining, and even begging over the weekend. When it got to be too much, I sternly told him to stop or I’d begin adding time to his lockup. Those words did the trick each time.

On Monday, when he complained about the device pulling his pubic hairs, I removed the device and trimmed most of his hair off, leaving only about ¼ inch. The chastity device went back on right after the shaving. I loved the new “neater” look and thought to myself “this is how all small penises should look”. By Tuesday I began seeing a remarkable difference in his behavior and overall attitude. I came home from a long day at work and found most all the household chores done. The vacuuming, the dishes, the dusting, almost everything. He works at home and occasionally has down time during the day, but had never done this before. It had only been four days and the results had already exceeded my expectations. I was so proud of the progress.

We spent the entire evening watching TV while he rubbed my feet. The evening ended with him bringing me to multiple oral orgasms. With all the practice and my direction, he was getting better and better with his oral skills. This was a turning point for me. If I ever had any doubt that putting him in chastity was the right decision, those doubts were long gone. All the articles and stories I read were right. I was ecstatic and already plotting how I could make this “trial period” a permanent arrangement.

As the week progressed, I started leaving chore lists for him during the day and expected them to be done when I returned home from work. He completed them all without complaint. It was very obvious to me that being in chastity really complemented his submissive behavior. He was trying his best to please me in every way. The rest of the week saw his submission deepen each and every day. His efforts were tugging at my heart and I wanted to unlock him and fuck him silly. But, as his keyholder, I knew it would be counter productive and that I had to remain strong for the week. On Wednesday, he went to his underwear drawer and found all his boxers replaced with my own panties. With the confused look on his face, I crept up behind him and reached around to cup his cute little locked penis in my hand. I whispered in his ear, “Honey, with your little man neatly shaved and locked away, it looks so cute, so I thought why not take the next step and keep you in panties for the rest of your trial period” He hesitated only briefly before picking up a beautiful green pair and stepped into them. My pussy immediately became moist. I don’t think I have ever been happier. The road we were heading down was even better than I had fantasized. I turned him around and pulled out my phone to snap a picture. I wanted this moment saved forever. He instinctively moved his hands in front of his crotch to cover his panty clad locked cock. In my new realm of female dominance I saw this as an act of disobedience that could not be tolerated.

Without thinking I physically pushed him against the wall hard. The look on my face must have been pretty angry, because I recognized the fear in his eyes. I spoke firmly and deliberately, “Listen to me! I own that cock and I own you. If you disrespect me like that again you’ll buy yourself another week in lock up. Is that clear?” “Yes ma’am, I’m sorry” was his only reply. “Don’t forget who is charge here,” I said as I fondled the key that hung from around my neck. Needless to say, he meekly nodded in agreement and I took the pics I wanted. The lack of fight he put up was telling. His submission to my verbal attack was feeding my already growing feelings of power and dominance. My emotions were running high and it felt like another milestone moment in our journey towards a Female Led Relationship was unfolding right before me.

I was definitely caught in the moment. Already dressed for the office, I quickly removed my pants and threw him on the bed. The events that had led up to this had my pussy sopping wet. I mounted his face and began grinding out an orgasm. He didn’t resist. I don’t think he could have if he wanted to. My thighs were clamped around his head and my pussy was ravaging his face. I finished and quickly dressed again and headed off to work. On my drive in I thought about what had happened. First, the humiliation he must have felt when I announced that he would be wearing women’s underwear from now on. Then, the humbling emotion when I physically pushed him into the wall, before forcibly queening him. Finally, taking pictures of his locked, shaved, and pantied cock. I imagine he feared what would happen with those? Who would I show them to? What would happen next?

At this point I knew, without a doubt, that this is what I wanted. I wanted this trial period to become a permanent lifestyle. However, I was new at being a dominant and a keyholder and was afraid of pushing ahead too fast. I knew I needed to stop second-guessing my decisions. I was confident we would both be happier, it would improve our relationship, and deepen our love for each other, but I felt I had to carefully think about each new move. On Friday I spent most of the day at work reading more articles and guides on building a loving Female Led Relationship. Tomorrow was Saturday, the time we had designated for his release, was coming up and I really didn’t want this to end.

The last week had really opened my eyes as to how good this lifestyle could be. I hadn’t had to do virtually any housework all week. He waited on me hand and foot at night. Foot rubs and worshiping every night and all the oral sex a girl could handle. It was perfect, but would it last. If I unlocked him and let him cum on Saturday, I feared all the progress we made this last week would be in vain, and we’d be starting at square one again. I just couldn’t allow that to happen. But he had been so good, and I had given my word at the beginning that this would be a trial period. Of course, I could just “change my mind”, but I wanted him to trust me and be on board with the decision to continue.

On Friday evening after work, my perfectly behaved caged man was waiting for me at home with a glass of wine and a foot rub for my sore feet. All the housework was done, and pretty panties covered his little caged penis. After a relaxing bath, I donned my sexiest, transparent nighty. While stroking his cage thru the panties, I asked if he was excited about it being removed tomorrow. He nodded vigorously. All the while, I’m whispering in his ear how much I’ve enjoyed this week and how I feel we’ve made tremendous progress. His cock was straining against the cage. I told him he could take off the panties and his little caged penis was dripping. I reach down and wipe a drop off with my finger. I raise my finger to his mouth and he obediently sucked it dry. I then told him to get on his knees in front of the sofa while I remove my sexy panties while, again, reminding him that tomorrow is his big day. I lay back down on the sofa, and much like the past week, ask him if he’d like to lick my pussy. Of course the answer was an exuberant “YES”. After a week of this, he was addicted to my taste and smell and looked forward to it every evening. As he approached, I stopped him. “Maybe you should wait?” He looked up at me with a puzzled look. I was stroking his cage with my foot and he was furiously leaking. I said, “Do you really want to taste my pussy?” He was in a frenzied state and would do or say anything. “Please let me lick your pussy, I’ll do anything you want”, he begged.

Those were the words I was waiting for. “Okay, I will let you do that, but in return, you have to agree to go one more week in chastity. The choice is yours. You can say no and we’ll stop the teasing tonight and I'll still let you cum tomorrow as planned.” During this whole discussion his face was inches from my wet pussy. I felt his breathing. “I’m sorry honey. I know this is a tough decision. I know how badly you want to lick me, but you also have been waiting to come tomorrow. You can only have one, what will it be?” He made no immediate response. After a few seconds I said “You have ten seconds to decide”. His breathing hastened. I began counting down, got to five, and then I felt it. His lips on my pussy. Oh my god, I was completely overwhelmed! A few weeks ago, my man had no interest in sex with me. Now he’s giving up an orgasm to taste and lick my pussy! I said, “You know what this means, honey?” He nodded a yes as his tongue began exploring my pussy. “Oh baby, I’m very happy with the decision you’ve made. Look at how far we have come, and now we have another week to go. I love you so much”

I was triumphant. He truly was mine and we were on our way to a fulltime FLR. I allowed him to feast on my pussy to his heart’s desire that night. True to my word, at the end of the next week, I gave him a mind-blowing orgasm. He could hardly withstand it. Per my directive, after a shower and shave, he went right back in the cage without complaint. How truly loving. I held his face in my ands and kissed him deeply. "Do you trust that I know what is best for us now?", I asked. "Yes, and I love you so very much", he answered. I felt more sure of myself than ever, and feel sure the best is yet to come.
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Re: Saving My Marriage

Post by TwistedMister »

04/07/19 "And then I 'punished' you by making you lick my pussy after I let my other 'boy' fuck me." --Mrs. Twisted
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Re: Saving My Marriage

Post by wishful4 »

TwistedMister wrote:Stiffie!
TM, might you be in need of a smaller cage??? :lol:
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Re: Saving My Marriage

Post by TwistedMister »

LOL! I'm not currently caged...and enjoying it. Nothing like waking up in the morning with a big boner, and actually being able to rub it!

I appreciate a story that is written well and has few grammatical errors, and an author that pays attention to detail...that can get a rise out of me.

Some (other peoples') stories are so poorly written that it sucks any/all eroticism out of them. I was reading one on Literotica the other day, that started with an interesting premise, but it was so grammatically incorrect that it was a chore to read. And worse, the spelling of the main character's name changed three times in two pages, showing that the writer either was incapable of paying attention...or just didn't care (plus other details that morphed).

The comment that I left basically said that it was insulting to readers to be presented with such dreck. If a writer can't be bothered, or doesn't care enough, to write well, why should people bother to read it?

(And on another forum, some of the wackiest stuff claimed as being true stories is so poorly, and so badly, written that it makes one think that the writer is too brain-damaged to be capable of having an adult relationship. It reminds me of a case where, what's the politically correct term?...a guy who was severely intellectually challenged who was shut up in a room (by his parents) and given a CB radio to play with. It kept him occupied and out of the parents hair but it was pure craziness for everyone else trying to talk on the radio in that area...some of the stuff I see reminds me of that, except that they have a computer to play with instead of a radio.)

Reading a *good* story is like getting a breath of fresh air.
04/07/19 "And then I 'punished' you by making you lick my pussy after I let my other 'boy' fuck me." --Mrs. Twisted
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Re: Saving My Marriage

Post by wishful4 »

TwistedMister wrote:I appreciate a story that is written well and has few grammatical errors, and an author that pays attention to detail...that can get a rise out of me.

Reading a *good* story is like getting a breath of fresh air.
I agree! Maybe I'm just a little anal in that regard, but I often go back and edit a story over and over trying to make it right. Never quite get it perfect, but I try. :D
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Re: Saving My Marriage

Post by TwistedMister »

wishful4 wrote:I agree! Maybe I'm just a little anal in that regard, but I often go back and edit a story over and over trying to make it right. Never quite get it perfect, but I try. :D
LOL, I have a similar none of my stories have made it...even some of my regular posts (the longer ones) almost didn't make it, a few were abandoned, and one or two are probably sitting as text files on one of my machines.
04/07/19 "And then I 'punished' you by making you lick my pussy after I let my other 'boy' fuck me." --Mrs. Twisted
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Re: Saving My Marriage

Post by wishful4 »

Hope you will reconsider publishing your stories. I'm sure they would be well received. We are usually our own worst critic.
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Re: Saving My Marriage

Post by TwistedMister »

wishful4 wrote:We are usually our own worst critic.
True...but then I have a hard time imagining that no one else is a 'nit-picky' anal-retentive prick like I am when it comes to reading...I probably make better editor than of my 'can't help its' is picking out the things that are 'wrong' in commercial novels (and on the TV, which my wife hates- "Just shut up and watch the show!"). (I'm actually thinking of starting a sort of blog, where I detail all of the errors in whatever book I happen to be reading...and maybe get a job where someone will pay me to do it, that would be a perfect job for me now...I did one a while back, a 'based on real events' story about the mob in Boston, which I knew more than a little about, names were changed but it told where some of the bodies were/are buried...don't know if it ever got published, the author kind of disappeared, I don't know if he changed his mind...or if somebody changed it for him.)

I'm just about to put the last few sentences into a first draft...but it's paper and pencil as most of them are (I usually do my writing during my 'morning constitutional') and after I finish (if I finish) I tend to never get it into a computer. Oh, well, one of these days...but I tend to get bogged down in details- I'll start with something much shorter in mind and it turns into something the length of 'Moby Dick'. After I die, somebody is going to find a stack of notebooks and say "Holy shit! What a perverted SOB he was!"
04/07/19 "And then I 'punished' you by making you lick my pussy after I let my other 'boy' fuck me." --Mrs. Twisted
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Re: Saving My Marriage

Post by locked4her55 »

Nice writing wishful4. I agree with TM that it's nice to read a well written, believable story now and then.
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Re: Saving My Marriage

Post by jfenoffti »

TwistedMister wrote:
wishful4 wrote:We are usually our own worst critic.
... I have a hard time imagining that no one else is a 'nit-picky' anal-retentive prick like I am when it comes to reading...I probably make better editor than of my 'can't help its' is picking out the things that are 'wrong' in commercial novels (and on the TV, which my wife hates- "Just shut up and watch the show!").
Yeah, me too. Punctuation and grammar details are critically important just as are tense, voice, etc..

My KH/wife barely tolerates my running critiques of TV shows and movies' shortcomings.