Urethral tube transition log.
(added). So far. Worn for two years and not a problem. Cleaner, easier. Arousier.
Important.. Go look at page 5 then come back. The position of the tube is extremely important. The manufacturers are making them wrong for Human wear.
If it in the correct place you won't know it's there even when hard. (Well you will but in a nice way. It won't be painful).
This applies to the longer urethral.
I now have micro and flat cage with steel urethral tubes all from Ternence.
The shorter urethral takes no getting used to at all. It is straight, but not long enough to need a bend, although it helps tonbend the cage so it is slightly lower than dead center.
They also do a peperpot design in flat with a fixed urethral. No problem at all. No adjustment needed.
In fact much of what follows was about me adapting to a cage with steel urethral that was slightly in the wrong place so morning wood wouod hurt and I had to get used to that over time.
I'll add a pic below that shows the correct place.
Originally tried a 6mm steel tube.
Problem was not wide enough to allow peeing freely. Also the design didn't have a bulbed end. Basically a bad design all in all.
Then tried silicon. I couldn't list all the problems with these. Avoid unless you want to bleed.
It's been a goal of mine to find a comfy tube that works.
I'm now trying to get used to a new steel urethral.
This one is 8mm and was made with a bulbed end and tapered at the base, so there is no splashing or spillage when peeing. No vibrating air locks. The excess pee (stuck in the tube after going) shakes out easily. So no damp underwear.
Another tip. Roll tissue thin like a pipe cleaner and it will soak
It out.
Admittedly I also got a cage with slightly more room. C likes it, and there is a little bit of breathing space. The urethral tube holds penis central, suspended with a tiny gap around it when totally flacid (not often). But it allows air to it preventing damp or sweating and allows for easy cleaning/drying without removal
So here it is. Daily update.
Day 1: 1 hour, feels slightly invasive and due to snug fit internally a little twingey.
Day 2: 5 hours, easier this time, but my body was still saying. "something wrong/different down there. A few odd twinges in odd places.
Day 3. in for 12 hours, no real bother at all, but I hit my target for the day and body still isn't too sure. If I had overies, this is where a slight twinge was occasionally.
Day 4 : All day 16 hrs. Had lots of semi hard ons in cages. Comfy unless I get really horny, body has adjusted now. Took it out for night although it's so unnoticeable I think it would be fine, I'm trying to ease in not race in. So I'd rather do just a night only, to see how nocturnals are.
Strange thing is. When it came out I missed it being there.
Peeing is really easy. A nice jet, can pee standing.
Day 5 : All day again. No bother, no twinges, I was building scaffold all day. I just forgot it was there until I was already in bed.
Too late now so wore it all night.
Day 6. Its still in. All day. I was mixing mortar, stone walling, and laying patios today. Still no trouble.
I was able to take it off and clean/inspect. No godawful smells, no irritation.
Then straight back on.
Left it on all night.
Day 7. Woken by painful morning wood. An uncomfortable pain. Got up, had a pee and all was fine. Nothing sore etc.,
I think my meat was clamping down on the bulb at the top of the steel tube.
Day 8. Still on permanently now.
Nocturnals are getting stronger the longer I go without an orgasm, I was woken again this morning. Penis gripping the bulb. It's not a pain I can ignore (like a calus) Soon as I pee, it's gone.
Day 9. Same again, still in, no problem, forget its there until morning wood then Try to endure.. Meditate, calms down.
But today my damn penis tries to get hard again minutes later. This time a Super powerful morning wood and its more than I can bear. Up for a pee. Try and wake myself a bit.
This isn't good. C won't put up with being disturbed like this in the mornings.
Morning Woods are the hardest part of being caged. Endurance does it eventually. I wonder if this will be the same?
Weekend, C like her undesturbed lie in. So i was to take it out for sat/sun night.
Monday back on.
Three days straight now, and nights.
I still wake with nocturnals, but it seems I'm sleeping through most of it.
It's odd, the pain is not Bad bad, just very uncomfortable and give the impression it will bruise or last, but as soon as arousal goes so does the discomfort and then there is no sign of it.
So it appears I'll get used to it.
If I can survive a weekend, ive cracked it.
I will know in a couple of weeks.
Later added edit.
Day 21. I haven't had to remove it at all. Body has adjusted and it feels good.
C like that I'm even more attentive and responsive.
Basically by day 12 I was fully adjusted. More detail below.
Edit added after one year.
The rumours about std infections etc are false like many cage related myths.
The tube has been in a year and I have had less hygiene problems than if it had not been there. The cage no longer gets peed in, so no damp, no smell other than when I leak onto my balls which can be wiped clean easily.
Transition to steel urethral tube Log.
- Mr Pickle
- Posts: 1556
- Joined: Sat Nov 16, 2019 4:58 am
- Last orgasm: November 11th, 1947
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Transition to steel urethral tube Log.
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Last edited by Mr Pickle on Wed Jan 15, 2025 12:34 pm, edited 9 times in total.
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" 

- Tom Allen
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Re: Transition to steel urethral tube Log.
Okay, I have to ask.
Considering all the potential issues, such as infection, poor fit, hygiene, a piece dislodging, stray urine, chafing, frequency of maintenance, and who knows what else, why do any of you keep using these things?
Considering all the potential issues, such as infection, poor fit, hygiene, a piece dislodging, stray urine, chafing, frequency of maintenance, and who knows what else, why do any of you keep using these things?
Tom Allen
The Edge of Vanilla
Denial Permanente
The Edge of Vanilla
Denial Permanente
Re: Transition to steel urethral tube Log.
That's what I want to know too!!!
Re: Transition to steel urethral tube Log.
my guess would be to stop the potential for pull out without needing a piercing, but that’s just a guess. IF all the potential issues were overcome (won’t ever happen) i quite like the idea myself BUT those potential issues put it into the no no never category. Oh, like many i did try one for a few hours very early in this journey.
MsM’s ld
MsM’s ld
New Zealand
Still having difficulty getting back into 24/7/365 chastity since covid. Very tender old man skin under the scrotum damages easily. Trying an HT Mk5 nub now. Love the fact you can’t pull out of it, hope my skin toughens up.
Still having difficulty getting back into 24/7/365 chastity since covid. Very tender old man skin under the scrotum damages easily. Trying an HT Mk5 nub now. Love the fact you can’t pull out of it, hope my skin toughens up.
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Re: Transition to steel urethral tube Log.
I haven't seen any definitive information on the 'potential' issues, a few rumors and stories, but that's it. I've had a couple of UTIs, but not from sticking things in my dick, which I've done a bit of without worrying about 'sterile'. I even catheterized myself once, just to see what it was like, with a bit of IV line I happened to have lying around. Most of the stories/rumors have been about the same caliber of trustworthiness as the ones saying 'my wife locked my dick up and now it's only an inch long'. There must have been a bunch of these things sold by now, I would think that we'd be hearing more about it if it was that risky.
I am interested in the idea both for the anti-pullout aspect and the foreign 'invasion'/penetration sense, so I'll be looking to see how this goes. I've been following Mr. Pickle's journey closely right along, and with a bit of envy, his Mrs. seems to have taken to it a bit more than he might have initially thought she would.
04/07/19 "And then I 'punished' you by making you lick my pussy after I let my other 'boy' fuck me." --Mrs. Twisted
- Mr Pickle
- Posts: 1556
- Joined: Sat Nov 16, 2019 4:58 am
- Last orgasm: November 11th, 1947
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Re: Transition to steel urethral tube Log.
Other than morning wood I've had no issues at all. If I do I'll be sure to let you know.
As to the why? It's something I wanted to try, it does feel very next level, enjoyable... Better.
I'm not sure there are any bits that could drop off? I can pee now without splashing, for me it's cleaner, it fits well.
There are many designs, I've tried a few that didn't or couldn't work.
This works for me.
I haven't tried to escape, and quite honestly the idea of pushing all my flesh that far back terrifies me so I'll pass on that one.
A bonus is when C gave me a caged treat and put her vibrator on the cage, it was a whole different level of eye rolling pleasure.
As to the why? It's something I wanted to try, it does feel very next level, enjoyable... Better.
I'm not sure there are any bits that could drop off? I can pee now without splashing, for me it's cleaner, it fits well.
There are many designs, I've tried a few that didn't or couldn't work.
This works for me.
I haven't tried to escape, and quite honestly the idea of pushing all my flesh that far back terrifies me so I'll pass on that one.
A bonus is when C gave me a caged treat and put her vibrator on the cage, it was a whole different level of eye rolling pleasure.
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" 

Re: Transition to steel urethral tube Log.
Come on guys, now you’re tempting me to try again, as i said i do like the idea, not sure MsM is so happy with it though ! So, ok, i’ll keep watching and see if anybody has any body parts rot and fall off and THEN who knows !! See maybe even an old old dog like me can learn new tricks !!!
MsM’s ld
MsM’s ld
New Zealand
Still having difficulty getting back into 24/7/365 chastity since covid. Very tender old man skin under the scrotum damages easily. Trying an HT Mk5 nub now. Love the fact you can’t pull out of it, hope my skin toughens up.
Still having difficulty getting back into 24/7/365 chastity since covid. Very tender old man skin under the scrotum damages easily. Trying an HT Mk5 nub now. Love the fact you can’t pull out of it, hope my skin toughens up.
- Mr Pickle
- Posts: 1556
- Joined: Sat Nov 16, 2019 4:58 am
- Last orgasm: November 11th, 1947
- Orgasms this year: 947
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Re: Transition to steel urethral tube Log.
Tube log
Thumper (whom I belive stated this forum) wrote a Blog/review on the looker 2. It made me realise the scaremongering was just that, So I was confident a decent device would be OK.
https://denyingthumper.com/chastity-dev ... looker-02/
"In practice, it dramatically enhances the chastity experience by not just encasing and entrapping a penis, but by also invading it."
Although Thumper does have a problem with vibrating and leaking, My urethral tube does not have this issue. I can stand, pee and shake out the excess in the tube. The vibrating sensation only happens if the tube is not lined up correctly.
It's a single piece of well made steel. The bud./bulb at the end is just over 8mm and the tapered base 10mm. The bore is 7mm.
It fits me comfortably, snug.
10mm will not go in, so even if the device could loosen, it could not 'fall in". Besides, anyone with urethral play experience will back me up in saying "the body expels things naturally,".
Chastity perkins blog "reluctant wife" was the decider for me.
I'm her blog she actively sought a device her husband could not escape.
https://medium.com/@chastityperkins/the ... 3956e18d7f
I do admit the rest of her blog, how she treated her husband scared the shit out of me, enough for my dark cravings to want it even more.
The reason I'm doing this particular journey here is because I have tried many way to make this work and it hasn't been easy. I can imagine many other have too, and given up.
Some things on the market are so badly made they are dangerous. Some impractical, some a health risk and in my case, some need urethral training.
Now I did try. Silicon of two types, they tend to be too narrow, not enough bore to pee through so the pee goes around.
They are badly made and need to be re worked to prevent problems.
They are scratchy even at their best. not good at all, and I was convinced I would suffer with uti's. Not worth the risk, I gave up on them.
I Also tried straight steel. Same. Problems really. Without the bud/bulb you could impale something.
In order to take a bigger diameter urethral I had to get some sounding rods. These are fun.
My actual urethral is fine, but the skin where the pee comes out is (was) narrow, a birth defect that has been a problem all my life when trying to bee quickly, but also meant I could only get 5mm in 6mm max with 4mm bore, which was no good at all.
I doubt anyone else would have this issue.
This is no longer the case.
Thumper (whom I belive stated this forum) wrote a Blog/review on the looker 2. It made me realise the scaremongering was just that, So I was confident a decent device would be OK.
https://denyingthumper.com/chastity-dev ... looker-02/
"In practice, it dramatically enhances the chastity experience by not just encasing and entrapping a penis, but by also invading it."
Although Thumper does have a problem with vibrating and leaking, My urethral tube does not have this issue. I can stand, pee and shake out the excess in the tube. The vibrating sensation only happens if the tube is not lined up correctly.
It's a single piece of well made steel. The bud./bulb at the end is just over 8mm and the tapered base 10mm. The bore is 7mm.
It fits me comfortably, snug.
10mm will not go in, so even if the device could loosen, it could not 'fall in". Besides, anyone with urethral play experience will back me up in saying "the body expels things naturally,".
Chastity perkins blog "reluctant wife" was the decider for me.
I'm her blog she actively sought a device her husband could not escape.
https://medium.com/@chastityperkins/the ... 3956e18d7f
I do admit the rest of her blog, how she treated her husband scared the shit out of me, enough for my dark cravings to want it even more.
The reason I'm doing this particular journey here is because I have tried many way to make this work and it hasn't been easy. I can imagine many other have too, and given up.
Some things on the market are so badly made they are dangerous. Some impractical, some a health risk and in my case, some need urethral training.
Now I did try. Silicon of two types, they tend to be too narrow, not enough bore to pee through so the pee goes around.
They are badly made and need to be re worked to prevent problems.
They are scratchy even at their best. not good at all, and I was convinced I would suffer with uti's. Not worth the risk, I gave up on them.
I Also tried straight steel. Same. Problems really. Without the bud/bulb you could impale something.
In order to take a bigger diameter urethral I had to get some sounding rods. These are fun.
My actual urethral is fine, but the skin where the pee comes out is (was) narrow, a birth defect that has been a problem all my life when trying to bee quickly, but also meant I could only get 5mm in 6mm max with 4mm bore, which was no good at all.
I doubt anyone else would have this issue.
This is no longer the case.
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" 

- Mr Pickle
- Posts: 1556
- Joined: Sat Nov 16, 2019 4:58 am
- Last orgasm: November 11th, 1947
- Orgasms this year: 947
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Re: Transition to steel urethral tube Log.
Just in case my explanation isn't so good. This is a similar jobbie. Mine has slightly larger head and base.
Compatible with my new and old cage.
Compatible with my new and old cage.
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" 

Re: Transition to steel urethral tube Log.
Are they not able to be unscrewed externally to the cage and so allow “everything” to be pulled out the back ?
MsM’s ld
MsM’s ld
New Zealand
Still having difficulty getting back into 24/7/365 chastity since covid. Very tender old man skin under the scrotum damages easily. Trying an HT Mk5 nub now. Love the fact you can’t pull out of it, hope my skin toughens up.
Still having difficulty getting back into 24/7/365 chastity since covid. Very tender old man skin under the scrotum damages easily. Trying an HT Mk5 nub now. Love the fact you can’t pull out of it, hope my skin toughens up.