[SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

Shortest update yet...

I was unlocked after 37 days. 
I was given an orgasm after only a week. 
I was told that chastity would return and I would have to think about when that might happen but for now, she wanted to let me loose.  I was praised for my 'impulse control' as I wasn't constantly attacking her throughout this lockup despite my desire to do so. 
My wife missed (or never heard) the lecture on human health so she was unaware that men get a testosterone surge in the wee hours of the morning which cause nocturnal erections. She has found that to be one of the more interesting aspects of our adventure. 
When she asked how I slept on Sunday morning, I mentioned that I was awakened at 5am but slept well otherwise. Her reply was, "Well that's normal... or it is your NEW normal." 
The kids have started school and things are crazy busy so things have concluded for now but I have high hopes for the future. 
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

0 Days Locked 
3 Days since last orgasm 
After being free for three days, my wife gives me a peck on the cheek on the way out the door Wednesday morning and says "I have a plan." 
What?  Wait.  No details, just a thought for the rest of the day.  Luckily I had a lot of distractions at work to keep me from focusing on it.  By the end of the day, I was more concerned about keeping up with the family schedule and getting dinner than giving chastity any thought. 
Our usual evening routine played out and the kitchen clean up was all that lay between us and retiring to our room.  I put some dishes in the dishwasher and left the cooking pots and the leftovers where they were because, you know, she does that part.  I was challenged coming out of the kitchen that there was still work to be done in there.  I mumbled something and she gave me the "get back in there and handle it wave."  I didn't give it much thought at the time but it fed my whole power exchange thing so I smiled and did my chores. 
When I was done we went to bed, the house settled down when I was given the plan.  "I'm thinking you can rub my feet, I'll tease you for a little bit and then we'll lock you up."  I am so far behind that my brain is rushing to catch up with the events unfolding here.  It is a little late to start anything ambitious and I was unwinding so that I would have a shot at getting to sleep soon. 
I am filled with a mix of excitement and dread.  The cage has been off for a few days and I am reminded at how easy it is to live without it, the thought of putting back on excites me sexually (yes, it does).  The practical side starts going through the inconvenience, the little pinches, the adjustments, the 5am wake up call, the inability to get an erection and on and on.  I do this every time and it creates a negative cloud about starting a new lockup.  I'm not sure where it comes from and it isn't a serious objection but I feel the need to evaluate it each time; such are the burdens of an analytical mind. 
She got into position so I could rub her feet while she played a little game on her tablet that she enjoys.  I usually rub each foot until my hands get tired, take a break and switch feet.  This is a service that I gladly do whether I'm locked or not because I know she really enjoys it and helps her relax like nothing else. 
When it became time for my teasing, I was given the option, "Do want to me teased and then locked up or locked up and then teased?"  The thought of fighting the cage when I had been free didn't appeal to me tonight so I opted to be locked after she was done. The teasing began and she elected to work on my nipples.  She just draws circles around one and the cumulative effect over time drives me up a wall.  I enjoyed my attention and got pretty worked up until... she fell asleep.  She is cozy and warm and snuggled in tight to me which in combination with the foot rub and time was too much; she is snoozing peacefully. 
Now I am excited, awake and unlocked but trapped beneath her so I turn my attentions to the TV which is left on to mask any sounds that might be generated.  We stay like this for another 20-30 minutes until my need to shift becomes too great and I wake up her up as I get into a comfortable position.  My expectation at this point is that there will be a quick roll over and she's back hanging out with the sand man.  Instead, I get a quick check when she puts her hand on my still somewhat excited package and notes that we still need to get me locked up. 
Just a note: I haven't said a word to her about getting unlocked, locking back up or tried to guide this process at any point.  She is running her own plans on her own whims when she wants to do it.  I was surprised when she brought everything to a halt after 37 days and I was equally surprised when she locked me back up so soon after letting me out.  I'd really like to get inside her head and understand what she's thinking but I feel like she is just doing what comes to mind. 
I got the cage from the place where it is stored and she asked me if I had the lock.  "No, you have it with the key."  She didn't remember that and then made a comment about hoping she can find the key.  She is sleepy and absent-minded because she keeps moving her hiding place to prevent me from knowing where the key is kept.  I feel a little shiver of fear run down my spine when she doesn't know where the key is right away.  "You know it makes me anxious being in a cage that I can't escape, you can't lose the key."  It didn't take her long to find it but now we had a different problem.  I was really excited and this cage wasn't going to fit for a while. 
I lay there with an eager hard on while the clock ticks.  She stares at it while I try to breath and relax.  I turn my focus back to the TV to distract my mind from the excitement of what was going on.  She closed her eyes and thought about how nice it would be to sleep.  In about 5 minutes the situation had calmed down enough to get the base ring on but the attention pushed the blood back where it was and the erection continued.  She hadn't done anything to get me hot in 20 minutes but the thought of getting locked again just kept me going. 
I dropped the cage onto my erection so when things ebbed I could snap it all together and maybe the weight (what there was) would encourage blood to exit an excited penis.  It just kept going but somewhere between 5-10 minutes later (maybe closer to 10) it was flexible enough to link the cage to the base ring.  By this time, I wasn't sure if she was still awake and I contemplated getting the key from her and locking up myself. 
It didn't take much to let her know that I was now ready and she was right there with key and lock at the ready.  She threaded the lock, turned the key to close it shut. She had pressed a very special psychological button quite firmly throughout the evening and I was just now realizing the depths at which I was affected.  Every negative about getting locked evaporated and I found myself in an extremely good mood. 
Leaning over to kiss her goodnight and show her appreciation for what she had done for me, I asked, "What made you decide to lock me back up tonight?"  'I just wanted to,' was all she would say.  As I coped with my excitement at what was now after midnight, I let her know that she simply has no concept of how this stuff affects me. In response she gave me a dismissive, "Night.  Sweet dreams."  Her tone was a tease in itself and I filled what little space was left in the cage.   
How am I supposed to sleep now? 
Sleep did eventually come and the alarm didn't have a chance to wake me up as a nocturnal erection found the cage limiting and let me know.  I don't always have this issue but it does disturb my sleep when it is intense, my thoughts tend to relish the sensation which makes my excitement worse and a feedback loop is created as I get more excited.  I nodded back off to sleep and this time it was my alarm that woke me up so that I could work out before what would be a busy day and evening. 
The house woke up and started getting ready for the day while I finished my workout and put away my workout gear in the garage.  When I walked into the kitchen, I found my wife marveling at my sweaty, panting image which she followed up with, "Good for you.  Getting up and working out early."  I am man enough to admit, I like it when she praises me and I smiled back as I drank some water. 
Shower complete, dressed and ready for work, kids out the door for school, I had a chance to give my wife a few parting words before we left for the job.  She accepted my kiss and followed with a question, "How did you sleep last night?"  I grinned a bit and let her know that I was sleeping great until about 5am.  She knew right away that the cage had woken me up and she was unsympathetic.  "That's your problem, you are the one who wanted to do this." 
I pointed out that I just suggested chastity at the beginning, what it had become lately was her doing.  "Do you want me to stop?"  I pretended to give it some thought and gave her a weak and playful, 'no.' 
I love my wife. 
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

4 Days Locked 
7 Days since last orgasm 
I may have gone too far in my praise for my loving wife.  After a brief break of a couple of days, she locked me back up and really seems content to keep going. My feedback to her has been nothing but positive (because that is how I feel) and her comfort level seems to be high enough to keep this going for... who knows. 
I have been locked more often than not since May and the frequency and duration increases with each passing day.  This has become a great source of amusement and a fun inside joke for us even when we're in semi-public.  The other day we had the kids in the car and the Rolling Stones came on the radio, the next thing I know my wife is giving me her special look singing, "You can't always get what you want."  I couldn't have been more pleased with her and we both enjoyed the moment. 
Saturday she donned some black leggings and I was by her side every time I could arrange it running my hands up and down her thighs.  Rubbing my fingers on the top of her leg, making contact with those skin tight spandex pants as often as possible.  She knows that these draw me to her like a moth to a flame and wears them as much for my benefit as her own comfort.  We spent most of the day out and about running errands, moving kids from place to place, shopping and she wore them everywhere we went.  I really don't see her being comfortable enough to do that before all this started but then I'm living in my own fantasy world.  I struggle being locked up and seeing her in those, I wonder if she realizes how much self-control I exercise versus how much escapes in physical affection for her. 
I thought that with such a casual day she might be in the mood for some lovin' but instead she announced that she wanted to cuddle and get to sleep.  Awww.  During our cuddle, she found it in her heart to tease me just bit and was fantastic.  I had been locked for just a few days and she already had me building up excitement for her.  She followed up her slow circling of my nipples with some gentle touches of my cage and general light rubbing around the periphery.  Her interest in coming into contact with the cage has been minimal but tonight it was different.  I expressed my approval through various sighs and moans so she knew it was appreciated.  While she didn't linger there for any long period of time (no time could be long enough), it was a deliberate effort to go somewhere and do something she knew I would appreciate.  In the past she has said that my caged cock looks 'painful' and 'medieval' so it has taken her a while to warm up to the whole idea of making contact. Subtle, oh so subtle change for good. 
When she was done teasing me, I was wide awake and pretty excited.  I continued my own teasing by running my hands up and down those spandex covered legs under the covers.  At one point she noticed that I had to stop and cope with an erection that had nowhere to go, not fully understanding my reaction she asked, "What is it?"  I explained my temporary discomfort and got a very unsympathetic, "That's your problem, I guess you better calm down.  Chill out."  My reaction of frustration was met with the most beautiful set of eyes as she knew she had pushed a button deliberately for me.  I continued my own torment until it was clear she was ready to sleep and it was time to let her be. 
Sunday we had a busy day with family and then a relaxing afternoon once everything calmed down.  We found we had the house to ourselves for about 30 minutes and my wife suggested that there was an opportunity to have some fun.  It is only 30 minutes, I protested and she said, "Are you not up to the challenge?"  The whole thing was just to mess with my head but it took me a solid 10 minutes to figure that out. 
Evening came and the rush to finish homework hit the kids while I made dinner while she did some freelance work at the kitchen table.  Dinner was a simple mix of leftovers that was actually pretty good and hit the spot but the fact that I made it didn't go unnoticed since I pointed it out repeatedly.  When the house started to wind down and everyone separated to their own rooms, my beautiful wife detailed the plans she wanted carried out for the night.  "I want you to run my feet and then you can do what you enjoy so much to give me pleasure."  Yes, I know she wanted oral sex but I played dumb in order to get her to say it.  She was kind enough to say that she wanted me to lick her and I was ready to go. 
My cage was full of excitement and she stood up, dropped her bottoms to the floor and climbed back into bed. While I slid up next to her and began kissing her, I offered up all of the options that might be fun for me either before or after her own pleasing. 
'We could unlock...'  No. 
'You could tease...'  Nope. 
'I know where the key is, I could just...'  No, that's not going to happen.  I want to get mine and just roll over and sleep. 
I looked into her now gleeful eyes as they sparkled back at me with my denial button firmly pressed.  My foreplay was over and it was time to work on her.  I kissed her passionately while she ignored my eager body next to hers. I ran my hands everywhere I could reach and stopped briefly to suggest that she could still tease me.  "I didn't want to make it any harder for you, in more ways than one."  She obliged me by grabbing both nipples and digging in her fingernails which took my breath away. Her hands pulled my nipples down in the general direction of her sex to let me know it was time to start pleasing her. Now she removed all doubt by saying, "Time to get this show on the road." 
While I repositioned to tend to her, I had to twist sideways to avoid laying on a cage that was pushed to the limit with excitement. I focused on giving her what she wanted and did all I know how to do for 30-40 minutes until she had enough and called me off. I'm guessing one big orgasm, one small and a sine wave of pleasure throughout as she enjoyed my efforts.  Her aroma gives me a special treat and I was covered in it as usual. One of the many things she doesn't understand is the attachment I have for scent, it is primal so I can't explain it but I love it.  We both feel asleep pretty fast which considering my level of sexual excitement astounds me.  I remember having a lot of dreams that night and no idea what any of them were about.  I woke up just after 4am when the cage reminded me of my limitations.  What a wonderful night and what a beautiful bride who knows how to make every fantasy come true. 
I love my wife.  
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

Last night it was busy and we had an early start this morning so getting to sleep was a priority. We had a brief cuddle and this dialogue played out.

Wife: How is "the prisoner?"

Me: Ha. Just fine but starting to notice it has been a while.

Wife: What do you mean?

Me: It has been a while since...

Wife: No. No. No. I don't want to hear it. You were free last week.

Me: Yes, for a couple of days but I didn't do anything.

Wife: Not my fault, you had the opportunity.

Me: Wait, you would have been okay with that?

Wife: I can't watch you 24/7 when you are loose. Do what you feel like.

Me: This feels like a trap.

Wife: Only if I ask you to perform and you aren't interested, there will be trouble.

Me: Where is my wife and what have you done with her.

She kissed me, rolled over and I'm sure enjoyed her moment.

Me: So are we going to call it "Inmate #1" from now on?

Wife: Uh, no. No we're not.

I love my wife.
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

 9 Days Locked 
12 Days since last orgasm 
After most of the week went by without any notable activity, it has been busy with plenty of family obligations, my wife found time on Friday night to tease me. I offered to pleasure her and I had already rubbed her feet earlier but she was more interested in focusing on me.  
I was treated to slow circles around my nipples while my cage filled up and I dealt with the excitement that had nowhere to go. She continued for about 15 minutes so I was worked up and ready for more.  I made a feeble attempt to escalate things but I was told that there would only be what she offered and nothing more.  When it was over I was breathing hard and thoroughly enjoying myself as she snuggled in to sleep.  
Saturday morning was supposed to be focused on exercise but she wanted to sleep in and I really did too so the early start to the day turned into a lazy Saturday morning.  We had kids heading off to various activities and found ourselves with the house alone. 
My wife decided that she wanted to have me service her orally and unlock me so that we could have PIV sex.  I was not as concerned about being unlocked or breaking a streak in the absence of much attention this week. The offer to 'go all the way' was welcome and something she really wanted to enjoy too which was all that really mattered.  The only thing I really didn't care for was her head fake to lock me back up and then not carrying it out.  I really don't like being locked up right away but I need her to assert herself and make it happen if she wants it. When I showed hesitation, she offered to leave me unlocked for the day instead.  Whatever.  It was the only downside to the morning. Just goes to show we're still working out the particulars. 
Sunday came and went when she announced that I was to be locked up after her foot rub. She got her foot rub, she walked around the bed to snuggle up and promptly teased my nipples for a sleepy 15 minutes and finally went to sleep.  I crashed pretty hard afterwards but was still confused at the threats to lock with no actual effort to do it. 
Monday morning was a lazy start since nothing was planned until later in the day and we had time to relax. The time came when it was about time to get ready and get things going when she was getting dressed and once again said, "We need to lock you up."  I called her on it and pointed out that she kept threatening and I wasn't believing her anymore. "Well... it is a holiday maybe I let you have the day off." 
She is trying something out or just being truly non-committal, I can't decide which.  The evening was completely uneventful and she dropped off to sleep in her usual fashion, really fast.  At some point while I was trying to wind down by watching a little TV, she rolled over and snuggled in tight. 
Holiday weekend over, we woke up early for a run on Tuesday in the pre-dawn hours.  She doesn't like running in the dark but she doesn't go as far as I do so we overlap routes for the first couple of miles to share the route until the sun comes up a little. We got to the point in the run where she goes left and I go right when she looks over to me as says, "Just keep this in mind for the rest of your run, I have a key in my pocket."  ARGH!  It was a house key not the key to my cage but her effort to tease was so deliberate, I loved it. 
When I got home, she was ushering kids through the morning routine and getting them to school.  I showered, got ready for work and found my first cup of coffee.  The kids went out the door and she was headed that way as well.  She kissed me and said, "We ARE going to lock you tonight."  I pointed out that I had received that threat for the last few days to gauge her reaction.  "Yeah, well you better have fun today because you're getting locked tonight... just don't have fun at work, that would be inappropriate."  Wink and smile. 
Who is this woman and what happened to my wife? 
Later that night as the house was calming down and we had the bedroom to ourselves, she requested a back rub and told me plainly that "We're locking you tonight."  She then told me that she considered further teasing me earlier in the day by taking a picture of the key and sending it to me at work or just finding a clip art key and sending that.  She didn't but the fact that she even had those thoughts running around in her head is so unlike her and perhaps is a growing twig of confidence. 
Back rub completed, I pointed out that we had time for some fun before the cage was applied.  "NO!" She said abruptly and motioned toward the cage.  "You had time to do that today and if you didn't take care of it, too bad."  She knew I had only been to work and then home among the family so there wasn't an opportunity but I appreciated the playful denial. 
I was getting a little excited and decided to get everything inside the cage before it got out of control.  The pieces came together in just enough time to halt any growth and I held it out for her to place the lock.  She commented that it looked sooo uncomfortable and I assured her it wasn't.  The lock in place, I gave her a passionate kiss and it occurred to me that we hadn't done that since the day she unlocked me four days. 
She gave me a "sweet dreams" in her best hi-low tone and put the key away for only she knows how long. 
Locked again. 
I asked her if she gave it any thought or had any plan and she admitted that she did what she wanted when she wanted to do it.  I asked her if the head fakes of 'going to lock you up' and then not locking me up was intentional.  She admitted that it was unintentional and being lazy or not following through when the time came, "I need to get more strict, I suppose." 
4 Days unlocked 
4 Days since last orgasm 
0 Days Locked again
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

6 Days Locked 
9 Days since last orgasm 
With school starting back and sports kicking into full speed, we have been busy.  My wife has not found a pressing need for sex and any attention I have received has been brief.  I don't consider myself forgotten but I am struggling here as my focus is on what is locked while there is not a lot of support.  I want that tease, she provides me a taste and then time is up. 
I am in a feedback loop where I get excited, the cage fills up which excites me more, which excites me and the cage fills up which excites me and so on.  If I don't think about something else, I'll stay in the loop until I do.  It hasn't been that long since I had release but I feel like it has been over a month and everything gets to me. Lately, the cage has been waking me up in the early morning as I struggle to expand into a space that doesn't permit it. 
I have tried to not be the scary guy that would attack my wife at every opportunity, it took some adjustment to restrain myself. She knows I am interested now but doesn't live in fear of being trapped in the master bedroom closet.  The way I feel right now, I could easily slip back to the over-eager guy.  I have resolved to hold her hand, touch her lovingly and kiss whenever possible, this usually starts the feedback loop and I'm back to trying to find another thing to worry about. 
Sunday night as we got to bed, she led me to believe that she wanted some action.  She was wearing my favorite pair of leggings and encouraging me to touch her legs.  I was ready to do anything she wanted. She requested a foot rub which I gave to her gladly with hopes of what was to come.  Foot rub complete, she moved to the other side of the bed, turned off the lights and snuggled in next to me with her back to me.  Uh.... this isn't what I thought was going to happen.  I didn't voice disappointment but I was disappointed.  Without prompting she said, "Give me your hand."  She started rubbing my middle finger like she was giving me a hand job. I start off worried why this excites me so much, why it works so well but it does and then I'm in trouble.  I asked her if she wanted something more elaborate, "Not tonight." 
She rubbed my finger for a while and I was panting and gasping and struggling to break through the cage.  It was such welcome attention and such torture all at the same time, she knows me better than I know myself and uses that to push me beyond what I can tolerate.  So good. It all ended with me as a quivering mass trying to catch my breath while she went to sleep. 
Monday night she was settling in and I let her know I was ready for whatever she wanted to do.  Foot rub? Teasing? PIV?  "I guess I could tease you a little."  Sigh.  She worked on my nipples and as I become more aroused, I had to make a play.  I pushed her back and kissed her passionately while I massaged her thighs.  We kept this up for a while and I got more daring which she clearly enjoyed, when I tried to escalate further... No.   ARGH!   I was so worked up, I started repeating this aloud, "I'm doing this to be a better person. I'm doing this to be a better person. I'm doing this to be a better person."  She heard this and said, "You asked for it, this is what you wanted." 
I suggested that we could... No.  I offered to... No.  Maybe we might... No.  Eventually, I got the message and stopped massaging her.  She grabbed my hand and pulled it back to her thigh.  "Just because I don't want it to go any further doesn't mean I don't enjoy what you're doing."  My cage found a new level of tight and I kept going until it was clear she was drifting off. 
It is what I wanted.  I asked for it.  She is absolutely unapologetic about the cage and my discomfort now, "That's your problem."  I am trying to take over some of the household chores.  I cooked a simple dinner last night while she ran kids around town and was pleased to find it complete and waiting when they got home.  I cleaned up the pots and pans and dishes while she relaxed in the den.  She came out to check on me and saw that my back was giving me trouble (the sink is too low for me to be comfortable) so she rubbed my back while I cleaned the last pan.  In every way but one she is the wife I know and love, who worries about me, tends to my needs and wants to be sure I am happy.  
This woman who holds my key, says no before I can even ask for sex and laughs at my frustration is the timid wife who was so vanilla she doesn't even like to wear lingerie.  Such a change.  Such a dichotomy.   I love her so much. 
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

8 Days Locked 
11 Days since last orgasm 
I don't have sexy dreams, never have which I wish was different but I just haven't, not dreams that I remember.  Several nights ago, I distinctly remember a dream where I was in chastity and leaking profusely.  There was no teasing, no stimulation but a constant stream of pre-cum that I struggled to cope with and the dream was over.  The curious thing is that during this lock up, I haven't been leaking like I did in the past.  The unconscious mind is a strange place and that was an interesting view inside. 
Before dinner last night during a quiet moment to ourselves, my wife announced that she wanted 'a quickie' this evening with a foot rub before it got started.  This was welcome news to be sure but as always, I was left to wonder what she meant exactly and what, if anything, may be on the table for me.  I am outside a week since my last relief and while she doesn't tease me for extended periods, she is giving me a daily reminder of my situation.  She will tease me briefly here and there, make a comment with the deliberate attempt to bring my chastity to mind.  I don't have to be reminded but I LOVE it when she makes the effort. I love her and I hope she continues to make the effort. 
Kids in bed, the evening got later and she was ready for her foot rub.  I happily obliged and waited for instructions on what would happen next.  She got up but didn't close the bedroom door, uh oh, she changed her mind.  Next she stripped to her panties and came toward the bed, now I was really confused.  I asked her if she was going to close the door, "No."  She has something in mind but I wasn't going to guess it.  "I just want a quickie, finger me."  I kissed her and let my hands roam across her midsection.  I did what felt she'd enjoy and she enjoyed it for about 20 minutes, enough for a couple of O's for her I think.  When she was done, I kissed her some more and she wished me good night. 
What about me?  "Did you think you were going to get something?"  I was thinking you might unlock me and have some fun.  "This is all about me, remember? You stay locked.  Are you disappointed?  You thought you were going to get out didn't you?"  She snuggled in and gently ran her hand around the top of my thighs.  "Did you enjoy it when I was cupping you last night?"  Of course, I did.  She ran her hand over the cage and underneath only to resume her light touch on my thighs. 
We both slept so soundly that night and I was awakened promptly at 5:15am when a testosterone surge filled my cage so that sleep was no longer an option. 
I love my life, I love my wife and I only wish we had started this sooner. 
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

13 Days Locked
16 Days since last orgasm

We seem to be settling in to a routine with regards to chastity, she isn't feeling it necessary to unlock me when she isn't going to get something out of it. If she wants to feel me inside of her, I get unlocked but otherwise the touching, the teasing or whatever happens 'under glass' while I cope with that sensation.

I had some time off from work last week and there was a fair amount of boredom because everyone else had their regular schedule to keep. By myself in any other context, I would have found idle hands and an empty house too tempting not to indulge myself. Considering the things I have learned and closeness I have found since beginning chastity, I have to say that I'm glad I was locked and it wasn't a consideration.

Friday night bought some new attention to my caged package which was very welcome. She seems to be warming up to playing with my caged and while she isn't a fan of looking at my caged member, touching no longer seems taboo. When we went to bed, she snuggled in tight and rubbed everything while I breathed deeply and told her that this was the best part of my day. I struggled to become erect in the cage and everything pulsed as excitement built with no place to go. She kept going for a while and with no particular goal but eventually stopped and drifted off to sleep. What a great experience and one I hope becomes a frequent bedtime ritual. I praised her throughout and after so we'll see where that goes.

Saturday night I asked her, "What can I do for you tonight?" She was eager to play but wanted it her way (of course). She wanted to use the vibrator and then would unlock me for some conventional PIV sex. I heard words that I objected to right after that and I'm not sure I have objected to them in the past. "...and I will let you come." Uh, but it hasn't been long enough. I immediately agreed to everything but proposed an alternative that I received no satisfaction and most importantly, I wanted to be locked back up right away. She doesn't get it but agreed to my modification.

"But first a foot rub." No problem.

She got the vibe, my key and returned to bed. It escalated quickly and I stripped off everything and started working on her as the vibrator did its work. She took over about 5 minutes in and got it right where she wanted it and was having her first orgasm a couple of minutes later. I rubbed and encouraged but didn't have a good sense of how aware of my efforts she was as she rolled from peak to peak to peak. It was a joy to watch and I was excited as I had front row seats to her pleasure. When she had had enough and recovered enough to turn her attention to me, a kid needed some attention so we took a brief break to be parents and then quickly re-engaged when privacy resumed. I was okay with the break since it allowed me to calm down.

She unlocked me and I was ready to go without a lot of effort. I slid into her to find she was still very lubricated and perfectly ready for me. Her eyes locked with mine as I thrust and it was so intimate, so precious. It felt sooooo good to be erect and she felt so good, I just kept going and told her how much I loved her. It was so wonderful. Before long I had to stop quickly and will myself not orgasm as everything pulsed and throbbed. I had three more thrusts and it was clear there wasn't going to be the restraint I wanted unless I stopped now. I rolled onto my back and no sooner did my perspective change when she let me know it was time to lock back up. It was what I asked her to do but it seemed sudden to me since I was still trying to clear my head.

Fast forward a week.

It has been busy for the family and we haven't had much of a chance to do much but snuggle as we collapse in bed. My wife has kept me locked without break and without the daily support (teasing). There might be a comment every other day but it has been busy.

Sunday night gave us a chance to spend some time together and she got her foot rub to start things off. I expected that she would want some action tonight but instead she laid out the plan her plan was to unlocked me, provide stimulation and allow me to rub myself with satin panties. Did I want to come? She is so permissive and I feel a little frustration that she would ask the question. Of course but how hot would it be to get all the way there and just made to stop. I'm not sure she'll ever quite get how powerful that denial is for me. Why don't you surprise me? "You just want to hear the words, don't you?"

She retrieved a pink leopard spot pair of panties from the drawer and tossed them on the bed. She unlocked my cage and everything came to life so fast I was unable to remove the base ring. We embraced and she went to driving me crazy and panting. Her work got to the point where she knew I was ready to stroke and she handed me the panties. I did my part and she continued to work me over with her hands and mouth. She sucked on one nipple and toyed with the other much to my joy as the soft satin went up and down with each stroke of my hand.

At just the right time, she took her mouth off of my nipple and whispered in my ear, "You can come. I want you to wet the panties. Make them wet." Yeah, it didn't take long and I came hard all over those panties with enough noise she had to remind me to be quiet. It was intense and even when the spasms stopped there was seminal fluid leaking as it bubbled up to the tip. I hadn't quite recovered when she pointed to the cage on the headboard of the bed. "Back inside."

Orgasm was after 22 days

Nothing compares to the frustration of going back into the cage right after orgasm but I asked for it a while back and she heard me. She allowed the orgasm, she did not permit freedom beyond what was necessary and she unapologetically closed the lock. I was so relaxed that all I could do was quickly adjust the cage, put on some clothes and pass out.

Another busy week followed and there hasn't been much going on besides a foot rub. I made a comment about her forgetting I was there (blatant attempt to get her to tease me) and with that a child decided to come visit us with news of the day. I had to turn to pay attention but my wife snuggled up to me under the covers was already looking in the right direction. As the discussion went along, I felt a hand on my thigh under the covers and eventually pushing my cage to one side. She was teasing me covertly and surprising me yet again. When the child left I remarked at how unfair that was and she simply replied, "I just wanted to let you know that I know you're there."

I love my wife.

23 days locked
4 days since last orgasm
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

26 days locked 
Locked 73 of the last 79 days 
7 days since last orgasm 
This weekend speaks to the confidence and comfort my beautiful wife has found in our lifestyle experiment.  Our Saturday began with a run and then running children around to their various activities.  My wife put on my favorite leggings which I always appreciate seeing her wear while we scurried about with our responsibilities.  We dropped one child, stopped for coffee and went to pick up a child when my wife grabbed my hand and placed it on her leg.  "I wore these for you." 
I have been doing all that I can to give her some space and not be a creepy creeper but the invitations don't come any more blatant than that so I spent the rest of the day touching her legs at every opportunity.  My general excitement of having this treat is a bit of an overload since she ran in tights at an event in the morning so it has been a good day for me and it wasn't even lunch yet. 
Later that evening we had our room alone and were watching some college football and my hands were roaming those leggings as my brain thought how eager I was to be unlocked.  As the game got less interesting, I became more interested in exploring her and I made some inappropriate offers.  "We'll be doing nothing that involves me getting undressed."  Dang.  I continued my efforts and did my best to warm her up even though I was pretty sure it wasn't going to go anywhere; at least I was enjoying myself. 
After another 10 minutes had passed, I get "Why don't you go get the vibrator."  I wasn't surprised, I was shocked and asked her about the 'nothing that involves getting undressed' warning I just got.  "You changed my mind."  Woof. 
We both enjoyed the session and while there was no offer of being unlocked for any part of it, I really had fun participating.  She had three back-arching orgasms and I was excited throughout the process to watch it happen and be a small part of it.  No sooner had she called it quits when we lost the privacy of the room.  I love it when she is comfortable enough to have solo sex (with help) and not have to be convinced to do so; it was all her idea.   
Later that night she brought up the idea that she wanted to do something the following night but there would be no details, "Just to leave you with that thought."  She is giving it thought and planning ahead, she is so much further down the road than just a couple of months ago.  Of course, I wasn't sure what she had planned so while I was eager I didn't know what was going to happen or how excited I should be.  While I had no idea what she had planned, it stayed firmly planted in my mind for the next 24 hours whenever I had a free mental moment. 
Sunday evening arrived and what do you know it was getting late, everyone went to bed and my wife wanted a foot rub.  I stripped down to my briefs and climbed into bed to work on her feet with a lovely scented lotion.  She has been known to fall asleep during these sessions since she relaxes and it is later at night.  When I finished, she popped up and started to detail her plan. 
"I'm going to unlock you, tease you and just like last week let you rub yourself with panties.  This time you won't be allowed to come."  Now there is no way for me to know if she is serious or just making short work for herself by giving me a naughty thought to speed things along. Hey, I'm game to play. While it had only been a week since my last orgasm, I was ready and excited to go.  When the lock came off and the cage removed, I was instantly erect.  There was no hope to remove the base ring and it stayed on as a result... just like last week.  It felt so wonderful to be able to have an erection, I constantly marvel at how good that simple thing feels when you cannot do it otherwise. 
She threw the panties on my chest without ceremony and began working her magic.  I had in my head that I may not be allowed to finish and no matter what, I wanted this to last as long as possible.  I dragged the soft material across my most sensitive parts and it was glorious.  She worked on my nipples and things got intense fast so I switched to teasing the knob so I could keep up.  I was breathing hard, she was pushing me far beyond what I could handle and finally I made her commit.  'If you are going to tell me that I'm not allowed to come, you need to say it now.  I really want to come.' 
There was no hesitation and she whispered, "You are not allowed to come. You may not come on the soft silky panties. You may not make them wet."  This is exactly the opposite of what she whispered to me last week and it was everything I could do to not to orgasm.  The memory of that sensation is enough to keep me warm in winter.  She worked on me for another couple of minutes and then stopped all stimulation, "OK."  Her intention was that it was time to quit but I couldn't stop all of this great sensation... not yet.  She was patient for about a count of 20 and then snatched the panties away from me.  "Time to lock back up."  I was somewhere between completely devastated and the most sexually excited I'd been in my life; I couldn't decide which it was. 
Are you serious?  I asked while I panted and gasped while my brain dealt with the sudden loss of pleasure.  She merely pointed to the cage and indicated we really were done.  We laid side-by-side as a raging hard-on had to go away on its own which wasn't going to happen right away.  The base ring was still in place but no way the cage would close and I was proud of having a firm erection even 5 minutes after everything stopped.  I put the cage on the tip to encourage blood to flow out and even then it took another 5 minutes to get the two pieces of metal close to one another.  I was excited.  This was really happening to me. 
Eventually I was able to close the cage and she slid the lock closed while I still struggled to catch my breath.  There was no release of soothing chemicals, no relaxing completion and I took another 30 minutes of trying to relax to get anywhere close to normal.  My thighs were twitching as everything was chemically out of balance and hanging on the precipice waiting to fall over the edge that never happened.  Why does this excite me so much? 
As she got settled in to sleep and snuggled with me, I asked her 'So you have kept me locked for a long time and this doesn't seem to be going away.  Is this a permanent part of our world now?'  Her reply gave me some insight into her thinking, "Well, it's working so why change things?  We might have to take a break when I travel, you know how tired I get." 
Her 'travel season' begins at the end of March, five months away. 
I love my wife. 
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If my comments don't annoy you, follow my exploits here. I started all of this April 2016.
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Re: [SirMebane] I'm excited for chastity, MAYBE SHE IS TOO!

Post by sirmebane »

40 days locked 
Locked 87 of the last 93 days 
21 days since last orgasm 
Locktober Has Begun 
It just so happened that it took me a week into October to be brave enough to ask for the entire month.  She hadn't seen fit to grant me an orgasm and every time she wanted to have some fun, I knew I wouldn't be strong enough to say no if she wanted to let me come.  I sent her an e-mail on our secret system and couldn't be more nervous when I finally clicked SEND.  It had already been a while since I'd last been allowed to come and staying locked through October meant going five weeks; way beyond anything we'd tried to date. 
I didn't think it through as we were supposed to go out of town for a combination romantic weekend and family outing.  We'd be alone but there would be a youngster going to the same place with other people.  There would be an expectation to see us, but not very often or for long because there were plans that didn't include us.  This was as close to a weekend away as we'd had in years.  I had just committed to remain locked not only through the weekend but through the entire month if she was willing to see me through.  I clicked SEND completely forgetting this was coming up. 
Her reply to me was simple... you forgot that we have this long weekend of alone time but if you want to be locked up until November, I'll help get you there.  You did forget, didn't you?  Ugh, I did.  I was so focused on setting a new chastity record, I had tunnel vision.  I knew we could still have fun but I hoped I hadn't gotten on her bad side and messed up the weekend. 
We arrived at the hotel and got settled in for what I assumed would be a relaxing evening after a day of travel.  She had other plans.  "I guess it is all about me." I was given the task of licking her to orgasm until she could handle no more.  When she had recovered enough, she proceeded to unlock me and repeat the fun from the weekend before.  She worked over my nipples and we alternated stimulating my penis with satin panties.  I was losing my mind and there were several moments where I had to stop and pant as my blood pressure returned to normal.  We went through several cycles of this and finally she rolled over and left me there.  I still had panties wrapped around my privates, I was gasping for air, ready to come and still unlocked.  She just left me hanging.  I thought briefly about my options and then curled up close to her and fell asleep even with a raging hard on wrapped in satin. 
The next morning we woke up with a great nice sleep behind us and she immediately brought up the fact that she left me unlocked last night and I need to be caged.  She also discussed enough details from the previous night that my hard-on was back and eager for more. The cage wasn't going back on, there was no way.  We waited and waited but it just wouldn't fall.  The base ring was on and that probably wasn't helping with the blood flow exiting.  She had a moment of weakness and offered to just let me orgasm, "I could just let you come.  I feel bad."  I was ready, so very ready but I wanted to be true to the goal.  We were going for a run later, I just said we better go now.  I had to be strong for both of us.  I really didn't want to be strong just then so leaving the hotel was the best option. 
We enjoyed the weekend, held hands and ate food from restaurants along the water.  It was a great romantic adventure and we exchanged a fair amount of double entendre which she has warmed up to recently as part of her teasing.  I accused her of enjoying all this a little too much and she has yet to deny it. 
The final morning I offered to please her one last time before we had to become parents again but she had gotten her fill the other night so I wasn't hopeful.  You could unlock me and we can repeat the fun from the other night.  "We had a tough time getting you locked back up so I'm going to play it safe and keep you locked, but I'll sit on your face for 10-15 minutes."  I got her to orgasm at least once and she had me leaking inside the cage.  It was short but very hot. 
On the way out of town we did some shopping and I convinced her to buy a new pair of leggings.  Weekend win! 
I love my wife. 
0 x
If my comments don't annoy you, follow my exploits here. I started all of this April 2016.
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