[DIY] The orthopedic fiberglass-steel Chastity Belt

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[DIY] The orthopedic fiberglass-steel Chastity Belt

Post by dontbesilly »


so I've decided to have another go on crafting my own belt. This is now my 5th attempt I think and my second attempt on a fiberglass version. I'm not a professional crafter. I'm only doing it for my own "pleasures" as far as you can say that for wearing a chastity belt ;)

The belt consists of a mixture of steel and fiberglass molds:

o 2x custom fit fiberglass hip molds mounted to a steel waist band for optimum wearing comfort
with rubber padding on the inside (made out of liquid rubber milk)
o a custom fit fiberglass cup for the testicles and penis
o a steel crotch band with a large diameter anal hole with planned lockable buttplug mount

My most important goal was: wearing comfort

Because that's where I've failed with steel belts so far. Even though they kept me from getting an orgasm, or with some versions, getting an erection due to painful spikes ;) , the metal never quite fit the human hip bone.

After I've learned on how to handle fiberglass molds(on my first fiberglass chastity belt - attempt) I've decided to make it a modular belt, since that's easier to craft, and as it is with every prototype, easier to fix instead of scrapping/modding the whole thing.

So far I have crafted it and I'm in the process of fitting it, which takes_forever :twisted:
The "fitting" is taking me longer than the actual crafting process of the modules.
But the good news is that the hip fitting is pretty much complete and very comfortable, due to having used a plaster mold of my hips, the same way a orthopedic would do it when making a hip brace for i.e. scoliosis (thanks to youtube intel :) )

I will post some pictures soon of the half finished belt. The front locking mechanism is still missing as I'm still doing some fine adjustments before making anything final.

So far done:
  • + fiberglass molds
    + short term fit (few hours comfortably)
    * fits perfectly on the penis and testicles, no pressure points, no swelling on foreskin
    * still modding the perfect hip-distances, I want perfection there :)
    + all 3 modules finished (belt, cup, anal plate)
    + padding, workes best without padding on the hips

So far still missing is:
  • - medium and long term fitting, 24h comfort
    - front lock
    - paint
    - testing the effectiveness of chastity with the new cup design

I can post a materials list later if someone should get curious about crafting this kind of belt.

High-Rez Images

see ya
Orthopedic-fiberglass-steel-chastity-belt-by-dontbesilly-010 - small.jpg
Orthopedic-fiberglass-steel-chastity-belt-by-dontbesilly-010 - small.jpg (66.16 KiB) Viewed 5551 times
Orthopedic-fiberglass-steel-chastity-belt-by-dontbesilly-001 - small.jpg
Orthopedic-fiberglass-steel-chastity-belt-by-dontbesilly-001 - small.jpg (78.03 KiB) Viewed 5551 times
Orthopedic-fiberglass-steel-chastity-belt-by-dontbesilly-009 - small.jpg
Orthopedic-fiberglass-steel-chastity-belt-by-dontbesilly-009 - small.jpg (47.8 KiB) Viewed 5551 times
Last edited by dontbesilly on Thu Sep 11, 2014 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [DIY] The orthopedic fiberglass-steel Chastity Belt

Post by phew »

Terrific! Keep us posted please.
Do you know Reinholds Chastity Belts? I think all were made from fiberglass. Unfortunately company does not exist anymore. For the penis I would stick with normal tube and optional shield, but I would definitely like to separate penis and balls.
Also, you should consider fiberglass bandage (as on the movie you shown us) instead of metal waist belt. I know (in Europe) this bandage is easily available from internet pharmacies.

This is Reinhold Belt:
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Re: [DIY] The orthopedic fiberglass-steel Chastity Belt

Post by dontbesilly »


yes I know Reinhold Belts :)
The watermark below, kgforum.de is where I also posted this belt and any coming updates.

The major problems with a full fiberglas belt are:

- you cant change the size once its crafted
- integrating the lock would be a pain in the butt
- adjusting the perfect hip fitting would be another major headache

Therefore I went with steel and fiberglass for the ergonomic parts.

A few updates so far:

+ replaced the anal band with a one piece ergonomic aluminum one
with optional buttplug fitting
+ removed the rubber padding on the inside of the hip molds. Once its fitted perfectly to the hip it does not require any padding. The padding only made it harder to find pressure points that needed adjusting.
+ the front lock will be the same steel cylinder that fits around padlocks like in other professional sold belts
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Re: [DIY] The orthopedic fiberglass-steel Chastity Belt

Post by phew »

Before I got Neosteel I experimented with 3M's Scotchcast Plus Casting bandage tape and actually I think there is no better method for "adjusting the perfect hip fitting" as you said. This is not normal fiberglass, but medical bandage, it is soft for ~15minuts and hardens while exposed to moisture/water. Just wrap it around yourself and you are done! (single use, belt part ready). Fits perfectly. But, then you will need to cut it and create locking mechanisms, penis attachments, add more-sturdy molds etc. Just finish things up, and this is real work.


See catalog here:
https://www.statpharmaceuticals.com/pro ... 1,591.html (real prices in my country are much lower)

As per your points:
1. 90% true - similar to Neosteel Arch in my opinion - locking could allow go 2-4 cm up/down. But ALL full belts are made-to-measure and I do not allow to change its size - sorry, but 100% security is possible only if belt is dedicated to single person (there will be no one-fit-all solution). Full belt is not so simple (and uneffective) as penis cage (my personal opinion). So, you could not change size - no problem. I could not change too (in Neosteel). No problem as I will not borrow my belt to anyone ;-).
2. Sorry I do not have no photo but: imagine single plate with 2 bolts on it. Bolts similar to these in CB-3000. Cut your belt, make 2 holes, one in each end, put bolts through this holes and lock similar to CB cage. Done. Not perfect but simplest to make. You will use the same holes to attach cage/pipe. Reinhold was much more complicated. If you have access to 3D printer (I have not) you could design much nicer lock (like Reinholds one for example).
3. As I told already: I 100% disagree. I wish to have such great fitting in my Neosteel as I had in my homemade belt (long time ago).
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Re: [DIY] The orthopedic fiberglass-steel Chastity Belt

Post by dontbesilly »

Yep, forgot to say, I know them, since I'm a bit into recreational casting ;))

But, they are only temporary and with fiberglas + epoxy you can get much thinner and stronger molds. Of course the bandages are less work to accomplish it but are less accurate and thicker in my opinion.

But definitely recommended for people doing it the first time.
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