[Chosen_Jackal] Pinch me, is this really happening?

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Re: [Chosen_Jackal] Pinch me, is this really happening?

Post by Tongue+groove »

I know for many that involving additional people is quite normal. For us it will never happen, however she can sure use talk to drive me overboard. Last fall while handjobbing she said “I think it would be interesting to watch you get a bj”. That was all it took for me to blow. When I tried to inquire deeper she changed the subject.

Back before chastity I had my masturbation machine on me while pleasuring her. We came together. Afterwards she says”there’s the threesome you always wanted “

And way back many years she shared one fantasy that I won’t divulge.

So you can’t tell me that even vanilla wives don’t think about such things. The real question was, is she serious or just getting you worked up?

Be very careful in this area.
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Re: [Chosen_Jackal] Pinch me, is this really happening?

Post by Chosen_Jackal »

Thank you for your insight.
I can’t deny that the idea is exciting but I’m very aware that I’m not emotionally ready for that to happen yet.
As for now it’s a hard limit for us, but it doesn’t stop us from bringing the thought of it up while we’re horny and excited.

Some things might be best kept as a fantasy.
I’m locked and kept by Redraven, my life partner, soulmate and loving key holder. When life is hard, she’s keeps me feeling loved.
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Re: [Chosen_Jackal] Pinch me, is this really happening?

Post by Mr Pickle »

Fantasy is good. It allows you to explore and enjoy and it is safe. Fantasy can be as real as real, even better than real.

The biggest sexual organ we have is in our heads.
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Re: [Chosen_Jackal] Pinch me, is this really happening?

Post by Chosen_Jackal »

Just had to share something Red just said.

"I’m not a dominant person. I’m just very strict. "

Help me fellas :o
I’m locked and kept by Redraven, my life partner, soulmate and loving key holder. When life is hard, she’s keeps me feeling loved.
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Re: [Chosen_Jackal] Pinch me, is this really happening?

Post by gggxthree »

Help me fellas :o

Unfortunately we cannot help you as we have chosen (as it is a choice we chose) a similar path ... I only wish my Lady would be active on here like yours is ...
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Re: [Chosen_Jackal] Pinch me, is this really happening?

Post by Chosen_Jackal »

It strange to me how used I am to wearing the cage 24/7 now.
I’m under the impression that most people ease into it by wearing the cage for a few hours at first, gradually increasing the time wearing it before finally committing to 24/7.

I think I can count the number of hours I’ve been without the cage on two hands since I put the first cage on.
Granted we’re exactly one month into this journey today so we’re still new to this, but it just feels right to be locked up.
I genuinely don’t want to be unlocked unless Red has something specific in mind.
If she’d ask me if I wanted to be released right now I’d say no thank you, unless you want me to.

We had a really good conversation last night. Red told me out of the blue that she’s surprised at how natural and easy it feels to be my key holder.
I told her that I can see her more dominant side coming out more and more and that’s when she hit me with phrase; “I’m not a dominant person. Just very strict”.
She was smiling as she said that jokingly.
We both agreed that we’re enjoying this new phase of our lives.
She’s still a bit concerned about me waking up one day and feeling unhappy about not having complete control over my body, and I reassured her that I’m very happy with our arrangement. I also promised to tell her if I feel this isn’t working anymore, but I don’t see that happening.

She then told me matter of factly that we both needed to shower because she had plans for me at bedtime.
I’m not going to borrow you with details. Let’s just say it included the big dildo, a strong orgasm for her and nothing for me. Just the way it should be.
I’m locked and kept by Redraven, my life partner, soulmate and loving key holder. When life is hard, she’s keeps me feeling loved.
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Re: [Chosen_Jackal] Pinch me, is this really happening?

Post by Tongue+groove »

. I also promised to tell her if I feel this isn’t working anymore, but I don’t see that happening.
It has happened to me on two occasions. She told me to suck it up buttercup you asked for it. I was never so thankful and proud of her for saying that. She waited a moment and since I didn’t pop the safe word she knew it was just a moment. Then She went on about her business and left me to think about it.
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Re: [Chosen_Jackal] Pinch me, is this really happening?

Post by Chosen_Jackal »

That’s actually good advice. We’re very familiar with the concept of safe words from bdsm, but we should have one for the greater situation as well.
I’m locked and kept by Redraven, my life partner, soulmate and loving key holder. When life is hard, she’s keeps me feeling loved.
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Re: [Chosen_Jackal] Pinch me, is this really happening?

Post by Tongue+groove »

As a counselor my wife sees a lot of stuff. She has as much concern for my emotional welfare as my physical. She too needs a way out if it becomes too much. Therefore our safe word is meant as a stop everything for reevaluation.

It works for us and I’m happy to say it’s never been used. The closest was one time I yellow lighted her during a paddling when one swat went just a touch high.

Good communication is key regardless of how you agree to communicate.
She says ‘it’s cute’ in the nub. ;)
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Re: [Chosen_Jackal] Pinch me, is this really happening?

Post by Chosen_Jackal »

Life is strange. Good, but strange.
I find I’m balancing two thoughts, or maybe desires, at the same time. I feel the aching urge to just have an orgasm, and I fear the consequences so I don’t want one… or do I?
Red has done som many fantastic things to me and she has me doubting myself.
I feel the urge to have a release in my balls and penis and the strong desire to not give in to it at the same time.

Yesterday was both good and bad for me for different reasons.
I was tired from work. I’m usually not too bothered by that, but I’m having to stick to an extreme low calorie diet before surgery next week, so I’m feeling the lack of energy.
I cleaned most of the kitchen when I got home, vacuumed, walked the dog and made dinner for Red and our kids.
Oh, I almost forgot. The first thing we did after I got home was cuddle on the sofa and the Ref said "I need to cum”.
So we snuck up to our bedroom and I had the honor of helping her to her first orgasm of the day.
Then it was time for all the chores.

I felt a mix of emotions as the evening came on and it got closer to night. I was so happy for how well Red has taken to her role as key holder. She’s strict, but not sadistic. She teases me, not constantly but enough to keep me excited most of the time.
She has set some clear rules and expectations that I’m to follow, and best of all she laughs heartily with a hint of cruel amazement if I express my frustration of not being able to touch myself.
God I love that woman!

Despite all this I felt I was slipping into a sour mood. I was prepared to do my best to suck it up and just deal with it but Red saw that I wasn’t doing too well. She saw that I was tired and exhausted and this is where she showed me how great she is.
She reminded me that cage or not, were partners before everything else and she massaged my neck and head as I felt asleep with my head in her lap.
I woke up as she told me it was time to get to bed. The plan was to just go back to sleep, but plans seldom work out as intended…

It didn’t take long before we were at it again and she told me with a soft voice that she wanted me to fuck her. Fuck, but not cum.
So she unlocked me and I swear it’s never felt better to feel her around me. Every stroke was pure bliss and I knew I couldn’t do this for long. I had to pull out to avoid coming myself and helped her finish with my tongue and fingers.

She wasn’t done however. She’s really fallen in love with edging me and she continued to stroke me with her hands, suck on me while twisting her tongue, constantly changing tempo and speeds to keep me on the edge constantly.
I swear she must have practiced this on someone else because I refuse to believe she’s developed this skill out of nowhere!
She’d given me a hint a few days ago that I’m to be milked in Thursday, and since it was only Wednesday I didn’t dare cum.
She confirmed this last night that I’m due to be milked to day.
It ain’t easy to keep the orgasm at bay whilst being teased in this way, both physically and mentally.

Now it needs to be said that when Red says milking, she means a ruined orgasm. She just like the word milking better for this.
I can’t wait to get home and receive even more of Reds sweet attention.
I just hope I’m not setting myself up for failure by allowing myself expectations.
I’m locked and kept by Redraven, my life partner, soulmate and loving key holder. When life is hard, she’s keeps me feeling loved.