Key Lock Boxes

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Key Lock Boxes

Post by KittensBoyToy »

Testing the waters here. I recently acquired a number of old combination mailbox doors. The intent is to make banks out of them, but another thought crossed my mind. All of the doors have the original glass window. Keys in, door closed, you have the combination. He can see them but can't get to them!

This is a bank I built for my granddaughter.
Bank front.jpg
Bank front.jpg (51.26 KiB) Viewed 26272 times
The doors I have now don't have the Grecian design edging. The borders are raised flat areas. All boxes would be hardwood (Maple, Walnut, Oak) and about half the depth of a bank. $75.00 unless you want it made out of an exotic wood. For example, Mistress' box will be Purpleheart, her favorite wood,
Kitten's Boy Toy
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Re: Key Lock Boxes

Post by ARK »

Cool looking boxes.

You know where the keys is but you cannot get it. Great idea.
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Re: Key Lock Boxes

Post by Tongue+groove »

Nice box. Did you do the box joints and is the bottom recessed in grooves in the sides? A few years ago I made music boxes like yours. I scroll sawed the first letter of the girls names for decor on the lids.

I’m assuming you used cnc for the name on front.

I’ve not done too many box joints. My personal favorite is the half blind dovetail. I just remodeled my wife’s kitchen and all the drawers are half blind dovetails front and back with one piece fronts.

Sorry but I could discuss this stuff all night. Always looking for ideas.
She says ‘it’s cute’ in the nub. ;)