Cage and foreskin

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Cage and foreskin

Post by Naljeans »

I’ve chronicled my cages through the years in My Journey, and am curious about how some of yours fit. In all previous cages (mainly MCN Contender and Cherry Keeper), my short foreskin would normally remain behind the glans in the cage. This allowed attempted erections to expand through the bars and allow the glans to be touched (e.g. by underwear.)

I’ve been in my current cage for about six months now and finally figured out why it feels so different. It’s a Contender that’s 1” long and 1” wide (both narrower and shorter than I’ve had.) The insane difference is that my foreskin stays in the cage too, and basically traps attempted erections. It covers over half of the head. No expansion between bars and zero contact with anything for the glans.

Beyond being even more frustrating than normal, the glans is now hyper sensitive, to the point any contact is somewhat unpleasant, at least at first.

Question: does your foreskin cover things in the cage??
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Re: Cage and foreskin

Post by WifeIsVanilla »

I also have a short foreskin. Quoting myself from another thread,

"My glans holds the foreskin back most of the time. Sometimes shrinkage and activity will allow the foreskin to creep up a bit. Then, at my first opportunity, I use the back end of an old toothbrush to push it back in place. Obviously, this can't work if the diameter of your cage is too large."
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Re: Cage and foreskin

Post by Steve2059 »

I don't know if anyone else has a penis like mine, but it makes being caged a constant process of readjustment. While there are growers and showers, I'd describe myself as a shrinker rather than a grower, and a super-shrinker at that.

Starting with the good news, I'm a little over 7" erect, uncircumcised with a short foreskin, and with a decent girth. The issue comes when I'm flaccid because my size alters constantly from around 2.5" to virtually nil.

My usual cage, and the only one I've found which is good for long-term wear, is 1.75" long and an open SS design. I can adjust my tackle so that everything's snug and my foreskin doesn't protrude (which can cause painful chafing), but then my penis will do its thing and shrink to less than an inch, but then go back to perhaps 2". My trouble is that now my foreskin bulges out all over the place and the chafing starts.

Closed cages don't do it for me at all because once I'm caged I'm in for the duration, so odour becomes an issue.

I've come up with a couple of solutions. First is to always carry a cotton bud, with which I can prod my cock and foreskin back into shape. Second, for when I'm hiking, is to wrap the cage with clingfilm (saran wrap) which prevents chafing (any bit of plastic film will do, I've torn a bit off a sandwich bag before now)

As with other aspects of chastity and my associated kinkery, She is highly amused by all this. She knows, when we're out together, why I'm often popping to the loo and will ask whether I have a bladder the size of a pea, to the amusement of our company.
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Re: Cage and foreskin

Post by Naljeans »

Thanks for the feedback. Pushing it back hasn’t worked. The pressure from the head and friction keep it from scooting back. It’s opened an entirely new avenue of torment, so my owner is pleased by the arrangement. And it makes my uncagings particularly…unique.
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Re: Cage and foreskin

Post by stuck »

I dont know if the amount of foreskin i have is normal or abnormal. But like steve 2059 said, i am constantly readjusting my cage. i am in the rigid model 1. While the PA hook protrudes out of the center hole i still have a little foreskin that pokes out around the PA post. Its not a lot of adjustment really. I just pull it back with a Q tip or the tip of my pinkie. if it stay stuck out it can be painful rubbing against my undies. My wife recently asked if i wanted to get circumsized, and i am really thinking about it.
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