Hello Chastity my old friend ...

Living the real life under lock and key
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Hello Chastity my old friend ...

Post by yeldarb »

Good morning/afternoon/evening all.
I first joined and posted here a few years ago. Life has a habit of interfering with one's choices and plans - in our case it has been either illnesses, work/life balance failures, or emotional swings and cycles that have blown us off course periodically; so I have not posted here now (or anywhere else for that matter) for two years or so now.
Therefore, I'm not exactly a 'newbie' as such, either to chastity or this blog, but I may as well be for the purposes of getting back up to speed with the news and 'vibe' here.
My partner has been locking me (on and off) for about five years now but has kept me locked in chastity for around eight of the past 12 months, including some four or five months or so now with only two or three 'relief releases' - each under her supervision, and each at her ministration!
She has now said (repeatedly) that as far as she is concerned it will indeed now be a permanent feature of our lives, a permanent state of affairs for yours truly. Because it had been an on/off thing for years, I guess I found it hard to be able to actually believe that it would indeed be permanent and kept seeking reassurance. Indeed I still do - I love to hear her telling me that it will be and how she doesn't want me to masturbate any more - "hello chastity my old friend, I've come to talk with you again"!
She unlocked me for 'relief' on December 26th - that was my first orgasm for at least two months. She had said that I could expect another in mid-January, but she changed her mind. She is really digging the denial - apparently it won't be until the end of the month at the soonest … her interpretation of "Dry January"!
After experience with three or four CBs (including one rather unsatisfactory knock-off) and a cheap metal cage that I never really got on with, we are about to update the HT V3 (clear) I have had ever since they became available for a V4 - in purple (translucent) … my partner's favourite colour!
The clear I am wearing as I type has gotten a tad 'tired' and she thinks encasing me in purple will add to her sense of control and ownership of my (sadly) small penis - I'm not 'micro' and in my younger days was quite long and thick, definitely above average 'back in the day'.
But age and health issues have taken their toll and now I am too small for her stated preferences and needs, just don't get properly hard anymore and where once was a torrent there is now just a trickle! I am 64 years old and I'm afraid I am not able to perform quite how I was once able to; indeed, barely at all to be honest.
My partner is being quite clear and consistent about her long-term aspirations to keep me locked - she is wedded to the emotional changes and benefits (behaviour modification) that it brings to our relationship and to the sense of control it gives her over me - she also enjoys the worshipfulness and obedience it creates in me.
We've been together 10 years now (we've both got "prior") and at 17 years younger she has, periodically, sought her satisfaction elsewhere. She is a very open minded, adventurous, experienced, sexual and multi-orgasmic woman in her sexual prime.
Down the years the men she has been with have always regarded her as a 'catch' and wanted repeats. Yes, I have been, and I guess I am and will therefore always be, her cuckold.
Of course, all trysts have been curtailed (eliminated in fact) by the horrors of the past year - and remain entirely out of the question for some time ahead.
Neither she nor I have even visited any of the hook-up sites she used for pretty much a year now - we simply suspended/hid the profiles in February 2020. I can only guess that the traffic on them must have collapsed and that such chatter as there has been, must be centered on pure fantasy for now.
It is nearly two years or more since she has had any sex with anyone, and I know that is weighing heavily on her - she has said as much, in her own way and for the 'interregnum' her Purple Pussy Pleaser (Wand) has been her best friend.
I have tried suggesting that she at least makes some 'friends' online and maybe keeps the libido alive with some online fantasy sex chat, sexting, phone sex or Cam Play - but that doesn't float her boat; she says she wants the real thing or nothing.
There are various other 'games' we play together - actually, it's more a case of 'games she plays with me' - some daily, some less frequently, and if anyone is interested in hearing more about what we do and how we got here I'd be happy to share - if anyone is interested?
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Re: Hello Chastity my old friend ...

Post by TwistedMister »

Hey, long time no see. Welcome back.

Mrs. Twisted has also been dreaming of 'playing with others', more and more lately. The latest incident was just this morning when I brought her coffee and tried to wake her up and she said (in her sleep) "Leave me alone, I'm busy with my boyfriends" while thrusting her hips.

I've been unlocked since October. I've been leaving/sending encouraging notes/texts, telling her how 'hot' it is when she's being 'naughty' and attempting to 'wind her up' even more. I have a 'thing' for 'playing with fire' and I'm thinking that if I get her wound up enough she might take it in mind to take some sort of action. If she does, it could be an interesting ride...her 'Hall Pass' stipulates that as long as she is keeping me locked and horny, she can do almost anything she wants. The 'rules' are arranged so that she has the power to 'take control' any time she wants, and so that she can compel my 'participation' in any way she likes and I can't get out of it.

I don't want to tell her to lock me up or do whatever, it is always much more interesting when she decides to do things on her own...and if I just fan the [already existing] flames a little, she just might get it in her mind to start up again. But, it will be *her* decision and something she wants to do for *her*, not something she is doing 'for' *me* (which has the potential for being much more fun as she would be doing it on her own initiative, rather than 'going through the motions' to make me happy).

And, of course, I'm always interested in the 'games' other people play, so fire away. :twisted:
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04/07/19 "And then I 'punished' you by making you lick my pussy after I let my other 'boy' fuck me." --Mrs. Twisted
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Mr Pickle
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Re: Hello Chastity my old friend ...

Post by Mr Pickle »

Welcome back, OK so we never met, but none the less it is always good to hear about others experiences.
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Re: Hello Chastity my old friend ...

Post by KittensBoyToy »

@yeldarb, welcome back and, by all means, keep writing! I haven't looked yet but if you don't have a journal start one. I think most everyone would enjoy reading about you and your partners journey down this path we have chosen. If this is a example of your ability to write, I know I will be looking forward to seeing more!
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Kitten's Boy Toy
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Re: Hello Chastity my old friend ...

Post by yeldarb »

Hello all,

Thanks for the feedback.

The big news since my last post is of the arrival of my new Holy Trainer V4.0 - in purple!

And very comfortable it is too. I know the purists might say it isn't supposed to be 'comfortable', but I believe that if you are going to want to be able to be in chastity on a long-term, permanent basis with the minimum number of times to have ask your KH to unlock for an adjustment re-tune then it is important - you need it to be comfortable and practical.

The HT V4.0 certainly is both those things - the ergonomics, including the pee holes, angle and tube geometry have all improved another level again; I have the 45mm ring (I like the new 'flat-side' design improvement on this too - and the medium size tube, even though by most standards my penis is small now; leastways Sara thinks it is compared - certainly compared to most of her lovers. If they aren't considerably bigger than me then she tends to throw them back in to the sea after one try-out anyway 😊.

Sara loves the color too - purple is her favourite color and it was her idea to go with it - I guess it emphasises and deepened the sense and level of ownership.

In other news I'd mentioned that there is one other particular thing that Sara likes to do to me regularly. In fact, there are several really, but in addition to being locked the other thing that is definitely as near to being a 'Every Day Essential' for her is to spank me.

This generally with me naked face down on the bed with a choice of three or four 'implements' from a selection she added to at Christmas with a couple of new paddles (one long, one short), some additional canes to add choice to the one we had before, and a really stingy, hurty stiff wire loop type thing - she likes the marks it leaves and the noise it gets from me! Sometimes she admits to liking hurting me in this way.

For my part I like being spanked by her primarily because she likes doing it and gets turned on by doing it to me - she often gets quite wet from doing it! She says she definitely likes the effect it has on my behaviour - back to that behaviour modification (and control) thing again - and thinks that it is a good additional to the effects that chastity has.

As it happens, while I cannot say it actually turns me on as such, in the conventional physical way, I do like the sense of obedience it instils in me, and it does have an erotic effect at some level or another as it is not unusual to find that it has made me leak pre-come.

Since I last wrote we have had a period of a couple of weeks with me unlocked and without play - due to the usual intrusions of life, work and VMS (variable mood 'syndrome'), but we are now back in the groove with her/our favorite 'syndrome' - ADT (Arousal Denial Torture!).
3 x
Been locked on/off since July 2015; permanent since Sept 2020. She increasingly wants to control me as fully as possible. Currently wearing HT v4 in translucent purple. I am also her cuckold and she likes spanking me.
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