[cmjdjm1] The beginning of my journey

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Re: [cmjdjm1] The beginning of my journey

Post by Jens_Property »

So almost 11-1/2 days in the cage now. She read the contract over, but has yet to draft up something concrete. She's hoping for tomorrow if she's not too busy at work. She seems a bit stumped on what to list down for my daily and weekly chores. I told her whatever she puts in the contract, I'll agree to without question. Hope I'm not digging myself too deep of a hole lol.

I asked her earlier if she'd noticed any changes in me since I started wearing the cage. She said my mood has improved and she's noticed me being more helpful. I was really happy to hear that, because that was how I'd hoped to change - for the better.

I told her tonight that I was surprised how much the prospect of not cumming for a long time turned me on. I hadn't expected that, but it's a nice surprise. I'd said that if she decides to keep me locked up 24/7/365 from now on, I'll agree with her decision and I wouldn't argue or harass her about it. She didn't really comment on that, but mentioned how it turned her on knowing that I would be pleasing her as much as she liked, and could deny me cumming, or even being released from the cage.

She still hasn't completely grasped the concept of her being in complete control over me, but I see hints in her behaviour that she'll definitely be into it when the time comes. I told her to come see me in the morning before work so I could give her an orgasm, but she told me not till the weekend at least since it was "that time of the month". Just my luck I guess. :roll:

I reminded her that she's welcome to check or ask for proof any time she desires that I'm still caged until she gets the keys. That should be this week though, since the smaller ring has been close by since last week. Not sure why it wasn't delivered yet. By the weekend in sure I'll be able to hand her the keys, and give her complete control over me. She's excited to get them though, and has asked a few times already. Fingers crossed it comes tomorrow!
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Locked 24/7 since June 12th 2020. Its not mine to use anymore, its officially her property to use... Or never use again.
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Re: [cmjdjm1] The beginning of my journey

Post by Jens_Property »

Well in a couple hours I will have been locked up for 23 days. Surprisingly I am doing really well with it. I want to ravage my wife every time I see her, but I haven't told her it bugged her about it. I don't want her to be pressured into anything.

I dreamt last night that she told me I was never going to be released ever. That whenever my last orgasm was, was in fact my last orgasm. She said she was enjoying how obedient and helpful I've been, and she'd decided that she wasn't going to let me go back to my old ways ever again. So the only option at this time is to never release me. She then told me that if she caught me cheating somehow to orgasm, she would have a friend of hers remove my testicles to make her decision permanent. I woke up then, covered in sweat, but my cock was struggling to get hard and was straining at the bars. I'm thinking by the reaction my cock had, I wouldn't hesitate to let her throw away the keys if she wanted. Am I going crazy? Lol

The smaller ring I'd ordered ended up getting lost in the mail somehow, so I'd ordered an entirely new cage. It's quite a bit smaller than the last though, so I'm crammed into it. I like the feeling though of having no room to expand. This one came with 3 sizes of rings. I tried the small ring yesterday afternoon, but changed to the middle ring at bedtime. My right testicle was getting sore for some reason with the smaller ring even though I could just squeeze one finger under it. Maybe I pulled something when I put the small ring on. It's still a tad tender this morning with the medium ring on, but just barely. I think I'll give the smaller ring another try today though since the medium ring still slid down in the night when I had an erection and was stretching out my sack and burning again. Fingers crossed this helps. Certainly looks funny trapped in the smaller cage, squishing out between the bars when I'm hard.
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Re: [cmjdjm1] The beginning of my journey

Post by Jens_Property »

24 and a half days now still caged. She came into the bedroom tonight (we sleep in separate bedrooms lately since I snore like crazy) and asked me to put some after sun lotion on her shoulders since she got burned a bit today. No problem, of course I will!

So she takes her shirt off, and I start rubbing lotion on her back, neck and shoulders as she's sitting on the edge of the bed. I'm standing behind her and I'm kinda rubbing against her, and no doubt she felt the cage pressing into her back. I can tell she's getting into it, so I start kissing her shoulders and neck as my hands glide down to her breasts. She turns around and in seconds I'm laying on top of her kissing her everywhere, letting my hands roam around before she tells me that I can't go down there for a few days. Yep, that time of the month. Damn my luck!

So we spend a good hour making out and rubbing and kissing everywhere, and she asks me a few times about taking off the cage. I asked her if she was going to make me cum and she says of course. So I say I'd rather leave it on. I'm enjoying the teasing, and the extra energy I've had lately, and my desire for her has been through the roof. I'd rather stay like that and not cum.

So she shrugs and ramps up her teasing of me by licking my balls and my cock through the bars of the cage. I couldn't possibly have been any harder, my balls felt like they were getting ripped off my body, my cock squeezing out through the bars, pre-cum flowing like a wide open faucet. Then...... She just stopped and said it's her bedtime and stood up and put her shirt back on. She left me there naked on the bed, with pre-cum dripping off my balls and struggling to catch my breath. I loved it!

That's the first time we've done anything like that in ages. So I've gotta say, without a hint of doubt, that wearing this cage has been the best decision I've ever made. It's taken my stale, sexless marriage and cranked it back up to where it was when we were teenagers. Who would've ever thought the change in both of us would be so quick? I'd read the stories of cages saving guys marriages, but I never actually imagined it would work for me, and so quickly.

I'm not sure if anyone elses lives have had such a drastic change as mine, but I'd like to think I'm not the only lucky one. Here's hoping things keep progressing like this!
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Re: [cmjdjm1] The beginning of my journey

Post by Jens_Property »

Forgot to mention, she told me that she's told a close coworker about me being caged. She trusts her explicitly, and she was apparently okay with it. It's going to be hard seeing her at the company Christmas party in December. I wonder if she'll mention it to me at all.

Speaking of mentioning it to me, I went to my friends house last night. The guy who'd noticed it through my shorts and asked me about it awhile ago. Well we went in his hot tub since my shoulder has been acting up, and while we were soaking, he started asking me about it. Asking how it felt, what happens when I get hard, how do I pee etc. I was very open and answered all his questions, but I was kinda shocked when he'd asked me to show it to him. I asked why he'd wanna see it, and he said he couldn't picture how it worked. I think he's contemplating getting one himself.

So did I show him? Yes, he talked me into it. He looked in awe, staring at it for what felt like an eternity, but was probably only about 15 seconds. I left shortly after, but I'm still a tad confused why he wanted to see it. I'm guessing his curiosity just got the better of him.
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Re: [cmjdjm1] The beginning of my journey

Post by Jens_Property »

28 days, 13 hours, 51 minutes caged so far. Still doing pretty well I'd say. My mood has been really good since being caged, I've been helpful around the house, and my energy levels have been really good. I honestly can't complain about anything.

I've been on afternoons since mid March sure to the whole covid thing. I work at a small shop making plastic injection molds for the automotive industry. There's about 12 people who work there, and to help cut down the chances of anyone catching anything, we volunteered to split the people up into days and afternoons. Usually it's only 2 on afternoons at a time and we take turns, but I volunteered to just stay on. It's worked out good because I can stay at home during the day and help my son with his online schooling. The downside is that since my wife is working days, I only get to see her on weekends. So we do most of our talking through texts, which has ramped up considerably since I've been caged.

I told her that I had a dream the other night that she'd broken the key off in the lock of my cage, and she just said "no big deal, I wasn't planning on ever unlocking it again anyways". She laughed and I told her that I honestly would be fine with that of it ever happened, or she ever decided that she didn't want me to be released again.

I mentioned how she's told me that my attitude has really improved lately and how I've been paying more attention to her, and it was all because I've been locked up and unable to cum. I said I'd completely understand if she told me she didn't want me to ever cum again, and that it would be selfish of me to want to cum, knowing that I'd most likely turn back into an a-hole. She just said "true"

So I'm not sure if she's seriously contemplating the idea of never allowing me a release again or not. Half of me hopes I'll still be able to occasionally cum, knowing it is the wrong choice. The other half wants me to continue to stay locked up, unable to cum, only to ever be released for doctors appointments and such. If I'm completely honest with myself, I would much rather stay locked up and able to concentrate on pleasing her.

I find I'm much more like my old self lately. Like how I was when we got married. More carefree, patient, tolerant, laughing more etc. I really don't want to turn back into the dick I've been the past ten years or so of our marriage. I hope she sees more pros to keeping me locked up than cons.

I recently bought a bunch of cages off a member here. ( I won't mention names, but he's an awesome guy to deal with and chat with. It seems we're alot alike, and I love chatting with him ). I told my wife about it tonight, and sent her the pics of the cages I bought from him. She seemed interested, but wouldn't pick out a favorite yet. She told me she'd have to see them on me, and that I'd have to model each one for her to get a sense of which she'll enjoy keeping me in. I've always been a shy guy and don't like showing off my body, but if that's what she wants, I'll do it to please her. I don't have a bad body or anything, {6ft tall, 195lbs} I just get embarrassed easily.

She seems to be enjoying me in a cage though. She sent me a pic tonight when she got out of the shower, with the caption "no cages or frustration here". She must be enjoying teasing me, but I love it. I can't wait for the weekend to please her in any way possible. This is going to be the weekend I go down on her for sure. It's been so long, but I can still imagine how she feels and tastes. I just hope I can live up to her expectations.

Having low testosterone screws you up in many ways. For me, it's caused low libido, difficulty in gaining muscle mass, moodiness, low energy levels, poor sleep and some other things. It's funny how I've been giving myself weekly shots of testosterone (by prescription, not black market) for over a year, and none of those symptoms had gone away. Yet I cage myself up and surprise! Almost all my symptoms have gone away in a month. I swear being caged is like some sort of miracle. Had I known it was this simple, I would've asked to be caged up the day after our wedding 18 years ago.

I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who contributes to this forum. Be that moderators, caged men, or their keyholders. I've learned a ton from reading people's experiences and recommendations, and I do really appreciate everything all of you have contributed over the years. Keep up the awesome work!

Sorry if it seems like I ramble on, or things seem to jump around. I've just been typing things out as the thoughts pass through my brain. I don't pretend to be a good writer or anything. If you have any thoughts, suggestions, criticisms.... I'd love to hear them. Feel free to PM me. I love meeting new people that are into this.
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Re: [cmjdjm1] The beginning of my journey

Post by Jens_Property »

Well I've officially been locked up for a month now. It feels like I've made a huge accomplishment, yet at the same time it's just another day. It's such a strange feeling, I can't describe it.

I spent yesterday doing small jobs to please my wife. Changed the oil in her car, washed it, cut the lawn, did the laundry. Jobs I've always done, but somehow it feels different than usual. Like instead of doing them because I'm the man of the house, I'm doing it because I love and respect her and want her life easier.

I feel like I'm on the border of a sort of a realization of my place, but I can't quite describe it. Almost like it's on the tip of my tongue but can't be put into words. Anyone else have a realization like this? Maybe you can describe it better than I can because right now it's like I'm waiting for that Eureka moment when everything makes sense to me.
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Re: [cmjdjm1] The beginning of my journey

Post by Jens_Property »

Just a second quick update for today.

I was laying in bed watching tv and relaxing. I've had a killer headache all day today for some reason. My wife comes in the room to tell me she was gonna get ready for bed and sat down on the bed next to be in a loose pair of boxers and a tank top. She said she had been freezing all day, so I told her to lay next to be cause I was dying of heat all day.

So she lays down and finishes watching the show I was watching as I had my arm wrapped around her to warm her up. She sits up and says now she's hotter than hell and she's going to bed lol. So as she leans over to give me a goodnight kiss, I start to rub her leg, and go higher and higher. She doesn't stop me but instead just keeps kissing me, and I slide my hand up under her boxers. Apparently I got her hot in more ways than one! So in a matter of a couple minutes my fingers did their job and she had a loud orgasm. God did I miss hearing that!

When she finally caught her breath, she sat back up and pulled down the waist on my shorts, just enough that my cage was fully visible. She looked at it for a minute,
straining and pushing out the bars of my cage, tapped the end of it and said "good". Then dropped the waistband, leaned over and gave me one more kiss and said nighty night and started to walk out when she stopped and said she was soaked lol. I told her I'd be more than happy to clean her up, and she just smiled and walked out.

It was AWESOME! It was everything I'd been hoping for lately. Please her and leaving me frustrated. After a few minutes I sent her a quick text to thank her for coming to say goodnight and allowing my hands to roam. She said anytime, and I told her again that I would've been more than happy to clean her up. She sent a wink and said next time it's all mine to clean her up. So I sent her a pic of me still bursting to get out of the cage, and I said just the way I like it, her happy and relieved, and myself horny and caged.

I couldn't be more ecstatic! I just had to share. I think she's finally starting to see the benefits and understanding her roll in this. Woohoo!
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Locked 24/7 since June 12th 2020. Its not mine to use anymore, its officially her property to use... Or never use again.
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Re: [cmjdjm1] The beginning of my journey

Post by Jens_Property »

Well it's official, the wife has both keys now. I've been locked up constantly for 33 days, but now there's no going back, no charging my mind, no backing out. It feels so final now. No more touching myself, even if it's just subconsciously while watching tv or something. No more being free, for what sounds like quite awhile. And I'm 100% okay with it.

When I told her it had been 33 days already, she said "good job, that flew by" I said surprisingly yes, and joking said I'd be more impressed if I'd said 365 days. She smiled and said "we'll see about that". Not quite sure if that means she's going to keep me locked for a full year, or if that means she's already thinking about releasing me. I'm kinda torn. I'd love to feel the heat of sliding inside her, but at the same time, I'd also love to stay locked as long as humanly possible, or at least to never cum again. Not sure how realistic that is, but I guess time will tell. I won't have a choice either way.

From now on its her pleasure only, her release only, and I don't expect anything in return. I told her that yesterday, and also added that I've spent the first half of my life focused on me instead of her, and I'd like to make up for that during the second half of my life. She smiled and blushed and said so long as it doesn't hurt me. I assured her that it doesn't hurt at all, just uncomfortable when I get hard, but that doesn't matter anyways. Even if it hurt I'd still be more than happy to do it for her. She seemed happy hearing that, so we'll see how things go from here.

Such a strange feeling knowing I might not ever get a chance to cum again. It's happiness mixed with a small pinch of sadness. Like 95% happiness -5% sadness. I don't know how else to express it. Maybe somebody else can put it into words better than I can.
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Locked 24/7 since June 12th 2020. Its not mine to use anymore, its officially her property to use... Or never use again.
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Re: [cmjdjm1] The beginning of my journey

Post by Jens_Property »

Things seem to be moving along quite well lately. My wife seems to be very happy with my attitude and helpfulness and willingness to please. I've been on afternoons since March because of the whole covid crap so I've only been able to see her on Saturdays and Sundays, but I've been making a point of doing things to make her happy.

Saturday I did all the laundry and made dinner and did all the dishes. We went for a 6km walk after dinner and talked the whole time which was really nice. When I gave her a kiss Goodnight, I let my fingers do some exploring and managed to get a quick orgasm out of her. Which she grabbed my cage after and then said Goodnight.

Today was really good as well. I wanted the sheets on her bed and made the bed for her while she relaxed watching tv. A nice relaxing day for her since we had some good storms here most of the day that cleared up just before dinner. I barbequed dinner for us, then did all the dishes again and cleaned up everything. We went for another 6km walk and relaxed after our showers. She told me next weekend it'll be my job to blow dry her hair after she showers since she hates doing it. The curse of long thick hair I'm told. She has to get up early for work tomorrow, so she came downstairs to say she was going to bed and I started kissing her while undressing her at the same time. In no time at all I had her laying down and I was on my knees pleasuring her with my tongue. She obviously enjoyed it because her legs were shaking lol. When she recovered she told me to put her clothes back on her. She stood up so I could dress her, and again she grabbed my cage through my shorts and just said Goodnight and walked away. I was so horny in my cage I was leaking pre-cum for a good hour after lol.

I think she's really finding herself lately. She's being much more dominant, and I'm loving it. She's shooting no signs of letting me out of my cage either. I'm on day 37-1/2 right now and I'm completely happy with staying locked up. I feel like everything is going perfectly lately, and I hope it doesn't end. I'm scared if I do cum, I'm going to revert right back to the moody guy I was before I was caged. I'm sure it's all in my head, but at this point -why risk it?
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Re: [cmjdjm1] The beginning of my journey

Post by mikel2411 »

I've read your post, being new to forum and to chastity I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about starting off.
I have been trying different devices finally finding two that are comfortable, able to wear one for a full 24 hours going on 48 now.
0 x
Currently locked in custom BA 34R, also use Ba-20 with triple base ring occasionally switched for BA 25 with double base ring.
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