The Journey Forums: Private or Public viewing?

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The Journey blog forums: Members only or public viewing?

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The Journey Forums: Private or Public viewing?

Post by Tom Allen »

Because of our concerns about member privacy, we recently changed The Journey forum to be only visible to registered members.

Interestingly, we just learned that some of you read the forums without logging in. We also saw that some of you spent some time reading the Journey blogs before joining/registering.

So here's a 2 part poll. On the upper statement, please choose whether you think the forums should remain open (public) or private (registered members only)

For the second part, please indicate if you typically read the forums while logged in or not.

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Re: The Journey Forums: Private or Public viewing?

Post by cagedog »

My phone just doesn't seem to want to automatically log me in as easily as my laptops. So I often peruse from a phone without logging in. And yes. This post is from my phone and I checked the "keep me logged in" box. But I bet when I come back, I won't be logged in.
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Re: The Journey Forums: Private or Public viewing?

Post by bigdtx8 »

I would like to have seen a 3rd option in the second section.

One that indicated an option for someone like myself that reads the forums while logged in and not logged in.

Most of my reading while not logged in is due to using my phone or being unaware that I've been logged off due to being away from my computer/phone for too long.
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Re: The Journey Forums: Private or Public viewing?

Post by slave d »

Surely thise not logged in can't see the members lounge either and that doesn't seem an issue ?? i'm hopeful the logged in rule might stop so many first posts appearing there as has happened a lot lately !!

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Re: The Journey Forums: Private or Public viewing?

Post by newtochast57 »

I voted that journey blogs should be open for anyone to read. The reason I picked this option is that prior to becoming a member I was on the site for approximately four months reading posts from the available sections including the journey site, before deciding to join.

Slave d stated;
I’m hopeful the logged in rule might stop so many first posts appearing there as has happened a lot lately !!
I don’t know how a new members first post could end up in this section as any new member must have their first three posts approved by a moderator (or has that changed). Perhaps something could be done that any new topic in this area must be approved by a moderator. This would prevent posts in this section were a moderator has to point out to the top of the page “NEW MEMBERS READ THIS FIRST“

As for the second question, I don′t normally log on unless I am going to post.

I personally could go for either of option of leaving the Journey blogs open or closed to non-members, however the more open we make the site the easier it is to attract more members.
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Re: The Journey Forums: Private or Public viewing?

Post by TwistedMister »

I don’t know how a new members first post could end up in this section as any new member must have their first three posts approved by a moderator (or has that changed).
My approval is based solely on whether the content is acceptable (not violating any policies) and that it is not spam. I generally do not make judgments on the location to which it is being posted unless there is some clear and compelling reason to do so. Although the first post is suggested/recommended to be in the 'Hello World' thread, I try not to be too much of a control freak and slam everyone who does not follow instructions exactly to the letter if I don't think it's really necessary...even if there is the occasional new member who is clearly blind to the 'Read This' (or chooses to ignore it), except in egregious cases. Sometimes I prefer to suggest in a PM that an author of a post do something differently rather than just slashing and burning, but since brand-new members don't have access to PMs that isn't possible at the time.
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Re: The Journey Forums: Private or Public viewing?

Post by Caged55 »

I'd rather ask the question... Which option encourages more men into chastity...?!... Having access to, or reading about would stimulate interest, but then again chastity journeys are private, however we all hide behind anonymity anyway.... The mind ponders ... Hmmm
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Re: The Journey Forums: Private or Public viewing?

Post by newtochast57 »

TwistedMister said:
Sometimes I prefer to suggest in a PM that an author of a post do something differently rather than just slashing and burning, but since brand-new members don't have access to PMs that isn't possible at the time.
I apologize if you felt that I was suggesting that we should “slash and burn” a post by a new member just because they did not follow instructions or even if they didn’t even read them at all. I believe that this site and its members for the most part encourage new members and they find a friendly and open site to explore their thoughts and questions. I appreciate the work, time and effort that you and the other moderators do to make this site friendly and open but also how you step in to prevent personal attacks (few that I have seen) and inappropriate posts.

I had forgotten that the PM was not available to new members until after their first post. I don’t know if it is possible but since you can restrict new members (with less than 3 posts) so they do not have access to “PM’s” would it be possible to restrict a new member so that for their first post can only be on the “Hello World” thread. Also another possibly restriction might be that until their third post is approved they would have read only access to “The Journey” thread.

As for post by members that are in the simply in the wrong thread, can a moderator move that post to the correct thread (if is appropriate) and post a reply indicating it has been moved and why. You would not be removing the post, just relocating it and at the same time informing the person who posted as well as any other member reading it the reason behind that. I see this as a simple education to all and hopefully the benefit would be less work in the future for the moderators.

None of the above is a criticism of any member or the site. I am simple asking questions and attempting to invite any dialogue that can possibly improve what I consider to be a valuable source of information and exchange between people with a common purpose.

I do not know what cost or effort must be made to make changes to the programming, I will leave that to the administrators of the site to determine what is practical and reasonable. I do note that changes are possible as when I was typing up this post in “word”, I had to log onto the site as I noted “The Journey” thread is no longer available unless you are logged on.
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Re: The Journey Forums: Private or Public viewing?

Post by slave d »

FWIW i have been a long time member and moderator of a totally unrelated forum and we have two systems in place that work very well. First is that any new member's first two posts have to be approved by the moderators before they appear and second there are limits on where they can post until they have a given number of posts to ensure they are "members in good standing" before, for example, selling anything (we find that many people just join to get free marketing for their "stuff"). That number in our forum is set at 10 posts but it could be any selected figure and it is in the program and takes no moderator time. These things have been put in place over the years and work very well. i guess i'm suggesting that as an option for the Journey page ..... X number of posts to prove you're a genuine member before you can post in there. i realise this is also suggested by others, just saying that i do know it works.

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Re: The Journey Forums: Private or Public viewing?

Post by pseudo_self »

newtochast57 wrote:I voted that journey blogs should be open for anyone to read. The reason I picked this option is that prior to becoming a member I was on the site for approximately four months reading posts from the available sections including the journey site, before deciding to join.
Funnily enough this is exactly the same situation I'm in currently, and I've only just now made an account to be able to regain access to the journey posts.

To be honest, if the journey posts had been hidden when I first found this forum I probably would have just left soon after. As someone just introducing this lifestyle into their relationship, the journey stories definitely grabbed me in a way that the general discussion and fiction didn't. There's something incredibly compelling about reading someone's real (or realistic enough) story about bringing chastity into their life.

Additionally I've been accessing most things chastity related in incognito mode in chrome on PC and my phone, which would require me to log in every time I visit the site. Having to do that just to read the next few posts on someone's thread would be a big drag.

This is my 2 cents, try to remember that there are probably a whole lot of casual visitors to this site (like me) that got a lot out of those stories that can't vote in this thread because we haven't made accounts yet.
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