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Fans of Cuckold Fantasies

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 10:46 am
by danadrake
If you have cuckold fantasies, you might enjoy this.

Frank gave the desk clerk a nod as they walked through the hotel lobby, in a lame attempt to look like they belonged there. He watched Donna push the elevator call button twice, like a woman in a hurry. He studied the curve of her neck-- graceful, and as delicate as a porcelain figurine, as she looked up at the floor indicator. He’d shared his fantasy a month after they got married, and brought it up sometimes when they made love. His insides roiled. He wondered if it had been a mistake, because Donna wanted it now. She really wanted it. If she was calling his bluff or having second thoughts, she wasn’t showing it. Donna never lied. She wasn’t capable of it.
A pizza deliveryman stepped into the car behind them. “Four please.” She pushed three and four. Frank took her hand as the LCD floor indicator lights changed-- L, 2, 3. It was warm and dry. She squeezed back as the door glided open. The ice machine grumbled and the soft drink machine hummed in the alcove as they passed. It was noticeably warmer there. They stopped at room 321. Donna knocked before Frank could say, Wait. The door swung open, startling him.
“Come in.” The stranger was a full four inches shorter than Frank, about the same height as Donna in heels, and fifty pounds lighter. “I’m glad you could come.” He shook Donna’s hand, and ignored Frank’s proffered handshake. He motioned for them to sit on the couch. Frank looked around the well-appointed suite, geared for high-end business travelers, with its large living/dining room opening to a bedroom, and two bathrooms. The stranger sat in the overstuffed chair obviously relaxed, and studied them. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Yes, we are.” Donna’s words were like a knife in Frank’s chest. He swallowed hard and nodded.
“Frank, stand next to the table.” He took Frank’s place on the couch next to Donna. Frank took the longest four steps of his life, and turn to face them. Donna was holding his hand. “Take off your clothes, Frank. Fold them, and place them on the side chair. Put your shoes under the chair.” Frank reached to pull the chair from the table. “No, Frank. Undress standing where you are, right there.” Frank’s face flushed crimson. The smile on Donna’s face was new. In fifteen years of marriage, he’d never seen this woman. Frank’s face burned as he bent to untie his shoes. When Frank looked up, Donna had crossed her legs, and moved closer to the stranger on the couch. Frank unbuttoned his shirt, first the cuffs, and then the front. He folded it and paused. “I’m not a patient man, Frank.” Frank took a deep breath and started to protest. “Now, Frank.” The stranger didn’t raise his voice, but the force in those two words sent a shiver down Frank’s spine. He unbuttoned his trousers and stepped out of them, removed his briefs and then pulled off his socks. The sight of his semi-erect penis flooded him with shame.
Being cuckolded was Frank’s fantasy, fifteen years before. His fantasy, as he made love to his young, beautiful wife. Donna was hurt the night he shared it with her, after a bottle of Chateau Pavie Saint Emilion. But Frank persisted. Somewhere along the path, it became Donna’s fantasy. “Frank, bring the bottle of wine, the corkscrew and two glasses from the kitchen. Frank let out a gasp when he saw the Chateau Pavie label. He padded into the living room, face burning, chest aching, as he listened to Donna giggle like a schoolgirl. She hardly noticed Frank, as she held both of the stranger’s hands. “Open it, and let it breathe.” Frank suddenly remembered he was naked, and fumbled with the corkscrew.


The stranger rose from the couch, opened a ballistic nylon brief case, and removed a pair of nylon wrist restraints. He methodically placed the restraints, a ball-gag, parachute cord, lube, and a teardrop-shaped, stainless steel butt-plug on the table. He studied them like a surgeon. “Hands behind your back, Frank.” He restrained Frank’s wrists, with the calm of a barber shaving a customer. “Spread your legs and bend forward.” Frank winced as the stranger clasped his scrotum, pulled down and then took a half hitch around them with the parachute cord. Both ends of the cord lay on the floor at his feet. He turned Frank, so Donna could see, and lubed the butt-plug. “Bend forward and arch your back. “ Frank flinched and resisted when the cold stainless steel pressed against his anus. “Push against it like you are moving your bowels. Now relax.” The well-lubed butt-plug slid inside him. Frank’s penis became erect almost immediately. The stranger placed a bed pillow on the floor in front of Frank. “Kneel.” He held Frank’s shoulders as he slowly dropped to the floor, and then adjusted the pillow. “It’s all about your comfort, Frank.” He took the ball gag from the table. “Would you like to say anything to Donna before we go on?”
“I, I love you Donna,” Frank stammered to a woman he had never seen before, in a voice he had never heard before. He opened his mouth in submission and received the rubber gag. The stranger buckled it behind Frank’s head. Panic blanketed Frank when he realized he could no longer swallow. He fought back the terror as his saliva began to trickle down his chin. The stranger knelt behind Frank, tugged on the parachute cord, and tied each end to one of Frank’s great toes. Frank moved one knee and felt a sharp pain, as the cord tugged at his scrotum.
“You can move Frank, but it will cost you your balls.” The stranger pulled two yellow suction cups and a pair of butterfly nipple clamps from the bag. He licked the suction cups and put one on each of Frank’s nipples. Frank squirmed as his anus squeezed the butt-plug reflexively, and the parachute cord tugged at his scrotum. The stranger pulled off he suction cups and then secured the nipple clamps. Frank screamed against the ball gag and drooled.
The stranger turned to Donna. “Why don’t you get more comfortable, my dear? Your things are in the bedroom.” He helped her from the couch, led her to the bedroom door, and then went into the kitchen, leaving Frank alone, fighting pain and intense arousal, as he had never known.
Donna came out of the bedroom, wearing nothing but a black, fishnet body stocking, and red, five-inch heels. She had completely shaved for the stranger. Frank had begged for fifteen years, to no avail. Her lipstick and nail polish was the same scarlet as her shoes. The contrast with her porcelain, skin left Frank breathless. “You look fantastic, my dear.” The stranger led her to the chair, and removed the same type of butt-plug from his bag. Donna blushed. “I saw the look in your eyes, when I was preparing Frank. We don’t want to leave you wanting.” She leaned against the chair and arched her back, as her blush spread down to the top of her breasts. She sighed as he slid the lubed stainless steel plug into her anus, and then she cooed like a bird. He led Donna to the couch and half-filled each wineglass. They tapped glasses. “This is very good, indeed.”
“Now dear, I want you to show Frank the proper way to suck a cock.” She knelt at the stranger’s feet, lowered his fly, and pulled his penis from its hiding place. She closed her eyes and savored him, just as she had the Chateau Pavie Saint Emilion. She turned and looked at Frank, then ran her tongue over the head of the stranger’s erect cock, and slowly lowered her mouth, taking in the entire shaft. She moaned softly as he pinched her nipples and caressed her shoulders and buttocks with his fingertips. He took her face in his hands and kissed her, then helped her onto the couch. “How many cocks have you sucked, Frank?” Frank struggled against the ball gag and shook his head no. “Frank, psychologists agree that cuckolds are almost all homosexual.” He removed the ball gag. “Donna, would you like for Frank to suck my cock?” She smiled and nodded. The stranger rubbed his eight-inch cock against Frank’s cheek. “Frank, you really want this don’t you?” Tears welled in Frank’s eyes. He opened his mouth and tightened his lips around the stranger’s cock, as he clutched Frank’s hair and rhythmically pulled his head to him. From the corner of his eye Frank saw Donna watching in amusement.
Was it five minutes or five hours? He pushed Frank back on his heels. Frank fought to catch his breath. The scent and taste of the stranger’s cock permeated his mouth and nose. The stranger took Donna’s hand, led her to the table, and leaned her over it. “Relax my dear.” She sighed and shivered as he gently tugged the butt-plug from her anus. “I’m going to fuck your wife in the ass now, Frank.” He lubed his penis and rolled a condom down the shaft, knelt and spread Donna’s sublime buttocks, and began to pleasure her with his tongue. Frank struggled against the restraints. Donna sighed, lost in ecstasy, and a pleasure that Frank knew he could never give her. The stranger stood, pressed against her, and she received his throbbing manhood with a petite grunt, and then pushed against him as he thrust into her. They ground together as one, as he ran his hands across her flesh, stretching the fishnet body stocking. Frank focused on her incredibly delicate feet, encased in the five-inch, open toed heels. The stranger cupped his hand over her mouth as she erupted in a series of orgasms, and crumbled in his arms. He lowered her gently to the tabletop and removed the condom.
“Open, Frank.” Frank opened his mouth as the stranger pleasured himself with quick choppy strokes. His orgasm came into Frank’s open mouth in thick spurts. He tightened his anus around the butt-plug as Donna watched.
“Please, untie me. Let me come,” Frank gasped, semen running down his chin. The stranger smiled and shook his head as he led Donna to the couch. He poured them another glass of wine, and then tied the ball gag tightly behind Frank’s head.
“As I said earlier, Frank, most cuckolds are homosexual. You are no different, my friend.” Donna removed the five-inch heels and cuddled on the couch with the stranger, as she once did with Frank. The stranger kissed her tenderly. “You were fantastic my dear.”

Re: Fans of Cuckold Fantasies

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:32 pm
by danadrake
I write fiction a Dana Drake. For those of you who downloaded and read Her Slave: Lane's Awakening, Thank you!

Re: Fans of Cuckold Fantasies

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 3:55 pm
by someonechris
was good stuff :) i hope to see more from you thank you for sharing it