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General questions

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2022 10:56 am
by Chastedoc
I've read several q and a and have identified several issues and seeking advice from experienced folks. Tried 4 different models, steel and plastic.

Definitely a grower (3"->7") which seems to cause more problems with slippage from what I've read. I get a lot of backup erection behind base ring because of this regardless of length of device.

45mm base seems most comfy. 40mm feels more secure, but slips just as much, and I get too much gathering of skin in back of ball sack causing burning pain during nighttime erections. Able to sleep through with 45mm anatomical shape after 3-4 nights and using silicone lube back there.

Was able to wear very short device for a week. Definitely had to cram into it. Device was open metal so I hoped it would keep things clean with regular showers, but after taking it off there was definitely a strong funk. I guess too many skin folds not cleaned.

I work as a chiropractor so I need a discreet model that is not too short due to previous issue. So many models look like they point more out than down. I can't have patients laying on the table with my cage pointing in their face. Also incidental contact does happen, so something less prominent would have less of that. Also non-metal or more light weight metal would be less noticeable if incidental contact happens than a heavy metal device .

Just getting started, so not looking for huge investment now but willing if this looks like it will become more long term play. Open to suggestions on any or all of issues you may have dealt with.

Thanks in advance for all of your help.


Re: General questions

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2022 11:22 am
by TwistedMister
I am a grower. I've had a CB-3000 for about 20 years. The original hinged rings broke and two were modified to be solid and have greater surface area at the bottom using JB Weld. They now have an inside diameter of about 40mm, there is not much slippage. A little bit of silicone lube twice a day prevents the 'ball burn' issue, some in the tube keeps me from going 'turtle' and getting stuck as well as enabling stand-up peeing (proper alignment and pushing back on the tube to get me to the end if I'm not already there).

It took some weeks of 'training' to be able to be comfortable with the 40mm ring, reducing the size gradually so that nocturnal erections didn't wake me up. I have skinny fingers, so I am able to keep clean and avoid odor issues by using liquid soap, I can get a finger under the ring and into the tube to swish it all around, then rinse it out with a hand-held shower.

The 3000 is polycarbonate, so it's fairly light. It's not the smallest device, but not the biggest either. As far as I know, no one has ever noticed it. The 'back-up' behind the ring during erection attempts is just something you have to get used to- I find it erotic now as that, and the pressure inside the tube reminds me of what I cannot do unless my wife wishes to allow it.

Re: General questions

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2022 11:11 pm
by Chastedoc
Thanks for all of the input

Re: General questions

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 9:51 am
by Chastityat60
Also a grower,
Always amazed that it all can be fit into such a small device. Anyway.., The results I get are similar to yours..., however, I do not get more than a meager effort of an erection unless stimulated in some way. I went with a super small stainless basket style. I bathe and clean, works pretty well. With some difficulty, I can still pull out the back, quickly clean and back in. To prevent this , The device I wear came with a anti off ring that has 3 moderately sharp spikes. They poke but do not break the skin.That ring piece makes pullout a bit more difficult. It also came with a size 10 catheter that connects and centers everything nicely to the front of the basket.. I admit, I’m very hesitant to use both at the same time as the center spike presses directly against the catheter inside .Common sense says to that.
I too get the build-up behind the ring occasionally., but fades rather quickly.I think, because there is NO room to grow lengthwise and ZERO room for growth around the insides of the basket...therefore not much can happen. Mine fits fairly snug.
I have also been my testes do not vary much in size day to day, or month to month ... as is the fit problem for many.
So.., all in all, for me, smaller has worked better to prevent ball sack stretch and erections pretty much altogether. I need to downsize the catheter to a 6-7. 10 is just too big. When that happens, the spikes can take a break, and the 8-10 inches of cath within me will prevent pullout all-together and trips to the bathroom won’t be such a “sit down side show!!” Otherwise being so short with no spiked ring, pullout is a cake walk. Unless I buy a waist belt to hold cage close, or invent a way to keep a shortie like me contained. I know this is the honor system , but .. cleaning and routine inspections are necessary.
And a piercing is not in the picture AT ALL..
Being a semi shortie grower definitely has its own set of challenges!!