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Device over time

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 10:38 am
by newbie
I should really know this since I've been involved in chastity on and off for a long time, but I've been locked pretty much 24/7 since sometime in the middle of September in a Holy Trainer V2 Standard tube with a 40 mm base ring and I've noticed a couple of things.

Firstly, while I knew that pullout was suppose to be relatively easy with the HT, it wasn't until recently that I discovered (or even dared to try) that I could slip my penis out of the tube in the shower with practically no effort. I did this while trying to clean everything, and have since done it on an almost daily basis when showering. I have been careful not to play with it, just wash, rinse, and put it back in, but this got me wondering if I might need a smaller base ring or something. I could switch over to a 36 mm base ring, but I've tried that before and it always felt much too tight. Should I revisit that? Also, I know there are anti-pullout devices and I've used them before but they end up poking into me and making me sore, so those aren't an option.

Secondly, and maybe this ties into the first issue, I have noticed that in the last few days the head of my penis has seemed to be retracting more often than it use to away from the end of my tube. I can actually feel it retract at different times during the day. It almost seems that the penis has somewhat atrophied or something from wearing the device for as long as I have. I know this sounds crazy, but between being able to pull out easier and it not reaching the end of my tube I'm left to wonder. I have noticed that when I am unlocked and attempt to get hard, the section of my shaft that has been in the device all the time is actually a smaller diameter than the rest of me, which I know will go back to normal eventually so it doesn't concern me, but still.....

I guess my question would be should I go to a HT Short tube and a smaller base ring to see how that goes?

I appreciate all input before I spend more money.

Re: Device over time

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 7:10 am
by TwistedMister
It is surprising, for some of us, just how 'small' we can get at times. For me, if a solid ring ring is big enough to get into, it is big enough to slip out of. That means that the only way to eliminate 'slip out', is to have a hinged ring in order to have a diameter that is small enough. Such a small ring can, at times, become rather uncomfortable. I have not yet managed to become accustomed to constant wear of a hinged ring so small, but my only device is the CB-3k (old style)with the riveted hinge. The design of the rivet results in a significant sore spot after a few days due to a relatively 'sharp' edge.

I think that a stainless steel ring, wide with a flat hinge might solve the problem, but I am presently unable to explore this option.

Another alternative may be a device with a urethral insert extending past the base ring. This would probably eliminate the possibility of 'slipping out' while allowing for the larger size and increased comfort of a solid ring. However, I am still somewhat 'on the fence' as the urethral insert seems to me to present an increased possibility of infection, though I'm not really sure if this would actually be a problem, so long as proper sanitizing was observed with any removal and reinsertion. This would obviously necessitate a new (steel) device as well.

It seems to me that your only option, if you want to stay with the HT, is to go with the smaller ring and attempt to become accustomed to it by gradually increasing the length of time wearing it, swapping with the larger when the smaller becomes uncomfortable.

I would not change both the ring and the tube at the same time, but it may be that the reduced size of the tube would increase the comfort of the smaller ring by reducing erectile capability. Unfortunately, I cannot currently experiment to confirm that hypothesis.

If you intend to try it, you should be prepared for the possibility that your issue will not be solved in spite of spending the extra money, and be resolved to accept the loss as the cost of answering the question.

Your other alternative, is to allocate those funds toward a different device, with a hinged ring and/or a urethral insert, or a solid ring with the urethral insert. But, as with the other experiments, it is still possible that your problem will not be resolved due to some other issue.

Ya rolls the dice and ya takes yer chances.