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Glad I went deluxe on Jailbird

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:18 am
by mellyshubby
If anyone is planning to order a MM Jailbird, let me offer some advice. Pay the extra and get both the padlock and the security screw (2 holes in post). Here is why ... The security screw is the ultimate in comfort and fit for 24/7 wear. However, lining up the holes to get the screw started can be frustrating for the keyholder. This is why you want the padlock option also. It is very easy to get the padlock in its hole, then everything is lined up for the screw to go in. I have found that if I wear it with the padlock in place, my underwear tends to twist the whole package around. So the only thing we use the padlock for is assisting with installing the security screw.

The other extra feature we got was the spike strip. This allows the keyholder to really have some fun at your expense. She will sometimes put it on in the morning and then say to me "think pure thoughts today and you'll be fine". Then she will talk dirty to me a few times during the day just to see the look on my face as the spikes dig in. We don't leave it on long term, nor at night. Most of the time it actually feels better with it installed, because it takes up the slack space you get during the day when you are at your most flaccid.

Re: Glad I went deluxe on Jailbird

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:50 pm
by Michele
That is so great! Very happy things are working out and going well for you both! :)